Identification of Herder-Wild Equid Conflicts in the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area in SW Mongolia


In protected areas of Mongolian overgrazing, competition with wild ungulates and poaching are important management concerns. The Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area (SPA) in SW Mongolia is a re-introduction site for the Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), a stronghold of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus), and remains an important grazing area for seminomadic herders. We show the power of simple inventory and monitoring methods to assess herder-wildlife conflicts, by combining data of: (1) human and livestock demographic data, (2) migration patterns, of semi-nomadic herders, (3) monthly surveys of wild- and domestic ungulates, and (4) observations of re-introduced, free-ranging Przewalski’s horses. A total of 111 semi-nomadic families with 57,657 head of livestock use the park, mainly in winter. Grazing impact of small stock affects 33% of the park area and is virtually absent in the core area. However, due to the unequal distribution of open water, livestock is present at almost all water points. Seasonal wild horse and wild ass distribution seems to be positively linked to water availability and negatively to herder presence. We documented several cases of wild ungulate poaching, but the magnitude of the problem remains unknown. There are still many knowledge gaps and local people need to be more actively involvement in park management. As this is a rather new approach in Mongolia, we suggest park management to move towards adaptive co-management, accompanied by simple, but sound monitoring and evaluation schemes

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