3,369 research outputs found
Promoting Public Health In The Context Of The âObesity Epidemicâ: False Starts And Promising New Directions
In the battle to combat obesity rates in the United States, several misconceptions have dominated policy initiatives. We address those misconceptions, including the notion that restrictive diets lead to long-term weight loss, that stigmatizing obesity is an effective strategy for promoting weight reduction, and that weight and physical health should be considered synonymous with one another. In offering correctives to each of these points, we draw on psychological science to suggest new policies that could be enacted at both the local and national levels. Instead of policies that rely solely on individual willpower, which is susceptible to failure, we recommend those that make use of environmental changes to reduce the amount of willpower necessary to achieve healthy behavior. Ultimately, the most effective policies will promote health rather than any arbitrary level of weight
Taking A Stand: The Effects Of Standing Desks On Task Performance And Engagement
Time spent sitting is associated with negative health outcomes, motivating some individuals to adopt standing desk workstations. This study represents the first investigation of the effects of standing desk use on reading comprehension and creativity. In a counterbalanced, within-subjects design, 96 participants completed reading comprehension and creativity tasks while both sitting and standing. Participants self-reported their mood during the tasks and also responded to measures of expended effort and task difficulty. In addition, participants indicated whether they expected that they would perform better on work-relevant tasks while sitting or standing. Despite participantsâ beliefs that they would perform worse on most tasks while standing, body position did not affect reading comprehension or creativity performance, nor did it affect perceptions of effort or difficulty. Mood was also unaffected by position, with a few exceptions: Participants exhibited greater task engagement (i.e., interest, enthusiasm, and alertness) and less comfort while standing rather than sitting. In sum, performance and psychological experience as related to task completion were nearly entirely uninfluenced by acute (~30-min) standing desk use. View Full-Tex
Effects of a Large Fishing Closure on Benthic Communitites in the Western Gulf of Maine: Recovery from the Effects of Gillnets and Otter Trawls
The recovery of benthic communities inside the western Gulf of Maine fishing closure area was evaluated by comparing invertebrate assemblages at sites inside and outside of the closure four to six years after the closure was established. The major restriction imposed by the closure was a year-round prohibition of bottom gillnets and otter trawls. A total of 163 seafloor sites (~half inside and half outside the closure) within a 515-km2 study area were sampled with some combination of Shipek grab, Wildco box corer, or underwater video. Bottom types ranged from mud (silt and clay) to boulders, and the effects of the closure on univariate measures (total density, biomass, taxonomic richness) of benthos varied widely among sediment types. For sites with predominantly mud sediments, there were mixed effects on inside and outside infauna and no effect on epifauna. For sites with mainly sand sediments, there were higher density, biomass, and taxonomic richness for infauna inside the closure, but no significant effects on epifauna. For sites dominated by gravel (which included boulders in some areas), there were no effects on infauna but strong effects on epifaunal density and taxonomic richness. For fishing gear, the data indicated that infauna recovered in sand from the impacts of otter trawls operated inside the closure but that they did not recover in mud, and that epifauna recovered on gravel bottoms from the impact of gillnets used inside the closure. The magnitudes of impact and recovery, however, cannot be inferred directly from our data because of a confounding factor of different fishing intensities outside the closure for a direct comparison of preclosure and postclosure data. The overall negative impact of trawls is likely underestimated by our data, whereas the negative impact of gillnets is likely overestimated
The Fields of Interest of Lean Six Sigma through PDCA cycle and 4P Excellence Model
The aim of this paper is to review the focus of research carried out on Lean Six Sigma (LSS). A screening of 116 papers related to LSS from renowned and open database searches including DOAJ, ResearchGate, MDPI on the period of 2006 to 2021 have been done. This paper provides a review of Leans Six Sigma (LSS) in the context of the Plan Do Check Act cycle and the 4P Excellence Model to identify areas for future research and opportunities to deliver business excellence. 21% of the papers (25) contribute on Plan phase of using LSS, 62% of the papers (72) are focused on «DO» phase which is the practical deployment of LSS, 15% of the searches (17) related to Check phase which concerns the questioning of the methodology and 2% of the papers is looking for adapting and adopting the LSS, this is the Act phase. From the 72 papers classified as focused on «DO» phase, 70% of the papers are focused on processes which are using the LSS tools for achieving a specific goal of reducing waste and variation. How to innovate the Products by LSS approach took the second interest, it represents 26% of the various papers. People, Partnership and Leadership which are fundamentals for culture change share the last part. We have also seen a great interest in publications in the tangible parts of using LSS in processes and products during a visible period from 2006 to 2013, then several studies look more into the importance of the non-tangible parts of using LSS as an improvement process after 2013
Solid friction between soft filaments
Any macroscopic deformation of a filamentous bundle is necessarily
accompanied by local sliding and/or stretching of the constituent filaments.
Yet the nature of the sliding friction between two aligned filaments
interacting through multiple contacts remains largely unexplored. Here, by
directly measuring the sliding forces between two bundled F-actin filaments, we
show that these frictional forces are unexpectedly large, scale logarithmically
with sliding velocity as in solid-like friction, and exhibit complex dependence
on the filaments' overlap length. We also show that a reduction of the
frictional force by orders of magnitude, associated with a transition from
solid-like friction to Stokes' drag, can be induced by coating F-actin with
polymeric brushes. Furthermore, we observe similar transitions in filamentous
microtubules and bacterial flagella. Our findings demonstrate how altering a
filament's elasticity, structure and interactions can be used to engineer
interfilament friction and thus tune the properties of fibrous composite
Biophysical Aspects of Resource Acquisition and Competition in Algal Mixotrophs
Mixotrophic organisms combine autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition and are abundant in both freshwater and marine environments. Recent observations indicate that mixotrophs constitute a large fraction of the biomass, bacterivory, and primary production in oligotrophic environments. While mixotrophy allows greater flexibility in terms of resource acquisition, any advantage must be traded off against an associated increase in metabolic costs, which appear to make mixotrophs uncompetitive relative to obligate autotrophs and heterotrophs. Using an idealized model of cell physiology and community competition, we identify one mechanism by which mixotrophs can effectively outcompete specialists for nutrient elements. At low resource concentrations, when the uptake of nutrients is limited by diffusion toward the cell, the investment in cell membrane transporters can be minimized. In this situation, mixotrophs can acquire limiting elements in both organic and inorganic forms, outcompeting their specialist competitors that can utilize only one of these forms. This advantage can be enough to offset as much as a twofold increase in additional metabolic costs incurred by mixotrophs. This mechanism is particularly relevant for the maintenance of mixotrophic populations and productivity in the highly oligotro phic subtropical oceans.United States. National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationGordon and Betty Moore Foundatio
Utilisation de lâATP- MĂ©trie comme Mesure InstantanĂ©e de la QualitĂ© de lâEau dans un SystĂšme de Collecte des Eaux de Pluie
LâATP-MĂ©trie, par lâanalyse instantanĂ©e de lâATP libre, de lâATP Total et par consĂ©quent de lâATP Microbien (ATP Total â ATP libre), permet une Ă©valuation rapide de la quantitĂ© de cellules vivantes, de particules non microbiennes et de particules microbiennes dans un Ă©chantillon dâeau. Lors des deux visites sur site des installations de lâEntreprise Sociale Tatirano concernant le systĂšme de rĂ©cupĂ©ration dâeau de pluie dans le Sud Est de Madagascar, cĂŽtĂ© Fort-Dauphin, une recherche de remplacement des analyses longues a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e. Il sâagissait du comptage des colonies de coliformes thermotolĂ©rants (TTC) par des analyses rapides dâATP libre et dâATP Totalâ; et lâanalyse du chlore libre (CLR), du chlore total (CTR) par les mesures des solides dissouts totaux (SDT) et de la conductivitĂ© Ă©lectrique (CE). 10 variables avec 32 échantillons analysĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© regroupĂ©es en une base de donnĂ©es. Une analyse en composantes principales a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour identifier une premiĂšre tendance gĂ©nĂ©rale de la relation entre les variables. Ensuite, une analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e des proximitĂ©s des groupes identifiĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e avec la matrice de similaritĂ© des coefficients de corrĂ©lation de Pearson et de Spearman. Globalement, Ă lâissue de lâanalyse en composantes principales, 4 axes principaux sont identifiĂ©s permettant dâinterprĂ©ter 88,4 % des donnĂ©es. En combinant lâanalyse des cosinus carrĂ©s des variables avec la reprĂ©sentation graphique sur le biplot, 2 groupes naturels sont observĂ©s. Dâabord, lâATP libre, lâATP Total, lâATP Microbien, TTC et le Log(TTC) sont principalement portĂ©s par lâaxe 1. Puis, le CLR, le CTR, le SDT et la CE sont principalement portĂ©s par lâaxe 2. Dans lâanalyse dĂ©taillĂ©e de chaque groupe, une faible corrĂ©lation linĂ©aire et une corrĂ©lation monotone positive et modĂ©rĂ©e sont observĂ©es entre lâATP microbien et le TTC dont le Rho de Pearson 0,142, p=0,445, et le Rho de Spearman 0,403, p=0,025. Une corrĂ©lation linĂ©aire modĂ©rĂ©e et une corrĂ©lation monotone positive et modĂ©rĂ©e sont observĂ©es entre lâATP microbien et le Log (TTC) dont le Rho de Pearson 0,392, p=0,029, et le Rho de Spearman 0,403, p=0,025. Puis, il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© quâil y a une corrĂ©lation linĂ©aire modĂ©rĂ©e nĂ©gative entre le CE, le CTR et le CLR, avec un Rho de Pearson -0,346, p=0,056 et un Rho de Spearman de -0,422, p=0,018. Une corrĂ©lation linĂ©aire modĂ©rĂ©e nĂ©gative a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e entre le SDT, le CTR et le CLR dont le Rho de Pearson est -0,369, p=0,041 et le Rho de Spearman -0,521, p=0,003. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent que les valeurs mesurĂ©es instantanĂ©ment par lâATP-MĂ©trie telles que lâATP libre et lâATP Total combinĂ©es Ă la mesure des STD et CE permettent une lecture instantanĂ©e dâun niveau de qualitĂ© de lâeau comparable Ă dâautres appareils de mesure. Ă ce stade, cela peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme une prĂ©-analyse pour identifier une tendance avant des analyses de plus longues durĂ©es. La raison est que certains contextes tels que le niveau rĂ©el de pollution de lâeau (matiĂšres organiques et inorganiques) nâont pas Ă©tĂ© pris en compte. Cela permet Ă©galement de conclure que la valeur calculĂ©e de lâATP Microbien ne peut pas encore ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e et interprĂ©tĂ©e comme des Ă©lĂ©ments de mesure de la qualitĂ© de lâeau
Absence of FMLP Receptors on Rat Macrophages
Although rat peritoneal neutrophils in the presence of cytochalasin B demonstrate superoxide (O2â) responses to the chemotactic peptide Nââformylâmetâleuâphe (FMLP), neither elicited rat peritoneal macrophages nor rat alveolar macrophages show an O2âresponse to FMLP (in the presence or absence of cytochalasin B), although a good O2âresponse to opsonized zymosan is demonstrated by both types of macrophages. Using Furaâ2 loaded cells, peritoneal macrophages failed to show an increase in intracellular calcium after exposure to FMLP, fânorâleuâphe, Fâmetâmetâmet, or Fânorleuâleuâpheânorleuâlys. FMLP also failed to induce elevations in intracellular calcium in alveolar macrophages. In 3HâFMLP binding studies, the lack of responsiveness of peritoneal and alveolar macrophages was associated with the lack of FMLP receptors on these cell types, in striking contrast to the presence of functional receptors on rat neutrophils.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141351/1/jlb0600.pd
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