5,119 research outputs found

    The effect of voice emotion response on brand recall by gender

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    This research collaborates with researchers in the field of human-computer interaction and suggests an alternative method: the voice emotion response in Mandarin Chinese and analyse the effect of voice emotion responses on brand recall by gender in Taiwan. The bibliographic revision was submitted to a scientometric analysis through CiteSpace. Voice emotion software and an audio-recording equipment were conducted in a laboratory and field environment and the results were analysed through Optimal Data Analysis. Brand recall in Mandarin speech is positively associated with emotions and vary by products according to gender. Men have better recall scores when related to cars, whereas women scored higher when dealing with soft drinks and fast-food. This paper provides opportunities for companies to improve customer relationships. Marketers involved with advertising have this body of knowledge to capture consumers’emotions toward their products and services on which to base their marketing intelligence gathering and strategic planning.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evidential Communities for Complex Networks

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    Community detection is of great importance for understand-ing graph structure in social networks. The communities in real-world networks are often overlapped, i.e. some nodes may be a member of multiple clusters. How to uncover the overlapping communities/clusters in a complex network is a general problem in data mining of network data sets. In this paper, a novel algorithm to identify overlapping communi-ties in complex networks by a combination of an evidential modularity function, a spectral mapping method and evidential c-means clustering is devised. Experimental results indicate that this detection approach can take advantage of the theory of belief functions, and preforms good both at detecting community structure and determining the appropri-ate number of clusters. Moreover, the credal partition obtained by the proposed method could give us a deeper insight into the graph structure

    Compatibility Issues With Irregular Current Injection Islanding Detection Methods in Multi-DG Units Equipped With Grid-Connected Transformers

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    Compatibility issues with irregular current injection islanding detection methods are actually the problem that some irregular currents at the same frequency injected into the same line may cancel each other out and then the islanding detection may be impaired, which have been discussed under direct couple conditions (i.e., conditions without grid-connected transformers) in the literature. This article analyzes the issues under the opposite conditions where distributed generation (DG) units are equipped with grid-connected transformers, and is aimed at finding a solution. The analysis derives the setting formulas of key parameters for both three-phase and single-phase DG units, and shows that considering fault tolerance and practicability, only specific frequencies can be used for irregular currents. The usable frequencies are different under different cases. These conclusions are different from those based on direct couple conditions. By summarizing the conclusions based on conditions with grid-connected transformers achieved in this article and those based on direct couple conditions in the literature, a complete solution to compatibility issues is obtained. The conclusions in this article have been verified by the experiments and simulations at the end of this article

    Problems in the classic frequency shift islanding detection methods applied to energy storage converters and a coping strategy

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    This paper first derives a usable formula based on the parallel R, L, C load and the conclusions from frequency shift islanding detection methods in current literature: the angle by which the total output current of the distributed resources (DR) units leads the point of common coupling (PCC) voltage must be conducted to have the same shifting direction as the load admittance angle during the variation of the frequency. On the basis of the formula and multi-DR operation, the scenarios in which the classic frequency shift methods are applied to energy storage converters are analyzed. The results indicate that the setting of the angle by which the energy storage converter current leads the PCC voltage may need to be modified when running state changes. It results in the problems that the classic methods are not applicable for non-UPF (unity power factor) control and have to distinguish between generation mode and consumption mode for UPF control. On account of the problems, a coping strategy, i.e. an improved method, is proposed. The analyses indicate that the improved method is applicable in every state. The last simulations and experiments confirm the preceding conclusions

    An irregular current injection islanding detection method based on an improved impedance measurement scheme

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    One class of islanding detection methods, known as impedance measurement-based methods and voltage change monitoring-based methods, are implemented through injecting irregular currents into the network, for which reason they are defined in this paper as irregular current injection methods. This paper indicates that such methods may be affected by distributed generation (DG) unit cut-in events. Although the network impedance change can still be used as a judgment basis for islanding detection, the general impedance measurement scheme cannot separate island events from DG unit cut-in events in multi-DG operation. In view of this, this paper proposes a new islanding detection method based on an improved impedance measurement scheme, i.e., dynamic impedance measurement, which will not be affected by DG unit cut-in events and can further assist some other equipment in islanding detection. The simulations and experiments verify the stated advantages of the new islanding detection method

    Solar Capability Building Programme for Public Housing

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    AbstractExpanding the use of renewable energy such as solar photovoltaics (PV) is part of the Housing and Development Board's ongoing efforts to promote sustainable development and is in line with the second thrust of HDB's Roadmap for Better Living – to develop ‘Sustainable Towns’. Recognising the unique resource constraints of Singapore, HDB has looked towards solar PV. The Solar Capability Building Programme for public housing involves a wide-scale solar PV test-bedding in both new and existing towns. This paper documents the unique challenges that HDB faced (and still faces) in its drive towards sustainability, a key feature of which is the introduction of solar PV to public housing. The main sections covered are:•HDB's main objectives of starting the Solar Capability Building Programme,•The journey since 2008 till now,•HDB's vision of turning Punggol into a zero-energy (for common services) town,•Various challenges faced and how they were overcome,•Findings from the systems installed so far, and•The future direction HDB is headed in.The focus of the paper is on how HDB is working towards achieving its aims for the Solar Capability Building Programme despite the high solar PV system cost, small number of industry players and lack of grid parity or tariffs. It is an in-depth look into the ways in which HDB has chosen to push forward for solar PV despite the odds. Other governments and companies facing the same challenges can adopt similar methods to overcome them

    Study on the Activity of PI3K/AKT, Death Receptor and 14-3-3 Mediated Signaling Pathways Regulating Hepatocyte Apoptosis during Rat Liver Regeneration

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    Studies have shown that apoptosis is closely related to the rat liver regeneration. To understand the mechanism of hepatocyte apoptosis during rat liver regeneration at the gene transcription level, the Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array was used to determine the expression changes of genes. Then the genes associated with cell apoptosis were searched by GO and NCBI databases, and cell apoptosis signaling pathways were searched by the database of QIAGEN and KEGG. Their signaling activities were calculated by spectral function E(t). The mechanism of hepatocyte apoptosis during rat liver regeneration was analyzed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis 9.0 (IPA). The results showed that among the 27 signaling pathways regulating cell apoptosis, the E(t) values of Apoptosis signaling pathway and 14-3-3 mediated signaling pathway were significantly increased in the progression phase (6-72h after PH) of rat liver regeneration, and the E(t) values of hepatocyte apoptosis mediated by mitochondria rout were also significantly increased. The E(t) values of death receptor signaling pathway and PI3K/AKT branch of 14-3-3 mediated signaling pathway were significantly increased in the progression phase and the terminal phase (72-168h after PH) of rat liver regeneration, and the E(t) values of hepatocyte apoptosis mediated by cytomembrane route and nucleus route were also significantly increased. Conclusion: PI3K/AKT, death receptor and mitochondria branch played a key role in promoting cell apoptosis during rat liver regeneration

    A nonextensive approach to Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped interacting boson gas

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    In the Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting atoms or molecules such as 87Rb, 23Na and 7Li, the theoretical understanding of the transition temperature is not always obvious due to the interactions or zero point energy which cannot be exactly taken into account. The S-wave collision model fails sometimes to account for the condensation temperatures. In this work, we look at the problem within the nonextensive statistics which is considered as a possible theory describing interacting systems. The generalized energy Uq and the particle number Nq of boson gas are given in terms of the nonextensive parameter q. q>1 (q<1) implies repulsive (attractive) interaction with respect to the perfect gas. The generalized condensation temperature Tcq is derived versus Tc given by the perfect gas theory. Thanks to the observed condensation temperatures, we find q ~ 0.1 for 87Rb atomic gas, q ~ 0.95 for 7Li and q ~ 0.62 for 23Na. It is concluded that the effective interactions are essentially attractive for the three considered atoms, which is consistent with the observed temperatures higher than those predicted by the conventional theory

    Connected Green function approach to ground state symmetry breaking in Φ1+14\Phi^4_{1+1}-theory

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    Using the cluster expansions for n-point Green functions we derive a closed set of dynamical equations of motion for connected equal-time Green functions by neglecting all connected functions higher than 4th4^{th} order for the λΦ4\lambda \Phi^4-theory in 1+11+1 dimensions. We apply the equations to the investigation of spontaneous ground state symmetry breaking, i.e. to the evaluation of the effective potential at temperature T=0T=0. Within our momentum space discretization we obtain a second order phase transition (in agreement with the Simon-Griffith theorem) and a critical coupling of λcrit/4m2=2.446\lambda_{crit}/4m^2=2.446 as compared to a first order phase transition and λcrit/4m2=2.568\lambda_{crit}/4m^2=2.568 from the Gaussian effective potential approach.Comment: 25 Revtex pages, 5 figures available via fpt from the directory ugi-94-11 of [email protected] as one postscript file (there was a bug in our calculations, all numerical results and figures have changed significantly), ugi-94-1

    Electric Power Grids Under High-Absenteeism Pandemics: History, Context, Response, and Opportunities.

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    Widespread outbreaks of infectious disease, i.e., the so-called pandemics that may travel quickly and silently beyond boundaries, can significantly upsurge the morbidity and mortality over large-scale geographical areas. They commonly result in enormous economic losses, political disruptions, social unrest, and quickly evolve to a national security concern. Societies have been shaped by pandemics and outbreaks for as long as we have had societies. While differing in nature and in realizations, they all place the normal life of modern societies on hold. Common interruptions include job loss, infrastructure failure, and political ramifications. The electric power systems, upon which our modern society relies, is driving a myriad of interdependent services, such as water systems, communication networks, transportation systems, health services, etc. With the sudden shifts in electric power generation and demand portfolios and the need to sustain quality electricity supply to end customers (particularly mission-critical services) during pandemics, safeguarding the nation's electric power grid in the face of such rapidly evolving outbreaks is among the top priorities. This paper explores the various mechanisms through which the electric power grids around the globe are influenced by pandemics in general and COVID-19 in particular, shares the lessons learned and best practices taken in different sectors of the electric industry in responding to the dramatic shifts enforced by such threats, and provides visions for a pandemic-resilient electric grid of the future. [Abstract copyright: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
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