94 research outputs found

    The emotional intelligence of general counsels in relation to lawyer leadership

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    Few studies have examined lawyer leaders. However, previous research has indicated that effective leaders tend to score high in emotional intelligence. This study investigated the emotional intelligence of general counsels and their beliefs about leadership of millennial lawyers. Emotional intelligence was assessed using the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i; Bar-On & Handley, 2003). Participants\u27 total mean EQ-i score was nearly identical to that of a normative sample (Bar-On, 2004a) but the current sample scored significantly higher in positive impression, assertiveness, independence, and stress tolerance. In the current sample, males scored significantly higher than females in independence, empathy, adaptability, reality-testing, and flexibility. On average, respondents believed (but not strongly) that millennial lawyers learn differently than lawyers of previous generations and that emotional intelligence and a less managerial approach can enhance leadership of millennial lawyers. Nevertheless, a high percentage reported that their companies had not made specific plans to accommodate the learning differences of millennial lawyers. There was a significant negative correlation between respondents\u27 belief that training in emotional intelligence would help them lead more effectively and both age and number of years practicing law. There was also a significant negative correlation between endorsement of the Socratic method of teaching law students and number of years practicing law (but not the respondent\u27s age). Leadership coaching/training and number of direct reports both showed significant positive correlations with company plans to accommodate the learning differences of the millennial generation

    Harmonic and Anharmonic Properties of Diamond Structure Crystals with Application to the Calculation of the Thermal Expansion of Silicon

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    Silicon has interesting harmonic and anharmonic properties such as the low lying transverse acoustic modes at the X and L points of the Brillouin zone, negative Gruneisen parameters, negative thermal expansion and anomalous acoustic attenuation. In an attempt to understand these properties, a lattice dynamical model employing long range, nonlocal, dipole-dipole interactions was developed. Analytic expression for the Gruneisen parameters of several modes are presented. These expressions explain how the negative Gruneisen parameters arise. This model is applied to the calculation of the thermal expansion of silicon from 5K to 1700K. The thermoelastic contribution to the acoustic attenuation of silicon is computed from 1 to 300 K. Strong attenuation anomalies associated with negative thermal expansion are found in the vicinity of 17K and 125K

    Fiber-optic three axis magnetometer prototype development

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    The goal of this research program was to develop a high sensitivity, fiber optic, interferometric, three-axis magnetometer for interplanetary spacecraft applications. Dynamics Technology, Inc. (DTI) has successfully integrated a low noise, high bandwidth interferometer with high sensitivity metallic glass transducers. Also, DTI has developed sophisticated signal processing electronics and complete data acquisition, filtering, and display software. The sensor was packaged in a compact, low power and weight unit which facilitates deployment. The magnetic field sensor had subgamma sensitivity and a dynamic range of 10(exp 5) gamma in a 10 Hz bandwidth. Furthermore, the vector instrument exhibited the lowest noise level when only one axis was in operation. A system noise level of 1 gamma rms was observed in a 1 Hz bandwidth. However, with the other two channels operating, the noise level increased by about one order of magnitude. Higher system noise was attributed to cross-channel interference among the dither fields

    Thermal noises and noise compensation in high-reflection multilayer coating

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    Thermal fluctuations of different origin in the substrate and in the coating of optical mirrors produce phase noise in the reflected wave. This noise determines the ultimate stabilization capability of high-Q cavities used as a reference system. In particular this noise is significant in interferometric laser gravitational wave antennas. It is shown that simple alteration of a mirror multilayer coating may provide suppression of phase noise produced by thermorefractive, thermoelastic, photothermal and thermoradiation induced fluctuations in the coating.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    SCS367 Favorita – variedade de batata-doce de polpa alaranjada

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    The objective of this study was to describe the morphological characteristcs and the total and commercial yield of a new variety of an orange-fleshed sweet potato developed by the Epagri/Estação Experimental de Ituporanga Breeding Program called SCS367 Favorita. Its branches are predominantly green, with a litle hairiness and average internodes length. Its leaves are of the lobed type with five moderate lobes and a semi-elliptcal central lobe. The mature leaves’ blade is approximately 10cm long and the color is green as well as that of the ribs. When unripe, it has purple ends, and the petole length varies around 26cm and is also green. The roots have an elongated shape, with light yellow smooth skin. The total yield of this variety reached an average of 37.1t/ha, with 78% of commercial utlizaton and average root weight of 250g. SCS367 Favorita shows great potental for adaptaton in the state of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, responding with productvity levels above the state and country average. This variety has roots with orange-colored pulp, indicatng a higher concentraton of beta-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A.O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever as característcas morfológicas e a produtividade total e comercial de uma nova variedade de batata-doce de polpa alaranjada, obtda pelo Programa de Melhoramento Genético da Epagri/Estação Experimental de Ituporanga, denominada SCS367 Favorita. Suas ramas são de coloração predominantemente verde, compequena pilosidade e comprimento médio do entrenó. As folhas são do tpo lobulado, com cinco lóbulos moderados e o lóbulo central é do tipo semielíptco. As folhas maduras possuem limbo com cerca de 10cm de comprimento e coloração verde, assim como suas nervuras. Já quando imatura, possui extremidades roxas. O comprimento do pecíolo varia em torno de 26cm e tem cor verde. Suas raízes têm formato alongado, com película lisa e de cor amarelo-clara. A produtividade total dessa variedadealcançou média de 37,1t/ha, com 78% de aproveitamento comercial e peso médio de raiz de 250g. A variedade SCS367 Favorita apresenta grande potencial de adaptação no estado de Santa Catarina, respondendo com níveis de produtvidade superiores à média do Estado e do País. Essa variedade possui raízes tuberosas com polpa de coloração alaranjada, indicando maior concentração de betacaroteno, precursor da vitamina A

    Numerical investigations of apatite ^4He/^3He thermochronometry

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    Apatite ^4He/^3He thermochronometry has the potential to constrain cooling histories for individual samples provided that several presently untested assumptions are valid. Here we simulate the sensitivity of ^4He/^3He spectra to assumptions regarding geometric model, crystallographic anisotropy, broken grain terminations, parent nuclide zonation, and the accuracy of results obtained from analyses of aggregates of multiple crystals. We find that ^4He/^3He spectra obtained from a cylinder with isotropic diffusion are almost indistinguishable from those obtained from an equivalent sphere with an equivalent initial ^4He distribution. Under similar conditions anisotropic diffusion from the cylinder can greatly bias ^4He/^3He spectra, but only if diffusion is >10 times faster in the axial than the radial direction. Existing data argue against anisotropy of this magnitude. We find that analysis of apatites with broken terminations will also bias ^4He/^3He spectra, but not greatly so. In contrast, we find that zonation of a factor of 3 in parent nuclide concentration produces ^4He/^3He spectra that deviate substantially from the homogeneous model. When parent nuclides are highly concentrated near the grain rim and/or cooling is fast, the resulting ^4He/^3He spectra will be readily identified as aberrant. However, more subtle zonation, higher concentrations in the grain interior, or samples that have cooled slowly regardless of zonation style can yield ^4He/^3He spectra that look acceptable but will lead to inaccurate thermochronometric interpretation if parent homogeneity is assumed. Finally, we find that analysis of an aggregate of crystals with identical ^4He distributions can yield ^4He/^3He spectra (and diffusion Arrhenius arrays) that are very different from those that would be obtained on the individual crystals if even small variations in He diffusion exist among the grains. Overall, our observations suggest that modeling tools that assume spherical geometry and isotropic diffusion are appropriate for interpreting apatite ^4He/^3He spectra. However, it is essential to analyze only individual crystals and to assess the degree of parent nuclide zonation in those crystals
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