5,450 research outputs found

    Primordial Black Holes from Sound Speed Resonance during Inflation

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    We report on a novel phenomenon of the resonance effect of primordial density perturbations arisen from a sound speed parameter with an oscillatory behavior, which can generically lead to the formation of primordial black holes in the early Universe. For a general inflaton field, it can seed primordial density fluctuations and their propagation is governed by a parameter of sound speed square. Once if this parameter achieves an oscillatory feature for a while during inflation, a significant non-perturbative resonance effect on the inflaton field fluctuations takes place around a critical length scale, which results in significant peaks in the primordial power spectrum. By virtue of this robust mechanism, primordial black holes with specific mass function can be produced with a sufficient abundance for dark matter in sizable parameter ranges.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; v2: figures replotted with corrections, analysis extended, version accepted by Phys.Rev.Let

    M2Det: A Single-Shot Object Detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid Network

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    Feature pyramids are widely exploited by both the state-of-the-art one-stage object detectors (e.g., DSSD, RetinaNet, RefineDet) and the two-stage object detectors (e.g., Mask R-CNN, DetNet) to alleviate the problem arising from scale variation across object instances. Although these object detectors with feature pyramids achieve encouraging results, they have some limitations due to that they only simply construct the feature pyramid according to the inherent multi-scale, pyramidal architecture of the backbones which are actually designed for object classification task. Newly, in this work, we present a method called Multi-Level Feature Pyramid Network (MLFPN) to construct more effective feature pyramids for detecting objects of different scales. First, we fuse multi-level features (i.e. multiple layers) extracted by backbone as the base feature. Second, we feed the base feature into a block of alternating joint Thinned U-shape Modules and Feature Fusion Modules and exploit the decoder layers of each u-shape module as the features for detecting objects. Finally, we gather up the decoder layers with equivalent scales (sizes) to develop a feature pyramid for object detection, in which every feature map consists of the layers (features) from multiple levels. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed MLFPN, we design and train a powerful end-to-end one-stage object detector we call M2Det by integrating it into the architecture of SSD, which gets better detection performance than state-of-the-art one-stage detectors. Specifically, on MS-COCO benchmark, M2Det achieves AP of 41.0 at speed of 11.8 FPS with single-scale inference strategy and AP of 44.2 with multi-scale inference strategy, which is the new state-of-the-art results among one-stage detectors. The code will be made available on \url{https://github.com/qijiezhao/M2Det.Comment: AAAI1

    Computational Design of Flexible Electride with Nontrivial Band Topology

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    Electrides, with their excess electrons distributed in crystal cavities playing the role of anions, exhibit a variety of unique electronic and magnetic properties. In this work, we employ the first-principles crystal structure prediction to identify a new prototype of A3B electride in which both interlayer spacings and intralayer vacancies provide channels to accommodate the excess electrons in the crystal. This A3B type of structure is calculated to be thermodynamically stable for two alkaline metals oxides (Rb3O and K3O). Remarkably, the unique feature of multiple types of cavities makes the spatial arrangement of anionic electrons highly flexible via elastic strain engineering and chemical substitution, in contrast to the previously reported electrides characterized by a single topology of interstitial electrons. More importantly, our first-principles calculations reveal that Rb3O is a topological Dirac nodal line semimetal, which is induced by the band inversion at the general electronic k momentums in the Brillouin zone associated with the intersitial electric charges. The discovery of flexible electride in combining with topological electronic properties opens an avenue for electride design and shows great promises in electronic device applications

    BLIAM: Literature-based Data Synthesis for Synergistic Drug Combination Prediction

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    Language models pre-trained on scientific literature corpora have substantially advanced scientific discovery by offering high-quality feature representations for downstream applications. However, these features are often not interpretable, and thus can reveal limited insights to domain experts. Instead of obtaining features from language models, we propose BLIAM, a literature-based data synthesis approach to directly generate training data points that are interpretable and model-agnostic to downstream applications. The key idea of BLIAM is to create prompts using existing training data and then use these prompts to synthesize new data points. BLIAM performs these two steps iteratively as new data points will define more informative prompts and new prompts will in turn synthesize more accurate data points. Notably, literature-based data augmentation might introduce data leakage since labels of test data points in downstream applications might have already been mentioned in the language model corpus. To prevent such leakage, we introduce GDSC-combo, a large-scale drug combination discovery dataset that was published after the biomedical language model was trained. We found that BLIAM substantially outperforms a non-augmented approach and manual prompting in this rigorous data split setting. BLIAM can be further used to synthesize data points for novel drugs and cell lines that were not even measured in biomedical experiments. In addition to the promising prediction performance, the data points synthesized by BLIAM are interpretable and model-agnostic, enabling in silico augmentation for in vitro experiments

    Nonleptonic two-body decays of charmed mesons

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    Nonleptonic decays of charmed mesons into two pseudoscalar mesons or one pseudoscalar meson and one vector meson are studied on the basis of a generalized factorization method considering the resonance effects in the pole model for the annihilation contributions. Large strong phases between different topological diagrams are considered in this work, simply taking the phase in the coefficients aia_i. We find that the annihilation-type contributions calculated in the pole model are large in both of the PPPP and PVPV modes, which make our numerical results agree with the experimental data better than those previous calculations.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures;typos corrected;discussions and references adde
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