4,374 research outputs found

    Is Quantum Gravity a Chern-Simons Theory?

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    We propose a model of quantum gravity in arbitrary dimensions defined in terms of the BV quantization of a supersymmetric, infinite dimensional matrix model. This gives an (AKSZ-type) Chern-Simons theory with gauge algebra the space of observables of a quantum mechanical Hilbert space H. The model is motivated by previous attempts to formulate gravity in terms of non-commutative, phase space, field theories as well as the Fefferman-Graham curved analog of Dirac spaces for conformally invariant wave equations. The field equations are flat connection conditions amounting to zero curvature and parallel conditions on operators acting on H. This matrix-type model may give a better defined setting for a quantum gravity path integral. We demonstrate that its underlying physics is a summation over Hamiltonians labeled by a conformal class of metrics and thus a sum over causal structures. This gives in turn a model summing over fluctuating metrics plus a tower of additional modes-we speculate that these could yield improved UV behavior.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, references added, version to appear in PR

    The Correlation between X-Ray Line Ionization and Optical Spectral Types of the OB Stars

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    Marked correlations are reported between the ionization of the X-ray line spectra of normal OB stars, as observed by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, and their optical spectral types. These correlations include the progressive weakening of the higher ionization relative to the lower ionization X-ray lines with advancing spectral type, and the similarly decreasing intensity ratios of the H-like to He-like lines of the alpha ions. These relationships were not predicted by models, nor have they been clearly evident in astrophysical studies of a few objects; rather, they have emerged from morphological analysis of an adequate (albeit still small) sample, from which known peculiar objects such as magnetic stars and very rapid rotators have been isolated to reveal the normal trends. This process is analogous to that which first demonstrated the strong relationships between the UV wind profiles and the optical spectral types of normal OB stars, which likely bear a physical as well as a historical connection to the present X-ray results. Since the optical spectral types are calibrated in terms of fundamental stellar parameters, it follows that the winds and X-ray spectra are determined by the latter. These observations provide strong guidance for further astrophysical modeling of these phenomena.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; ApJ accepte

    Metric projective geometry, BGG detour complexes and partially massless gauge theories

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    A projective geometry is an equivalence class of torsion free connections sharing the same unparametrised geodesics; this is a basic structure for understanding physical systems. Metric projective geometry is concerned with the interaction of projective and pseudo-Riemannian geometry. We show that the BGG machinery of projective geometry combines with structures known as Yang-Mills detour complexes to produce a general tool for generating invariant pseudo-Riemannian gauge theories. This produces (detour) complexes of differential operators corresponding to gauge invariances and dynamics. We show, as an application, that curved versions of these sequences give geometric characterizations of the obstructions to propagation of higher spins in Einstein spaces. Further, we show that projective BGG detour complexes generate both gauge invariances and gauge invariant constraint systems for partially massless models: the input for this machinery is a projectively invariant gauge operator corresponding to the first operator of a certain BGG sequence. We also connect this technology to the log-radial reduction method and extend the latter to Einstein backgrounds.Comment: 30 pages, LaTe

    Underground coal mine instrumentation and test

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    The need to evaluate mechanical performance of mine tools and to obtain test performance data from candidate systems dictate that an engineering data recording system be built. Because of the wide range of test parameters which would be evaluated, a general purpose data gathering system was designed and assembled to permit maximum versatility. A primary objective of this program was to provide a specific operating evaluation of a longwall mining machine vibration response under normal operating conditions. A number of mines were visited and a candidate for test evaluation was selected, based upon management cooperation, machine suitability, and mine conditions. Actual mine testing took place in a West Virginia mine

    Quantum Gravity and Causal Structures: Second Quantization of Conformal Dirac Algebras

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    It is postulated that quantum gravity is a sum over causal structures coupled to matter via scale evolution. Quantized causal structures can be described by studying simple matrix models where matrices are replaced by an algebra of quantum mechanical observables. In particular, previous studies constructed quantum gravity models by quantizing the moduli of Laplace, weight and defining-function operators on Fefferman-Graham ambient spaces. The algebra of these operators underlies conformal geometries. We extend those results to include fermions by taking an osp(1|2) "Dirac square root" of these algebras. The theory is a simple, Grassmann, two-matrix model. Its quantum action is a Chern-Simons theory whose differential is a first-quantized, quantum mechanical BRST operator. The theory is a basic ingredient for building fundamental theories of physical observables.Comment: 4 pages, LaTe

    Development of biaxial test fixture includes cryogenic application

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    Test fixture has the capability of producing biaxial stress fields in test specimens to the point of failure. It determines biaxial stress by dividing the applied load by the net cross section. With modification it can evaluate materials, design concepts, and production hardware at cryogenic temperatures

    Resolving a Split: May Courts Order Consolidation of Arbitration Proceedings Absent Express Agreement by the Parties

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    In Illinois Farmers Insurance Co. v. Glass Service Co., 8 the Minnesota Supreme Court had the opportunity to revisit its 1973 decision in Grover-Dimond Associates v. American Arbitration Ass\u27n 9 in light of conflicting case law developed since that time.\u27 0 This Note will address the current split in state and federal courts, and suggest that the best way to resolve this issue is through state adoption of the RUAA

    Vacatur of Labor Arbitration Awards: Watering down the Supreme Court\u27s Drawn from the Essence Precedent May Sound the Death Knell for Labor Arbitration

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    In CITGO Asphalt Ref. Co. v. Paper, Allied-Indus., Chem., & Energy Workers Int\u27l Union Local No. 2-991, the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, while merely giving lip service to Supreme Court precedent, further contributes to the situation where many circuit courts insidiously refuse to follow the Supreme Court\u27s prohibition against reaching the merits of a labor arbitrator\u27s award. It would appear that only through renewed Supreme Court vigilance and clarity can this trend be impeded

    Phase-dependent X-ray observations of the beta Lyrae system: No eclipse in the soft band

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    We report on observations of the eclipsing and interacting binary beta Lyrae from the Suzaku X-ray telescope. This system involves an early B star embedded in an optically and geometrically thick disk that is siphoning atmospheric gases from a less massive late B II companion. Motivated by an unpublished X-ray spectrum from the Einstein X-ray telescope suggesting unusually hard emission, we obtained time with Suzaku for pointings at three different phases within a single orbit. From the XIS detectors, the softer X-ray emission appears typical of an early-type star. What is surprising is the remarkably unchanging character of this emission, both in luminosity and in spectral shape, despite the highly asymmetric geometry of the system. We see no eclipse effect below 10 keV. The constancy of the soft emission is plausibly related to the wind of the embedded B star and Thomson scattering of X-rays in the system, although it might be due to extended shock structures arising near the accretion disk as a result of the unusually high mass-transfer rate. There is some evidence from the PIN instrument for hard emission in the 10-60 keV range. Follow-up observations with the RXTE satellite will confirm this preliminary detection.Comment: to appear in A&A Letter
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