6,272 research outputs found

    TLRs Go Linear – On the Ubiquitin Edge

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are crucial in protecting the host from pathogens. However, their exact role in disease remains incompletely understood. TLR signaling is tightly controlled because too little or too much TLR activation can result in immunodeficiency or autoinflammation, respectively. There is increasing evidence that linear ubiquitination, mediated by the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC), plays a pivotal role in the regulation of TLR signaling. Recent advances have identified an intricate interaction between LUBAC and TLRs, with immunological consequences for infection and the development of autoinflammation in the host. We propose that defective linear ubiquitination contributes to TLR-mediated disease pathogenesis and that perturbed TLR signaling contributes to the phenotype observed in inherited LUBAC deficiency in humans and mice

    Back-reaction of perturbation wave packets on gray solitons

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    Within the Bogoliubov-de Gennes linearization theory of quantum or classical perturbations around a background solution to the one-dimensional nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, we study the back-reaction of wave packet perturbations on a gray soliton background. From our recently published exact solutions, we determine that a wave packet effectively jumps ahead as it passes through a soliton, emerging with a wavelength-dependent forward translation in comparison to its motion in absence of the soliton. From this and from the full theory's exact momentum conservation, we deduce that post-Bogoliubov back-reaction must include a commensurate forward advance by the soliton itself. We quantify this effect with a simple theory, and confirm that it agrees with full numerical solution of the classical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. We briefly discuss the implications of this effect for quantum behavior of solitons in quasi-condensed dilute gases at finite temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Effect of a skin-deep surface zone on formation of two-dimensional electron gas at a semiconductor surface

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    Two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) at surfaces and interfaces of semiconductors are described straightforwardly with a 1D self-consistent Poisson-Schr\"{o}dinger scheme. However, their band energies have not been modeled correctly in this way. Using angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy we study the band structures of 2DEGs formed at sulfur-passivated surfaces of InAs(001) as a model system. Electronic properties of these surfaces are tuned by changing the S coverage, while keeping a high-quality interface, free of defects and with a constant doping density. In contrast to earlier studies we show that the Poisson-Schr\"{o}dinger scheme predicts the 2DEG bands energies correctly but it is indispensable to take into account the existence of the physical surface. The surface substantially influences the band energies beyond simple electrostatics, by setting nontrivial boundary conditions for 2DEG wavefunctions.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    The Archconfraternity of the Rosary in the Dominican Churches of Kraków. Piety and Patronage of the Arts

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    Članek obravnava umetnostni milje nadbratovščine sv. rožnega venca v dominikanski cerkvi sv. Trojice v Krakovu. Dominikanci so goreče pospeševali rožnovensko pobožnost; ustanovili so številne bratovščine sv. rožnega venca, ki so bile običajno povezane z njihovimi cerkvami. Skoraj gotovo je dominikanski pridigarski red spodbudil ustanovitev takšne bratovščine v Krakovu že v 15. stoletju. Posredni dokaz za to je ohranjen v samostanskem arhivu v Krakovu v dokumentih, ki sta jih izdala papež Inocenc VIII. leta 1484 in general reda Avguštin Recuperati leta 1539 in se nanašajo na dominikansko rožnovensko bratovščino. Leta 1600 je bratovščino s sedežem v Krakovu, ki je takrat obstajala že ab immemorabilis tempore, Abraham Bzowski reformiral; ob tej priložnosti je izdal obsežno knjigo Rožni venec Device Marije, sedaj na novo reformiran v Krakovu pri Sv. Trojici (Kraków 1600 in 1606). Že takrat se družba omenja kot nadbratovščina. Dejstvo, da je nadbratovščina dobila eno najzgodnejših in najpomembnejših poljskih kopij Marije Snežne, čudodelne podobe v rimski baziliki S. Maria Maggiore, ki je veljala za pribežališče večnega mesta, je imelo velik pomen za njen nadaljnji razvoj in izjemni vpliv. Razprava govori o češčenju poljske ikone, o njenem okrasu in novem arhitekturnem prostoru, ki ga je dobila leta 1688.The essay deals with the artistic milieu of the Archconfraternity of the Rosary at the Dominican Holy Trinity Church in Kraków. Dominicans were zealous promoters of the rosary, and numerous Rosary brotherhoods were established, typically affiliated with Dominican churches. Therefore, it seems almost certain that in Kraków, as early as the 15th century, the Dominican Order of Preachers encouraged the formation of such a confraternity. Indirect evidence of this is preserved in the Convent’s Archive in Kraków, in documents concerning the Dominican Confraternities of the Rosary, issued by Pope Innocent VIII in 1484 and by the General of the Order, Augustine Recuperati, in 1539. In any case, in 1600, the Kraków-based confraternity—at that time already existing “ab immemorabilis tempore”— was reformed by Fr. Abraham Bzowski, who elaborated and published an extensive book on this occasion: Rosary of the Virgin Mary, now reformed anew in Kraków at the Holy Trinity (Kraków 1600 and 1606). Already at that time, the confraternity was referred to as an archconfraternity. The fact that the archconfraternity was given one of the earliest and most important copies in the former Polish Republic of Our Lady of the Snows, a miracle-working image in the Roman basilica of S. Maria Maggiore that was considered a palladium of the Eternal City, was of great importance to its development and extraordinary influence. The essay discusses the Polish icon’s veneration, decoration, and the new architectural space it received in 1688