832 research outputs found

    Intrinsic conflict between management and leadership

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    Organizational conflict manifests in misalignment of individuals and groups, and is often discussed in terms of the effect that leadership and management have on the state of affairs. It is built-in for any organization, yet its root causes are not fully understood. It is not uncommon to characterize leadership/management conflicts in terms of the style or personality type of the individuals involved; however, conflicting leadership and management objectives that are not style or personality dependent may also be a significant factor. If conflict is actually disagreement about the role-driven management objectives and leadership objectives at hand, rather than being based on style and personality, knowing how objectives-driven conflict manifests would be valuable to an organization for identifying the root cause of the conflict. The researcher posited that a portion of organizational conflicts may be predestined by way of conflicting objectives that are intrinsic to management and leadership, and defined a perspective that utilized the historical bases for leadership and management to illuminate the possibilities. A Delphi study was conducted, which iteratively utilized a diverse group of industry experts to explore the roles, objectives, and actions of leaders and managers from a practitioner perspective. Although the study found that organizations can be in conflict due to conflicting management objectives and leadership objectives, the interchange of ideas during the study led to the conclusion that the nature of the objectives is largely conditional or subjective rather than predestined, and therefore the conflicts are also conditional or subjective

    Ecology/ Graduate Students/ Westra & Walton/ University of Oregon/ 2012

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    The case study covers a one-shot seminar style Data Information Literacy program offered to graduate students associated with an NSF funded Ecology project. Topics covered included file formats, publishing data, metadata, preservation and data citation. Materials include a book chapter describing the case study, the lesson plan for the session and the evaluation form used to gather feedback

    A tale of four islands

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    Poster Session Award WinnerCommunicating science and conservation issues for the Revillagigedos Islands, Mexico using remotely sensed dataCenter for Science Communication Inaugural Communication Winter Research Forum School of Journalism and Communication University of Orego

    Demolishing an American Ghetto: How Neoliberalism is Reinventing Life and Labor in Nashville, Tennessee

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    The purpose of this project is to examine the adverse effects of neoliberal economic development in Nashville, Tennessee. For several years, the city has been widely praised for its rapidly growing economy, especially in industries such as healthcare and entertainment. There is, however, a contradiction built into this growth that is often left out of discussion. National trends related to deindustrialization, offshoring, and automation have left sectors of the population without work, oftentimes forcing them into the informal or underground economy. Tennessee especially fits into the neoliberal paradigm as the state promotes its emphasis on deregulation in its growing medical and manufacturing industries all while having a regressive tax system in place. In addition, wide-scale gentrification in Nashville and cuts to governmental social expenditures have left this population even more vulnerable, fracturing communities and leaving people economically discarded. This project draws on eight months of fieldwork, primarily in East and Northeast Nashville. It provides a framework for explaining the role of the urban poor in a postindustrial economy defined by urban displacement and destitution as a byproduct of neoliberal policies that aim to manage and punish the poor (Piven and Cloward, 1993; Wacquant, 2009). In addition, it works to make sense of how the urban poor situate themselves in a changing social reality defined by displacement and state repression, perpetual surveillance via the dismantling of the welfare state, their declining relevance to the productive economy, and finally the fracturing of physical market spaces and exchange relations by means of the decentralization in the informal economy

    System model development for nuclear thermal propulsion

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    A critical enabling technology in the evolutionary development of nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) is the ability to predict the system performance under a variety of operating conditions. This is crucial for mission analysis and for control subsystem testing as well as for the modeling of various failure modes. Performance must be accurately predicted during steady-state and transient operation, including startup, shutdown, and post operation cooling. The development and application of verified and validated system models has the potential to reduce the design, testing, and cost and time required for the technology to reach flight-ready status. Since Oct. 1991, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Defense (DOD), and NASA have initiated critical technology development efforts for NTP systems to be used on Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) missions to the Moon and Mars. This paper presents the strategy and progress of an interagency NASA/DOE/DOD team for NTP system modeling. It is the intent of the interagency team to develop several levels of computer programs to simulate various NTP systems. The first level will provide rapid, parameterized calculations of overall system performance. Succeeding computer programs will provide analysis of each component in sufficient detail to guide the design teams and experimental efforts. The computer programs will allow simulation of the entire system to allow prediction of the integrated performance. An interagency team was formed for this task to use the best capabilities available and to assure appropriate peer review

    Sediment budget possibilities and improbabilities

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    Problems of constructing a sediment budget for an inlet is often a challenge due to constraints on data collection, quality of data, and assumptions one is willing to consider. Existing literature does not provide a systematic foundation for equations considered and often engineers and geologists typically do not properly consider the mathematical constraints placed on the problem of sediment budget construction. The present technical note presents a simple methodology for assessing sediment budget, i.e. what is possible, and what is not possible via a matrix equation system and linear algebra. It is hoped that engineers and geologists will not impose unrealistic expectations on the sediment budget system via using such an approach. Some simple examples are given of both pitfalls and correct approaches to sediment budget development

    Unwind: Interactive Fish Straightening

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    The ScanAllFish project is a large-scale effort to scan all the world's 33,100 known species of fishes. It has already generated thousands of volumetric CT scans of fish species which are available on open access platforms such as the Open Science Framework. To achieve a scanning rate required for a project of this magnitude, many specimens are grouped together into a single tube and scanned all at once. The resulting data contain many fish which are often bent and twisted to fit into the scanner. Our system, Unwind, is a novel interactive visualization and processing tool which extracts, unbends, and untwists volumetric images of fish with minimal user interaction. Our approach enables scientists to interactively unwarp these volumes to remove the undesired torque and bending using a piecewise-linear skeleton extracted by averaging isosurfaces of a harmonic function connecting the head and tail of each fish. The result is a volumetric dataset of a individual, straight fish in a canonical pose defined by the marine biologist expert user. We have developed Unwind in collaboration with a team of marine biologists: Our system has been deployed in their labs, and is presently being used for dataset construction, biomechanical analysis, and the generation of figures for scientific publication

    Minneapolis Without Policing: Understanding History to Building the Future

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    Black people have always known that systems of criminalization and surveillance are designed to destroy. The overwhelming sadness and rage we feel when one of us is murdered by the police yet again is the same sadness and rage that our ancestors felt. They knew that if they wanted justice, they had to build their own communities centered in love, accountability, and care. Now more than ever, we must follow in their footsteps. As we write this, we are surviving in a police state, during a pandemic that disproportionately kills and disables Black people, with a recession looming and a clear expiration date for our planet. The moment for transformation is upon us; will you step into it with us? We give this resource guide to you as a gift and an invitation. Our hope is that these pages will empower you to take your next step in embracing community-led safety. We offer guidance about starting and leading these conversations, context to help you understand how far-reaching police violence is, and resources across the Twin Cities to support your work. The work to transform the world we live in isn't easy, but we love you, ourselves, and our communities too much to not fully invest in this movement. Consider this an invitation to join us on this journey, to one day reach the liberation we dream of