488 research outputs found


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    Abstract in Chinese: 在市场经济与道德关系问题上,学界存在市场经济与道德“划界论”和“互斥论”的思想。本文在疏理与条陈道德行为与非道德行为、道德行为与道德的行为、道德的超功利与功利、自律与他律关系基础上,对“划界说”和“互斥论”进行了深入分析与驳论,提出并全面阐释了“统一论”的思想。 Abstract in English: There are two different theories regarding the relationship between market economics and morality. According to the Mutual Ex-clusion Theory, market economics is immoral and should be abandoned. According to the Delimitation Theory, market economics is amoral and cannot be evaluated with moral standards. Analyzing the relationship between moral behavior and amoral behavior, moral super utility and utility, autonomy and heteronomy, this paper argues against these two theories and put forward and explains a Unified Theory on the relation-ship between market economics and morality. [pp. 49-50

    Método de Galerkin descontínuo para dois problemas de convecção-difusão

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. JinYun YuanCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. Yujiang WuTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Matemática. Defesa: Curitiba, 03/09/2015Inclui referências : f. 82-86Resumo: Nesta tese consideramos dois tipos de problemas de convecção-difusão, a saber, as equações de Navier-Stokes para meios incompressíveis e dependentes do tempo e as equações de convecção-difusão espaço-fracionária em duas dimensões. Para as equações de Navier-Stokes usamos o método das características para linearizar equações não-lineares e introduzimos uma variável auxiliar para reduzir a equação de ordem alta a um sistema de primeira ordem. Escolhendo-se cuidadosamente os fluxos numéricos e adicionando os termos de penalização propomos um método de Galerkin descontínuo característico local (CLDG) simétrico e estável. Com essa simetria, é fácil provar estabilidade numérica e estimativas de erros. Experimentos numéricos são realizados para verificar os resultados teóricos. Para os problemas de convecção-difusão espaço-fracionária ainda utilizamos o método das características para tratar a derivada no tempo e os termos convectivos conjuntamente. Para o termo fracionário introduzimos algumas variáveis auxiliares para decompor a derivada de Riemann-Liouville na integral de Riemann-Liouville e na derivada de ordem inteira. Em seguida um método de Galerkin descontínuo hibridizado (HDG) 'e proposto. Finalmente usamos os métodos analíticos para realizar a análise de estabilidade e estimativas de convergência do esquema HDG. Pelo nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro trabalho que combina o método de Galerkin descontínuo característico às equações de Navier-Stokes e às equações convecção-difusão espaço-fracionária em 2D. Estes esquemas também podem ser aplicados e estudados em outros problemas. Os resultados numéricos são consistentes com os resultados teóricos. Palavras-chave: método das características; método de Galerkin descontínuo; equações de Navier-Stokes; equações de convecção-difusão espaço-fracionária.Abstract: In this thesis, we consider two kinds of convection-diffusion problems, namely the classical time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and the space-fractional convection-diffusion equations in two dimensions. For Navier-Stokes equations, we use the method of characteristics to make nonlinear equations linear, and we introduce an auxiliary variable to reduce high-order equation to one order system. Carefully choosing numerical fluxes and adding penalty terms, a stable and symmetric characteristic local discontinuous Galerkin (CLDG) method is proposed. With this symmetry, it is easy to perform numerical stability and error estimates. Numerical experiments are performed to verify theoretical results. For the space-fractional convection-diffusion problems, we still use the method of characteristics to tackle the time derivative and convective terms together. For the fractional term, we introduce some auxiliary variables to split the Riemann-Liouville derivative into Riemann-Liouville integral and integer order derivative. Thus a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method (HDG) is proposed. Finally we use general analytic methods to perform the stability analysis and convergence estimates of the HDG scheme. As far as we know, this is the first time the discontinuous Galerkin method and the method of characteristics are combined to numerically solve the Navier-Stokes equations and space-fractional convection-diffusion equations in 2D. These schemes can be applied and further studied into other problems as well. The numerical results are consistent with theoretical results. Keywords: method of characteristics; discontinuous Galerkin method; Navier-Stokes equations; space-fractional convection-diffusion equations

    Tunable Single-, Dual- and Multi-wavelength Fibre Lasers by Using Twin Core Fibre-based Filters

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    Tunable fibre lasers draw intensive attention because their emission wavelength can be systematically tuned within a certain spectral range, which allows using a single laser source instead of several sources. This is convenient and cost-effective for many applications in a range of fields, such as telecom, material processing, microscopy, medicine and imaging and so on. The laser wavelength can be tuned in a certain range of wavelength by inserting wavelength-selective elements into the laser’s optical cavity. This chapter describes the twin core fibre (TCF)-based filters, which work as the wavelength-selective element. They are introduced into the ring cavity to implement tunable single-, dual- and multi-wavelength fibre lasers. First, we deduced the coupled-mode theory of TCF-based filter. Second, we experimentally and numerically characterized the optical properties of TCF-based filters including free spectral range, polarization dependence, strain effect and bending effect. Finally, we investigated three tunable fibre lasers which operate at single-, dual- and multi-wavelengths, respectively. The operation mechanism of the fibre lasers mainly involved the elastic-optic effect, polarization hole burning effect and non-linear optical loop mirror. We emphasized the tuning mechanism and the tuning characteristics of the tunable fibre lasers

    Growing Typhoon Influence on East Asia

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    Numerical model studies have suggested that the ongoing global warming will likely affect tropical cyclone activity. But so far little observed evidence has been detected to support the projected future changes. Using satellite-supported best-track data from 1965 to 2003, we show for the first time that over the past four decades the two prevailing typhoon tracks in the western North Pacific (WNP) have shifted westward significantly; the typhoon activity over the South China Sea has considerably decreased; and East Asia has experienced increasing typhoon influence. Our trajectory model simulation indicates that the long-term shifts in the typhoon tracks result primarily from the changes in the mean translation velocity of typhoons or the large-scale steering flow, which is associated with the westward expansion and strengthening of the WNP subtropical high

    An entropy-based improved k-top scoring pairs (TSP) method for classifying human cancers

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    Classification and prediction of different cancers based on gene-expression profiles are important for cancer diagnosis, cancer treatment and medication discovery. However, most data in the gene expression profile are not able to make a contribution to cancer classification and prediction. Hence, it is important to find the key genes that are relevant. An entropy-based improved k-top scoring pairs (TSP) (Ik-TSP) method was presented in this study for the classification and prediction of human cancers based on gene-expression data. We compared Ik-TSP classifiers with 5 different machine learning methods and the k-TSP method based on 3 different feature selection methods on 9 binary class gene expression datasets and 10 multi-class gene expression datasets involving human cancers. Experimental results showed that the Ik-TSP method had higher accuracy. The experimental results also showed that the proposed method can effectively find genes that are important for distinguishing different cancer and cancer subtype.Key words: Cancer classification, gene expression, k-TSP, information entropy, gene selection

    Working Mechanism and Structure of Customer Services Support System

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    On the basis of analyzing customer services of manufacturing enterprises and these supporting requires, using the method of discrete system simulating, the paper provides the classifications of customer services suitable information technology supporting, brings forward the working mechanisms suitable to the supporting system of different kinds of customer services and the relevant system structure


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    Abstract in Chinese: 在企业何以具有社会责任的价值理由的分析中,学界多从经济学和法学的视阈进行论证,缺乏伦理学独立性的价值分析。本文从人性的精神特质、经济活动的人本目的性、经济活动方式的人道归属性、意志自由与责任的对应性,着力分析了伦理学为企业社会责任提供的理论支撑。Abstract in English: The academics usually argue that enterprises have value reasons to perform corporate social responsibility, from the point view of economics and law, which lacks dependent ethical value analysis. This paper analyses the theoretical support of ethics on corporate social responsibility from four aspects: the spirits of human nature, the human purpose of economic activity, the human belongingness of economic activity and the correspondence of will freedom with responsibility. [pp. 245-246