438 research outputs found

    MSWord als Textlieferant für DTP-Programme

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    Diese Arbeit soll die verschiedenen derzeit möglichen Wege untersuchen, die begehbar sind, um einen Text ohne großen Nachbearbeitungsaufwand von MS Word in ein DTP-Programm zu transferieren. Die Betrachtungen werden sich ausschließlich auf textuelle Probleme beschränken, sich also nicht auf Grafik- oder Bilddaten beziehen. Die einzelnen Wege werden anhand aufgestellter Kriterien untersucht und bewertet. Daraus ergibt sich ein optimaler Weg, der abschließend begutachtet und diskutiert wird

    Exploring Nature-Based Solutions for Urban River Restoration: Insights from China's Sponge City Programme

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    In cities, river restoration is widely recognised as an essential Nature-based Solution (NbS) that delivers a wide range of benefits. However, rapid urbanisation and economic growth over the past four decades have led to the degradation of Chinese rivers. In response, the Chinese government introduced the Sponge City (SC) concept in 2013 as part of the 'Ecological Civilisation' era. The SC, considered a hybrid NbS, was designed to foster urban resilience, particularly against severe disasters such as floods. The nationwide SC Program (SCP) commenced in 2014. Since then, the number of participating cities has continued to grow. As a result, a large number of Chinese cities have been transitioning from traditional grey infrastructure to green/blue infrastructure with substantial investments, leading to the restoration, redesign and revitalization of urban rivers. Despite these efforts, there is a noticeable lack of research that examines urban river restoration from a multi-beneficial NbS perspective, a current global research trend. To address this research gap, the present study adopted a mixed-methods approach, combining expert interviews with bibliometric analysis, to explore the specific role of urban rivers as an NbS within the SC framework. Our study revealed an increasing scientific interest in urban river restoration beginning in 2013, viewing them as elements of sponge construction. Alongside this, there's a progressively nuanced understanding of rivers as multifunctional NbS. In addition, we identified specific challenges that impede the successful implementation of these NbS in Chinese cities. To overcome these barriers, we formulated a set of recommendations that are in harmony with China's new River Chief System policy and the Ecology Oriented Development (EOD) model. The aim is to enhance the sustainable governance of urban rivers as an NbS in the long term, thus contributing to overall sustainable development in China

    Mapping and characterization of vegetation units by means of Landsat imagery and management recommendations for the Pantanal of Mato Grosso (Brazil), north of Poconé

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    In the present study, remote sensing in the northern region of Poconé-MT was used to identify vegetation categories, which were then mapped and characterized. The goal in generating the map was to provide information needed to support sustainable use and to formulate conservation policies. Vegetation units were identified and classified using digital images that were taken in 1990 by the Landsat Thematic Mapperc Satellite and then processed using ERDAS software. First, the vegetation classes were systematically defined. In a preliminary interpretation of the image data, Landsat-TM bands that allowed the best visual differentiation of these classes were selected and the image was georeferenced. Routes for trips to the study area to collect truth data (training samples) for further supervised classification were then determined. These data were subsequently classified according to The System of Classification of Brazilian Vegetation (VELLOSO et al. 1991), which has been used in other physiognomic maps of the Pantanal, in order to make our results comparable to those from other mappings. In addition, some modifications of this system were made due to the particular characteristics of the Pantanal and the scale used for this map. Six classes and 16 subclasses were defined for part I of the vegetation map of Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil, specifically, the area north of Poconé. A distinction was made between the vegetation units of the Paraguayan Depression and those of the Pantanal due to the different characteristics of the vegetation from these two regions, and particularly the role played by inundation. The phytoecological region savanna (cerrado) covers a large part of the total area (53.05%) and consists of five sub-classes. Two forest classeswere identified: seasonal semideciduous forest and seasonal deciduous forest. These two phytoecological classes occupied 16.21 % of the total mapped area; 14.45% of the area has been strongly modified by humans (agriculture, pasture, gold mine, and construction); 0.80% is covered during the dry season by perennial water bodies. Based upon ground truth data and regional field experience, ten eco-zones are proposed and suggestions for sustainable management and conservation measures are discussed

    Relaunch der Zeitschrift TATuP im 25. Jahr ihres Bestehens. Erste Erfahrungen mit OJS 3.0 - Anforderungen an Artikeldesign und Nutzungsfunktionalitäten

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    Der Vortrag behandelt den Relaunch der Zeitschrift TATuP - Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, die ab 2017 als begutachtete Open Access Zeitschrift im oekom Verlag erscheint. Im Zuge dieses Relaunch wird das Open Journal System (OJS) für die redaktionellen Abläufe und für die Veröffentlichung der Artikel eingesetzt. Die bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der Version 3.0 sowie Anforderungen an das Artikeldesign werden erläutert

    Wetland Habitat Diversity in the Amazonian Piedmont of Colombia

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    Management of wetlands is often constrained by lack of a precise typology of habitats. Regional landscape attributes need to be considered in the integrative research of wetlands to allow habitat-specific management. Here we investigated the distribution and the habitat diversity of the wetlands in the Amazonian Piedmont in the Caquetá Department of Colombia. Based on the landscape approach we combined geomorphic, hydro-chemical and biotic attributes. We used remote sensing based interpretation and ground truth verification. We found 896 wetlands covering up to 11% of the study area. Our estimate of the wetland area does not reflect the true historic wetland area (occasionally flooded area) because 76.9% of the flooded active floodplain area has been converted to pastures. Including the pastures the estimated wetland area is 29.3% of the study region. We identified 7 wetland habitats. The method we applied can be used to map small and middle sized wetlands achieving an acceptable overall accuracy. These wetlands provide important ecosystem services and act as corridors for biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes such as the Caquetá region. Our results provide support for the wise use of tropical wetlands and may help to improve landscape management in the Amazon basi


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    Introduction Établie en 2014 auprès de l’Université François-Rabelais de Tours, en partenariat avec l’Université d’Angers et la Mission Val de Loire, la Chaire Unesco « Fleuves et patrimoine/River Culture », est un dispositif académique qui vise à favoriser les collaborations scientifiques et pédagogiques autour de la thématique des espaces fluviaux, de leur diversité biologique, culturelle et paysagère (www.unesco-chair-river-culture.eu..

    Mixed-effects modeling for analyzing land use change in the Brazilian Pantanal subregion of Cáceres

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    In this paper, we discuss the use of mixed-effects modeling for analyzing land use change in the Brazilian Pantanal subregion of Cáceres, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The proposed method, easily extendable to similar case studies, consisted of two steps. First, spatio-temporal data, consisting of Landsat images of the study area from 1993, 1999, 2004, 2009, and 2015, were obtained. The data are polygons with numerical data (year and area) and categorical data (land use and soil type). Second, we analyzed the data using four linear mixed models able to incorporate both the fixed and the random effects underlying the clustered data. The proposed models allowed analyzed complex data structures, such as multilevel data, taking into account particularities of each land use type as a function of the year. The models were fitted to identify land use changes over time. In particular, the point estimate of the random slope in the case of the Pasture class is 0.34, which indicates an increase of about 40% in hectare and the point estimate for the Forest is −0.32, which indicates a decrease of about 27% in hectare in next 5 years.This research was financed by the Mato Grosso State Research Foundation, Brazil (FAPEMAT)
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