1,364 research outputs found

    Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law

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    Report includes Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law for period: 1st October 2013 - 30th September 2014. It was edited on the basis of Polish Legal Bibliography in Państwo i Prawo and Bibliography of Polish Academy of Sciences

    Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law

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    Report includes Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law for period: 1st September 2015 – 31st July 2016. It was edited on the basis of Polish Legal Bibliography in Państwo i Prawo and Bibliography of Polish Academy of Sciences

    Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law

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    Report includes Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law for period: 1st August 2016 – 31st October 2017. It was edited on the basis of Polish Legal Bibliography in Państwo i Prawo and Bibliography of Polish Academy of Sciences

    Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law

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    Report includes Polish Legal Bibliography of Environmental Law for period: 1st October 2013 - 30th September 2014. It was edited on the basis of Polish Legal Bibliography in Państwo i Prawo and Bibliography of Polish Academy of Sciences

    The Environmental Impact Assessment in the Polish Law – Selected Issues

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    The aim of article is to show basic aspects of the procedure of the environmental impact assessment during issuing environmental decisions in the Polish law with paying attention to some changes which will come into force on 1 January 2017. The following parts of the article explain the concept of environmental impact assessment and the types of projects for which this procedure should be carried out mandatory and for which – optional. Carrying out the qualification of projects in the early stage by the authority plays an important role because it has an impact on the conduct of further administrative proceedings. The further part of this article raises a fundamental stage of the environmental impact assessment which describes which duties of the applicant (investor) and which legal protective measures should be taken by the authority to ensure the proper implementation of the procedure. In particular, the article analyzes the matter of duty of submitting the environmental impact assessment report by the applicant, opinions and arrangements carried out by the administrative authorities, as well as ensuring possibility for public participation in the procedure

    The Environmental Impact Assessment in the Polish Law – Selected Issues

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    The aim of article is to show basic aspects of the procedure of the environmental impact assessment during issuing environmental decisions in the Polish law with paying attention to some changes which will come into force on 1 January 2017. The following parts of the article explain the concept of environmental impact assessment and the types of projects for which this procedure should be carried out mandatory and for which – optional. Carrying out the qualification of projects in the early stage by the authority plays an important role because it has an impact on the conduct of further administrative proceedings.The further part of this article raises a fundamental stage of the environmental impact assessment which describes which duties of the applicant (investor) and which legal protective measures should be taken by the authority to ensure the proper implementation of the procedure. In particular, the article analyzes the matter of duty of submitting the environmental impact assessment report by the applicant, opinions and arrangements carried out by the administrative authorities, as well as ensuring possibility for public participation in the procedure

    General description and soils properties of hanging peat bog on the north-eastern slope of Mt Szeroki Wierch (Western Bieszczady Mts)

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    The preliminary characteristic of hanging peat bog on the north-eastern slope of Mt Szeroki Wierch (Western Bieszczady Mts) with particular emphasis on properties and typology of the peaty soils was the main aim of the study. Genesis of the hanging peat bog is described basing on comparison with present and historical researches and the results of the studies. Laboratory analysis included: ash content, soil pH, the degree of decomposition of peat material and the content of total carbon and nitrogen. Radiocarbon dating of two samples was made

    Learning Quasi-Static 3D Models of Markerless Deformable Linear Objects for Bimanual Robotic Manipulation

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    The robotic manipulation of Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) is a vital and challenging task that is important in many practical applications. Classical model-based approaches to this problem require an accurate model to capture how robot motions affect the deformation of the DLO. Nowadays, data-driven models offer the best tradeoff between quality and computation time. This paper analyzes several learning-based 3D models of the DLO and proposes a new one based on the Transformer architecture that achieves superior accuracy, even on the DLOs of different lengths, thanks to the proposed scaling method. Moreover, we introduce a data augmentation technique, which improves the prediction performance of almost all considered DLO data-driven models. Thanks to this technique, even a simple Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) achieves close to state-of-the-art performance while being significantly faster to evaluate. In the experiments, we compare the performance of the learning-based 3D models of the DLO on several challenging datasets quantitatively and demonstrate their applicability in the task of shaping a DLO.Comment: Under review for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    Perception of stress and coping strategies in a group of people working on a farm - a cross-sectional study

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    Wstęp. Praca w gospodarstwie rolnym cechuje się wieloma niebezpieczeństwami, które mogą wynikać z oddziaływania czynników biologicznych, chemicznych, czy mechanicznych na ludzki organizm. Rolnicy wielokrotnie doświadczają obciążenia psychicznego i fizycznego. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena ogólnego wskaźnika natężenia spostrzeganego stresu, strategii radzenia sobie ze stresem, poznanie czynników generujących stres w grupie osób pracujących w gospodarstwie rolnym, a także określenie zależności między wymienionymi zmiennymi, a czynnikami socjodemograficznymi. Materiał i metodyka. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w 2019 roku i uczestniczyło w nim 165 osób pracujących w gospodarstwie rolnym zlokalizowanym na terenie małopolski. Zastosowano standaryzowane narzędzia badawcze - Skalę Odczuwanego Stresu (PSS-10), Inwentarz do Pomiaru Radzenia Sobie ze Stresem Mini-COPE oraz autorski kwestionariusz ankiety. Podczas analizy przyjęto poziom istotności a=0,05. Wyniki. Ponad połowa ankietowanych odczuwała przeciętny poziom stresu. Osoby pracujące w gospodarstwie rolnym najczęściej stosowały strategie: Aktywnego Radzenia Sobie, Planowania i Akceptacji, natomiast najrzadziej strategie: Zażywania Substancji Psychoaktywnych, Zaprzeczania i Zaprzestania Działań. Odnotowano istotne różnice w percepcji stresu pomiędzy grupami wiekowymi, posiadanym wykształceniem oraz statusem zawodowym. Wnioski. Większość badanych osób pracujących w gospodarstwie rolnym odczuwało przeciętny poziom stresu, z którym radzili sobie stosując głównie strategie zorientowane na problemie. Jednak wraz ze wzrostem napięcia spowodowanego stresem, respondenci istotnie częściej sięgali po mniej efektywne strategie zaradcze.Introduction. Work on a farm is characterized by many dangers that result from the action of biological, chemical and mechanical factors harmful to the functioning o f the human body. Farmers experience the psychological and physical burden a lot. Aim. The aim o f the study was to assess the overall perceived stress intensity index, coping strategies and stress generating factors in the group o f people working on a farm, as well as to determine the relationship between these variables and sociodemographic factors. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2019 and 165 people working on a farm located in Lesser Poland participated in it. Standardized research tools were used - the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), the Brief COPE Inventory and original questionnaire. During the data analysis the significance level was a = 0.05. Results. Over half o f the respondents fe lt average levels of stress. People working on a farm used the strategies: Active coping, Planning, Acceptance the most often, and the strategies: Substance use, Denial and Behavioural disengagement - the least. There is a relationship between the perception of stress and age, the level of agricultural education and the professional status of the respondents. Conclusions. Most o f the people working on the farm felt the average level o f stress and they were dealing w ith this mainly using problem-oriented strategies. However, w ith the increase in tension caused by stress, respondents significantly more often reached for less effective remedial strategies

    Management of the National Parks in the context of cooperation with the local stakeholders

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    When searching for an optimal model for managing National Parks in Poland, especially in view of the planned modification of the law, it is necessary to assess attitudes and expectations between local stakeholder groups. Surveys conducted in 2020 made it possible to collect the opinions of representatives of the parks’ surroundings and their employees on the subject of relations between parks and the socio-economic environment. The obtained results positively verified the hypothesis that nature protection policy requires changes to the management of the National Parks through effective legal and financial instruments, including those generating consensus of benefits for the local economy and stakeholders, while maintaining the objectives of environmental protection