25 research outputs found

    Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip During Pregnancy

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    Transient Osteoporosis is a well organised form ofregional osteoporosis, though rare. It affects the activitiesof daily living by its extended course of the disease anddisproportionate pain of the affected joint, even though itresolves spontaneously with a benign course. If notrecognised, the presentation can be alarming both clinicallyand radiologically1. Curtis and Kincaid2 introduced theterm “transient demineralisation of the hip” referring to arapidly developing, painful local osteoporosis of limitednature but of unexplained patho-physiology. Later on,Lequesne3 coined the term, transient osteoporosis of thehip in 1968.Transient osteoporosis can occur at any age, and in eithersex, but most commonly occurs in women during the thirdtrimester of pregnancy and in middle-aged men1. Hip isthe most commonly affected joint, though migratorypattern may affect the contra-lateral hip joint or the ankleand foot joints. Higher incidence of transient osteoporosishas been reported in patients with osteogenesis imperfect.Here, we report a case of transient osteoporosis affectingthe hip joint during the third trimester of pregnancy

    Equity in HIV/AIDS management and prophylaxis: How free is the free ART program in India?

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    The concern for most public health policies and decision-makers is the equitable distribution of the nation’s healthcare resources. Also, in the public health care system, the primary aim is assuaging the burden of the disease. This study captures and evaluates some important health equity aspects with its relevance with the ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) program in India. The study is an exploratory and descriptive study based on secondary data. The sources of secondary data are published official reports from NACO (National AIDS Control Organization), United Nations AIDS Program (UNAIDS), World Health Organization (WHO) etc. The roll-out of the ART program in 2004 by the Govt. of India made a paradigm shift in the HIV/AIDS scenario in the country. “The adult HIV prevalence at the national level has continued its steady decline from an estimated level of 0.41% in 2001 through 0.35% in 2006 to 0.27% in 2011”. Equity in plain words means fairness. In the sense of health policy and HIV/AIDS studies, the reduction in prevalence rate equates to positive health equity. The enervation of HIV infection by taking ART drugs had helped in curbing the prevalence and the fact that it is provided free of cost has proven this program to be the epitome of distributive justice in public health

    Prevalence of peripheral neuropathy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics

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    ABSTRACT Our objective was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of peripheral neuropathy in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. One hundred newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients attending Diabetes Clinic, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal were randomly selected for clinical and electrophysiological studies for diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy was evaluated by using Neuropathy Symptoms Score (NSS), Neuropathy Disability Score (NDS) and Nerve Conduction Studies (NCV) and the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy was made when two or more of the three abnormalities of NSS, NDS and NCV were present. 29 patients (29%), 17 males (28%) and 12 females (31%) of the 100 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients had peripheral neuropathy. Multiple logistic regression analysis shows that duration of diabetes has maximum contribution and age, systolic blood pressure and blood glucose have some contribution to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy

    Angle-dependent strong-field ionization and fragmentation of carbon dioxide measured using rotational wave packets

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    In this work, we experimentally study the angle-dependent single ionization of carbon dioxide (CO2) by linearly and circularly polarized pulses. The angle dependence of the ionization probability by linearly polarized pulses extracted from time-domain measurements on an impulsively excited rotational wave packet is compared with data obtained from a direct angle-scan measurement. The results from the measurement with linear and circular polarization are consistent with the adiabatic ionization approximation. We extend the time-domain method to extract the dependence of the asymptotic momentum distribution of fragment ions on the orientation of the molecular axis, and apply it to investigate dissociative double ionization of CO2. We show that such measurements can directly test the validity of the axial recoil approximation

    U-Pb and Hf isotope study of detrital zircon and Cr-spinel in the Banavara quartzite and implications for the evolution of the Dharwar Craton, south India

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    The Sargur Group has been considered to be the oldest group (>3.0 Ga) in the Archaean sequence of the Dharwar Craton in south India, whereas the rocks of the Dharwar Supergroup are younger (between 3.0 and 2.55 Ga). The supracrustal units of the Sargur Group were deposited during the Archaean period. The Banavara quartzite forms part of the supracrustal Sargur Group and contains significant amounts of chromian spinel (Cr-spinel). Here, U\u2013Pb and Hf isotopes of detrital zircons are integrated with compositional data and X-ray refinement parameters for Cr-spinels to decipher the provenance of the metasediments. Zircons show an age spectrum from 3.15 to 2.50 Ga, and juvenile Hf isotopic compositions (\u3f5Hf = \ufe0.8 to\ufe6.4) with model ages between 3.3 and 3.0 Ga. Major- and trace-element contents of the Cr-spinels do not resemble those in the Sargur ultramafic rocks, but resemble well-characterized Archaean anorthosite-hosted chromites. Cr-spinel trace-element signatures indicate that they have undergone secondary alteration or metamorphism. X-ray refinement parameters for the Cr-spinels also resemble the anorthosite-hosted chromites. We conclude that the detrital minerals were probably derived from gneissic and anorthositic rocks of the Western Dharwar Craton, and that the Sargur Group sequences have experienced a younger (2.5 Ga) metamorphic overprint

    Angle-dependent strong-field ionization and fragmentation of carbon dioxide measured using rotational wave packets

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    In this work, we experimentally study the angle-dependent single ionization of carbon dioxide (CO2) by linearly and circularly polarized pulses. The angle dependence of the ionization probability by linearly polarized pulses extracted from time-domain measurements on an impulsively excited rotational wave packet is compared with data obtained from a direct angle-scan measurement. The results from the measurement with linear and circular polarization are consistent with the adiabatic ionization approximation. We extend the time-domain method to extract the dependence of the asymptotic momentum distribution of fragment ions on the orientation of the molecular axis, and apply it to investigate dissociative double ionization of CO2. We show that such measurements can directly test the validity of the axial recoil approximation