861 research outputs found

    De Private Equity Golf

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    In de laatste decennia heeft private equity zich ontwikkeld tot een belangrijke component van ondernemingsfi nanciering. Private equity is een bron van fi nanciering voor start-up ondernemingen, private middelgrote ondernemingen, ondernemingen die geherstructureerd worden of onder nemingen die hun beursnotering willen beëindigen. De ontwikkelingsgang van private equity kent een golfpatroon dat gekenmerkt wordt door perioden van expansie en perioden van verschansing. Dit artikel beschrijft aan de hand van de recente literatuur de privateequitygolf, en de consequenties voor de verschillende partijen in de markt voor private equity, zoals de ondernemingen die privaat gefi nancierd worden, de investeringsmaatschappijen en de verschaffers van privaat vermogen

    Consolidation Waves

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    This paper explains why consolidation acquisitions occur in waves and it predicts the differing role each firm is likely to play in the consolidation game. We propose that whether a firm assumes the role of rival consolidator, target, or passive observer depends on the position of the firm relative to the entity that merges first. Our model predicts that an initial acquisition triggers a wave of follow-on acquisitions, where the process of asset accumulation by the consolidator is accelerated since the value of follow-on acquisitions is enhanced by the more concentrated industry structure. An initial consolidation can trigger a consolidating acquisition by a rival in a remote market segment, while some firms prefer to be a target and others remain passive observers that await the outcome of the consolidation process rather than merge amongst themselves. Fragmentation, demand uncertainty, and investment costs determine the timing of acquisitions

    Private Equity Waves

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    This study presents a dynamic model for the private equity market in which information revelation and uncertainty rationally explain the cyclical pattern of investment flows into private equity. The net benefit of private equity over public equity is i) uncertain and ii) agents have private information about the benefits of their investment. When these distinguishing characteristics determine investment behavior in private equity markets, rational investment waves may arise endogenously. Investment behavior reveals private information on the benefits of private equity financing and may trigger a cascade when investors jump on the bandwagon and invest irrespective of their private information content. We argue that the procyclical behavior of private equity volumes is strengthened by the revelation of information on the benefits of private equity investments. The occurrence and length of such waves in the market for private equity depend on the capabilities of agents

    Acquisitions as a Real Options Bidding Game

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    This paper uses a unified treatment of real options and game theory to examine value appropriation in takeovers within a competitive environment of imperfect information. The integrated model considers a potential target as a shared real option on a bundle of resources. Competing potential buyers may sequentially perform due diligence and incur costs (option premium) to become informed about their firm-specific target value (underlying value) before making a bid (exercise price). The first player’s bid provides a signal on its own and rivals’ target value, thereby affecting potential bidders’ option value. The level of information costs and the option value, affected by heterogeneity between bidders (correlation), their expected target value, and uncertainty, determine value appropriation in acquisitions

    Solving non-uniqueness in agglomerative hierarchical clustering using multidendrograms

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    In agglomerative hierarchical clustering, pair-group methods suffer from a problem of non-uniqueness when two or more distances between different clusters coincide during the amalgamation process. The traditional approach for solving this drawback has been to take any arbitrary criterion in order to break ties between distances, which results in different hierarchical classifications depending on the criterion followed. In this article we propose a variable-group algorithm that consists in grouping more than two clusters at the same time when ties occur. We give a tree representation for the results of the algorithm, which we call a multidendrogram, as well as a generalization of the Lance and Williams' formula which enables the implementation of the algorithm in a recursive way.Comment: Free Software for Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering using Multidendrograms available at http://deim.urv.cat/~sgomez/multidendrograms.ph

    Risk, trust and patients’ strategic choices of healthcare practitioners

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    Research on patients’ choice of healthcare practitioners has focussed on countries with regulated and controlled healthcare markets. In contrast, low- and middle-income countries have a pluralistic landscape where untrained, unqualified and unlicensed informal healthcare providers (IHPs) provide significant share of services. Using qualitative data from 58 interviews in an Indian village, this paper explores how patients choose between IHPs and qualified practitioners in the public and formal private sectors. The study found that patients’ choices were structurally constrained by accessibility and affordability of care and choosing a practitioner from any sector presented some risk. Negotiation and engagement with risks depended on perceived severity of the health condition and trust in practitioners. Patients had low institutional trust in public and formal private sectors, whereas IHPs operated outside any institutional framework. Consequently, people relied on relational or competence-derived interpersonal trust. Care was sought from formal private practitioners for severe issues due to high-competence-based interpersonal trust in them, whereas for other issues IHPs were preferred due to high relationship-based interpersonal trust. The research shows that patients develop a strategic approach to practitioner choice by using trust to negotiate risks, and crucially, in low- and middle-income countries IHPs bridge a gap by providing accessible and affordable care imbued with relational–interpersonal trust

    DNA storage in thermoresponsive microcapsules for repeated random multiplexed data access

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    In support of the publication "DNA storage in thermoresponsive microcapsules for repeated random multiplexed data access" we share the following datasets and code: AutoCAD drawing of the microfluidic trapping device. Sequences of the DNA used to encode the 25 files used in the current study. FASTQ-files of the sequencing experiments of Figures 5b and d. Python scripts that allow for the reproduction of our sequencing data analysis. The code has been tested on MacOS 13.0.1, Python 3.7.13, samtools 1.16.1 and BWA 0.7.17

    Pion, kaon, proton and anti-proton transverse momentum distributions from p+p and d+Au collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    Identified mid-rapidity particle spectra of π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm}, and p(pˉ)p(\bar{p}) from 200 GeV p+p and d+Au collisions are reported. A time-of-flight detector based on multi-gap resistive plate chamber technology is used for particle identification. The particle-species dependence of the Cronin effect is observed to be significantly smaller than that at lower energies. The ratio of the nuclear modification factor (RdAuR_{dAu}) between protons (p+pˉ)(p+\bar{p}) and charged hadrons (hh) in the transverse momentum range 1.2<pT<3.01.2<{p_{T}}<3.0 GeV/c is measured to be 1.19±0.051.19\pm0.05(stat)±0.03\pm0.03(syst) in minimum-bias collisions and shows little centrality dependence. The yield ratio of (p+pˉ)/h(p+\bar{p})/h in minimum-bias d+Au collisions is found to be a factor of 2 lower than that in Au+Au collisions, indicating that the Cronin effect alone is not enough to account for the relative baryon enhancement observed in heavy ion collisions at RHIC.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. We extended the pion spectra from transverse momentum 1.8 GeV/c to 3. GeV/

    Demonstration of the temporal matter-wave Talbot effect for trapped matter waves

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    We demonstrate the temporal Talbot effect for trapped matter waves using ultracold atoms in an optical lattice. We investigate the phase evolution of an array of essentially non-interacting matter waves and observe matter-wave collapse and revival in the form of a Talbot interference pattern. By using long expansion times, we image momentum space with sub-recoil resolution, allowing us to observe fractional Talbot fringes up to 10th order.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure