93 research outputs found

    Trade flow of manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment in ASEAN economic integration: the gravity model of trade

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    This study aims to determine the effects of ASEAN economic integration on the manufacturing sector's trade flow and foreign direct investment. This study using panel data regression. The results show that ASEAN economic integration affects trade in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment (FDI) in ASEAN member countries. The tariff elimination policy increased trade flows in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment. The variable of GDP has a positive and significant effect on the manufacturing sector's trade flows and foreign direct investment. Exchange rate variables have a negative and significant effect on trade flows in the manufacturing sector and foreign direct investment. Meanwhile, the distance variable negatively affects trade in the manufacturing sector, but it does not affect foreign direct investment


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    Ibu balita diharapkan dapat memahami arti pertumbuhan anaknya sesuai hasil penimbangan yang dilakukan di posyandu yang tercantum dalam KMS. Tetapi dari hasil studi juga menunjukkan sebuah ironi, yaitu masyarakat datang ke posyandu bila ada Pemberian Makanan Tambahan, sesudah itu menganggap tidak perlu datang menimbang balitanya untuk melihat pertumbuhannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu balita tentang KMS di Desa Suruh Kecamatan Sukodono Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Populasi semua ibu yang mempunyai balita dan KMS sebesar 91 orang dengan sampel sebesar 73 responden yang diambil secara non probability sampling jenis Consecutive Sampling. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan ibu balita tentang KMS. Pengolahan data dengan editing, coding, scoring, tabulating. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 73 responden hampir setengah (43,8%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang, (31,5%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan cukup, dan (24,7%) memiliki tingkat pengetahuan baik tentang KMS. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah hampir setengah dari responden mempunyai pengetahuan kurang tentang KMS. Untuk itu diharapkan bagi masyarakat lebih giat dan aktif dalam mencari informasi tentang KMS melalui sumber-sumber (media cetak dan elektronik) maupun melalui kegiatan penyuluhan oleh petugas kesehatan

    Peran Orang Tua Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Seksual Pra Nikah Remaja di SMKN 1 Sedayu

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    Adolescent begins with puberty, that time of the occurrence of physical changes include and physiological functions such as the maturity of the sexual organs. The role of parents is very important to educate, supervise, give an idea how to solve the problem with being a role model and set a good example for adolescent, but it is rarely done by parents because of the background of the parents and the busyness of parents. The purpose of this study was to knowing relationship between role of parents with pre-marital behavior of adolescent in SMKN 1 Sedayu. This study was inductive quantitative using cross sectional design. Samples were students of class XII SMKN 1 Sedayu with 78 respondents. Sampling used simple random technique. Analyze used Kendal Tau. Kendal Tau analysis showed significant relationship between role of parents with pre-marital behavior in SMKN 1 Sedayu with p=0.000 (p<0.05) with the relationship weak r=0.399. In conclusion, there was a significant relationship between the roles of parents with pre-marital sexual behavior of adolescent in SMKN 1 Sedayu

    Pembentukan Mata Uang Tunggal Kawasan ASEAN

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    Financial integration is the last step that can be done to achieve economic integration. One condition that must be met before the implementation of financial integration is the existence of the optimal currency area (OCA) criteria. The purpose of this study: 1) to find out the closeness of the currency to changes in the bilateral exchange rate as a supporter in the possibility of forming a single currency in the ASEAN region, 2) to analyze the chosen anchor currency which has a positive influence (appreciation) on the local currency of the ASEAN region as a currency single money region. This study uses annual real output data, size of GDP ratio, bilateral trade, differences in the composition of trade, and the exchange rate throughout of 1995-2018 period. The analytical method used is panel data test. The results showed that the currencies of ASEAN countries did not yet have the closeness of forming a single currency in the ASEAN region. Meanwhile, to determine the appropriate anchor currency to be used as a shared currency, namely SGD (Singapore Dollar) empirically has a positive influence (appreciation) in the ASEAN region compared to RMB, JPY, Euro, or USD. Therefore SGD can be proposed as an anchor currency for ASEAN countries

    Analisis Pengaruh Neraca Perdagangan, Suku Bunga dan Arus Modal Masuk terhadap Nilai Tukar Rupiah di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of trade balance, interest rates and capital inflows on the rupiah exchange rate. The data used is time series data or time series in the form of years, namely from 1987 to 2019. This study uses a quantitative approach by using the error correction model (ECM) estimation method. The data analysis techniques used include: data stationarity test, cointegration test, estimation of short-term and long-term ECM, and classical assumption test. And the results obtained in this study are that in the long term the trade balance variable has a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate, interest rates have a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate. FDI has a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate and PFI has no effect on the rupiah exchange rate balance. While in the short term, the trade balance variable has a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate, interest rates have a positive and significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate, FDI has no significant effect on the rupiah exchange rate and FPI has no effect on the rupiah exchange rate. Keywords: Error Correction Model, Foreign Direct Investment, Portfolio Foreign Investment, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Trade Balanc

    Inflation convergence and the determinant factors: A case study on 31 provinces in Indonesia

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    This study aims to estimate (the possibility) the inflation convergence among regionals in Indonesia and also analyze the determinant/source factor of the regional inflation. The population of this study consists of 31 provinces by using secondary data of the 2008-2017 period. Consumer Price Index becomes the dependent variable while Gross Regional Domestic Product, Provincial Minimum Wage, credit and Open Unemployment Level become the independent variable. This research uses panel data analysis and Fixed Effect Model regression estimation approach. The result showed that inflation convergence happened among regionals in Indonesia that can be seen through the X1 variable coefficient value of -0.635457 since the value of β < 0. While for the convergence speed calculation, the measurement result showed that the duration needed by the inflation to return to the initial balance or its natural value is 68 months. The study result also showed that Gross Regional Domestic Product, Provincial Minimum Wage, credit and Open Unemployment Level have significant influence on the Indonesia’s regional Inflation in 2008-2017


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh media terhadap kemampuan berpikir abstrak tinggi dan rendah terhadap prestasi belajar PAI siswa aspek kognitif, kognitif proses dan afektif Penelitian ini menggunakan kuasi eksperimental (quation experimental). Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII SMP AFA, sebanyak 2 kelas. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara acak dengan teknik cluster random sampling sebanyak dua kelas. Kelas eksperimen 1 menggunakan media riil/ alat praktik langsung dan kelas eksperimen 2 menggunakan media animasi flash. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode angket, lembar observasi dan tes. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan anava tiga jalan dengan desain faktorial 2x2x2. Dari hasil uji hipotesis data hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) ada pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran terhadap prestasi kognitif, kognitif proses dan afektif; 2) ada pengaruh kemampuan berpikir abstrak tinggi dan rendah terhadap prestasi kognitif, kognitif proses dan afektif; 3) ada interaksi antara penggunaan media pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir abstrak terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif dan kognitif proses, sedangkan untuk afektif tidak ada


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    Kegiatan yang terbatas pada masa pendemi menjadi problem pada dunia pendidikan. Kegiatan yang tidak maksimal dan kurang mencapai pada sasaran dari tujuan pendidikan tersebut. Perguruan tinggi sebagai lembaga yang setiap tahunnya mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa. Awal corona menyebar kebijakan tentang KKN pada mahasiswa mengalami perubahan dan adaptasi kondisi. Perbaikan pada program KKN yang terbatas pada linkungan sendiri sehingga ada kebijakan baru untuk melakukan kegiatan secara terbatas. Strategi kampus dalam mensiasati hal ini adalah dengan memberikan kesempatan untuk melakukan kegiatan dilingkup dalam kota sendiri dan memilih lokasi sendiri. Inovasi dan berfikir kreatif dari mahasiswa diperlukan dengan bimbingan dosen secara virtual. Kegiatan yang terutama dilakukan oleh mahasiswa adalah pembinaan anak TPA dalam membaca al-qur’an secara baik dan membuka les mata pelajaran free. Selain kegiatan tersebut ada juga kegiatan peningkatan pada UKM kecil untuk dikembangkan. Desa Sukoharjo memiliki destinasi wisata yang perlu dikembangkan pada sektor UKMnya terutama


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    Research analyzes the Intra industry Trade in Manufacture Sector between Indonesia and other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines. It also analyzes the relationship of industrial sectors in the economic field, especially among countries at ASEAN-5. The intra industry trade is measured based on Grubel-Lloyd Index with the aggregation rate of three digits in the ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification). Panel data analysis tool is employed to analyze the factors influencing intra industry trade. Result of research indicates that the intensity of the intra industry trade between Indonesia and ASEAN-4 is relatively higher and consistent with that during 1998-2007. The dominant product in the intra industry trade is iron and steel metals. Market structure, product differentiation, and foreign investment, positively and significantly, influence the intra industry trade between Indonesia and ASEAN-4 countries. Machinery, equipment, and electric tool industry is the highest-rank sector based on its forward linkage coefficient. The machinery, equipment, and electric tool industry sector is important to support the growth of other sectors. With respect to the direct backward linkage coefficient, the sector with highest coefficient is the base industry of iron and steel. It shows that base industry of iron and steel sector gives enough great contribution to other sector

    Strategi Pencapaian Pelanggan Pitalebar Bergerak di Daerah Perdesaan Tahun 2019 [The Strategy Of Mobile Broadband Subscriber Achievement In Rural Areas In 2019]

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    Pemerintah Indonesia memiliki target untuk memberikan akses internet kepada seluruh rakyat Indonesia, termasuk di daerah perdesaan. Daerah perdesaan bagi penyelenggara telekomunikasi kurang memberikan keuntungan karena jumlah pelanggan tidak sebanding dengan biaya investasi yang dikeluarkan. Survei dalam penelitian ini dilakukan di empat desa yaitu Cangkringan, Hambalang, Purwosari dan Kondasatu untuk mengetahui hubungan kondisi masyarakat dengan internet. Hasil survei menunjukkan penggunaan handphone adalah 18,14% untuk telepon, 16,88% untuk SMS dan hanya 3,80% untuk internet. Analisis deskriptif dari data tersebut adalah masyarakat di desa masih belum menggunakan layanan internet secara optimal. Alasannya adalah keterbatasan infrastruktur dan belum ada kesadaran masyarakat. Sudut pandang operator telekomunikasi, mastel Indonesia dan BRTI diperoleh melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Triangulasi data survei dan hasil FGD menghasilkan strategi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan swasta melalui pengembangan ekosistem untuk masyarakat perdesaan. Selain itu, pemerintah dapat memberikan intervensi melalui optimasi penggunaan Biaya Hak Penggunaan Frekuensi untuk pengembangan mobile broadband dan melalui skema dana Universal Service Obligation (USO).*****Indonesian government has a target to provide internet access to all Indonesian people, including in rural areas. For telecommunication provider, rural areas is less profitable because of the number of customers are not comparable with the investment cost incurred. This study was conducted by doing survey in four villages namely Cangkringan, Hambalang, Purwasari, and Kondasatu to determine the condition of the people associated with the development of the internet. The results of the survey showed that 18.14% people use the mobile phone for voice communication, 16.88% for SMS, and only 3.80% for using internet. Villagers have not used the internet service optimally yet. The reason is lack of infrastructure and public awareness relating to the usefulness of the internet. Viewpoints from telco operators, Mastel Indonesia and BRTI were obtained through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Triangulation between survey data and FGD provide strategy that should be carried out by the government and private sector through the development of ecosystem to rural communities. In addition, the government can do intervention through the optimization of the use of spectrum frequencies fees and the Universal Service Obligation (USO) funding schemes to develop mobile broadband infrastructure