43,575 research outputs found

    CO2 laser annealing of 50-microns-thick silicon solar cells

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    A test program is conducted to determine thin solar cell annealing effects using a laser energy source. A CO2 continuous-wave laser was used in annealing experiments on 50 micrometers-thick silicon solar cells after proton irradiation. Test cells were irradiated to a fluence of 1.0 x 10 to the 12th power protons/sq cm with 1.9 MeV protons. After irradiation, those cells receiving full proton dosage were degraded by an average of 30% in output power. In annealing tests laser beam exposure times on the solar cell varied from 2 seconds to 16 seconds reaching cell temperatures of from 400 C to 500 C. Under those conditions annealing test results showed recovery in cell output power of from 33% to 90%

    The velocity field near the orifice of a Helmholtz resonator in grazing flow

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    Measurement of the time-dependent velocities induced inside and outside the opening of acoustically excited, two-dimensional Helmholtz resonator imbedded in a grazing flow are presented. The remarkably clear structure of the perturbation field which evokes a pulsating source and a coherently pulsating vortex-image pair is described. The simple phenomenological "lid-model" which correlates the variation in the components of the acoustic impedance with the velocity of the grazing flow is discussed and extended

    Flame detector operable in presence of proton radiation

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    A detector of ultraviolet radiation for operation in a space vehicle which orbits through high intensity radiation areas is described. Two identical ultraviolet sensor tubes are mounted within a shield which limits to acceptable levels the amount of proton radiation reaching the sensor tubes. The shield has an opening which permits ultraviolet radiation to reach one of the sensing tubes. The shield keeps ultraviolet radiation from reaching the other sensor tube, designated the reference tube. The circuitry of the detector subtracts the output of the reference tube from the output of the sensing tube, and any portion of the output of the sensing tube which is due to proton radiation is offset by the output of the reference tube. A delay circuit in the detector prevents false alarms by keeping statistical variations in the proton radiation sensed by the two sensor tubes from developing an output signal

    Smallholder Participation in Agricultural Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Three Continents

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    Supermarkets, specialized wholesalers, and processors and agro-exporters’ agricultural value chains have begun to transform the marketing channels into which smallholder farmers sell produce in low-income economies. We develop a conceptual framework through which to study contracting between smallholders and a commodity-processing firm. We then conduct an empirical meta-analysis of agricultural value chains in five countries across three continents (Ghana, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Nicaragua). We document patterns of participation, the welfare gains associated with participation, reasons for non-participation, the significant extent of contract non-compliance, and the considerable dynamism of these value chains, as farmers and firms enter and exit frequently.

    The Origin of Anomalous Low-Temperature Downturns in the Thermal Conductivity of Cuprates

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    We show that the anomalous decrease in the thermal conductivity of cuprates below 300 mK, as has been observed recently in several cuprate materials including Pr2x_{2-x}Cex_xCuO7δ_{7-\delta} in the field-induced normal state, is due to the thermal decoupling of phonons and electrons in the sample. Upon lowering the temperature, the phonon-electron heat transfer rate decreases and, as a result, a heat current bottleneck develops between the phonons, which can in some cases be primarily responsible for heating the sample, and the electrons. The contribution that the electrons make to the total low-TT heat current is thus limited by the phonon-electron heat transfer rate, and falls rapidly with decreasing temperature, resulting in the apparent low-TT downturn of the thermal conductivity. We obtain the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the low-TT thermal conductivity in the presence of phonon-electron thermal decoupling and find good agreement with the data in both the normal and superconducting states.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Community Assessment Scales: The State of the Art

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    Community development activities are founded on the assumption that citizens have some concept of a good community toward which they want to move. Attention needs to be given to how community developers can determine citizen values and attitudes about the type of community that they want. Community assessment scales (CAS\u27s) have been used as one means of measuring community attitudes and desires. This paper explores the state of the art of the development and use of CAS\u27s. The conclusions are that there has been only minimal use of CAS\u27s and that there are many conceptual and methodological problems with the existing scales. It is suggested that CAS\u27s, if properly designed, could be useful and practical tools for community development

    Smallholder Participation in Agricultural Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Three Continents

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    Supermarkets, specialized wholesalers, and processors and agro-exporters’ agricultural value chains have begun to transform the marketing channels into which smallholder farmers sell produce in low-income economies. We develop a conceptual framework through which to study contracting between smallholders and a commodity-processing firm. We then conduct an empirical meta-analysis of agricultural value chains in five countries across three continents (Ghana, India, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Nicaragua). We document patterns of participation, the welfare gains associated with participation, reasons for non-participation, the significant extent of contract non-compliance, and the considerable dynamism of these value chains, as farmers and firms enter and exit frequently.Agricultural Value Chains, Contract Farming, Africa, Asia, Latin America

    Magnetic and electrical properties of dhcp NpPd3 and U(1-x)Np(x)Pd3

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    We have made an extensive study of the magnetic and electrical properties of double-hexagonal closepacked NpPd3 and a range of U(1-x)Np(x)Pd3 compounds with x=0.01, 0.02, 0.05, and 0.50 using magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and heat capacity measurements on polycrystalline samples, performed in the temperature range 2-300 K and in magnetic fields up to 9 T. Two transitions are observed in NpPd3 at T=10 and 30 K. Dilute Np samples (x<0.05) exhibit quadrupolar transitions, with the transition temperatures reduced from those of pure UPd3.Comment: 10 pages, 18 figure

    Independent component analysis of interictal fMRI in focal epilepsy: comparison with general linear model-based EEG-correlated fMRI

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    The general linear model (GLM) has been used to analyze simultaneous EEG–fMRI to reveal BOLD changes linked to interictal epileptic discharges (IED) identified on scalp EEG. This approach is ineffective when IED are not evident in the EEG. Data-driven fMRI analysis techniques that do not require an EEG derived model may offer a solution in these circumstances. We compared the findings of independent components analysis (ICA) and EEG-based GLM analyses of fMRI data from eight patients with focal epilepsy. Spatial ICA was used to extract independent components (IC) which were automatically classified as either BOLD-related, motion artefacts, EPI-susceptibility artefacts, large blood vessels, noise at high spatial or temporal frequency. The classifier reduced the number of candidate IC by 78%, with an average of 16 BOLD-related IC. Concordance between the ICA and GLM-derived results was assessed based on spatio-temporal criteria. In each patient, one of the IC satisfied the criteria to correspond to IED-based GLM result. The remaining IC were consistent with BOLD patterns of spontaneous brain activity and may include epileptic activity that was not evident on the scalp EEG. In conclusion, ICA of fMRI is capable of revealing areas of epileptic activity in patients with focal epilepsy and may be useful for the analysis of EEG–fMRI data in which abnormalities are not apparent on scalp EEG

    Determination of the Antiferroquadrupolar Order Parameters in UPd3

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    By combining accurate heat capacity and X-ray resonant scattering results we have resolved the long standing question regarding the nature of the quadrupolar ordered phases in UPd_3. The order parameter of the highest temperature quadrupolar phase has been uniquely determined to be antiphase Q_{zx} in contrast to the previous conjecture of Q_{x^2-y^2} . The azimuthal dependence of the X-ray scattering intensity from the quadrupolar superlattice reflections indicates that the lower temperature phases are described by a superposition of order parameters. The heat capacity features associated with each of the phase transitions characterize their order, which imposes restrictions on the matrix elements of the quadrupolar operators.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure