14 research outputs found


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    Advances in semiconductor process technology have resulted in various aging issues in field operation of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) circuits. For example, HCI (Hot carrier injection), BTI (Bias Temperature Instability), TDDB (Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown) are well-known aging phenomena, and they can increase the circuit delay resulting in serious reliability problems. In order to avoid system failures caused by aging, recent design usually sets a certain timing margin in operational frequency of the circuit. However, it is difficult to determine the size of the proper timing margin because of the difficulty of prediction of its aging speed in actual use that is related to operational environment. Pessimistic prediction may result in performance sacrificing although it will improve the reliability of the system. BIST-based field test is a promising way to guarantee the reliability of the circuit through detecting the aging-induced faults during the circuit operation. However, the field test has a limitation on test application time, which makes it difficult to achieve high test quality. Therefore an effective test application method at field is required. In addition to the requirement of short test application time, the BIST-based field test requires performing at-speed testing in order to detect timing-related defects. However, it is well known that power dissipation during testing is much higher than that in normal circuit operation. Because excessive power dissipation causes higher IR-drop and higher temperature, it results in delay increase during testing, and in turn, causing false at-speed testing and yield loss. While many low power test methods have been proposed to tackle the test power issue, inadequate test power reduction and lower fault coverage still remain as important issues. Moreover, low power testing that just focuses on power reduction is insufficient. When the test power is reduced to a very low level, a timing-related defect may be missed by the test, and a defective circuit will appear to be a good part passing the test. Therefore, appropriate test power control is necessary though it was out of considering in the existing methods. In this dissertation, we first proposed a new test application to satisfy the limitation of short test application time for BIST-based field test, and then we proposed a new low power BIST scheme that focuses on controlling the test power to a specified value for improving the field test quality. In chapter 3, a new field test application method named “rotating test” is presented in which a set of generated test patterns to detect aging-induced faults is partitioned into several subsets, and apply each subset in one test session at field. In order to maximize the test quality for rotating test, we proposed test partitioning methods that refer to two items: First one aims at maximizing fault coverage of each subset obtained by partitioning. Second one aims at minimizing the detection time interval of all faults in rotating test to avoid system failures. Experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed partitioning methods. In chapter 4, we proposed a new low power BIST scheme which can control the scan-in power, scan-out power and capture power while keeping test coverage at high level. In this scheme, a new circuit called pseudo low-pass filter (PLPF) is developed for scan-in power control, and a multi-cycle capture test technique is employed to reduce the capture power. In order to control scan-out power dissipated by test responses, we proposed a novel method that selects some flip-flops in scan chains at logic design phase, and fills the selected flip-flops with proper values before starting scan-shift operation so as to reduce the switching activity associated with scan-out. The experimental results for ISCAS-89 and ITC-99 benchmark circuits show that significant scan-in power reduction rate (the original rate of 50% is reduced to 7~8%) and capture power reduction rate (the original rate of 20% is reduced to 6~7%) were derived. With the scan-out controlling method, the scan-out power can be reduced from 17.2% to 8.4%, which could not be achieved by the conventional methods. Moreover, in order to control the test power to the specified rate to accommodate the various test power requirements. A scan-shift power controlling scheme was also discussed. It showed the capability of controlling any scan-shift toggle rate between 6.7% and 50%.九州工業大学博士学位論文 学位記番号:情工博甲第289号 学位授与年月日:平成26年3月25日1. INTRODUCTION|2. PRELIMINARY|3. BIST-BASED FIELD ROTATING TEST FOR AGING-INDUCED FAULT DETECTION|4. TEST POWER REDUCTION FOR LOGIC-BIST|5. SUMMARY九州工業大学平成25年

    A Scan-Out Power Reduction Method for Multi-Cycle BIST

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    High test power in logic BIST is a serious problem not only for production test, but also for board test, system debug or field test. Many low power BIST approaches that focus on scan-shift power or capture power have been proposed. However, it is known that a half of scan-shift power is compensated by test responses, which is difficult to control in those approaches. This paper proposes a novel approach that directly reduces scan-out power by modifying some flip-flops\u27 values in scan chains at the last capture. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces scan-out power up to 30% with little loss of test coverage.2012 IEEE 21st Asian Test Symposium, 19-22 Nov. 2012, Niigata, Japa

    On Flip-Flop Selection for Multi-cycle Scan Test with Partial Observation in Logic BIST

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    Multi-cycle test with partial observation for scan-based logic BIST is known as one of effective methods to improve fault coverage without increase of test time. In the method, the selection of flip-flops for partial observation is critical to achieve high fault coverage with small area overhead. This paper proposes a selection method under the limitation to a number of flip-flops. The method consists of structural analysis of CUT and logic simulation of test vectors, therefore, it provides an easy implementation and a good scalability. Experimental results on benchmark circuits show that the method obtains higher fault coverage with less area overhead than the original method. Also the relation between the number of selected flip-flops and fault coverage is investigated.27th IEEE ASIAN TEST SYMPOSIUM (ATS\u2718), 15-18 October 2018, Hefei, Chin

    A Flexible Power Control Method for Right Power Testing of Scan-Based Logic BIST

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    High power dissipation during scan-based logic BIST is a crucial problem that leads to over-testing. Although controlling test power of a circuit under test (CUT) to an appropriate level is strongly required, it is not easy to control test power in BIST. This paper proposes a novel power controlling method to control the toggle rate of the patterns to an arbitrary level by modifying pseudo random patterns generated by a TPG (Test Pattern Generator) of logic BIST. While many approaches have been proposed to control the toggle rate of the patterns, the proposed approach can provide higher fault coverage. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can control toggle rates to a predetermined target level and modified patterns can achieve high fault coverage without increasing test time.2016 IEEE 25th Asian Test Symposium (ATS), 21-24 Nov. 2016, Hiroshima, Japa

    A Flexible Scan-in Power Control Method in Logic BIST and Its Evaluation with TEG Chips

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    High power dissipation in scan-based logic built-in self-test (LBIST) is a crucial issue that can cause over-testing, reliability degradation, chip damage, and so on. While many sophisticated approaches to low-power testing have been proposed in the past, it remains a serious problem to control the test power of LBIST to a predetermined appropriate level that matches the power requirements of the circuit-under-test. This paper proposes a novel power-control method for LBIST that can control the scan-shift power to an arbitrary level. The proposed method modifies pseudo-random patterns generated by an embedded test pattern generator (TPG) so that the modified patterns have the specific toggle rate without sacrificing fault coverage and test time. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, this paper shows not only simulation-based experimental results but also measurement results on test element group (TEG) chips

    Low Power BIST for Scan-Shift and Capture Power

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    Low-power test technology has been investigated deeply to achieve an accurate and efficient testing. Although many sophisticated methods are proposed for scan-test, there are not so many for logic BIST because of its uncontrollable randomness. However, logic BIST currently becomes vital for system debug or field test. This paper proposes a novel low power BIST technology that reduces shift-power by eliminating the specified high-frequency parts of vectors and also reduces capture power. The authors show that the proposed technology not only reduces test power but also keeps test coverage with little loss.2012 IEEE 21st Asian Test Symposium, 19-22 Nov. 2012, Niigata, Japa

    A Scan-Out Power Reduction Method for Multi-Cycle BIST

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    Low Power BIST for Scan-Shift and Capture Power

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