2,489 research outputs found

    Time-averaged wind power data hides variability critical to renewables integration

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    Most publicly available wind data are aggregated to a temporal resolution of 30 or 60 min. This is adequate for some purposes, such as large-scale wind integration studies. However, the consequent loss of high-frequency power fluctuations from the data can significantly impact analysis on local and regional scales. The importance of this missing variability to the accurate assessment of renewables integration is increasingly being recognised as wind power is considered for energy autarky and local energy systems. Here, we investigate the statistics of the lost variability using two high-temporal-resolution datasets from France and the US. In particular, we focus on the likelihood that minimum and maximum thresholds are exceeded and illustrate the importance of sub-half-hourly variability for assessing sector-coupling applications, such as wind farm – electrolyser systems. We find that using half-hourly averaged turbine data can underestimate the occurrence of zero power by a factor of two. This matters if a wind turbine is coupled to an electrolyser, either directly or with only short-duration storage, because of dynamic operating constraints. The lower output limit means that half-hourly wind output could overestimate the hydrogen production and energy storage capabilities of alkaline electrolysers by up to 70 %

    Using a model of group psychotherapy to support social research on sensitive topics

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    This article describes the exploratory use of professional therapeutic support by social researchers working on a sensitive topic. Talking to recently bereaved parents about the financial implications of their child's death was expected to be demanding work, and the research design included access to an independent psychotherapeutic service. Using this kind of professional support is rare within the general social research community, and it is useful to reflect on the process. There are likely to be implications for collection and interpretation of data, research output and the role and experience of the therapist. Here, the primary focus is the potential impact on researcher well-being

    Spontaneous mode non-invasive ventilation fails to treat respiratory failure in a patient with Multi-mincore disease: a case report

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    The increased morbidity and mortality resulting from respiratory failure in patients with neuromuscular disorders and/or kyphoscoliosis can be reversed with non-invasive ventilation. Spontaneous mode bilevel pressure ventilation is preferred to other modes of ventilation, due to relative ease of use, but may not be suitable for all patients. We report a 27-year old woman with Multi-minicore disease whose respiratory failure was refractory to spontaneous mode bilevel pressure ventilation. When we altered settings and provided mandatory inspiratory rise time and respiratory rate, it augmented her respiratory efforts and improved ventilation. Our case report describes the benefit of individualising non-invasive ventilation in the management of respiratory failure due to neuromuscular weakness and kyphoscoliosis

    Rad51 Paralogs Remodel Pre-synaptic Rad51 Filaments to Stimulate Homologous Recombination

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    SummaryRepair of DNA double strand breaks by homologous recombination (HR) is initiated by Rad51 filament nucleation on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which catalyzes strand exchange with homologous duplex DNA. BRCA2 and the Rad51 paralogs are tumor suppressors and critical mediators of Rad51. To gain insight into Rad51 paralog function, we investigated a heterodimeric Rad51 paralog complex, RFS-1/RIP-1, and uncovered the molecular basis by which Rad51 paralogs promote HR. Unlike BRCA2, which nucleates RAD-51-ssDNA filaments, RFS-1/RIP-1 binds and remodels pre-synaptic filaments to a stabilized, “open,” and flexible conformation, in which the ssDNA is more accessible to nuclease digestion and RAD-51 dissociation rate is reduced. Walker box mutations in RFS-1, which abolish filament remodeling, fail to stimulate RAD-51 strand exchange activity, demonstrating that remodeling is essential for RFS-1/RIP-1 function. We propose that Rad51 paralogs stimulate HR by remodeling the Rad51 filament, priming it for strand exchange with the template duplex

    Urinary Levoglucosan as a Biomarker of Wood Smoke Exposure: Observations in a Mouse Model and in Children

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    BACKGROUND: Biomass smoke is an important source of particulate matter (PM), and much remains to be discovered with respect to the human health effects associated with this specific PM source. Exposure to biomass smoke can occur in one of two main categories: short-term exposures consist of periodic, seasonal exposures typified by communities near forest fires or intentional agricultural burning, and long-term exposures are chronic and typified by the use of biomass materials for cooking or heating. Levoglucosan (LG), a sugar anhydride released by combustion of cellulose-containing materials, is an attractive candidate as a biomarker of wood smoke exposure. OBJECTIVES: In the present study, Balb/c mice and children were assessed for LG in urine to determine its feasibility as a biomarker. METHODS: We performed urinary detection of LG by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry after intranasal instillations of LG or concentrated PM (mice) or biomass exposure (mice or humans). RESULTS: After instillation, we recovered most of the LG within the first 4 hr. Experiments using glucose instillation proved the specificity of our system, and instillation of concentrated PM from wood smoke, ambient air, and diesel exhaust supported a connection between wood smoke and LG. In addition, LG was detected in the urine of mice exposed to wood smoke. Finally, a pilot human study proved our ability to detect LG in urine of children. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that LG in the lungs is detectable in the urine of both mice and humans and that it is a good candidate as a biomarker of exposure to biomass smoke

    Probing the close environment of young stellar objects with interferometry

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    The study of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) is one of the most exciting topics that can be undertaken by long baseline optical interferometry. The magnitudes of these objects are at the edge of capabilities of current optical interferometers, limiting the studies to a few dozen, but are well within the capability of coming large aperture interferometers like the VLT Interferometer, the Keck Interferometer, the Large Binocular Telescope or 'OHANA. The milli-arcsecond spatial resolution reached by interferometry probes the very close environment of young stars, down to a tenth of an astronomical unit. In this paper, I review the different aspects of star formation that can be tackled by interferometry: circumstellar disks, multiplicity, jets. I present recent observations performed with operational infrared interferometers, IOTA, PTI and ISI, and I show why in the next future one will extend these studies with large aperture interferometers.Comment: Review to be published in JENAM'2002 proceedings "The Very Large Telescope Interferometer Challenges for the future

    Continuous Interaction with a Virtual Human

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    Attentive Speaking and Active Listening require that a Virtual Human be capable of simultaneous perception/interpretation and production of communicative behavior. A Virtual Human should be able to signal its attitude and attention while it is listening to its interaction partner, and be able to attend to its interaction partner while it is speaking – and modify its communicative behavior on-the-fly based on what it perceives from its partner. This report presents the results of a four week summer project that was part of eNTERFACE’10. The project resulted in progress on several aspects of continuous interaction such as scheduling and interrupting multimodal behavior, automatic classification of listener responses, generation of response eliciting behavior, and models for appropriate reactions to listener responses. A pilot user study was conducted with ten participants. In addition, the project yielded a number of deliverables that are released for public access

    An exploratory cluster randomised trial of a university halls of residence based social norms marketing campaign to reduce alcohol consumption among 1st year students

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    <p>Aims: This exploratory trial examines the feasibility of implementing a social norms marketing campaign to reduce student drinking in universities in Wales, and evaluating it using cluster randomised trial methodology.</p> <p>Methods: Fifty residence halls in 4 universities in Wales were randomly assigned to intervention or control arms. Web and paper surveys were distributed to students within these halls (n = 3800), assessing exposure/contamination, recall of and evaluative responses to intervention messages, perceived drinking norms and personal drinking behaviour. Measures included the Drinking Norms Rating Form, the Daily Drinking Questionnaire and AUDIT-C.</p> <p>Results: A response rate of 15% (n = 554) was achieved, varying substantially between sites. Intervention posters were seen by 80% and 43% of students in intervention and control halls respectively, with most remaining materials seen by a minority in both groups. Intervention messages were rated as credible and relevant by little more than half of students, though fewer felt they would influence their behaviour, with lighter drinkers more likely to perceive messages as credible. No differences in perceived norms were observed between intervention and control groups. Students reporting having seen intervention materials reported lower descriptive and injunctive norms than those who did not.</p> <p>Conclusions: Attention is needed to enhancing exposure, credibility and perceived relevance of intervention messages, particularly among heavier drinkers, before definitive evaluation can be recommended. A definitive evaluation would need to consider how it would achieve sufficient response rates, whilst hall-level cluster randomisation appears subject to a significant degree of contamination.</p&gt

    Quantum Simulation of Tunneling in Small Systems

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    A number of quantum algorithms have been performed on small quantum computers; these include Shor's prime factorization algorithm, error correction, Grover's search algorithm and a number of analog and digital quantum simulations. Because of the number of gates and qubits necessary, however, digital quantum particle simulations remain untested. A contributing factor to the system size required is the number of ancillary qubits needed to implement matrix exponentials of the potential operator. Here, we show that a set of tunneling problems may be investigated with no ancillary qubits and a cost of one single-qubit operator per time step for the potential evolution. We show that physically interesting simulations of tunneling using 2 qubits (i.e. on 4 lattice point grids) may be performed with 40 single and two-qubit gates. Approximately 70 to 140 gates are needed to see interesting tunneling dynamics in three-qubit (8 lattice point) simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Preclinical and post-treatment changes in the HCC-associated serum proteome

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    SELDI-based proteomic profiling of body fluids is currently in widespread use for cancer biomarker discovery. We have successfully used this technology for the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in hepatitis C patients and now report its application to serial serum samples from 37 hepatitis C patients before development of HCC, with HCC and following radiofrequency ablation of the tumour. As with alpha-fetoprotein, an accepted biomarker for HCC, we hypothesised that HCC-associated proteomic features would ‘return to normal' following successful treatment and the primary aim of our study was to test this hypothesis. Several SELDI peaks that changed significantly during HCC development were detected but they did not reverse following treatment. These data may be interpreted to suggest that the characteristic SELDI profile is not linearly related to tumour burden but may result from the progression of underlying liver disease or from the emergence of precancerous lesions. β2-Microglobulin, a protein previously reported to be markedly elevated in patients with HCV related HCC, was also the most significantly HCC associated proteomic feature (m/z 11720) in this study