57 research outputs found


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    The paper presents instruction concerning homogeneity evaluation of compound feed based on the level of the key component (chloride or calcium) mixture, which was elaborated in the National Research Institute of Animal Production, National Feed Laboratory (NFL) in Lublin. The instruction was accepted by competent authority and was verified at interlaboratory comparisons ILC from 2005 to 2007. Several licensed laboratories took part in the investigations project in the frame of official supervision as well as reference laboratory – NFL. The laboratories determined the calcium and chlorides content in samples of serial feed mixtures. Feeds were estimated for poultry, pigs and cattle in the form of powder, granules and crumbles. All laboratories achieved results of mixing levels (coefficient of variation) below 10%, which is a critical value. Mean values of coefficient of variation of results were not higher than 4% for chlorides and 3% for calcium. Expanded uncertainty was estimated. Competence of laboratories participating in the testing and referring to the legal control of compound feed homogeneity was confirmed. A research homogeneity program for compound feed was conducted in Poland from 2006 to 2007. Inspection results confirmed acceptable quality of compound feed in this scope.Rad daje temeljne upute u vezi procjene homogenosti krmnih smjesa na temelju razine glavnog sastojka (klorida ili kalcija) obrađene u Nacionalnom istraživačkom institutu proizvodnje životinja, Nacionalnog laboratorija za krmiva (NFL) u Lublinu. Upute je potvrdio nadležan stručnjak i provjerene su međulaboratorijskim uspoređivanjem - ILC od 2005. do 2007. godine. Nekoliko ovlaštenih laboratorija sudjelovalo je u projektu istraživanja u okvirima službenog nadzora kao i priručnih laboratorija - NFL. Laboratoriji su odredili sadržaj kalcija i klorida u uzorcima serijskih krmnih smjesa. Krmiva su procjenjivana za perad, svinje i stoku u obliku praška, zrnaca i mrvica. Svi su laboratoriji postigli rezultate raznih razina (koeficijent varijacije) ispod 10%, što je kritična vrijednost. Srednje vrijednosti rezultata koeficijenta varijacije nisu bile više od 4% za kloride i 1% za kalcij. Procijenjeno je prošireno kolebanje. Potvrđena je nadležnost laboratorija koji sudjeluju u testiranju u vezi sa zakonskom kontrolom homogenosti krmnih smjesa. Program istraživanja homogenosti krmnih smjesa provodio se u Poljskoj od 2006. do 2007. godine. Rezultati pregleda potvrdili su prihvatljivu kakvoću krmnih smjesa u okviru ovog rada

    Sensory Based Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evidence-Based Practice Project

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    The overall focus of each of case scenarios are related to assessment or interventions that are related to Choosing Wisely Campaign items 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10. Case scenarios were developed related to each initiative with clientele and conditions across the lifespan in various practice settings. Practice settings included school district, outpatient pediatric, primary care, skilled nursing facility, work rehabilitation, and acute care

    Indisciplina na relação professor/aluno- contexto de uma pesquisa intervenção / Indiscipline in the teacher/student relationship - context of an intervention research

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    Neste artigo abordamos uma pesquisa- intervenção que teve como objetivo analisar os conflitos geradores de indisciplina existentes na relação professor/aluno. A investigação deu-se a partir de estudos sobre a teoria psicanalítica Freud, bem como, o conceito de disciplina em Michel Foucault. O objeto de estudo foi à trajetória profissional da pesquisadora, que teve a experiência como foco do processo investigativo, como professora dos Anos Iniciais da rede pública de ensino. Posteriormente, construiu-se o produto da pesquisa, sendo este um Guia de Reflexões, visando o reposicionamento docente diante de conflitos geradores de indisciplina. Como resultado da pesquisa notou-se que a questão do controle disciplinar sobre o outro, que está presente no contexto da sala de aula e, de certa forma, é o que estabelece certa organização do espaço, é um impossível. Neste sentido, sempre haverá algo ali que escape ao controle do educador

    A Novel and Expedient Approach to New Thiazoles, Thiazolo[3,2-a]pyridines, Dihydrothiophenes, and Hydrazones Incorporating Thieno[2,3-b]thiophene Moiety

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    This paper reports details about the synthesis of a series of novel functionalized symmetrical bis-heterocyclic compounds containing a thieno[2,3-b]thiophene motif. Bis-thiazole derivatives 2, 3a-c and thiazolo[3,2-a]pyridine derivatives 4a-c are achieved. The hitherto unknown dihydrothiophene derivatives 6a-d via bis-pyridimium salt 5 are obtained. Additionally, the novel hydrazonothieno[2,3-b]thiophene derivatives 10a-c are obtained via bis-tosylacetylthieno[2,3-b]thiophene derivative 9. All compounds are characterized by 1H-, 13C-NMR, GCMS, IR, and UV-vis spectrometry. These compounds represent a new class of sulfur and nitrogen containing heterocycles that should also be of interest as new materials

    Heme Oxygenase-1 Accelerates Cutaneous Wound Healing in Mice

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    Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a cytoprotective, pro-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory enzyme, is strongly induced in injured tissues. Our aim was to clarify its role in cutaneous wound healing. In wild type mice, maximal expression of HO-1 in the skin was observed on the 2nd and 3rd days after wounding. Inhibition of HO-1 by tin protoporphyrin-IX resulted in retardation of wound closure. Healing was also delayed in HO-1 deficient mice, where lack of HO-1 could lead to complete suppression of reepithelialization and to formation of extensive skin lesions, accompanied by impaired neovascularization. Experiments performed in transgenic mice bearing HO-1 under control of keratin 14 promoter showed that increased level of HO-1 in keratinocytes is enough to improve the neovascularization and hasten the closure of wounds. Importantly, induction of HO-1 in wounded skin was relatively weak and delayed in diabetic (db/db) mice, in which also angiogenesis and wound closure were impaired. In such animals local delivery of HO-1 transgene using adenoviral vectors accelerated the wound healing and increased the vascularization. In summary, induction of HO-1 is necessary for efficient wound closure and neovascularization. Impaired wound healing in diabetic mice may be associated with delayed HO-1 upregulation and can be improved by HO-1 gene transfer

    Koncepcja psycho-afektywności tłumacza przysięgłego (ustnego) w parze językowej polski-angielski

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    The paper is an attempt at discussing the concept of the Polish-English certified interpreter’s psycho-affectivity by drawing attention to its constituent components – the so-called psycho-affective factors, which can be defined as the certified interpreter’s individual psychological features which are related to different thinking patterns, attitudes, emotional states, feelings or moods. The study covers seven such factors: anxiety, fear, language inhibition/language ego/language boundaries, extroversion/introversion/ambiversion, self-esteem, motivation and stress. The paper starts with some preliminary remarks concerning the subfield of interpreting studies dealing with the psychological phenomena observed during interpreting – interpreter psychology and its research theme – psycho-affectivity constituted by the psycho-affective factors. What follows is a discussion of the outcomes of a study carried out among 76 Polish-English interpreters on their subjective experience of the psycho-affective factors and their impact on certified consecutive interpreting performance and its final product – the output. Generally speaking, this paper attempts at demonstrating that the interpreter’s psycho-affectivity is a continually active module of the interpreter’s psychological construction, composed of the seven elements, the occurrence and activity of which are sometimes impossible to be consciously controlledArtykuł jest próbą omówienia koncepcji psycho-afektywności tłumacza przysięgłego (ustnego) języka angielskiego poprzez zwrócenie uwagi na jej elementy składowe – tzw. czynniki psycho-afektywne, które można zdefiniować jako indywidualne cechy psychologiczne tłumacza przysięgłego, które powiązane są z różnymi wzorcami myślowymi, postawami, stanami emocjonalnymi, uczuciami czy nastrojami. Badanie obejmuje siedem czynników: lęk, strach, zahamowanie językowe/granice językowe/ego językowe, ekstrawersję/introwersję/ambiwersję, poczucie własnej wartości, motywację i stres. Artykuł rozpoczyna się od wstępnych uwag dotyczących działu badań nad przekładem ustnym dotyczącym zjawisk psychologicznych obserwowanych podczas tłumaczenia ustnego – psychologii tłumacza ustnego oraz badanego w jej ramach zagadnienia psycho-afektywności, na którą składają się czynniki psycho-afektywne. W dalszej części pracy omówiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych wśród 76 polsko-angielskich tłumaczy przysięgłych (ustnych) na temat subiektywnie doświadczanych czynników psycho-afektywnych oraz ich wpływu na przekład ustny konsekutywny (poświadczony) oraz jego produkt – ustny tekst docelowy. Ogólnie rzecz ujmując, w niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę wykazania, że psycho-afektywność tłumacza jest stale aktywnym modułem konstrukcji psychologicznej tłumacza, składającym się z siedmiu elementów, których występowanie i aktywność nie zawsze może podlegać świadomej kontroli

    “Will I make it or will I make a fool of myself”: Polish-English certified interpreters’ experience of anxiety

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    The paper presents a study of the psycho-affective factor of anxiety experienced by Polish-English certified interpreters while performing certified consecutive interpreting. The first part of the article sketches the theoretical background of the study, by focusing on interpreter psychology, a subfield of interpreting studies offering the methodological scaffolding for the study of interpreting-related psychological phenomena, and on anxiety as one of the components of the interpreter’s psycho-affectivity. What follows is an overview of certified interpreting in the Polish context. The major part of the article provides an insight into the study of the certified interpreters’ experience of anxiety—its types, causes, linguistic and extra-linguistic manifestations. What emerges from the study is that anxiety is quite a potent psycho-affective factor which is likely to obstruct certified interpreting performance and lower the quality of its outcome—the oral output