194 research outputs found

    Sustainable fibre for sustainable fashion supply chains: where the journey to sustainability begins

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    Adopting a sustainable business model is an essential element of gaining competitive advantage. Specifically, the management of fashion and textile supply chains characterized by geographical extension requires paying particular attention to environmental and social sustainability. Following an analysis of the literature on sustainable supply chains in the fashion and textile industries, this qualitatively based research examines – from a supply chain perspective – the sustainability initiatives implemented by a yarn and garment producer through a single case study. Subsequently, the classification of potential sustainability initiatives is presented. From this investigation, several good practices for sustainable fashion supply chains can be identified, providing a reference point for similar companies. Keywords: sustainable fashion supply chain, sustainable textiles, closed loop supply chai

    Cross-collaborative supply chains. How logistics services contribute to social responsibility.

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    Abstract Purpose - The collaboration between profit and nonprofit entities has become a burning topic in supply chain management studies and corporate strategies. The world’s largest logistics service providers (LSPs) have been developing several practices improving social responsibility while collaborating with nonprofit actors. In particular, their core competences and offered services become extremely relevant in the context of humanitarian logistics initiatives. A key purpose of this article is to examine the projects currently undertaken by LSPs in humanitarian logistics. Methodology/Approach - This research follows a qualitative approach based on multiple case studies. Findings - The paper provides an overview of the leading LSPs’ involvement in humanitarian logistics and presents an analysis of their current “best practices” services in disaster relief with high impact in terms of social responsibility. Research Limitations/implications - There has been increased interest on the part of international academic and professional communities in humanitarian logistics. This study constitutes a platform for benchmarking analysis of logistics services to assure effective implementation of social responsibility principles. Originality/Value of paper - Humanitarian logistics is a rather new field in logistics management. This paper addresses the innovative socially responsible initiatives undertaken by the main international LSPs in the area of humanitarian logistics. Keywords - logistics services, logistics service providers, humanitarian logistics and supply chain management, disaster relief, social responsibility, profit/nonprofit collaboration Type of paper - Research pape

    Sustainable supply chain management needs sustainable logistics services. The strategic role played by logistics service providers

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    Purpose – The purpose of this research is to examine the concept of sustainable service co-creation in triadic business relationships in logistics and supply chain management. More companies seek to develop sustainable solutions that would not be sustainable exclusively for themselves but for the supply chain they belong to. In doing that – especially when dealing with services – they may need the external support from logistics service providers (LSPs). This paper aims to explore the innovative initiatives undertaken by LSPs in triadic relationship management with their customers and suppliers while co-creating sustainable services along the supply chain. Design/methodology/approach – To investigate the research question, a systematic literature review and empirical exploratory investigation through case study will be conducted adopting the qualitative methodology, to explore trends and evolving paradigms. Findings – A literature review conducted in this paper enriches existing literature through an integration of sustainability in a viable system approach and logistics service provision, in particular, it investigates the ways in which sustainability is achieved. It is assumed that the triadic relationship among an LSP and its customers and suppliers requires significant modifications in collaboration and an innovative approach in operating procedures. Research limitations/implications – This paper is an exploratory study and limited in its scope to an example of a relationship that focuses mainly on three actors: the supplier, the LSP and the customer. However, it could be extended in terms of numbers of case studies investigated. Practical implications – The implications arising from the literature and the empirical research offer a range of current sustainable practices in the services sector. This could be a starting point for other research and company activities. Originality/value – There is little research that addresses the issue of sustainability and logistics service providers simultaneously, hence the present paper is meant to fill the gap by providing a foundation which actors of different supply chains could use as a benchmark. This study gives evidence of how logistics services may contribute to sustainable development. Key words – sustainable supply chain management, logistics service providers, viable system approach, co-creation, business relationship managemen

    Gestione sostenibile della supply chain: ruoli, attori e strumenti. Un’indagine esplorativa sulle supply chain del tessile-abbigliamento

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    Il presente lavoro si propone di indagare un’evoluzione degli approcci alle tematiche relative alla sostenibilità, ponendo in evidenza come nel corso degli ultimi anni, la sua gestione sia divenuta una prerogativa dell’intera catena di fornitura piuttosto che di una singola impresa. Nonostante sia stato ampiamente evidenziato in letteratura che la sostenibilità perseguita a livello strategico da un'unica impresa sia una condizione importante, questa tesi dimostra la necessità di andare oltre tale visione che si rivela essere non più sufficiente nell’era dell’economia globale. Ciò vuol dire che l’impresa che vuole gestire con successo la supply chain sostenibile e ottenere maggiori benefici deve considerare il grado con cui anche i partner commerciali realizzano il business responsabile (Dyllick e Hockerts, 2002; Bai e Sarkis, 2010). Questo a conferma del fatto che “sustainability to be durable, companies must ‘‘build’’ beyond their own borders” (Ageron et al., 2011, p.169). Considerando anche che gli attori delle supply chain qui analizzati operano all’interno di contesti più ampi, l’implementazione e il management delle pratiche da loro promosse, dovrebbe assumere una visione più estesa allo scopo di guardare oltre una singola impresa e orientare gli sforzi verso l’industria di riferimento nel suo insieme. Il lavoro è strutturato in 3 parti. Nella prima parte sono state evidenziate le relazioni che intercorrono tra l’impresa e quella che in senso lato viene detta sostenibilità. Questo approfondimento introduttivo si è reso necessario per comprendere come l’impresa possa coniugare i comportamenti responsabili al suo interno per poi diffonderli nelle supply chain di riferimento. Infatti, l’obiettivo del secondo capitolo, dopo una descrizione dei trend nello scenario competitivo attuale, è quello di porre in evidenza i principali processi nei quali le supply chain sono attualmente coinvolte e discutere gli strumenti che le imprese possono adottare per diffondere le pratiche sostenibili all’interno delle catene di fornitura. In tal senso è stato evidenziato come il servizio logistico può contribuire alla gestione sostenibile della supply chain in virtù della loro presenza durante l’espletamento di diversi processi. L’ultima parte della tesi, sviluppata anche durante il periodo di ricerca all’estero presso il Social Innovation Center dell’Insead (Fontainbleau), analizza il contributo delle supply chain operanti nel settore tessile-abbigliamento allo sviluppo sostenibile. In questa parte sono stati rappresentati i primi risultati della ricerca condotta, progettata e sviluppata dall’autore insieme alla Sustainable Apparel Coalition (associazione no profit di riferimento in ambito internazionale per i diversi membri della supply chain nella misurazione delle performance di sostenibilità). Nella presente tesi confluiscono alcune tematiche precedentemente approfondite nel corso di dottorato di ricerca insieme agli articoli pubblicati sulle riviste nazionali e internazionali e contributi a convegni nazionali e internazionali

    Reporting di sostenibilità degli operatori logistici in Europa: analisi degli indicatori

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    Obiettivi: L’affermazione di una nuova concezione del valore, basata sulle qualità e non sull’insostenibile aumento delle quantità di merci e consumi, induce gli operatori logistici alla ricerca di azioni che possano essere nel contempo economicamente efficienti ed efficaci, ecologicamente sopportabili e socialmente giuste. Il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di investigare e identificare le azioni sostenibili - economiche, ambientali e sociali - intraprese dagli operatori logistici. Metodologia: Il quadro teorico è stato costruito attraverso lo studio della letteratura accademica nazionale e internazionale. La parte empirica è stata sviluppata attraverso l’analisi dei più recenti report di sostenibilità degli operatori logistici operanti in Europa, redatti secondo gli standard della Global Reporting Initiative. Risultati: Gli operatori logistici possono contribuire in modo significativo al cambiamento paradigmatico in atto, facilitando e favorendo, in qualità di fornitori di servizi, il raggiungimento della sostenibilità della supply chain. Limiti della ricerca: Il presente lavoro costituisce la fase preliminare di un più approfondito progetto di ricerca che indaghi le iniziative di sostenibilità degli operatori logistici a livello mondiale e che consideri un arco temporale di osservazione utile a tracciare il trend in atto. Implicazioni pratiche: Sia l’accademia che il mondo professionale possono trovare utile l’analisi della letteratura sul tema e i primi risultati ottenuti, in quanto sono posti in evidenzia i principali tratti di sostenibilità degli operatori logistici che già hanno intrapreso il percorso verso la sostenibilità. Originalità del lavoro: Gli studi della letteratura esistente sugli operatori logistici e la sostenibilità si basano quasi esclusivamente sulla sostenibilità ambientale e l’ecoefficienza, mentre manca un approccio sistemico capace di superare i problemi odierni mediante la valorizzazione della multidimensionalità. Il lavoro contribuisce a colmare questo gap

    Peritoneal Fluid Transport rather than Peritoneal Solute Transport Associates with Dialysis Vintage and Age of Peritoneal Dialysis Patients

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    During peritoneal dialysis (PD), the peritoneal membrane undergoes ageing processes that affect its function. Here we analyzed associations of patient age and dialysis vintage with parameters of peritoneal transport of fluid and solutes, directly measured and estimated based on the pore model, for individual patients. Thirty-three patients (15 females; age 60 (21–87) years; median time on PD 19 (3–100) months) underwent sequential peritoneal equilibration test. Dialysis vintage and patient age did not correlate. Estimation of parameters of the two-pore model of peritoneal transport was performed. The estimated fluid transport parameters, including hydraulic permeability (LpS), fraction of ultrasmall pores (αu), osmotic conductance for glucose (OCG), and peritoneal absorption, were generally independent of solute transport parameters (diffusive mass transport parameters). Fluid transport parameters correlated whereas transport parameters for small solutes and proteins did not correlate with dialysis vintage and patient age. Although LpS and OCG were lower for older patients and those with long dialysis vintage, αu was higher. Thus, fluid transport parameters—rather than solute transport parameters—are linked to dialysis vintage and patient age and should therefore be included when monitoring processes linked to ageing of the peritoneal membrane

    FK 506 pre-treatment is associated with reduced levels of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 6 following hepatic ischemia/reperfusion

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    Using a rat model, the effect of pre-treatment with FK 506 on hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury was investigated. All control animals died within 72 h of the ischemia/reperfusion injury. Pre-treatment of the animals with FK 506 (0.3 mg/kg in 0.5 ml saline) administered intravenously improved survival. The most striking protection against fatal ischemia/reperfusion injury was achieved in rats that were given FK 506 6 and 24 h prior to the induction of the hepatic ischemic insult (70% and 80% 10-day survival rates, respectively). The hepatoprotective effect of FK 506 was assessed further in a second experiment in which the serum levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) were measured. These results suggest that a 60-min period of hepatic ischemia and subsequent reperfusion triggers the release of both TNF and IL-6, and that FK 506 pre-treatment (6 h before the ischemic episode) significantly inhibits the production and/or release of these two cytokines compared to untreated controls. These data provide additional information concerning the immunosuppressive and hepatoprotective activities of FK 506. Based upon these data, it is probable that FK 506 attenuates hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury, at least in part, by reducing TNF and IL-6 levels. © 1993 Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Thrombocytopenia in pregnant women

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    Thrombocytopenia is one of the two most common hematological problems in pregnant women. It is defined as the platelet (PLT) count below 150 × 103/μL. Gestational incidental thrombocytopenia (GIT) represents about 75% of thrombocytopenia cases in pregnancy and it is believed that GIT is secondary to accelerated platelet destruction and increased plasma volume associated with pregnancy. The pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia and its most severe form — HELLP syndrome account for 20% cases of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy and primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) — for 3–4 percent. During ITP, maternal antiplatelet antibodies can pass through the placenta and bind to fetal thrombocytes leading to the development of fetal thrombocytopenia which occurs in about 50% cases. Even if the maternal platelet count stabilizes, the estimated fetal and neonatal risk of thrombocytopenia in ITP is approximately 30%. Other types of thrombocytopenia in pregnant women constitute 1–2% of cases (disseminated intravascular coagulation, autoimmunological diseases, congenital, infection and drug-related, concomitant with blood neoplastic diseases). Although thrombocytopenia in pregnant women usually has a mild course, in case of a significant decrease in PLT count may lead to dangerous bleeding, especially when the platelet count falls below 20 × 103/μL.Since it is important to identify the cause of thrombocytopenia and to determine the risk for both the mother and the child, this paper presents the influence of maternal thrombocytopenia on the pregnancy course as well as its etiology and diagnostics. The treatment principles are discussed

    Global Activation of CD8+ Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Correlates with an Impairment in Regulatory T Cells in Patients with Generalized Vitiligo

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    Melanocyte-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play a pivotal role in vitiligo-induced depigmentation. Yet, the mechanisms underlying the high frequency of generalized autoimmune disorders associated with generalized vitiligo (GV) are unknown. We hypothesized that an imbalance between activated CD8+ CTLs and regulatory T cells (Tregs) exists in patients with GV . Assessment of the circulating CD8+ CTLs and Tregs by flow cytometric analysis revealed an obvious expansion of CD8+ CTLs and a concomitant decrease in Treg cells in GV patients. The percentages of skin infiltrating CD8+ CTLs and Tregs were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and revealed dramatically increased numbers of both CD8+ CTLs and Tregs in the perilesional skin of GV patients. However, peripheral Tregs were impaired in their ability to suppress the proliferation and cytolytic capacity of autologous CD8+ T cells, suggesting that a functional failure of Tregs and the hyper-activation of CD8+ CTLs may contribute to progressive GV. Our data indicate that reduced numbers and impaired function of natural Tregs fail to control the widespread activation of CD8+ CTLs, which leads to the destruction of melanocytes and contributes to the elevated frequency of various associated autoimmune diseases. This knowledge furthers our understanding of the mechanisms of immune tolerance that are impaired in GV patients and may aid in the future development of effective immunotherapy for GV patients

    Cryo-EM model validation recommendations based on outcomes of the 2019 EMDataResource challenge

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    This paper describes outcomes of the 2019 Cryo-EM Model Challenge. The goals were to (1) assess the quality of models that can be produced from cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) maps using current modeling software, (2) evaluate reproducibility of modeling results from different software developers and users and (3) compare performance of current metrics used for model evaluation, particularly Fit-to-Map metrics, with focus on near-atomic resolution. Our findings demonstrate the relatively high accuracy and reproducibility of cryo-EM models derived by 13 participating teams from four benchmark maps, including three forming a resolution series (1.8 to 3.1 Å). The results permit specific recommendations to be made about validating near-atomic cryo-EM structures both in the context of individual experiments and structure data archives such as the Protein Data Bank. We recommend the adoption of multiple scoring parameters to provide full and objective annotation and assessment of the model, reflective of the observed cryo-EM map density