1,387 research outputs found

    Appreciating the Mystery of Three Persons and One Substance : A Study of Tertullian\u27s Legacy Concerning the Historical Development of the Doctrine of the Trinity

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    Tertullian of Carthage is hailed by many as the most influential Western theologian prior to Augustine, and his most impressive theological contributions involved Trinitarianism and Christology. This study is a thorough investigation of the extent to which Tertullian influenced subsequent Trinitarian theologians and writers in the Western tradition. It explores how Tertullian repeated and expanded existing arguments popularized by earlier apologists and theologians. It also identifies those original features of Tertullian\u27s theological vocabulary and reasoning which subsequent Western pre- and post-Nicene theologians found most valuable as Trinitarian doctrine progressed toward its maturity. This analysis concludes with an evaluation of Tertullian\u27s theological influence in light of some factors that restricted it

    A Defense of Principled Positivism

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    Winner of THE 2023 FRED G. LEEBRON MEMORIAL PRIZE, to the graduating student who has written the best paper in the field of constitutional law

    Retreat From Reason: Ralph Waldo Emerson\u27s Influence on the Unitarian Church

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    This thesis looks at the Transcendentalist ideologies of Ralph Waldo Emerson and how he influenced the Unitarian Church. It analyzes the changes that occurred in Unitarianism as a result of the new ways of thinking which Emerson introduced into the Christian denomination

    Evaluating K-12 STEM Education Programs in Indiana: The SERI/I-STEM Partnership

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    poster abstractThe Indiana Science Initiative (ISI) is a K-8 systemic science and literacy program managed by the I-STEM Resource Network involving 2,000+ teachers and 53,000+ students in grades K-8 using research-developed curricular modules. The poster will present data and preliminary analysis on three key program evaluation areas. First, initial data will be presented on student performance at ten schools where all teachers at all grade levels implemented the ISI during both the pilot and first year. Secondly, the poster will present the preliminary analysis of data from the Lilly Science Coaches, which is a program that places Lilly staff and scientists with ISI teachers to support science program implementation through regular or semi-regular classroom visits. Finally, results of change in teachers’ self-efficacy as measured via the Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (STEBI) will be reported. The early indications of these data are positive towards the success of the programs. This evaluation represents a partnership between the STEM Education Research Institute at IUPUI (SERI) and the I-STEM Resource Network. A summary of implications for this type of partnership are also presented

    The hydrochloride and hydrobromide salt forms of (S)-amphetamine

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    (S)-Amphetamine hydrochloride, C9H14ClN, has a Z′ = 6 structure with six independent cation, anion pairs. That these are indeed crystallographically independent is supported by different packing orientations of the cations and by observation of a wide range of cation conformations generated by rotation about the phenyl–CH2 bond. The supramolecular contacts about the anions also differ such that both a wide variation in the geometry of the three N–H···Cl hydrogen bonds formed by each chloride anion and differences in C–H···Cl contacts are apparent. (S)-Amphetamine hydrobromide, C9H14BrN, is broadly similar to the chloride in terms of cation conformation, the existance of three N–H···X hydrogen bond contacts per anion and the overall 2 dimensional hydrogen bonded sheet motif. However, only the chloride structure features organic bilayers and Z′ > 1

    Re-Os Isotopic Constraints on the Chemical Evolution and Differentiation of the Martian Mantle

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    The (187)Re-187Os isotopic systematics of SNC meteorites, thought to be from Mars, provide valuable information regarding the chemical processes that affected the Martian mantle, particularly with regard to the relative abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE). Previously published data (Birck and Allegre 1994, Brandon et al. 2000), and new data obtained since these studies, indicate that the HSE and Os isotopic composition of the Martian mantle was primarily set in its earliest differentiation history. If so, then these meteorites provide key constraints on the processes that lead to variation in HSE observed in not only Mars, but also Earth, the Moon and other rocky bodies in the Solar System. Processes that likely have an effect on the HSE budgets of terrestrial mantles include core formation, magma ocean crystallization, development of juvenile crust, and the addition of a late veneer. Each of these processes will result in different HSE variation and the isotopic composition of mantle materials and mantle derived lavas. Two observations on the SNC data to present provide a framework for which to test the importance of each of these processes. First, the concentrations of Re and Os in SNC meteorites indicate that they are derived from a mantle that has similar concentrations to the Earth's mantle. Such an observation is consistent with a model where a chondritic late veneer replenished the Earth and Martian mantles subsequent to core formation on each planet. Alternative models to explain this observation do exist, but will require additional data to test the limitations of each. Second, Re-Os isotopic results from Brandon et al. (2000) and new data presented here, show that initial yos correlates with variations in the short-lived systems of (182)Hf- (182)W and (142)Sm-142Nd in the SNC meteorites (epsilon(sub W) and epsilon(sub 142Nd)). These systematics require an isolation of mantle reservoirs during the earliest differentiation history of Mars, and subsequent inefficient mixing between these reservoirs. These data show that models for the origin of isotopic variation for SNC meteorites require at least two long-lived mantle reservoirs, and possibly three. The range in the projected present day gamma(sub Os) of these reservoirs is from -5.4+/-2.6, to +4+/-1. The isotopic systematics of these reservoirs may be linked to development of cumulate crystal piles in a Martian magma ocean and variable amounts of late stage intercumulus melt. In this model, fractional crystallization of olivine and possibly other phases with slightly subchondritic Re/Os, from a solidifying magma ocean, resulted in a lower Re/Os ratio early cumulates, and a resultant low gamma(sub Os). Later cumulates or evolved melts crystallized with higher Re/Os ratios to produce the mantle reservoir(s) with consequent higher gamma(sub Os). Crystallization of the Martian magma ocean followed earliest core formation, as indicated by the correlation of epsilon(sub W) with epsilon(sub 142Nd) and initial gamma(sub Os)

    Pamphlets for War: The Role of Lord Burghley’s Pamphlet Discourse in Avoiding Civil War

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    During the sixteenth century, England sat as a conflicted nation among a continent of tumultuous civil wars and reformations. While neighboring countries fought within and among themselves, England somehow managed to avoid a formal civil war. The confounding lack of war in England during the latter half of the sixteenth century could be related to the constant discourse between prominent protestants and catholics. One such prominent protestant was Lord Cecil Burghley, who served as a royal minister and maintained good relations with Queen Elizabeth I. Lord Burghley’s pamphlet, The Execution of Justice in England, and other documents of discourse at the time may contribute to a war of pamphlets based on the rhetoric and relationship Burghley demonstrated. With our research, we hope to discover what within the pamphlets contributed to keeping the religious turbulence within the realms of a war of discourse rather than a full-fledged civil war. Based on preliminary investigation, we have found that the rhetoric of the pamphlets, the sheer amount of discourse and correspondence, and the relationship between the writers and the audiences could have contributed to England’s abstinence from civil war. Observing the discourse within Burghley’s pamphlet and other responding documents, we can gain an understanding of what set England apart from other surrounding countries facing similar religious and political tumult. Our findings may also contribute to a greater conversation surrounding the power of conversation, dialogue, and discourse to either prevent or incite war

    Athletic Training Alumni Perceptions on Levels of Preparedness for the BOC Examination, Athletic Training Profession, and Graduate Studies

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    Please enjoy Volume 7, Issue 1 of the JSMAHS. In this issue, you will find Professional, Graduate, and Undergraduate research abstracts, and case reports. Thank you for viewing this 7th Annual OATA Special Edition
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