5 research outputs found

    The Effect of Dayak Onion Bulb Ethanol Extract (Sisyrinchium palmifolium L.) on Triglyceride Level and Aorta Histopathology in Diabetes Melitus White Rat Induced by Alloxan

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    The high prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Indonesia has made antidiabetic treatment efforts increasingly popular. In addition, the many side effects caused by the use of chemical drugs, triggered the development of research on herbal therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Dayak onion bulb extract in reducing two-hour postprandial blood glucose, triglyceride levels, and the amount of lipid vacuoles in aorta blood vessels of diabetic rat. The long-term goal of this study is the creation of innovation products in the form of standardized herbs as complementary therapies that can be used daily by the community, so that the risk of morbidity can be reduced. The research design used was randomized control group pretest posttest design. The results of blood glucose analysis showed that there were significant differences between the positive control group with the 400 mg/KgBW and 800 mg/KgBW extract group, with a significance value of 0,000. In the extract group, 400 mg/KgBW with 800 mg/KgBW extract group showed no significant difference with a significance value of 0.390. The results of the analysis of triglyceride levels showed no significant difference between the positive control group with the 400 mg/KgBW extract group, with a significance value of 0.981. However, there were significant differences between the positive control group with the 800 mg/KgBW extract group with a significance value of 0.025. Between the 400 mg/KgBW and 800 mg/KgBW extract groups, there was a difference with a significance value of 0.024. Aorta histopathology results showed that there was a significant difference in the number of lipid vacuoles between the positive control group and the 400 mg/KgBW extract group and 800 mg/KgBW extract group. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the extract dose of 400 mg/KgBW is a dose that is able to influence the decrease in blood glucose levels, triglycerides and the amount of lipid vacuoles in the aorta blood vessels

    Molecular taxonomy via DNA barcodes for species identification in selected genera of Fabaceae

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    Fabaceae merupakan famili yang penting secara ekologi dan ekonomi karena manfaatnya yang tinggi sebagai sumber makanan, pupuk hijau, serta tanaman obat. Namun, di Indonesia Fabaceae telah dieksploitasi secara berlebihan di Indonesia dan beberapa spesies termasuk dalam kategori terancam punah. Untuk mendukung upaya konservasi dibutuhkan teknik identifikasi yang cepat dan akurat. Saat ini, identifikasi spesies melalui DNA barcode telah menjadi teknik klasifikasi taksonomi yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penanda matK, rbcL, serta kombinasinya (matK+rbcL), sebagai DNA barcode dalam identifikasi spesies dari famili Fabaceae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa matK+rbcL dan matK memiliki tingkat identifikasi tertinggi (90% dan 82,05%) pada tingkat spesies. Selain itu, matK memiliki rata-rata jarak interspesifik tertinggi (0.314) dan jarak intraspesifik (0.0030). Selanjutnya pohon filogenetik terbaik dihasilkan dengan metode Neighbour Joining. Berdasarkan analisis secara keseluruhan matK dan matK+rbcL merupakan barcode terbaik untuk spesies terpilih dalam penelitian ini.Fabaceae is an invaluable plant family with considerable ecological and economic importances for example as food sources, bio-fertilizer, and medicinal plants. However, Fabaceae has been overexploited in Indonesia and several species belong to this family are critically endangered. Due to morphological similarity, rapid and accurate identification of Fabaceae species is essential to support its conservation efforts. Nowadays, species identification through DNA barcoding has become an effective taxonomic classification tool. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of chloroplast markers, matK and rbcL and the combination (matK+rbcL), as DNA barcodes for the identification of seleted genera in Fabaceae. The result showed that matK+rbcL and matK had the highest level of identification (90% and 82.05%) of the investigated genera, respectively. Additionally, matK had the highest mean of interspesific distance (0.134) and intraspecific distance (0.003). The combined barcode matK+rbcL had the highest correct identification rate when comparing the morphological with molecular identification. Furthermore, the best phylogenetic tree was obtained using Neighbor Joining method. Based on the overall performance, matK and matK+rbcL were the best barcodes for the selected genera in this study

    Identitas Sosial dalam Komunitas Vespa Gembel

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    Komunitas merek dapat juga hanya melalui suatu perasaan yang kuat dari para pelanggan. Perasaan ini kemudian dapat memberikan motivasi kepada pelanggan untuk berpartisipasi dalam suatu komunitas merek untuk memperoleh manfaat yang beragam. Manfaat itu sendiri dapat tercipta melalui berbagai macam kegiatan komunitas yang dilakukan untuk menjaga eksistensi komunitas, dan bentuk loyalitas pelanggan terhadap komunitas dan merek tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan proses pembentukan komunitas merek, motivasi keikutsertaan pelanggan dalam komunitas, manfaat yang diperoleh melalui komunitas merek, serta peran penggunaan merek dalam menjaga eksistensi komunitas sebagai bentuk identitas diri pelanggan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif berdasarkan single case study dari Suddaby melalui observasi, dan individual dept interview, dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 12 orang yang tergabung dalam komunitas vespa gembel dan memahami seluk beluknya. Analisis data berdasarkan prosedur yang dikembangkan oleh Gioia dkk. (2010), Nag dan Gioia (2012), serta Strauss dan Corbin (1990). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terbentuknya self-categorization, brand associations, dan legitimacy building pada pembentukan komunitas vespa gembel; adanya self-related motivation dan social-related motivation yang menyebabkan adanya motivasi untuk bergabung, manfaat yang diperoleh anggota terdiri dari manfaat fungsional dan manfaat emosional, serta hubungan merek dengan anggota akan semakin erat dengan grooming dan customizing sebagai wujud terbentuknya identitas sosial dalam komunitas ini

    Figurative Language in Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club"

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    Figurative language can appear in various types and the meaning may not be determined by its components. This study aimed to identify and analyze the meaning of figurative language found in the novel The Joy Luck Club. Two theories were used in this study. The first was theory of figurative language proposed by Knickerbocker and Reninger, and the second was theory of meaning by Leech as the supporting theory. The data in this study were directly taken from The Joy Luck Club novel. Thirty-six figurative languages were found. They were collected by observation method and data analysis. The collected data were analyzed by using qualitative and descriptive method. This study applied informal method to present the analysis. The result of this study showed that there are nine types of figurative language found in song lyrics. They were allusion, simile, metaphor, irony, personification, hyperbole, dead metaphor, metonymy, and paradox. Most of the figurative language found in those novels were classified in simile. Four of seven types of meaning used in those novels to understand the figurative meaning in the novel, they were connotative meaning, conceptual meaning, affective meaning, and collocative meaning. Keywords: figurative language, meaning, “The Joy Luck Club” nove

    Psychiatric assistance in the hospitalization of adolescents with chronic diseases: A case report

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    Hospitalization is an unpleasant experience for all patients, likewise for adolescent patients. The most common stressors experienced by adolescents undergoing hospitalization include loss of freedom, control, and privacy; fear of injury to the body or changes in self-image; fear of disability, pain, and death; as well as separation with peers, home, and school. The stressor can trigger mental and behavioral disorders, so it can ultimately affect the therapy process and outcome. The role of psychiatrists in adolescent hospitalization is to assist, detect mental disorders that may occur, and provide appropriate procedures to overcome the disorder and prevent worsening of symptoms. This case report describes a 17-year-old teenage girl patient who was consulted to the psychiatry department because she looked sad. Patient experienced long periods of hospitalization, including having been cared in isolation and intensive care room, and had invasive procedures as well. The patient was diagnosed with a Major Depressive Episode without Psychotic Symptoms. Pharmacological therapy with 0.5 mg Risperidone tablet every 24 h orally (evening), while the non-pharmacological therapy given was supportive psychotherapy and psychoeducation to the parent