7,412 research outputs found

    The Competencies, Roles and Scope of Practice of Advanced Psychiatric Nursing in Indonesia

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    The graduate advanced psychiatric nursing (psychiatric nursing specialist) from master degree in Indonesia are about 70 nurses, 67 nurses were graduated from University of Indonesia. They are working at mental health services and educational setting around Indonesia and yet seem not ready to perform some specific advanced competencies in clinical area. The mastery on mental health assessment, neurochemical perspectives, medical management and psychotherapy have not yet performed by the psychiatric nurse specialist in the clinical area or community.To have those competencies and its performances, therefore the curriculum in a psychiatric nursing graduate program must include advanced courses in physiopsychology, psychopathology, advanced psychopharmacology, neurobehavioral science, advanced mental health assessment, and advanced treatment interventions such as psychotherapy and prescription and management of psychotropic medications as their core and major courses in the curriculum. Those courses should be performed in their clinical practice courses or other related learning experiences. When those qualifications are met, then they are competent to be called advanced psychiatric nurse.As advanced practice registered nurses, the advanced psychiatric nurses should be able to demonstrate their direct expertise and roles in advanced mental health assessment, diagnostic evaluation, psychopharmacology management, psychotherapy with individuals, group and families, case management, millieu management, liason and counselling from prevention, promotion until psychiatric rehabilitation. Meanwhile the skill such as psycho-education, teaching, unit management, research and staff development can be added as their indirect roles

    Penentuan Nilai Jejak Karbon (CO2,CH4, dan N2O) dari Aktivitas Kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro

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    ABSTRAK . Penentuan Nilai Jejak Karbon (CO2,CH4, dan N2O) dari Aktivitas Kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro Aktivitas kampus merupakan salah satu dari penghasil jejak karbon. Jejak karbon adalah ukuran jumlah total dari hasil emisi karbon dioksika secara langsung maupun tidak langsung yang disebabkan aktivitas atau akumulasi dari penggunaan prosuk sehari-hari. Belum diketahuinya besar nilai jejak karbon dari aktivitas kampus dan cara reduksi jejak karbon di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro mendorong untu melakukan penelitian ini. Emisi jejak karbon yang dihitung adalah CO2, CH4, dan N2O yang dinyatakan dalam tonCO2eq. Penentuan nilai jejak karbon di FSM Undip dilakukan dalam 3 lingkup. Perhitungan jejak karbon lingkup satu dari aktivitas pemakaian LPG dan aktivitas transportasi kendaraan operasional, lingkup dua dari aktivitas pembelian dan pemakaian listrik, dan lingkup tiga dari aktivitas transportasi mahasiswa, dosen dan staf kependidikan, pemakaian kertas, dan timbulan sampah. Nilai jejak karbon dihitung berdasarkan metode dari International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Nilai jejak karbon yang dihasilkan dari akitivitas kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro adalah sebesar 468,059 tonCO2eq. Alternatif reduksi dari aktivitas kampus di Fakultas Sains dan Matematika Universitas Diponegoro dilakukan dengan mererapkan tiga skenario. Skenario yang diperkirakan dapat mereduksi jejak karbon adalah beralih menggunakan angkutan umum dan melakukan penghematan listrik dengan besar reduksi yang dihasailkan sebesar 53,5% dan 7,7% dari total jejak karbon yang dihasilkan. Kata Kunci : jejak karbon, aktivitas kampus, IPCC, lingkup aktivitas, reduksi jejak karbon ABSTRACT The Determination of Value of Carbon Footprint (CO2, CH4, and N2O) from Campus Activity in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro Campus activity is one of the carbon footprint producers. The carbon footprint is a measure from the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions result directly or indirectly, that is caused by the activity or the accumulation of daily products. The amount of value of carbon footprint from campus activity and the way to reduce carbon footprint in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro have not known yet. Thus, the writer is encouraged to conduct this study. The emissions of carbon footprint, that are calculated, are CO2, CH4, and N2O. It is then stated in tonCO2eq. The determination value of the carbon footprint in the FSM Undip is done by 3 scopes. In the first scope, the calculation of the carbon footprint comes from the activity of LPG usage and the activity of operational transportation. In the second scope, it comes from the activity of purchasing and consuming electricity. In the third scope, it comes from the activity of students, teachers and educational staff transportation, paper consumption, and waste. The value of carbon footprint is calculated based on International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method. The value of carbon footprint that is produced by campus activity in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro is 468.059 tonCO2eq. The alternative reduction from campus activity in Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Diponegoro is done by implementing three scenarios. These scenarios are expected to reduce the carbon footprint is to switch to using public transportation and to save electricity produced by a large reduction by 53.5% and 7.7% of the total carbon footprint Keyword : carbon footprint, campus activity, IPCC, scope activity, carbon footprint reductio


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    PENGEMBANGAN INVENTORI PEMILIHAN KARIER PADA SISWA SMA Oleh Kusuma Wardani 06104241022 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan inventori pemilihan karier yang memenuhi persyaratan validitas dan reliabilitas yang dapat digunakan untuk memahami dan mengungkap kecenderungan pemilihan karier siswa SMA. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan. Prosedur pengembangan inventori pemilihan karier mengacu pada langkah-langkah dasar perancangan dan penyusunan skala psikologis dari Saiffudin Azwar yang terdiri dari 10 langkah, yaitu : (1) identifikasi tujuan ukur, (2) operasionalisasi konsep, (3) penskalaan & pemilihan format stimulus,(4) penulisan item,(5) uji coba,(6) analisis item,(7) kompilasi 1 seleksi item,(8) pengujian reliabilitas,(9) validitas, dan(10) kompilasi II format final. Subjek yang digunakan adalah dua orang ahli yang berkompeten (expert judgement) dan siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Depok, Sleman, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah inventori pemilihan karier yang telah disusun dan angket penilaian inventori pemilihan karier untuk ahli dan siswa. Teknik analisis data untuk validitas isi adalah penilaian profesional (expert jugdement), menghitung validitas item digunakan teknik korelasi item-total Product Moment Pearson, dan untuk menghitung koefisien reliabilitas menggunakan teknik analisis Alfa Cronbach, sedangkan data kualitatif hasil penilaian ahli dan 36 siswa SMA berupa saran, kritik, dan tanggapan dideskripsikan sesuai data yang ada. Hasil review item oleh ahli terdapat beberapa masukan sehingga inventori pemilihan karier pada siswa SMA dinyatakan telah memenuhi validitas isi. Uji coba tahap I (uji coba kelompok kecil) pada 36 orang siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Depok, Sleman menunjukkan bahwa setiap item mudah dipahami dan hasil uji statistik menunjukkan dari 120 item terdapat 34 item yang dinyatakan gugur yang memiliki korelasi item total <0,20 dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,88 namun ada 19 item yang direvisi untuk dimasukkan kembali dalam inventori pemilihan karier. Uji coba tahap II (uji coba kelompok besar) dilakukan kepada 173 orang siswa. Dari 105 item terdapat 11 item yang dinyatakan gugur yang memiliki korelasi item total <0,20 dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,94. Format final inventori pemilihan karier pada siswa SMA ini terdiri dari 94 item pernyataan. Dengan demikian inventori pemilihan karier pada siswa SMA ini dinyatakan valid dan reliabel sehingga layak digunakan sebagai instrumen. Inventori pemilihan karier pada siswa SMA ini juga dilengkapi dengan buku pedoman petunjuk pelaksanaannya. Kata kunci: inventori, pemilihan karier, siswa SM

    Tafsir Ilmiah Sebagai Implementasi Integrasi Ilmu: Kasus UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    Following the changing status of many State Islamic Institutes of Islamic Studies into State Islamic Universities in Indonesia, the integration of Islam and science as the fundamental epistemological basis should be done, and its implementation has been characterized by attempts to interpret the Qur`an in the light of scientific perspective (al-tafsīr al-‘ilmī, scientific interpretation). This article is aimed to analyze thoughts on methods of this interpretation in the State Islamic University of Maliki (Malang) from Ian Barbour’s classification of modes of religion-science integration into the natural theology, the theology of nature, and philosophy of proccess. This article concludes that this university develops the theology of nature in the sense that the Qur`an through its paradigm and spirit is regarded to contain verses that explain many aspects of science. The “Qur`anic paradigm” constitutes a world-view that, as percieved, unifies many schools of thought and approach. Meanwhile, the “Qur`anic spirit” is moral teaching of the Qur`an that can be functioned as psychological explanations and solutions of human’s conditions

    RASAN TUE: BUDAYA PERKAWINAN SUKU PASEMAH (Rasan Tue: Marriage Culture of Pasemah Tribe)

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    This study attempts to describe culture rasan tue marriage in the Padang Guci Bengkulu. The methodology used is a descriptive qualitative method anthropological approach. The research was conducted by observing directly the Pasemah tribe’s marriage culture in the Padang Guci Bengkulu. This study summarizes the phases of rasan tue marriage culture completely. The result shows that marriage with rasan tue culture is held for some reasons: (1) the boy and the girl have a kinship, despite far relative, (2) the boy and the girl are equally shy so that they do not have the courage to express their feelings and need parents’ help to communicate it, (3) both girl and boy have been adult and they have acquaintance with adult boy and girl, and (4) the boy and the girl have wealth so that it was necessary to make the agreement between the two parties by presenting both parents. It can be concluded that the procedure of marriage using rasan tue culture involves, among others: meminang (proposing), miare tunang, nolong tunang, tandang with tunang, ngalih panggilan, setting up marriage time, netak akhi malam, and holding the marriage (wedding) event


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    This study aims to determine: 1) implementation of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) Subjects Islamic Education (PAI) at SMK Negeri 2 Compassionate, 2) the factors supporting and hindering implementation of SBC Subjects PAI in SMK Negeri 2 Compassionate. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative analysis, in SMK Negeri 2 Compassionate Progo Regency for 1 month with the object of research is the implementation of SBC subjects of Islamic Education. The subjects of the study consisted of Principals and Vice-principals, teachers of Islam, the school committee, the Administrative Officer, Students of SMK Negeri 2 Compassionate. Data collected by in-depth interviews, observation documents. Data analysis was performed after testing the validity of data triangulation. Data analysis through the stages of editing, coding, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed as follows. First, the implementation in the preparation phase of the syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) has been good. During the implementation phase, the activity of students in pembeJajaran PAI in N 2 Compassionate pretty good, delivery of content is appropriate RPP, but the material can not be fully controlled by the student. In the evaluation phase, the average value obtained PAI N 2 Compassionate above the KKM is Class X, XI, XII, respectively 79.80, and 81 with KKM at 75. Second, the factors that support or hinder the implementation consists of factors students, factor learning atmosphere, facilities and infrastructure factors in the classroom or in the school, teachers factors and environmental factors. In conclusion, the implementation of the curriculum subjects PAI in N 2 Compassionate generally been going well. Factors that support or hinder the implementation of SBC is not always intrusive and do not always support due to various factors depend on the ability of teachers to manage classes


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    The scientific explanation of society, as Western sociology offers, has been criticized by some Muslim scholars for some limitedness. But, unfortunately, they cannot reconstruct what they propagated as the ‘Islamic sociology’. One of main factors of their failure is neglecting the Qur`an as the starting point of the reconstruction. Employing a thematic interpretation, focusing on the issues of norm, tradition, and social change, this article is aimed to reconstruct the so-called ‘sociology of the Qur`an’. The discussion will be started from initiating the ‘philosophy’ or the rationale for the integration between Qur`an interpretation and social sciences, then it will discuss those issues, and finally will drawn some main points in the term of the Qur`anic sociology and idealized methods for the integration. This article arrives at the conclusion that a society in the Qur`anic perspective are characterized by being prophetic in the term of seeking  ideals and by involving of closely related elements of God, man, and ‘history’ (man’s creativity) in in the term of social change. It is suggested to employ a scientific and thematic interpretation applying semantic approach in interpreting Quranic verses to reconstruct Quranic concept of society.   AbstrakPenjelasan ilmiah tentang masyarakat, sebagaimana yang ditawarkan oleh sosiologi Barat, telah dikritik oleh sebagian intelektual Muslim karena beberapa kelemahan. Akan tetapi, sayangnya, mereka  tidak bisa merekonstruksi apa yang mereka serukan sebagai ‘sosiologi Islam’. Salah satu faktor utama kegagalan mereka adalah mengabaikan al-Qur`an sebagai titik-tolak rekonstruksi. Dengan menerapkan penafsiran tematik, berfokus pada persoalan tentang norma, tradisi, dan perubahan sosial, artikel ini dimaksudkan untuk merekonstruk yang apa yang disebut ‘sosiologi al-Qur`an’. Diskusi akan dimulai dari upaya menjelaskan ‘filosofi’ atau alasan yang mendasari pentingnya integrasi antara penafsiran al-Qur`an dan ilmu-ilmu sosial, kemudian akan mendiskusikan isu-isu itu, dan terakhir akan menarik beberapa point utama dalam hal sosiologi and metode yang diidealisasikan untuk integrasi. Artikel ini sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa suatu masyarakat dalam perspektif al-Qur`an memiliki ciri bersifat profetik dalam hal mencari yang ideal dan dengan keterlibatan elemen-elemen yang terkait erat antara Tuhan, manusia, dan ‘sejarah’ (kreativitas manusia) dalam hal perubahan sosial. Disarankan untuk menerapkan penafsiran saintifik dan tematik dengan menggunakan pendekatan semantik dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat al-Qur`an untuk merekonstruk konsep al-Qur`an tentang masyarakat.


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    The commonly accepted assumption among Muslims is that the Islamic law of inheritance known as ‘ilm al-farā`idh represents what correctly understood from the Qur`ān. This article is intended to study David S. Powers’ study of the transformation of the so-called proto-Islamic law of inheritance accepted from the Prophet into this science. The study will be focused on his approach to this issue, his stand within oriental study of the Qur`ān, and his study viewed from pos-colonial perspective. Employing synthesized typology of orientalists’ stand in studying Islam, and Edward Said’s perspective of the so-called “intellectual powers”, in this article, I argue that Powers’ study of the issue represents revisionist’s stand of Islam and the Qur`an, applying synthesized approaches of literary and historical criticism. But, his analysis belongs the Western radical analysis of influence of Roman law on the Islamic law and in the context of West-East opposision, reflects Western people’s superiority against Eastern’s (Muslim community) inferiority in understanding their own scripture, the Qur`ān.  

    Posisi Al-Qur`an DalamIntegrasi Ilmu : Telaah terhadap Pemikiran Kuntowijoyo dan M. Dawam Rahardjo

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    The integration of knowledge has become a central issue emerging among scholars in Indonesian Islamic universities. Some ideas have been proposed to make “bridge” between religious and secular knowledge, as we can see, for instance, in the thought of Kuntowijoyo on “prophetic social sciences”, M. Dawam Rahardjo on “decolonization of social sciences”, M. Amin Abdullah on “spider web of knowledge”, and Mulyadhi Kartanegara on “holistic reconstruction of knowledge”.The researches conducted so far have not touched the core problem in all these proposed ideas yet, namely the place of the Qur`an as a revelation in the integration of knowledge. In fact, the Qur`an constitutes a source of knowledge and, at the same time, an inspiring and guiding scripture, for Moslem's beliefs, praactices, and thought. Therefore, neglecting the Qur`an in constructing Moslem's thought on the integration of knowledge will make our understanding the issue artificial. The present article is aimed at studying the thought of Kuntowijoyo and M. Dawam Rahardjo by focusing the discussion on main points: firstly, on the place the Qur`an in the integration of knowledge (as inspiration,source of knowledge, or starting point in building theory) (and the present author will describe data as they are); secondly, intellectual and social background that play important role behind the ideasand modes of use of the Qur`an for intellectual enterprises (and the present author will go into deep analysis on factors or contexts in which the ideas formed); thirdly, the originality, strength, and weakness of the ideas (and the present author will examine the ideas in accordance with some standards)


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    The purpose of this research is to analyze factors that affect the risk disclosure of the Indonesian public company's annual report. The examined factors of this research are product diversification, geographic diversification, company size, group of industry, and leverage as independent variables, while risk disclosure as dependent variable. The samples consist of 100 firms listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDA9 in 2007. This research is carried out by doing content analysis on corporation annual report and is tested by regression. Risk disclosure in this research is identified based on six types ofrisk model. They include financial risk operation risk empowerment risk information processing and technology risk integrity risk and strategic risk . The result of this research provides evidence that product diversification and group of industry consist ofAnimalfeed and husbandry, Mining and mining service; Telecommunication, and Real estate have influence on risk disclosure . However, there is no evidence that geographic diversification, company size, and leverage have influence on risk disclosure. Keywords : Annual Report, Risk Risk Disclosur
