1,145 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    Book reviews by Waldo Beach, James J. Harrington, Rocco L. Puntureri, George P. McAndrews, and William J. Gerardo

    Quasi four-level Tm:LuAG laser

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    A quasi four-level solid-state laser is provided. A laser crystal is disposed in a laser cavity. The laser crystal has a LuAG-based host material doped to a final concentration between about 2% and about 7% thulium (Tm) ions. For the more heavily doped final concentrations, the LuAG-based host material is a LuAG seed crystal doped with a small concentration of Tm ions. Laser diode arrays are disposed transversely to the laser crystal for energizing the Tm ions

    A high-throughput immobilized bead screen for stable proteins and multi-protein complexes

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    We describe an in vitro colony screen to identify Escherichia coli expressing soluble proteins and stable, assembled multiprotein complexes. Proteins with an N-terminal 6His tag and C-terminal green fluorescent protein (GFP) S11 tag are fluorescently labeled in cells by complementation with a coexpressed GFP 1–10 fragment. After partial colony lysis, the fluorescent soluble proteins or complexes diffuse through a supporting filtration membrane and are captured on Talon¼ resin metal affinity beads immobilized in agarose. Images of the fluorescent colonies convey total expression and the level of fluorescence bound to the beads indicates how much protein is soluble. Both pieces of information can be used together when selecting clones. After the assay, colonies can be picked and propagated, eliminating the need to make replica plates. We used the method to screen a DNA fragment library of the human protein p85 and preferentially obtained clones expressing the full-length ‘breakpoint cluster region-homology' and NSH2 domains. The assay also distinguished clones expressing stable multi-protein complexes from those that are unstable due to missing subunits. Clones expressing stable, intact heterotrimeric E.coli YheNML complexes were readily identified in libraries dominated by complexes of YheML missing the N subunit

    Hydrographic variability (1994-2020) in the RĂ­a de Vigo and adjacent shelf (NW Iberia)

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) carries out monthly oceanographic samplings at across-shelf sections off the northern Spanish coast under the monitoring program RADIALES (https://www.seriestemporales-ieo.net/). This is a multidisciplinary marine research effort addressing long-term variability issues at the ecosystem level (Bode et al., 2015; Valdés et al., 2002). Currently, the monitoring program includes 5 perpendicular coastal transects in Northern Spain: Santander, Gijón, Cudillero, A Coruña and Vigo. Focusing on the section located in the Ría de Vigo and adjacent shelf, we have analysed a 27-year time series (1994 - 2020) of temperature and salinity obtained through CTD profiles in three stations, two inside the Ría (~30 and ~40 m depth) and one in the mid-shelf (~90 m depth). This study summarizes the hydrographic variability in the region through the construction of a local climatology. In addition, long-term trends and interannual changes in seasonality are examined. The results show a change in the salinity regime in medium depth waters in 2013, although not in temperature. Near the surface, the temperature undergoes a negative shift from 2016, in correspondence with the entry of the AMO into a new negative phase

    Production and Initial Characterization of Dad1p, a Component of the Dam1-DASH Kinetochore Complex

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    In all dividing eukaryotic cells, the mitotic spindle (composed primarily of microtubules) must interact with chromosomes through a complex protein assembly called the kinetochore. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Dam1-DASH complex plays an important role in promoting attachment between the kinetochore and the mitotic spindle. It also actively participates in the physical separation of sister chromatids in anaphase. Understanding the biochemical mechanisms used by Dam1-DASH has been facilitated by bacterial co-expression of the ten Dam1-DASH genes, which results in the production of a heterodecameric protein complex that can be studied in vitro. However, individual protein subunits are not soluble when expressed in E. coli, thus precluding analysis of the nature of the interaction between subunits and an examination of the assembly of the functional complex. In this paper, we describe the expression, solubilization, purification and refolding of Dad1p, one of the Dam1-DASH complex subunits. In addition, we show that Dad1p, when isolated in this manner forms dimers and/or tetramers, dependent upon protein concentration. This work provides an important tool for studying the Dam1-DASH complex that was previously unavailable, and provides an avenue of investigation for understanding how the individual heterodecamers associate with each other to facilitate chromosome segregation

    A preliminary assessment of the effects of ATI-2042 in subjects with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation using implanted pacemaker methodology

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    Aims ATI-2042 (budiodarone) is a chemical analogue of amiodarone with a half life of 7 h. It is electrophysiologically similar to amiodarone, but may not have metabolic and interaction side effects. The sophisticated electrocardiograph logs of advanced DDDRP pacemakers were used to monitor the efficacy of ATI-2042. The aim of this study was to determine the preliminary efficacy and safety of ATI-2042 in patients with paroxsymal atrial fibrillation (PAF) and pacemakers. Methods and results Six women with AF burden (AFB) between 1 and 50% underwent six sequential 2-week study periods. Patients received 200 mg bid of ATI-2042 during Period 2 (p2), 400 mg bid during p3, 600 mg bid during p4, 800 mg bid during p5, and no drug during baseline and washout (p1 and p6). Pacemaker data for the primary outcome measure AFB were downloaded during each period. Mean AFB decreased between baseline and all doses: AFB at baseline (SD) was 20.3 ± 14.6% and mean AFB at 200 mg bid was 5.2 ± 4.2%, at 400 mg bid 5.2 ± 5.2%, at 600 mg bid 2.8 ± 3.4%, and at 800 mg bid 1.5 ± 0.5%. The mean reductions in AFB at all doses of ATI-2042 were statistically significant (P < 0.005). Atrial fibrillation burden increased in washout. Atrial fibrillation episodes tended to increase with ATI-2042, but this was offset by substantial decreases in episode duration. ATI-2042 was generally well tolerated. Conclusion ATI-2042 effectively reduced AFB over all doses studied by reducing mean episode duration. A large-scale study will be required to confirm this effect
