62 research outputs found


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    A vér-agy gát anatómiai alapját képező agyi endotélsejtek genomjának 11 %-át transzporterek génjei teszik ki, ami jól jelzi a szállítófehérjék fontosságát. Az agyi hajszálerekben az Slc (solute carrier) szállítófehérje család látja el a központi idegrendszert tápanyagokkal, vitaminokkal, nyomelemekkel, metabolikus prekurzorokkal. Ezek a karrierek főképpen az agyba irányuló transzportban vesznek részt, míg a vér-agy gát efflux transzporterei a neurotranszmitterek és metabolitok szintjét szabályozzák az agyban, valamint megakadályozzák a potenciálisan toxikus anyagok, xenobiotikumok bejutását a vérből az agyba. Az efflux transzportereknek köszönhető a legtöbb központi idegrendszeri gyógyszerjelölt molekula alacsony átjutása is a vér-agy gáton. A probléma megoldására jelentős erővel folynak olyan kutatások, amelyek a hatóanyagokat a vér-agy gát szállítófehérjéinek segítségével juttatják be a központi idegrendszerbe. Megvizsgáltuk a gyógyszerek transzportja és célzott bevitele szempontjából kulcsfontosságú Slc és efflux pumpa fehérjecsaládok génexpressziós mintázatát izolált patkány agyi mikroerekben. A glükóz transzporterek közül a Glut-1 expessziós mRNS szintje volt a legmagasabb, de a Glut-3 és -5 is kifejeződött. A minden vizsgált aminosav transzporter esetében magas génexpressziós szintet mértünk, a legmagasabb a gyógyszerek bejutásában is szerepet játszó Lat-1, valamint a Cat-1 és SN-1 szintje volt. A peptid transzporterek esetében a Pht-2 szintje szignifikánsan magasnak bizonyult, míg a Pept-1, -2 génexpressziója nem volt mérhető. A kreatint (Crt), taurint (Taut) és C-vitamint (Asct-1) szállító fehérjék is expresszálódtak agyi mikroerekben. Az efflux pumpák esetében az ABC transzporter P-glikoprotein (Abcb1), a mellrák rezisztencia fehérje (BCRP, Abcg2), és a multidrog rezisztencia proteinek közül az Mrp-1, 4, 5 mRNS szinje volt a legmagasabb, míg az Mrp-2 nem volt mérhető. A legtöbb vizsgált vér-agy gát transzporter mRNS expressziójára jó egyezést kaptunk izolált agyi mikroerek és a vér-agy gát tenyészetes modellje között. Mivel az Slc transzporterek jelentős mértékben és egyedi mintázatban expresszálódnak a vér-agy gáton, Slc transzportfehérjék ligandjainak kombinációjával ellátott nanorészecskék felvételét teszteltük agyi endotélsejteken, és megállapítottuk, hogy a nanorészecskék felszínére kötött ligandok szignifikánsan magasabb bejutást eredményeznek, mint a jelöletlen partikulumok

    Blood-brain- barrier co-culture models to study nanoparticle penetration : focus on co-culture systems

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    The blood-brain barrier, as a physical, active transport and metabolic barrier represents the main obstacle in the treatment of central nervous system diseases. The field of nanoparticle delivery systems is rapidly developing and nanocarriers seem to be promising for drug delivery or targeting to the brain. For testing the toxicity, uptake and transcellular transport of nanoparticles culture models of the blood-brain barrier are widely used, including immortalized brain endothelial cell lines, primary brain endothelial cells in static or dynamic culture conditions, and in co-culture systems with glial cells and/or pericytes. This mini-review gives a brief summary of blood-brain barrier co-culture models that were used for testing nanocarriers, the types of different nanoparticle systems that were examined on blood-brain barrier models, and the advantages, limitations and suitability of the blood-brain barrier models for nanoparticle penetration studies

    Penetration of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Across the Blood–Brain Barrier, as Revealed by a Combination of a Human Cell Culture Model System and Optical Biosensing

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    Since the outbreak of the global pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), several clinical aspects of the disease have come into attention. Besides its primary route of infection through the respiratory system, SARS-CoV-2 is known to have neuroinvasive capacity, causing multiple neurological symptoms with increased neuroinflammation and blood–brain barrier (BBB) damage. The viral spike protein disseminates via circulation during infection, and when reaching the brain could possibly cross the BBB, which was demonstrated in mice. Therefore, its medical relevance is of high importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the barrier penetration of the S1 subunit of spike protein in model systems of human organs highly exposed to the infection. For this purpose, in vitro human BBB and intestinal barrier cell–culture systems were investigated by an optical biosensing method. We found that spike protein crossed the human brain endothelial cell barrier effectively. Additionally, spike protein passage was found in a lower amount for the intestinal barrier cell layer. These observations were corroborated with parallel specific ELISAs. The findings on the BBB model could provide a further basis for studies focusing on the mechanism and consequences of spike protein penetration across the BBB to the brain

    The Use of Sensors in Blood-Brain Barrier-on-a-Chip Devices: Current Practice and Future Directions

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    The application of lab-on-a-chip technologies in in vitro cell culturing swiftly resulted in improved models of human organs compared to static culture insert-based ones. These chip devices provide controlled cell culture environments to mimic physiological functions and properties. Models of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) especially profited from this advanced technological approach. The BBB represents the tightest endothelial barrier within the vasculature with high electric resistance and low passive permeability, providing a controlled interface between the circulation and the brain. The multi-cell type dynamic BBB-on-chip models are in demand in several fields as alternatives to expensive animal studies or static culture inserts methods. Their combination with integrated biosensors provides real-time and noninvasive monitoring of the integrity of the BBB and of the presence and concentration of agents contributing to the physiological and metabolic functions and pathologies. In this review, we describe built-in sensors to characterize BBB models via quasi-direct current and electrical impedance measurements, as well as the different types of biosensors for the detection of metabolites, drugs, or toxic agents. We also give an outlook on the future of the field, with potential combinations of existing methods and possible improvements of current techniques

    Nogo-A is secreted in extracellular vesicles, occurs in blood and can influence vascular permeability

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    Nogo-A is a transmembrane protein with multiple functions in the central nervous system (CNS), including restriction of neurite growth and synaptic plasticity. Thus far, Nogo-A has been predominantly considered a cell contact-dependent ligand signaling via cell surface receptors. Here, we show that Nogo-A can be secreted by cultured cells of neuronal and glial origin in association with extracellular vesicles (EVs). Neuron- and oligodendrocyte-derived Nogo-A containing EVs inhibited fibroblast spreading, and this effect was partially reversed by Nogo-A receptor S1PR2 blockage. EVs purified from HEK cells only inhibited fibroblast spreading upon Nogo-A over-expression. Nogo-A-containing EVs were found in vivo in the blood of healthy mice and rats, as well as in human plasma. Blood Nogo-A concentrations were elevated after acute stroke lesions in mice and rats. Nogo-A active peptides decreased barrier integrity in an in vitro blood-brain barrier model. Stroked mice showed increased dye permeability in peripheral organs when tested 2 weeks after injury. In the Miles assay, an in vivo test to assess leakage of the skin vasculature, a Nogo-A active peptide increased dye permeability. These findings suggest that blood borne, possibly EV-associated Nogo-A could exert long-range regulatory actions on vascular permeability

    Neuroinflammatory processes are augmented in mice overexpressing human heat-shock protein B1 following ethanol-induced brain injury

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    Background: Heat-shock protein B1 (HSPB1) is among the most well-known and versatile member of the evolutionarily conserved family of small heat-shock proteins. It has been implicated to serve a neuroprotective role against various neurological disorders via its modulatory activity on inflammation, yet its exact role in neuroinflammation is poorly understood. In order to shed light on the exact mechanism of inflammation modulation by HSPB1, we investigated the effect of HSPB1 on neuroinflammatory processes in an in vivo and in vitro model of acute brain injury. Methods: In this study, we used a transgenic mouse strain overexpressing the human HSPB1 protein. In the in vivo experiments, 7-day-old transgenic and wild-type mice were treated with ethanol. Apoptotic cells were detected using TUNEL assay. The mRNA and protein levels of cytokines and glial cell markers were examined using RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry in the brain. We also established primary neuronal, astrocyte, and microglial cultures which were subjected to cytokine and ethanol treatments. TNF alpha and hHSPB1 levels were measured from the supernates by ELISA, and intracellular hHSPB1 expression was analyzed using fluorescent immunohistochemistry. Results: Following ethanol treatment, the brains of hHSPB1-overexpressing mice showed a significantly higher mRNA level of pro-inflammatory cytokines (Tnf, Il1b), microglia (Cd68, Arg1), and astrocyte (Gfap) markers compared to wild-type brains. Microglial activation, and 1 week later, reactive astrogliosis was higher in certain brain areas of ethanol-treated transgenic mice compared to those of wild-types. Despite the remarkably high expression of pro-apoptotic Tnf, hHSPB1-overexpressing mice did not exhibit higher level of apoptosis. Our data suggest that intracellular hHSPB1, showing the highest level in primary astrocytes, was responsible for the inflammation-regulating effects. Microglia cells were the main source of TNF alpha in our model. Microglia isolated from hHSPB1-overexpressing mice showed a significantly higher release of TNF alpha compared to wild-type cells under inflammatory conditions. Conclusions; Our work provides novel in vivo evidence that hHSPB1 overexpression has a regulating effect on acute neuroinflammation by intensifying the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enhancing glial cell activation, but not increasing neuronal apoptosis. These results suggest that hHSPB1 may play a complex role in the modulation of the ethanol-induced neuroinflammatory response.Peer reviewe

    MAP Kinase Pathways in Brain Endothelial Cells and Crosstalk with Pericytes and Astrocytes Mediate Contrast-Induced Blood–Brain Barrier Disruption

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    Neurointervention with contrast media (CM) has rapidly increased, but the impact of CM extravasation and the related side effects remain controversial. This study investigated the effect of CM on blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity. We established in vitro BBB models using primary cultures of rat BBB-related cells. To assess the effects of CM on BBB functions, we evaluated transendothelial electrical resistance, permeability, and tight junction (TJ) protein expression using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Western blotting. To investigate the mechanism of iopamidol-induced barrier dysfunction, the role of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases in brain endothelial cells was examined. We assessed the effect of conditioned medium derived from astrocytes and pericytes under iopamidol treatment. Short-term iopamidol exposure on the luminal side induced transient, while on the abluminal side caused persistent BBB dysfunction. IHC and immunoblotting revealed CM decreased the expression of TJ proteins. Iopamidol-induced barrier dysfunction was improved via the regulation of MAP kinase pathways. Conditioned medium from CM-exposed pericytes or astrocytes lacks the ability to enhance barrier function. CM may cause BBB dysfunction. MAP kinase pathways in brain endothelial cells and the interactions of astrocytes and pericytes mediate iopamidol-induced barrier dysfunction. CM extravasation may have negative effects on clinical outcomes in patients

    MASP-1 Increases Endothelial Permeability

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    Pathologically increased vascular permeability is an important dysfunction in the pathomechanism of life-threatening conditions, such as sepsis, ischemia/reperfusion, or hereditary angioedema (HAE), diseases accompanied by uncontrolled activation of the complement system. HAE for example is caused by the deficiency of C1-inhibitor (the main regulator of early complement activation), which leads to edematous attacks threatening with circulatory collapse. We have previously reported that endothelial cells become activated during HAE attacks. A natural target of C1-inhibitor is mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a multifunctional serine protease, which plays a key role in the activation of complement lectin pathway. We have previously shown that MASP-1 induces the pro-inflammatory activation of endothelial cells and in this study we investigated whether MASP-1 can directly affect endothelial permeability. All experiments were performed on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Real-time micro electric sensing revealed that MASP-1 decreases the impedance of HUVEC monolayers and in a recently developed permeability test (XperT), MASP-1 dose-dependently increased endothelial paracellular transport. We show that protease activated receptor-1 mediated intracellular Ca2+-mobilization, Rho-kinase activation dependent myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, cytoskeletal actin rearrangement, and disruption of interendothelial junctions are underlying this phenomenon. Furthermore, in a whole-transcriptome microarray analysis MASP-1 significantly changed the expression of 25 permeability-related genes in HUVECs—for example it up-regulated bradykinin B2 receptor expression. According to our results, MASP-1 has potent permeability increasing effects. During infections or injuries MASP-1 may help eliminate the microbes and/or tissue debris by enhancing the extravasation of soluble and cellular components of the immune system, however, it may also play a role in the pathomechanism of diseases, where edema formation and complement lectin pathway activation are simultaneously present. Our findings also raise the possibility that MASP-1 may be a promising target of anti-edema drug development