30 research outputs found

    Relación del nivel de uso de la fan page TV Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de la compañía TV Norte, en el año 2018

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    RESUMEN La actual investigación profundiza el conocimiento sobre la relación entre el nivel de uso de la fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de dicha entidad. Se trata de una investigación correlacional. Para lo cual, el presente estudio tuvo como problema de investigación el determinar cuál es la relación del nivel de uso de la fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de la Compañía Tv Norte, en el año 2018, donde finalmente se logró conocer con veracidad la relación que existe entre las variables en estudio. La hipótesis propuesta en la investigación fue que en definitiva, existe una relación directa entre el nivel de uso de la fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de la compañía Tv Norte, en el año 2018; tal como lo evidencia el coeficiente de Pearson el cual es de 0.254; en donde se observa que dicha relación es positiva baja tal como lo expresa Hernández, Fernández y Baptista (2014). Así mismo, se obtuvo que la correlación obtenida es significativa, puesto que el pvalue (0.002) es menos a 0.05; permitiendo afirmar que la hipótesis de investigación es cierta y que sí existe una relación directa entre las variables de estudio. Este estudio se desarrolló a través de la ejecución de la técnica de la encuesta, en una muestra conformada por 150 clientes de la compañía. En consecuencia, a partir de los resultados de dicha investigación, se llegó a la conclusión de que, el buen uso de la red social Facebook, en su modo Fan Page, contribuye con el posicionamiento de marca de las empresas, por ende, es trascendental reforzar las estrategias de este tipo en la compañía, con la finalidad de ir intensificando su nivel de posicionamiento de marca en el mercado. PALABRAS CLAVE: Gestión de contenidos, público objetivo, fan page, contenido multimedia, Community Manager, marketing de contenidos, comunidad virtual, redes sociales, nivel de interacción, posicionamiento.ABSTRACT The current research deepens the knowledge about the relationship between the level of use of the fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca with the brand positioning of said entity. This is a correlational investigation For which, the present study had as a research problem to determine what is the relationship of the use level of the fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca with the brand positioning of the Tv Norte Company, in 2018, where it was finally achieved know with truth the relationship that exists between the variables under study. The proposed research hypothesis was that ultimately there is a direct relationship between the level of use of the fan page Tv North Cajamarca with brand positioning of the TV company Norte, in 2018, as evidenced by the coefficient Pearson which is 0.254; where it is observed that this relationship is positive low, such as the expresa Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014). Likewise, it was obtained that the correlation obtained is significant, since the p- value (0.002) is less at 0.05; allowing to affirm that the research hypothesis is true and that there is a direct relationship between the study variables. This study was developed through the execution of the survey technique, in a sample formed by 150 clients of the company Consequently, based on the results of this research, it was concluded that the good use of the social network Facebook, in its Fan Page mode, contributes to the brand positioning of companies, therefore, it is transcendental reinforce the strategies of this type in the company, in order to intensify its level of brand positioning in the market. KEYWORDS: Content management, target audience, fan page, multimedia content, Community Manager, content marketing, virtual community, social networks, interaction level, positioning

    Relación del nivel de uso de la fan page TV Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de la compañía TV Norte, en el año 2018

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    RESUMEN La actual investigación profundiza el conocimiento sobre la relación entre el nivel de uso de la fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de dicha entidad. Se trata de una investigación correlacional. Para lo cual, el presente estudio tuvo como problema de investigación el determinar cuál es la relación del nivel de uso de la fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de la Compañía Tv Norte, en el año 2018, donde finalmente se logró conocer con veracidad la relación que existe entre las variables en estudio. La hipótesis propuesta en la investigación fue que en definitiva, existe una relación directa entre el nivel de uso de la fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca con el posicionamiento de marca de la compañía Tv Norte, en el año 2018; tal como lo evidencia el coeficiente de Pearson el cual es de 0.254; en donde se observa que dicha relación es positiva baja tal como lo expresa Hernández, Fernández y Baptista (2014). Así mismo, se obtuvo que la correlación obtenida es significativa, puesto que el pvalue (0.002) es menos a 0.05; permitiendo afirmar que la hipótesis de investigación es cierta y que sí existe una relación directa entre las variables de estudio. Este estudio se desarrolló a través de la ejecución de la técnica de la encuesta, en una muestra conformada por 150 clientes de la compañía. En consecuencia, a partir de los resultados de dicha investigación, se llegó a la conclusión de que, el buen uso de la red social Facebook, en su modo Fan Page, contribuye con el posicionamiento de marca de las empresas, por ende, es trascendental reforzar las estrategias de este tipo en la compañía, con la finalidad de ir intensificando su nivel de posicionamiento de marca en el mercado. PALABRAS CLAVE: Gestión de contenidos, público objetivo, fan page, contenido multimedia, Community Manager, marketing de contenidos, comunidad virtual, redes sociales, nivel de interacción, posicionamiento.ABSTRACT The current research deepens the knowledge about the relationship between the level of use of the fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca with the brand positioning of said entity. This is a correlational investigation For which, the present study had as a research problem to determine what is the relationship of the use level of the fan page Tv Norte Cajamarca with the brand positioning of the Tv Norte Company, in 2018, where it was finally achieved know with truth the relationship that exists between the variables under study. The proposed research hypothesis was that ultimately there is a direct relationship between the level of use of the fan page Tv North Cajamarca with brand positioning of the TV company Norte, in 2018, as evidenced by the coefficient Pearson which is 0.254; where it is observed that this relationship is positive low, such as the expresa Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014). Likewise, it was obtained that the correlation obtained is significant, since the p- value (0.002) is less at 0.05; allowing to affirm that the research hypothesis is true and that there is a direct relationship between the study variables. This study was developed through the execution of the survey technique, in a sample formed by 150 clients of the company Consequently, based on the results of this research, it was concluded that the good use of the social network Facebook, in its Fan Page mode, contributes to the brand positioning of companies, therefore, it is transcendental reinforce the strategies of this type in the company, in order to intensify its level of brand positioning in the market. KEYWORDS: Content management, target audience, fan page, multimedia content, Community Manager, content marketing, virtual community, social networks, interaction level, positioning

    Liberdade de escolha do aprendiz no processo adaptativo em aprendizagem motora

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of freedom of choice, when offered during the stabilization of a motor skill, on the adaptation process involving a motor task modification. Forty eight volunteers of both genders, with average age of 21 years (± 5,6), were randomly divided in three groups according to freedom of choice degree: high (ALT), intermediate (MED) and without freedom of choice (SEM). A complex coincident timing task was used. Each participant was requested to touch six response keys, trying to hit the last one in coincidence with a visual stimulus. The experiment consisted of two phases, namely stabilization and adaptation. In the beginning of the adaptation phase, the motor task modification perturbed all three groups, as an increase in execution errors and a decrease of both precision (absolute error) and consistency (variable error) of the performance was verified. Although all three groups improved their performance during the adaptation phase, the SEM group showed signs of a less efficient adaptation. Thus, the findings indicate that, as a result of a motor task modification, the freedom in response choice was beneficial to adaptation irrespective of degree.O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do grau de liberdade de escolha, oferecido durante a estabilização de uma habilidade motora, no processo de adaptação a uma modificação efetora na tarefa. Participaram do estudo 48 voluntários, com média de idade de 21 (± 5,6) anos, de ambos os gêneros, que foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos relacionados ao grau de liberdade de escolha oferecido: alto (ALT), intermediário (MED) e sem liberdade de escolha (SEM). Foi utilizada uma tarefa complexa de "timing" coincidente, na qual o participante deveria tocar seis sensores de forma que o último toque coincidisse com a chegada de um estímulo visual. O experimento consistiu de duas fases, quais sejam, estabilização e adaptação. No início da fase de adaptação, a modificação efetora da tarefa gerou perturbação aos três grupos, uma vez que foi verificado aumento dos erros de execução e queda na precisão (erro absoluto) e consistência (erro variável) do desempenho. Apesar dos três grupos terem apresentado melhora do desempenho ao longo da fase de adaptação, o grupo SEM apresentou indicativos de adaptação menos eficiente. Assim, os resultados apontam que, diante de uma modificação efetora da tarefa, a liberdade na escolha da resposta foi benéfica para a adaptação independentemente do grau

    Impacto de la concesi?n del Puerto de Salaverry en las agroexportaciones de la regi?n La Libertad

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    El desarrollo de la investigaci?n denominada: Impacto de la Concesi?n del Puerto de Salaverry en las Agroexportadoras de la Regi?n La Libertad est? motivado en el convencimiento que tenemos del positivo aporte que tienen los servicios portuarios en el desarrollo econ?mio de los paises. En el Per? acertadamente se insiste en promover una orientaci?n hacia la productividad y eficiencia en los servicios p?blicos que involucren y beneficien de manera directa a las personas, entre los que se encuentran tambi?n los agroexportadores. Considerando un enfoque cuantitativo, soportado en datos y series estad?sticas se identific? al esp?rrago, el ar?ndano, la alcachofa y el pimiento como los productos agr?colas con significativo desempe?o y potencial de exportaci?n de la Regi?n La Libertad, Lambayeque y Ancash (?rea de Influencia). La informaci?n utilizada ha permitido concluir que el mejormiento en la infraestructura del puerto de Salaverry generara efectos directos y positivos en el fortalecimiento de las ventajas competitivas de los agroexportadores del ?rea de Influencia; La concesi?n del TPMSalaver generar?a un ahorro en flete de US55601177,00US 55 601 177,00 US en una proyecci?n de 6 a?os (2023-2028) para los agroexportadores dedicados a la exportaci?n de esp?rrago, ar?ndano, alcachofa y pimiento

    Efeitos da freqüência de conhecimento de performance na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge of performance (KP) frequency on motor skill learning. Thirty five female (20-30 years) were organized in two experimental groups: KP 100% (n = 18) and KP 33% (n = 17). A rope skill from rhythmic gymnastics was used. The design involved acquisition and retention phases with 60 and 10 trials, respectively. Performance was evaluated in terms of movement pattern. The results showed similar performance on the retention test. It was concluded that the frequencies of 100% and 33% of KP allowed similar learning.O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi investigar os efeitos da freqüência do conhecimento de performance (CP) na aprendizagem de habilidades motoras. Participaram da pesquisa 35 sujeitos do sexo feminino com idades entre 20 e 30 anos, os quais foram organizados em dois grupos experimentais: CP 100% (n=18) e CP 33% (n = 7). Foi utilizada como tarefa de aprendizagem uma habilidade com corda da GRD. O delineamento envolveu as fases de aquisição e retenção com a execução de 60 e 10 tentativas respectivamente. O desempenho foi avaliado no que se refere ao padrão de movimento. De acordo com os resultados, houve desempenho similar entre os dois grupos no teste de retenção. Concluiu-se, dessa forma, que as freqüências de 100 e 33% possibilitaram aprendizagem semelhant

    Spatially Resolved 12CO(2–1)/12CO(1–0) in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253 : Assessing Optical Depth to Constrain the Molecular Mass Outflow Rate

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of 12CO(1–0) and 12CO(2–1) in the central 40'' (680 pc) of the nuclear starburst galaxy NGC 253, including its molecular outflow. We measure the ratio of brightness temperature for CO(2–1)/CO(1–0), r 21, in the central starburst and outflow-related features. We discuss how r 21 can be used to constrain the optical depth of the CO emission, which impacts the inferred mass of the outflow and consequently the molecular mass outflow rate. We find r 21 lesssim 1 throughout, consistent with a majority of the CO emission being optically thick in the outflow, as it is in the starburst. This suggests that the molecular outflow mass is 3–6 times larger than the lower limit reported for optically thin CO emission from warm molecular gas. The implied molecular mass outflow rate is 25–50 M ⊙ yr−1, assuming that the conversion factor for the outflowing gas is similar to our best estimates for the bulk of the starburst. This is a factor of 9–19 times larger than the star formation rate in NGC 253. We see tentative evidence for an extended, diffuse CO(2–1) component.Peer reviewe

    Plan de negocios para la implementaci?n de una empresa de servicios educativos hol?sticos, basados en la metodolog?a STEAM, para ni?os de nivel primario de Lima Metropolitana

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo fundar una organizaci?n no gubernamental sin fines de lucro, en adelante ONG, del sector servicio, dedicada a desarrollar talleres extracurriculares basados en la metodolog?a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) para ni?os que cursen el nivel primario en los distritos de Lima Metropolitana y que pertenezcan a familias de nivel socioecon?mico B y C, en adelante NSE B y C. Estos talleres buscan promover el desarrollo integral del menor logrando un acercamiento y comprensi?n de la ciencia, tecnolog?a, ingenier?a, arte y matem?ticas a una temprana edad. La finalidad es cultivar en ellos la pasi?n por la investigaci?n de una manera simple y natural. Asimismo, desarrollar habilidades sociales que sirvan de base para el crecimiento personal y profesional de los ni?os y que esta nueva forma de aprender en base a la experimentaci?n perdure en ellos a lo largo de sus vidas. El desarrollo de los talleres se da dentro de los centros educativos seleccionados y en horarios extracurriculares con el fin de aprovechar la infraestructura, seguridad de los locales y sobre todo para estar m?s cerca del p?blico objetivo, poder incentivarlos y lograr que m?s personas puedan tener acceso a esta nueva forma de aprender

    Motor Learning of a cognitive-motor task after stroke

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    The aim of this study was investigated a maze learning in stroke individuals. Forty participants assigned into two groups: experimental (stroke participants; n = 20) and control (neurologically healthy participants; n = 20). The study involved an acquisition phase, a transfer test, and a short-and longterm retention tests. The task consisted in complete a maze, with paper and pen, in the shortest time possible. The dependent variables were execution time and error. Data were analyzed with an Anova- two way with Repeated Measures for these variables. Results showed learning for both groups, but with the experimental group having worse performance compared to control group mainly related error. It was also seen the impact promoted in the task has impaired both groups in the transfer test performance

    Spatially Resolved 12CO(2-1)/12CO(1-0) in the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253: Assessing Optical Depth to Constrain the Molecular Mass Outflow Rate

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of 12CO(1-0) and 12CO(2-1) in the central 40″ (680 pc) of the nuclear starburst galaxy NGC 253, including its molecular outflow. We measure the ratio of brightness temperature for CO(2-1)/CO(1-0), r 21, in the central starburst and outflow-related features. We discuss how r 21 can be used to constrain the optical depth of the CO emission, which impacts the inferred mass of the outflow and consequently the molecular mass outflow rate. We find r 21 ≲ 1 throughout, consistent with a majority of the CO emission being optically thick in the outflow, as it is in the starburst. This suggests that the molecular outflow mass is 3-6 times larger than the lower limit reported for optically thin CO emission from warm molecular gas. The implied molecular mass outflow rate is 25-50 M ☉ yr-1, assuming that the conversion factor for the outflowing gas is similar to our best estimates for the bulk of the starburst. This is a factor of 9-19 times larger than the star formation rate in NGC 253. We see tentative evidence for an extended, diffuse CO(2-1) component.</p

    Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil

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    The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others