106 research outputs found

    Keefektifan teknik observasi diri dan mengubah dialog internal untuk meningkatkan kemampuan remaja mengelola marah

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    The study aims to test the effectiveness of self-observation and change internal dialogue to improve the anger management skill among Adolescents. According to Cognitive-Behavior (CB) approach assumes that the emotional experience human relates to how individual manages thought or words referred to him/herself (internal dialogue). there are significant aspects found to improving in anger management: (1) skill in recognizing anger, and (2) skill in transforming into new internal dialogue. Data was gained from the result of: 1) observation by counselors and peers, 2) interview, and 3) anger journal written by the research subjects. To know the effectiveness of CBM used in improving anger management skill, the author used multiple single subjects as research design. The subjects for the research were 5 students of vocational senior high school in Malang. There are two types of instrument used: Treatment instrument consisted of behavior guidance and treatment material, while the measurement instrument consisted of observation format, interview format, and anger journal. Graphically, the result of the study shows skill improvement among the adolescents in terms of identification and recognition of anger components such as anger triggering situation, anger emotions, thought, physical reaction, and behavior. Moreover, from qualitative analysis, the result shows the skill improvement in transforming internal dialogue that leads to the reduction of anger intensity among adolescents. The findings of the present study, the author proposes the following recommendation for future studies. Adolescent can reduce the intensity of anger, but in expressing anger, still need to get training appropriate way of expressing ange

    What is learning

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    This chapter is the first part of the book entitled The learning theory. this part discusses the nature of learning and learning style

    Keefektifan teknik observasi diri dan mengubah dialog internal untuk meningkatkan kemampuan remaja mengelola marah

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    The study aims to test the effectiveness of self-observation and change internal dialogue to improve the anger management skill among Adolescents. According to Cognitive-Behavior (CB) approach assumes that the emotional experience human relates to how individual manages thought or words referred to him/herself (internal dialogue). there are significant aspects found to improving in anger management: (1) skill in recognizing anger, and (2) skill in transforming into new internal dialogue. Data was gained from the result of: 1) observation by counselors and peers, 2) interview, and 3) anger journal written by the research subjects. To know the effectiveness of CBM used in improving anger management skill, the author used multiple single subjects as research design. The subjects for the research were 5 students of vocational senior high school in Malang. There are two types of instrument used: Treatment instrument consisted of behavior guidance and treatment material, while the measurement instrument consisted of observation format, interview format, and anger journal. Graphically, the result of the study shows skill improvement among the adolescents in terms of identification and recognition of anger components such as anger triggering situation, anger emotions, thought, physical reaction, and behavior. Moreover, from qualitative analysis, the result shows the skill improvement in transforming internal dialogue that leads to the reduction of anger intensity among adolescents. The findings of the present study, the author proposes the following recommendation for future studies. Adolescent can reduce the intensity of anger, but in expressing anger, still need to get training appropriate way of expressing ange

    Perempuan dan Korupsi

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    Korupsi merupakan salah satu masalah besar yang dihadapi oleh Indonesia. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan namun tetap tidak mampu menurunkan angka perilaku korupsi di Indonesia. Nampaknya korupsi menjadi budaya yang kehadirannya seringkali dianggap sesuatu yang lumrah atau biasa di masyarakat. karena telah menjadi budaya, maka salah satu upaya untuk menurunkan angka korupsi di Indonesia adalah dengan mengembangkan budaya tandingan, yaitu budaya anti korupsi. Budaya dapat dikembangkan melalui proses pendidikan, baik di keluarga, sekolah, maupun masyarakat. Di sinilah, peran strategis perempuan dalam mengembangkan budaya anti korupsi

    Menyemai kultur good governance melalui pendidkan

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    Sampai saat ini, bangsa indonesia masih ada dihadapkan pada citra pemerintahan yang buruk yang ditandai dengan saratnya tindakan korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme (KKN) pada hampir seluruh struktur dan pranata birokrasi yang ada, baik pada departemen pemerintahan maupun non-pemerintahan(swasta). ”Reformasi” sebagai sebuah fase sejarah politik bangsa Indonesia yang baru, bercita-cita untuk “mengubur” pemerintahan yang buruk itu, dan menggantinya dengan menciptakan pemerintahan yang baik (good governance). Suatu pemerintahan yang baik dapat terwujud, apabila disokong oleh pilar-pilar yang mendukungnya. Salah satu dari pilar-pilar tersebut adalah kultur(culture) yang berkembang dalam masyarakat harus mendukung terhadap agenda tersebut. Kultur atau budaya dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik apabila ditopang oleh pendidikan. Pendidikan diyakini dapat memberi ruh, arah, dan kekuatan untuk mendukung terwujudnya kultur good governance

    Keefektifan pendekatan cognitive behavior modification untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengelola marah bagi remaja

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    The study aims to test the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Modification (CBM) to improving the anger management skill among adolescents. Graphically, the result of the study shows skill improvement among the adolescents in terms of identification and recognition of anger components such as anger triggering situation, anger emotions, thought, physical reaction, and behavior. Moreover, from qualitative analysis, the result shows the skill improvement in transforming internal dialogue that leads to the reduction of anger intensity among adolescents

    The effectiveness of Islamic approach and cognitive behavior modification approach to boost the anger management skills of students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) I Batu

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    This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the Cognitive Behaviour Modification approach (CBM) with the Islamic approach in improving the abilities of managing anger for adolescents. The subjects of the study were students of State Islamic Junior High School I in Batu as many as 10 people who were in the early stages of adolescent development. The design of one-group pretest-posttes was used as the effectiveness test of this study. Data were obtained from the angry scale control, observation, and interviews, and the anger journal that is filled by the study subjects. The obtained data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The results showed that the differences between the posttest and pretest scores was 3 or an increase of 19.2% (Judging from the category, there is an increase skill from lack of capable to be capable). And the analysis of anger management showed the difference between the average scores of pretest and posttest by 3.5 or an increase of 23%. (at the time of pre-test, students were in the category of capable enough and at the post-test they were in a capable level)

    Self efficacy guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam mengembangkan pendidikan karakter siswa: Penelitian survey terhadap guru-guru pendidikan agama Islam madrasah di Jawa Timur Madrasah di Jawa Timur)

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    Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) mempunyai tugas yang strategis untuk mentransmisikan pendidikan karakter kepada anak didik. Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam di madrasah dituntut mempunyai self efficacy yang tinggi, sehingga diharapkan menjadi figur yang berkarakter (a person of character) yang dapat menjadi teladan bagi anak didiknya untuk berperilaku jujur, suka menolong, dan tanggung jawab, yang merupakan sebagian dari karakter mulia. Rendahnya efikasi guru dalam mengembangkan karakter siswa akan berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pendidikan karakter. Mempertimbangkan pentingnya efikasi guru dalam mengembangkan pendidikan karakter, maka penelitian ini ingin mengetahui tingkat efikasi guru PAI dalam mengembangkan pendidikan karakter. Jawa Timur merupakan propinsi dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar di Indonesia, yakni 35.148.579 juta jiwa. Dari sisi agama, penganut Islam merupakan mayoritas. Berdasar hal ini, maka sangat logis kalau jumlah madrasahnya juga sangat banyak. Penelitian survey tentang Self Efficacy Guru Agama Islam dalam Mengembangkan Pendidikan Karakter siswa ini mengambil populasi Guru madrasah-madrasah yang berada di wilayah Jawa Timur, dan dalam penelitian ini diambil sampel guru dari Kabupaten dan Kota Malang, Kabupaten Madiun, Kabupaten Ngawi dan Ponorogo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efikasi guru PAI dalam mengembangkan pendidikan karakter di Madrasah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan statistik deskriptif berupa penyajian dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi dan pie chart. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, sekitar 36 orang (7,7%) responden berada pada level self efficacy sangat tinggi, 135 orang (28,8%) berada pada level tinggi, 173 orang berada pada level cukup tinggi (37%), 98 orang ( 20,9%) berada pada level rendah, dan 26 orang (5,6%) berada pada level sangat rendah

    Mengelola stres dengan pendekatancognitive behavior modification : Studi eksperimen pada mahasiswa baru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah & Keguruan UIN Maliki Malang

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of implementation Cognitive Behaviour Modification (CBM) to improve the ability to manage stres on new students. The design research is one group Pretest-Posttest. Based on the recommendations and observations, specified the ten new students FITK UIN Maliki as research subjects who indicated experiencing stres. Data on the ability to manage stress obtained from student records to fill Manage Stress Inventory (MSI). Hypothesis test results indicate CBM approach has a significant effect p = 0.000> 0.05. The average score of 82.00 (post test score)> 62.4 (pretest score) and N-gain = 20. It can be concluded CBM approach has a significant impact on improving the ability to manage stress for new students
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