66 research outputs found

    Handlinien. Datumsgrenzen. Ăśber zwei Gedichte von Durs GrĂĽnbein

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    Ce n’est pas à la manière des mains jointes pour la prière d’Albrecht Dürer que les poèmes Mantegna vielleicht (Mantegna peut-être) et Mißklang (Dissonance) semblent devoir frapper l’œil du lecteur, comme le Second Faust ;ce serait plutôt la main du poète qui se pose naturellement sur celle du lecteur. Mais, aurait demandé Heraclite, lequel de ces deux poèmes est celui qui ne sait pas ce que fait l’autre ? Ou inversement : l’un des poèmes est la main droite, que l’on a posée incrédule sur le miroir, l’autre est l’inaccessible main gauche, la première à être réchauffée du sang venu du cœur.Nicht wie die betenden Hände von Albrecht Dürer passen die Gedichte Mantegna vielleicht und Mißklang von Durs Grünbein wie Faust IIaufs Auge, sondern wie die Hand des Dichters auf die Hand des Lesers. Was aber, hätte Heraklit gefragt, was von den beiden Gedichten ist das eine, das nicht weiß, was das andere tut ? Oder umgekehrt : Das eine Gedicht ist die rechte Hand, die man ungläubig auf den Spiegel gelegt hat, das andere die unerreichbare linke, die erste von Herzblut warm 

    Rates and regulation of nitrogen cycling in seasonally hypoxic sediments during winter (Boknis Eck, SW Baltic Sea): Sensitivity to environmental variables

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    This study investigates the biogeochemical processes that control the benthic fluxes of dissolved nitrogen (N) species in Boknis Eck - a 28 m deep site in the Eckernförde Bay (southwestern Baltic Sea). Bottom water oxygen concentrations (O2-BW) fluctuate greatly over the year at Boknis Eck, being well-oxygenated in winter and experiencing severe bottom water hypoxia and even anoxia in late summer. The present communication addresses the winter situation (February 2010). Fluxes of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-) and nitrite (NO2-) were simulated using a benthic model that accounted for transport andbiogeochemical reactions and constrained with ex situ flux measurements and sediment geochemical analysis. The sediments were a net sink for NO3- (-0.35 mmol m-2 d-1 of NO3-), of which 75% was ascribed to dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium (DNRA) by sulfide oxidizing bacteria, and 25% to NO3- reduction to NO2- by denitrifying microorganisms. NH4+ fluxes were high (1.74 mmol m-2d-1 of NH4+), mainly due to the degradation of organic nitrogen, and directed out of the sediment. NO2-fluxes were negligible. The sediments in Boknis Eck are, therefore, a net source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN = NO3- + NO2- + NH4+) during winter. This is in large part due to bioirrigation, which accounts for 76% of the benthic efflux of NH4+, thus reducing the capacity for nitrification of NH4+. The combined rate of fixed N loss by denitrification and anammox was estimated at 0.08 mmol m-2 d-1 of N2, which is at the lower end of previously reported values. A systematic sensitivity analysis revealed that denitrification and anammox respond strongly and positively to the concentration of NO3- in the bottomwater (NO3-BW).Higher O2-BW decreases DNRA and denitrification but stimulates both anammox and the contribution ofanammox to total N2 production (%Ramx). A complete mechanistic explanation of these findings is provided. Our analysis indicates that nitrification is the geochemical driving force behind the observed correlation between %Ramx and water depth in the seminal study of Dalsgaard et al. (2005). Despite remaining uncertainties, the results provide a general mechanistic framework for interpreting the existing knowledge of N-turnover processes and fluxes in continental margin sediments, as well as predicting the types of environment where these reactions are expected to occur prominently

    Environmental changes affect the microbial release of hydrogen sulfide and methane from sediments at Boknis Eck (SW Baltic Sea)

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    Anthropogenic activities are modifying the oceanic environment rapidly and are causing ocean warming and deoxygenation, affecting biodiversity, productivity, and biogeochemical cycling. In coastal sediments, anaerobic organic matter degradation essentially fuels the production of hydrogen sulfide and methane. The release of these compounds from sediments is detrimental for the (local) environment and entails socio-economic consequences. Therefore, it is vital to understand which microbes catalyze the re-oxidation of these compounds under environmental dynamics, thereby mitigating their release to the water column. Here we use the seasonally dynamic Boknis Eck study site (SW Baltic Sea), where bottom waters annually fall hypoxic or anoxic after the summer months, to extrapolate how the microbial community and its activity reflects rising temperatures and deoxygenation. During October 2018, hallmarked by warmer bottom water and following a hypoxic event, modeled sulfide and methane production and consumption rates are higher than in March at lower temperatures and under fully oxic bottom water conditions. The microbial populations catalyzing sulfide and methane metabolisms are found in shallower sediment zones in October 2018 than in March 2019. DNA-and RNA profiling of sediments indicate a shift from primarily organotrophic to (autotrophic) sulfide oxidizing Bacteria, respectively. Previous studies using data collected over decades demonstrate rising temperatures, decreasing eutrophication, lower primary production and thus less fresh organic matter transported to the Boknis Eck sediments. Elevated temperatures are known to stimulate methanogenesis, anaerobic oxidation of methane, sulfate reduction and essentially microbial sulfide consumption, likely explaining the shift to a phylogenetically more diverse sulfide oxidizing community based on RNA
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