7,619 research outputs found

    The unique rapid variabilities of the iron Kα\alpha line profiles in NGC 4151

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    We present a detailed analysis of the iron Kα\alpha line variabilities in NGC 4151 by using long ASCA observation data obtained in May 1995. Despite the relatively small amplitude variations in the continuum flux, the iron Kα\alpha line flux and profile show dramatic variations. Particularly, the line profile changes from single peak to seeming double peaks and back in time scales of a few 104^4 sec. The seemingly double-peaked profiles can be well interpreted as line emission from a Keplerian ring around a massive black hole. An absorption line at around 5.9 keV is also marginnaly detected. We discussed current Fe K line models, but none of them can well explain the observed line and continuum variations.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 3 figures, ApJ accepte


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    Wang, Lawrence K. (2019). Humanitarian engineering education of the Lenox Institute of Water Technology and its new potable water flotation processes. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 1, Number 6, June 2019; 160 pages. Lenox Institute Press, Newtonville, NY, 12128-0405, USA. No. STEAM-VOL1-NUM6-JUN2019; ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. --------------- ABSTRACT: The histories of the Lenox Institute of Water Technology (LIWT), Krofta Engineering Corporation (KEC), their joint humanitarian engineering education and their step-by-step joint research leading to the development of various flotation drinking treatment processes, including the first drinking water flotation plant in Americas (Lenox Water Treatment Plant) and the once the largest drinking water flotation plant in the world (Pittsfield Water Treatment Plant) are presented. Also documented are their leaders, inventors, educators, co-designers, governmental officers, design concepts, flow diagrams, DAF-filtration (DAFF), plant performance, awards, DAF/DAFF future and related references. The flotation processes invented by LIWT, manufactured by KEC, and financed and collaborated by the above dedicated people are introduced: (a) dispersed air flotation; (b) electroflotation; (c) dissolved air flotation; (d) (e) two stage DAF-DAF clarifier system; (f) sedimentation-DAF clarifier; (g) DAF-filtration, or DAFF; (h) two stage DAF-DAFF clarifier system; (i) sequencing batch dissolved gas flotation; (j) sequencing batch induced gas flotation and (k) DAF-press thickener; (l) two-stage DAF-DAF water softening plant using magnesium carbonate as a recyclable coagulant, etc

    Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA) Report, Regular Issue, February 2020

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    This OCEESA report, which is regular issue of OCEESA Journal (Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association Journal). This report is OCEESA report number: OCEESA/JL-2020/3701, February 2020, ISSN 1072 -7248. This report is also OCEESA Journal, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2020. Yung-Tse Hung, Permanent Executive Director, OCEESA, is editor of this report. This issue includes: (A) 10 OCEESA Best Papers (B) 6 OCEESA Papers; 21.Zhang-Zhi Charlie Huang 黄长志 , Implementing Compensation System for Environmental Damages: Challenges and Solutions, 22. Hanlu Yan, Kaimin Shih施凱閔 , Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction for Characterizing P Recovery Products from Wastewater, 23. Kaimin Shih 施凱閔 , Material Mineralogical Technology for Pollution Prevention and Resource Recovery材料礦物學技術於污染防治與資源回收的應用, 24. Kuo-Kunag Hsu 許國光 , Cleanup of MSW-Gasified Synthesis Gas, 25. Pao-Chiang Yuan 袁保強 , End of Useful Life Computer Recycling Program at Jackson State University, Jackson, Mississippi, USA, 26. Qin Qian钱琴, Bo Sun, Xianchang Li, Frank Sun, Che-Jen Lin, Water quality modeling with data collected by wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in an experimental pond: A case study; (C) 3 technical papers; 28. Abdulkarim Alorayfij, Yung-Tse Hung, Anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste, 29. Abdullah Alshati, Yung-Tse Hung, Methane Gas Production from Animal Waste, 30. Abdulmajeed Alshatti, Yung-Tse Hung, Treatment of Timber Industry Wastes, 31. OCEESA Constitutions By-Laws (5 November 2000 edition), 32. OCEESA Constitutions By-Laws (14 February 2006 edition), 33. OCEESA Constitutions By-Laws (27 October 2013 edition), 34. Lawrence Kong-Pu Wang letter of support Yung-Tse Hung Permanent Executive Director OCEESA 12-30-20, 35. Wen-Chi Ku letter of support Yung-Tse Hung Permanent Executive Director OCEESA 12-03-20, 36. OCEESA Member Application Form and Information, 37. Mailing Address Pag


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    Tsao, Hung-ping (2021). Evolutionary Mathematics and Science for Two Aspects of Binomial Coefficients: Polynomial and Combination. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 3, Number 8, August 2021; 42 pages. Lenox Institute Press, Auburndale, MA, 02466, USA. No. STEAM-VOL3-NUM8-AUG2021; ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2. ............ABSTRACT: We make distinction of two important roles for binomial coefficients to play in Number Theory and Trigonometry, respectively. The polynomial aspect of C (n, k) enables the derivation of both explicit and implicit formulas for sums of powers of arithmetic progressions, whereas its combinatorial aspect helps the derivation of multiple angle formulas for Sine, Cosine and Tangent functions. ..........KEYWORDS: Polynomial expression, Sorting, Commutative ring, Stirling number, Eulerian number, Natural sequence, Powered sum, Binomial coefficient, Pascal triangle, Bernoulli coefficient, Arithmetically progressive sequence, Recursion, Iteration, Trigonometry, Multi angle formula Sine, Cosine, Tangent, De Moivre’s Theorem

    Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA) Report, Dec 2016.

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    This Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA) report is 2016 Directory of Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA), Report number: OCEESA/JL-2016/33D1, December 2016, ISSN 1072 -7248. This report was prepared by Yung-Tse Hung, Permanent Executive Director, OCEESA. This report includes OCEESA contact information, list of OCEESA Directors, list of OCEESA past presidents, OCEESA membership data, constitutions and by laws of OCEESA (5 November 2000 edition), constitutions and by laws of OCEESA (14 February 2006 edition), constitutions and by laws of OCEESA (27 October 2013 edition), membership application form, letter from Wen-Chi Ku to confirm Yung-Tse Hung OCEESA permanent executive director, letter from Lawrence Kong-Pu Wang to confirm Yung-Tse Hung OCEESA permanent executive director

    Unusual signatures of the ferromagnetic transition in the heavy Fermion compound UMn2_2Al20_{20}

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    Magnetic susceptibility results for single crystals of the new cubic compounds UT2_2Al20_{20} (T=Mn, V, and Mo) are reported. Magnetization, specific heat, resistivity, and neutron diffraction results for a single crystal and neutron diffraction and inelastic spectra for a powder sample are reported for UMn2_2Al20_{20}. For T = V and Mo, temperature independent Pauli paramagnetism is observed. For UMn2_2Al20_{20}, a ferromagnetic transition is observed in the magnetic susceptibility at TcT_c = 20 K. The specific heat anomaly at TcT_c is very weak while no anomaly in the resistivity is seen at TcT_c. We discuss two possible origins for this behavior of UMn2_2Al20_{20}: moderately small moment itinerant ferromagnetism, or induced local moment ferromagnetism.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. rev.


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    Wang, Puchen 王 蒲 臣 (2022). Remembering My Parents, Wife and General Dai Li, In: “Global Humanities and Liberal Arts (GHLA)”, Wang, Lawrence K. 王 抗 曝 (editor). GHLA-VOL2022-NUM12-DEC2022. 40 pages. 2022(12), December 12 2022, Lenox Institute Press, Massachusetts, USA. https://doi.org/10.17613/3aha-wy45 ....... ABSTRACT: Major General WANG Puchen (王 蒲 臣 將 軍), the author, was born in China's Zhejiang province (浙 江 省) and once humorously honored as the world's oldest spy (104 years old). General Wang was the Director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics for northern China stationed in Beijing (軍 統 / 保 密 局 北 平 站 督 察 長) and reported directly to China's National Intelligence Director DAI Li (戴 笠) when mainland China was being gradually taken over by the Communist after World War II. General Wang appeared in some modern Chinese movies, such as All Quiet in Peking (北 平 無 戰 事) due to his important historical role. After General Wang's testing water in China's Yung-Nan Province (雲 南 省), President CHIANG Kai-Shek (蔣 介 石) decided to totally retreat to Taiwan (臺 灣) instead of Yung-Nan and other southern provinces. So the direction of modern Chinese history was altered by General Wang. This publication is one of many General Wang's old memoirs consisting of his seven short articles: (a) Thinking of Relatives on Father's Day 每 逢 佳 節 倍 思 親, 寫 於 民 國 七 十 五 年 父 親 節 ; (b) Dear Dad, I Am Sorry 爸 爸 , 我 對 不 起 您 ; (c) Remembering My Dear Mother 懷 念 母 親 ; (d) Parents and Children 父 母 , 子 女 ; (e) In Memory of My Dear Wife, CHU Shou-Yu on Her Passing Anniversary 先 室 朱 秀 毓 女 士 週 年 祭 ; (f) Forever Living in My Hearts 永 遠 活 在 我 的 心 中 ; (g) An Old Cloth Having Thousands Threads of Loving Friendship: Remembering Late General DAI Yu-Nong (i.e. General DAI Li ) on His 90th Birthday 一 襲 舊 衣 萬 縷 情 - - 戴 雨 農 先 生 九 秩 冥 誕 述 懷

    MY CHILDHOOD, FAMILY, EARLY EDUCATION, FATE ENCOUNTER AND EYE-WITNESS OF CHINA 我 的 童 年, 家 世, 早 年 教 育, 人 生 際 遇 , 及 見 証 改 朝 換 代

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    Wang, Puchen 王 蒲 臣 (2023). My childhood, family, early education, fate encounter and eye-witness of China, In: “Global Humanities and Liberal Arts ”, Wang, L. K. 王 抗 曝 (editor). 86 p. 2023(1), Lenox Institute Press,MA, USA. ..................ABSTRACT: General Wang Puchen 王 蒲 臣, the author, was the classmate of Dai Li 戴 笠, Mao Renfeng 毛 人 凤 at Wenxi Higher Primary School in Jiangshan County. General Dai was the ROC National Intelligence Director, and General Mao was the Head of the ROC Secrecy Bureau 保 密 局. General Wang joined the ROC 军 统 局 in 1935, and attended Central Military Academy (黄 埔 ) in 1941. He served as the Director of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics in Beijing (保 密 局 北 平 站 督 察 长) of the ROC 保 密 局 (formerly 军 统) in 1948 and he was the Coordinator for the historical cease fire event between ROC and the Communist in Beijing in 1949. This publication is one of many author's memoirs documenting his life and modern Chinese history :(a) Getting a son in my father's dream 我 父 夢 中 得 子; (b) My family background 我 的 家 世; (c) Saving my life with one mouthful medicine 一 口 葯 救 回 了 一 條 命; (d) My nursing mother as good as my mother 乳 母 如 親 母; (e) Childhood memories 童 年 往 事; (f) From Qing dynasty to the Republic of China 由 滿 清 到 民 國; (g) The birth of the Republic of China 中 華 民 國 之 誕 生; (h) My father was my first teacher 父 親 是 我 的 開 蒙 老 師; (i) Meeting General Dai Li as a new friend 認 識 了 戴 笠 將 軍; (j) Quitting school for five years for recuperation 修 學 五 年 養 身 補 習; (k) Continuing school education 重 過 學 校 的 生 活; (l) Three special classmates 三 位 奇 特 的 同 學; and (m) My two articles that broke my hearts 一 生 寫 了 兩 篇 最 不 願 意 寫 的 文 章. Also included are General Wang's four long-life secrets and a poem (Journey of Life 人 生 之 旅) presented by the Editor


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    Wang, LK, Wang, MHS and Fahey, E (2020). An innovative Lee, Massachusetts USA dissolved air flotation potable water filtration plant. In: "Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)", Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 2, Number 1, January 2020; 60 pages. Lenox Institute Press, Newtonville, NY, 12128-0405, USA. No. STEAM-VOL2-NUM1-JAN2020; ISBN 978-0-9890870-3-2---------------The authors present the overall structural design, design criteria, and performance data of the two Krofta Sandfloat flotation-filtration clarifiers (DAFF; SAF-BP24) installed at the 2.0 MGD (7570 m3/day) Lee Plant in treatment of surface water for potable purposes. Lenox Institute of Water Technology (LIWT) invented and patented the innovative DAFF system, while Krofta Engineering Corporation (KEC) manufactured and installed the Lee Plant. The author also discuss (a) current corrosion control program in order to comply with the US Federal Copper and Lead Rule, and (b) the current DAF-filtration plant’s performance for removal of perchlorate, barium, sodium, disinfection by-products (DBP), total trihalomethane (THM), total haloacetic acid (HAA), microbial contaminants, turbidity, iron and manganese. The 19 years old innovative Lee DAF-filtration plant met all US Environmental Protection Agency, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts primary and secondary drinking water standards in accordance with the 2018 Water Quality Report. The Town of Lee successfully uses zinc orthophosphate and pH adjustment to stabilize the water throughout of Lee distribution system for lead, copper and pipe corrosion control. This article has been written in memory of Dr. Milos Krofta, Dr. Donald B. Aulenbach and Dr. William A. Selke

    Quantum critical behavior in the heavy Fermion single crystal Ce(Ni0.935_{0.935}Pd0.065_{0.065})2_2Ge2_2

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    We have performed magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, resistivity, and inelastic neutron scattering measurements on a single crystal of the heavy Fermion compound Ce(Ni0.935_{0.935}Pd0.065_{0.065})2_2Ge2_2, which is believed to be close to a quantum critical point (QCP) at T = 0. At lowest temperature(1.8-3.5 K), the magnetic susceptibility behaves as χ(T)χ(0)\chi(T)-\chi (0) \propto T1/6T^{-1/6} with χ(0)=0.032×106\chi (0) = 0.032 \times 10^{-6} m3^3/mole (0.0025 emu/mole). For T<T< 1 K, the specific heat can be fit to the formula ΔC/T=γ0T1/2\Delta C/T = \gamma_0 - T^{1/2} with γ0\gamma_0 of order 700 mJ/mole-K2^2. The resistivity behaves as ρ=ρ0+AT3/2\rho = \rho_0 + AT^{3/2} for temperatures below 2 K. This low temperature behavior for γ(T)\gamma (T) and ρ(T)\rho (T) is in accord with the SCR theory of Moriya and Takimoto\cite{Moriya}. The inelastic neutron scattering spectra show a broad peak near 1.5 meV that appears to be independent of QQ; we interpret this as Kondo scattering with TK=T_K = 17 K. In addition, the scattering is enhanced near QQ=(1/2, 1/2, 0) with maximum scattering at ΔE\Delta E = 0.45 meV; we interpret this as scattering from antiferromagnetic fluctuations near the antiferromagnetic QCP.Comment: to be published in J. Phys: Conference Serie