2,472 research outputs found

    Federal Regulation of Quarantine

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    During the recent excitement in the South caused by the sudden appearance of yellow fever and the consequent recrudescence of the shotgun quarantine an event has happened that might well attract the attention of every thoughtful citizen of the United States: the surrender of a very essential part of the police power of the State of Louisiana to the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service of the Federal Government. made on the plea of absolute necessity and on the principle that self-preservation is nature\u27s first law. The Governor of the State assumed full responsibility for this surrender, and he had, and has, in this respect, the unanimous support of the leading men of his State, notably that of the well-known and deservedly popular Senator S. D. McEnery, of New Orleans. The Federal Government has thus far conservatively, successfully, and to the general satisfaction of the people of Louisiana, substantially exercised the same powers that it exercised with such universal approbation in Havana when it endeavored to eliminate the yellow fever from that city under the sovereign and unrestricted power then held by the United States in Cuba in all matters of civil and military jurisdiction. The action of the Governor of Louisiana has found, directly and indirectly, vigorous endorsement beyond the limits of the South, and one northern Congressman, Mr. Frederick Landis, af Indiana, claiming that nothing could be more purely national than a quarantine law, has recently declared that he wanted to do whatever is necessary to get rid of mosquitoes and the constitutional lawyers

    Structural sizing considerations for large space structures

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    A number of missions for the space shuttle were proposed which involve placing large truss platforms on-orbit. These platforms range in size from tens of meters in span for reflector application to several thousand meters for solar power collector application. These proposed sizes and the operational requirements considered are unconventional in comparison to Earthbound structures and little information exists concerning efficient proportions of the structural elements forming the framework of the platforms. Such proportions are of major concern because they have a strong influence on the packaging efficiency and, thus, the transportation effectiveness of the shuttle. The present study is undertaken to: (1) identify efficient ranges of application of deployable and erectable platforms configured for shuttle transport to orbit, and (2) determine sensitivity to key parameters of minimum mass deployable and erectable platform designs

    Observation of Spin Flips with a Single Trapped Proton

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    Radio-frequency induced spin transitions of one individual proton are observed for the first time. The spin quantum jumps are detected via the continuous Stern-Gerlach effect, which is used in an experiment with a single proton stored in a cryogenic Penning trap. This is an important milestone towards a direct high-precision measurement of the magnetic moment of the proton and a new test of the matter-antimatter symmetry in the baryon sector

    The Interest Sensitivity of Commercial Bank Equity Returns: New Evidence

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    Daniel T. Walz is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at Trinity University, San Antonio. Roger W. Spencer is Professor of Economics at Trinity University. San Antonio

    Deployable and erectable concepts for large spacecraft

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    Computerized structural sizing techniques were used to determine structural proportions of minimum mass tetrahedral truss platforms designed for low Earth and geosynchronous orbit. Optimum (minimum mass) deployable and erectable, hexagonal shaped spacecraft are sized to satisfy multiple design requirements and constraints. Strut dimensions characterizing minimum mass designs are found to be significantly more slender than those conventionally used for structural applications. Comparison studies show that mass characteristics of deployable and erectable platforms are approximately equal and that the shuttle flights required by deployable trusses become excessive above certain critical stiffness values. Recent investigations of eractable strut assembly are reviewed. Initial erectable structure assembly experiments show that a pair of astronauts can achieve EVA assembly times of 2-5 min/strut and studies indicate that an automated assembler can achieve times of less than 1 min/strut for around the clock operation

    Vanishing Fe 3d orbital moments in single-crystalline magnetite

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    We show detailed magnetic absorption spectroscopy results of an in situ cleaved high quality single crystal of magnetite. In addition the experimental setup was carefully optimized to reduce drift, self absorption, and offset phenomena as far as possible. In strong contradiction to recently published data, our observed orbital moments are nearly vanishing and the spin moments are quite close to the integer values proposed by theory. This very important issue supports the half metallic full spin polarized picture of magnetite.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Resolution of Single Spin-Flips of a Single Proton

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    The spin magnetic moment of a single proton in a cryogenic Penning trap was coupled to the particle's axial motion with a superimposed magnetic bottle. Jumps in the oscillation frequency indicate spin-flips and were identified using a Bayesian analysis.Comment: accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. Lett., submitted 6.June.201

    Extracellular ATP activates a cation conductance and a K+ conductance in cultured microglial cells from mouse brain

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    Microglial cells have important functions during regenerative processes after brain injury. It is well established that they rapidly respond to damage to the brain tissue. Stages of activation are associated with changes of cellular properties such as proliferation rate or expression of surface antigens. Yet, nothing is known about signal substances leading to the rapid changes of membrane properties, which may be required to initiate the transition from one cell stage into another. From our present study, using the patch-clamp technique, we report that cultured microglial cells obtained from mouse or rat brain respond to extracellularly applied ATP with the activation of a cation conductance. Additionally, in the majority of cells an outwardly directed K+ conductance was activated with some delay. Since ADP, AMP, and adenosine (in descending order) were less potent or ineffective in inducing the cation conductance, the involvement of a P2 purinergic receptor is proposed. The receptor activation is accompanied by an increase of cytosolic Ca2+ as determined by a fura-2-based Ca(2+)-imaging system. This ATP receptor could enable microglial cells to respond to transmitter release from nerve endings with ATP as a transmitter or cotransmitter or to the death of cells with resulting leakage of ATP

    Towards a high-precision measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment

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    The recent observation of single spins flips with a single proton in a Penning trap opens the way to measure the proton magnetic moment with high precision. Based on this success, which has been achieved with our apparatus at the University of Mainz, we demonstrated recently the first application of the so called double Penning-trap method with a single proton. This is a major step towards a measurement of the proton magnetic moment with ppb precision. To apply this method to a single trapped antiproton our collaboration is currently setting up a companion experiment at the antiproton decelerator of CERN. This effort is recognized as the Baryon Antibaryon Symmetry Experiment (BASE). A comparison of both magnetic moment values will provide a stringent test of CPT invariance with baryons.Comment: Submitted to LEAP 2013 conference proceeding
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