1,287 research outputs found

    Identification of Herder-Wild Equid Conflicts in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia

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    In protected areas of Mongolian overgrazing, competition with wild ungulates and poaching are important management concerns. The Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area (SPA) in SW Mongolia is a re-introduction site for the Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), a stronghold of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), and remains an important grazing area for seminomadic herders. We show the power of simple inventory and monitoring methods to assess herder-wildlife conflicts, by combining data of: (1) human and livestock demographic data, (2) migration patterns, of semi-nomadic herders, (3) monthly surveys of wild- and domestic ungulates, and (4) observations of re-introduced, free-ranging Przewalski’s horses. A total of 111 semi-nomadic families with 57,657 head of livestock use the park, mainly in winter. Grazing impact of small stock affects 33% of the park area and is virtually absent in the core area. However, due to the unequal distribution of open water, livestock is present at almost all water points. Seasonal wild horse and wild ass distribution seems to be positively linked to water availability and negatively to herder presence. We documented several cases of wild ungulate poaching, but the magnitude of the problem remains unknown. There are still many knowledge gaps and local people need to be more actively involvement in park management. As this is a rather new approach in Mongolia, we suggest park management to move towards adaptive co-management, accompanied by simple, but sound monitoring and evaluation schemes

    Identification of Herder-Wild Equid Conflicts in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia

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    In protected areas of Mongolian overgrazing, competition with wild ungulates and poaching are important management concerns. The Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area (SPA) in SW Mongolia is a re-introduction site for the Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), a stronghold of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), and remains an important grazing area for seminomadic herders. We show the power of simple inventory and monitoring methods to assess herder-wildlife conflicts, by combining data of: (1) human and livestock demographic data, (2) migration patterns, of semi-nomadic herders, (3) monthly surveys of wild- and domestic ungulates, and (4) observations of re-introduced, free-ranging Przewalski’s horses. A total of 111 semi-nomadic families with 57,657 head of livestock use the park, mainly in winter. Grazing impact of small stock affects 33% of the park area and is virtually absent in the core area. However, due to the unequal distribution of open water, livestock is present at almost all water points. Seasonal wild horse and wild ass distribution seems to be positively linked to water availability and negatively to herder presence. We documented several cases of wild ungulate poaching, but the magnitude of the problem remains unknown. There are still many knowledge gaps and local people need to be more actively involvement in park management. As this is a rather new approach in Mongolia, we suggest park management to move towards adaptive co-management, accompanied by simple, but sound monitoring and evaluation schemes

    What is equality of opportunity in education?

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    Global citizenship as the completion of cosmopolitanism

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    A conception of global citizenship should not be viewed as separate from, or synonymous with, the cosmopolitan moral orientation, but as a primary component of it. Global citizenship is fundamentally concerned with individual moral requirements in the global frame. Such requirements, framed here as belonging to the category of individual cosmopolitanism, offer guidelines on right action in the context of global human community. They are complementary to the principles of moral cosmopolitanism – those to be used in assessing the justice of global institutions and practices – that have been emphasised by cosmopolitan political theorists. Considering principles of individual and moral cosmopolitanism together can help to provide greater clarity concerning individual duties in the absence of fully global institutions, as well as clarity on individual obligations of justice in relation to emerging and still-developing trans-state institutions

    Geographical variation in serological responses to recombinant Pneumocystis jirovecii major surface glycoprotein antigens

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    AbstractThe use of recombinant fragments of the major surface glycoprotein (Msg) of Pneumocystis jirovecii has proven useful for studying serological immune responses of blood donors and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive (HIV+) patients. Here, we have used ELISA to measure antibody titres to Msg fragments (MsgA, MsgB, MsgC1, MsgC3, MsgC8 and MsgC9 in sera isolated in the USA (n=200 and Spain (n=326), to determine whether geographical location affects serological responses to these antigens. Blood donors from Seville exhibited a significantly greater antibody titre to MsgC8, and significantly lower responses to MsgC3 and MsgC9, than did Cincinnati (USA) donors. Spanish blood donors (n=162 also exhibited elevated responses to MsgC1, MsgC8 and MsgC9 as compared with Spanish HIV+ (n=patients. HIV+ patients who had Pneumocystis pneumonia (PcP+) exhibited a higher response to MsgC8 than did HIV+ PcP- patients. These data show that geographical location plays a role in responsiveness to Msg fragments. Additionally, these fragments have utility in differentiating HIV+ PcP and HIV+ PcP+ among patient populations

    Comparison of machine learning algorithms in restaurant revenue prediction

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    In this paper, we address several aspects of applying classical machine learning algorithms to a regression problem. We compare the predictive power to validate our approach on a data about revenue of a large Russian restaurant chain. We pay special attention to solve two problems: data heterogeneity and a high number of correlated features. We describe methods for considering heterogeneity—observations weighting and estimating models on subsamples. We define a weighting function via Mahalanobis distance in the space of features and show its predictive properties on following methods: ordinary least squares regression, elastic net, support vector regression, and random forest.</p

    The interlayer cohesive energy of graphite from thermal desorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons

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    We have studied the interaction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with the basal plane of graphite using thermal desorption spectroscopy. Desorption kinetics of benzene, naphthalene, coronene and ovalene at sub-monolayer coverages yield activation energies of 0.50 eV, 0.85 eV, 1.40 eV and 2.1 eV, respectively. Benzene and naphthalene follow simple first order desorption kinetics while coronene and ovalene exhibit fractional order kinetics owing to the stability of 2-D adsorbate islands up to the desorption temperature. Pre-exponential frequency factors are found to be in the range 101410^{14}-1021s−110^{21} s^{-1} as obtained from both Falconer--Madix (isothermal desorption) analysis and Antoine's fit to vapour pressure data. The resulting binding energy per carbon atom of the PAH is 52±52\pm5 meV and can be identified with the interlayer cohesive energy of graphite. The resulting cleavage energy of graphite is 61±561\pm5~meV/atom which is considerably larger than previously reported experimental values.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 table
