148 research outputs found

    Observations of nitrogen isotope fractionation in deeply embedded protostars

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    (Abridged) The terrestrial planets, comets, and meteorites are significantly enriched in 15N compared to the Sun and Jupiter. While the solar and jovian nitrogen isotope ratio is believed to represent the composition of the protosolar nebula, a still unidentified process has caused 15N-enrichment in the solids. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations, including chemical fractionation. However, observational results that constrain the fractionation models are scarce. While there is evidence of 15N-enrichment in prestellar cores, it is unclear how the signature evolves into the protostellar phases. Our aim is to measure the 14N/15N ratio around three nearby, embedded low-to-intermediate-mass protostars. Isotopologues of HCN and HNC were used to probe the 14N/15N ratio. A selection of H13CN, HC15N, HN13C, and H15NC transitions was observed with the APEX telescope. The 14N/15N ratios were derived from the integrated intensities assuming a standard 12C/13C ratio. The assumption of optically thin emission was verified using radiative transfer modeling and hyperfine structure fitting. Two sources, IRAS 16293A and R CrA IRS7B, show 15N-enrichment by a factor of around 1.5-2.5 in both HCN and HNC with respect to the solar composition. Solar composition cannot be excluded for the third source, OMC-3 MMS6. Furthermore, there are indications of a trend toward increasing 14N/15N ratios with increasing outer envelope temperature. The enhanced 15N abundances in HCN and HNC found in two Class~0 sources (14N/15N of 160-290) and the tentative trend toward a temperature-dependent 14N/15N ratio are consistent with the chemical fractionation scenario, but 14N/15N ratios from additional tracers are indispensable for testing the models. Spatially resolved observations are needed to distinguish between chemical fractionation and isotope-selective photochemistry.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 13 figure

    Exploring the Origins of Earth's Nitrogen: Astronomical Observations of Nitrogen-bearing Organics in Protostellar Environments

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    It is not known whether the original carriers of Earth's nitrogen were molecular ices or refractory dust. To investigate this question, we have used data and results of Herschel observations towards two protostellar sources: the high-mass hot core of Orion KL, and the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422. Towards Orion KL, our analysis of the molecular inventory of Crockett et al. (2014) indicates that HCN is the organic molecule that contains by far the most nitrogen, carrying 749+5%74_{-9}^{+5}\% of nitrogen-in-organics. Following this evidence, we explore HCN towards IRAS 16293-2422, which we consider a solar analog. Towards IRAS 16293-2422, we have reduced and analyzed Herschel spectra of HCN, and fit these observations against "jump" abundance models of IRAS 16293-2422's protostellar envelope. We find an inner-envelope HCN abundance Xin=5.9±0.7×108X_{\textrm{in}} = 5.9\pm0.7 \times 10^{-8} and an outer-envelope HCN abundance Xout=1.3±0.1×109X_{\textrm{out}} = 1.3 \pm 0.1 \times 10^{-9}. We also find the sublimation temperature of HCN to be Tjump=71±3T_{\textrm{jump}} = 71 \pm 3~K; this measured TjumpT_{\textrm{jump}} enables us to predict an HCN binding energy EB/k=3840±140E_{\textrm{B}}/k = 3840 \pm 140~K. Based on a comparison of the HCN/H2O ratio in these protostars to N/H2O ratios in comets, we find that HCN (and, by extension, other organics) in these protostars is incapable of providing the total bulk N/H2O in comets. We suggest that refractory dust, not molecular ices, was the bulk provider of nitrogen to comets. However, interstellar dust is not known to have 15N enrichment, while high 15N enrichment is seen in both nitrogen-bearing ices and in cometary nitrogen. This may indicate that these 15N-enriched ices were an important contributor to the nitrogen in planetesimals and likely to the Earth.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 21 pages, 4 figure

    OH far-infrared emission from low- and intermediate-mass protostars surveyed with Herschel-PACS

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    OH is a key species in the water chemistry of star-forming regions, because its presence is tightly related to the formation and destruction of water. This paper presents OH observations from 23 low- and intermediate-mass young stellar objects obtained with the PACS integral field spectrometer on-board Herschel in the context of the Water In Star-forming Regions with Herschel (WISH) key program. Most low-mass sources have compact OH emission (< 5000 AU scale), whereas the OH lines in most intermediate-mass sources are extended over the whole PACS detector field-of-view (> 20000 AU). The strength of the OH emission is correlated with various source properties such as the bolometric luminosity and the envelope mass, but also with the OI and H2O emission. Rotational diagrams for sources with many OH lines show that the level populations of OH can be approximated by a Boltzmann distribution with an excitation temperature at around 70 K. Radiative transfer models of spherically symmetric envelopes cannot reproduce the OH emission fluxes nor their broad line widths, strongly suggesting an outflow origin. Slab excitation models indicate that the observed excitation temperature can either be reached if the OH molecules are exposed to a strong far-infrared continuum radiation field or if the gas temperature and density are sufficiently high. Using realistic source parameters and radiation fields, it is shown for the case of Ser SMM1 that radiative pumping plays an important role in transitions arising from upper level energies higher than 300 K. The compact emission in the low-mass sources and the required presence of a strong radiation field and/or a high density to excite the OH molecules points towards an origin in shocks in the inner envelope close to the protostar.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abstract abridge

    Herschel observations of the hydroxyl radical (OH) in young stellar objects

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    Aims. “Water In Star-forming regions with Herschel” (WISH) is a Herschel key program investigating the water chemistry in young stellar objects (YSOs) during protostellar evolution. Hydroxyl (OH) is one of the reactants in the chemical network most closely linked to the formation and destruction of H_2O. High-temperature (T ≳ 250 K) chemistry connects OH and H_2O through the OH + H_2 ⇔ H_2O + H reactions. Formation of H_2O from OH is efficient in the high-temperature regime found in shocks and the innermost part of protostellar envelopes. Moreover, in the presence of UV photons, OH can be produced from the photo-dissociation of H_2O through H_2O + _(γUV) ⇒ OH + H. Methods. High-resolution spectroscopy of the 163.12 μm triplet of OH towards HH 46 and NGC 1333 IRAS 2A was carried out with the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) on board the Herschel Space Observatory. The low- and intermediate-mass protostars HH 46, TMR 1, IRAS 15398-3359, DK Cha, NGC 7129 FIRS 2, and NGC 1333 IRAS 2A were observed with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) on Herschel in four transitions of OH and two [O_I] lines. Results. The OH transitions at 79, 84, 119, and 163 μm and [O_I] emission at 63 and 145 μm were detected with PACS towards the class I low-mass YSOs as well as the intermediate-mass and class I Herbig Ae sources. No OH emission was detected from the class 0 YSO NGC 1333 IRAS 2A, though the 119 μm was detected in absorption. With HIFI, the 163.12 μm was not detected from HH 46 and only tentatively detected from NGC 1333 IRAS 2A. The combination of the PACS and HIFI results for HH 46 constrains the line width (FWHM ≳ 11 km s^(−1)) and indicates that the OH emission likely originates from shocked gas. This scenario is supported by trends of the OH flux increasing with the [O_I] flux and the bolometric luminosity, as found in our sample. Similar OH line ratios for most sources suggest that OH has comparable excitation temperatures despite the different physical properties of the sources

    Identification and characterization of a new ensemble of cometary organic molecules.

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    In-situ study of comet 1P/Halley during its 1986 apparition revealed a surprising abundance of organic coma species. It remained unclear, whether or not these species originated from polymeric matter. Now, high-resolution mass-spectrometric data collected at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by ESA's Rosetta mission unveil the chemical structure of complex cometary organics. Here, we identify an ensemble of individual molecules with masses up to 140 Da while demonstrating inconsistency of the data with relevant amounts of polymeric matter. The ensemble has an average composition of C1H1.56O0.134N0.046S0.017, identical to meteoritic soluble organic matter, and includes a plethora of chain-based, cyclic, and aromatic hydrocarbons at an approximate ratio of 6:3:1. Its compositional and structural properties, except for the H/C ratio, resemble those of other Solar System reservoirs of organics-from organic material in the Saturnian ring rain to meteoritic soluble and insoluble organic matter -, which is compatible with a shared prestellar history

    Cannabinoids for behavioral symptoms in severe dementia: Safety and feasibility in a long-term pilot observational study in nineteen patients.

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    The management of behavioral symptoms and rigidity in patients with dementia constitutes a significant challenge. Short-term studies suggest an interest in the use of medical cannabis, but long-term data are lacking. The objective of this study was to investigate the feasibility and long-term safety of administering tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabidiol (THC/CBD) treatment as an additional drug to a poly medicated population with severe dementia, evaluate clinical improvements, and collect information on the pharmacokinetics of cannabinoids and possible drug-drug interactions. A prospective observational study of patients with severe dementia living in a long-term care home to whom the physicians had prescribed a medical cannabis treatment. Data were collected over 2 years. We assessed the changes in medical cannabis dosages, safety parameters, variations in neuropsychiatric problems, agitation, rigidity, the most invalidating daily activity, and disabling behavior trouble scores. We evaluated the pharmacokinetics of cannabinoids by measuring plasma levels and analyzing the enzymatic activity. We assessed 19 patients (81.4 years-17 women and two men) receiving an average of 12.4 mg THC/24.8 mg CBD per day for up to 13 months, with no reported problems related to the treatment and limited adverse drug reactions. Clinical scores showed a marked improvement that was stable over time, deprescription of other medications, and care facilitated. The pharmacokinetic evaluation showed an expected slight reduction in the enzymatic activity of CYP1A2 and CYP2C19. A long-term THC/CBD (1:2) medication can be administered safely and with overall positive clinical improvement to poly medicated older adults with severe dementia and associated problems. The results must be confirmed in a randomized trial

    Observational evidence for dissociative shocks in the inner 100 AU of low-mass protostars using <i>Herschel</i>-HIFI

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    Aims. Herschel-HIFI spectra of H2O towards low-mass protostars show a distinct velocity component not seen in observations from the ground of CO or other species. The aim is to characterise this component in terms of excitation conditions and physical origin. Methods. A velocity component with an offset of ~10 km s-1 detected in spectra of the H2O 110–101 557 GHz transition towards six low-mass protostars in the “Water in star-forming regions with Herschel” (WISH) programme is also seen in higher-excited H2O lines. The emission from this component is quantified and local excitation conditions are inferred using 1D slab models. Data are compared to observations of hydrides (high-J CO, OH+, CH+, C+, OH) where the same component is uniquely detected. Results. The velocity component is detected in all six targeted H2O transitions (Eup ~ 50–250 K), as well as in CO 16–15 towards one source, Ser SMM1. Inferred excitation conditions imply that the emission arises in dense (n ~ 5 × 106–108 cm-3) and hot (T ~ 750 K) gas. The H2O and CO column densities are ≳1016 and 1018 cm-2, respectively, implying a low H2O abundance of ~10-2 with respect to CO. The high column densities of ions such as OH+ and CH+ (both ≳1013 cm-2) indicate an origin close to the protostar where the UV field is strong enough that these species are abundant. The estimated radius of the emitting region is 100 AU. This component likely arises in dissociative shocks close to the protostar, an interpretation corroborated by a comparison with models of such shocks. Furthermore, one of the sources, IRAS 4A, shows temporal variability in the offset component over a period of two years which is expected from shocks in dense media. High-J CO gas detected with Herschel-PACS with Trot ~ 700 K is identified as arising in the same component and traces the part of the shock where H2 reforms. Thus, H2O reveals new dynamical components, even on small spatial scales in low-mass protostars

    Shockingly low water abundances in Herschel / PACS observations of low-mass protostars in Perseus

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    Protostars interact with their surroundings through jets and winds impacting on the envelope and creating shocks, but the nature of these shocks is still poorly understood. Our aim is to survey far-infrared molecular line emission from a uniform and significant sample of deeply-embedded low-mass young stellar objects in order to characterize shocks and the possible role of ultraviolet radiation in the immediate protostellar environment. Herschel/PACS spectral maps of 22 objects in the Perseus molecular cloud were obtained as part of the `William Herschel Line Legacy' survey. Line emission from H2_\mathrm{2}O, CO, and OH is tested against shock models from the literature. Observed line ratios are remarkably similar and do not show variations with source physical parameters. Observations show good agreement with the shock models when line ratios of the same species are compared. Ratios of various H2_\mathrm{2}O lines provide a particularly good diagnostic of pre-shock gas densities, nH105n_\mathrm{H}\sim10^{5} cm3^{-3}, in agreement with typical densities obtained from observations of the post-shock gas. The corresponding shock velocities, obtained from comparison with CO line ratios, are above 20 km\,s1^{-1}. However, the observations consistently show one-to-two orders of magnitude lower H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-CO and H2_\mathrm{2}O-to-OH line ratios than predicted by the existing shock models. The overestimated model H2_\mathrm{2}O fluxes are most likely caused by an overabundance of H2_\mathrm{2}O in the models since the excitation is well-reproduced. Illumination of the shocked material by ultraviolet photons produced either in the star-disk system or, more locally, in the shock, would decrease the H2_\mathrm{2}O abundances and reconcile the models with observations. Detections of hot H2_\mathrm{2}O and strong OH lines support this scenario.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysic

    High-J CO emission in the Cepheus E protostellar outflow observed with SOFIA/GREAT

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    We present and analyze two spectrally resolved high-J CO lines towards the molecular outflow Cep E, driven by an intermediate-mass class 0 protostar. Using the GREAT receiver on board SOFIA, we observed the CO (12--11) and (13--12) transitions (E_u ~ 430 and 500 K, respectively) towards one position in the blue lobe of this outflow, that had been known to display high-velocity molecular emission. We detect the outflow emission in both transitions, up to extremely high velocities (~ 100 km/s with respect to the systemic velocity). We divide the line profiles into three velocity ranges that each have interesting spectral features: standard, intermediate, and extremely high-velocity. One distinct bullet is detected in each of the last two. A large velocity gradient analysis for these three velocity ranges provides constraints on the kinetic temperature and volume density of the emitting gas, >~ 100 K and > ~ 10^4 cm^-3, respectively. These results are in agreement with previous ISO observations and are comparable with results obtained by Herschel for similar objects. We conclude that high-J CO lines are a good tracer of molecular bullets in protostellar outflows. Our analysis suggests that different physical conditions are at work in the intermediate velocity range compared with the standard and extremely high-velocity gas at the observed position.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (SOFIA/GREAT special issue