28 research outputs found

    Population, Migration and Climate Change

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    The objective of this research is to explain how climate change affects and is affected by population growth and migration.  The global analysis will then be followed by a specific study in Indonesia on the relation between population migration and natural disaster events. The research method used a secondary data analysis based on literature review, the 2015 Inter-Census Population Survey (SUPAS) data and 2013 disaster data. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure the sustainability of the planet's earth, there are three things that should be done, namely to reduce the pace of population growth, to change the pattern of consumption of natural resources, and to increase Earth's carrying capacity by using technologies and innovations. Migration is mostly caused by economic needs, while migration due to disaster events is very small. Migration data records permanent migration type, while the disaster-affected population usually migrates on the temporary bases. The BPS-Statistics Indonesia and the National Disaster Management Authority should have some agreement on defining disasters, including climate change induced-disasters, and on how to collect and store data on the number of people impacted by each of them. &nbsp

    Analisis Eksistensi Kearifan Lokal Huyula Desa Bongoime Provinsi Gorontalo

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    This study aims to analyze the existence of local wisdom Huyula measured by knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers to Huyula and its relationship with the internal and external factors farmers. The sample was Bongoime villagers who work as rice farmers. This study uses quantitative data with qualitative data furnished. This study tested using Spearman rank correlation test with significance level 0,05 level. Results of this study indicate that Huyula is a values contained in the mutual aid society. Farmers have the high knowledge, attitude and behavior towards Huyula although in practice only in the cleaning of irrigation channels. There is a relationship between knowledge, attitudes and behavior of farmers toward Huyula. There are two variabel like age and extention intensity that affects the existence Huyula.Keywords: economic behavior, fisher, fisheries industrializatio


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    Qibla is defined as the building of the Ka’bah or the direction of Muslims in carrying out a worship, especially prayer, so we need a method that can be used as a guide in determining the direction of Qibla in worship. This study aims to determine the accuracy of the Qibla direction of mosques in Tanete Riattang and Tanete Riattang Barat Districts as measured using astronomy (Google Earth), and the study of Islamic law views the measurement of Qibla direction using astronomy. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, namely the method used to process ideas, reviews and views of experts, as well as descriptive qualitative data analysis methods, namely comparing theoretical studies and realities in the field. The results showed that the method of determining the Qibla direction used in this study using the Google Earth software is relatively easy, very accurate and efficient, but people prefer to determine the Qibla direction by using a compass and also by using the sun's shadow which is known to have quite a difference significant (less accurate). Therefore, the involvement and concern of the government, in this case the Ministry of Religion, as well as competent parties in the field of astrology (determination of the Qibla direction) are needed. Qibla is the direction of the Muslims in worship, therefore we must try our best to determine the direction of Qibla as accurately as possible, considering the growing development of intellectual civilization, especially in the field of astronomy. So that in the future uniformity of direction in worship can be achieved

    Action Plan for Strengthening the Role of Panglima Laot Based on Fisherman Communities in Regional Centers of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sukajaya Distric, Sabang

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    The development of island-based Marine and Fisheries Center Integrated Areas is the main driver in the development of the marine and fisheries sector, because it integrates upstream and watershed activities and developments in a marine and fisheries development process. The close distance between decision makers and local fishermen makes it easy in the process of channeling social aspirations and control in one set of policies. The development of the Sabang MARINE AND FISHERIES CENTER INTEGRETED AREAS  area is carried out with the commitment of cooperation and hope to improve the quality of life of fishermen in the District of Sukajaya, Sabang. The purpose of this research is to formulate an action plan to strengthen the role of Panglima Laot based on fishing communities in the Integrated Fishery Center Center. The research method that will be used is a quantitative and qualitative approach with participatory techniques. The research location is in Sukajaya District, Sabang. This location was chosen deliberately by researchers based on the results of explorations that have been done before. The process of formulating an action plan to strengthen the role of Panglima Laot starts from the focus group discussion with the Technique using the ORID Technique. The results of the formulation of an action plan to strengthen the role of Panglima Laot include (1) Formulating rules for fishing that are non-formal in nature and then strengthen formalities by forming written norms as rules agreed upon for fishermen in fishing; (2) Establish the rules of the sea boundaries adjusted to the area of ​​authority of a Panglima Laot (3) Reconstruct the devices of the Panglima Laot who control and oversee the course of the sea rules

    Persepsi Pemuda Pencari Kerja Terhadap Pekerjaan Sektor Pertanian dan Pilihan Pekerjaan di Desa Cihideung Udik Kecamatan Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor

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    This research aim to analyse the perception on agricultural employment and to analyse job preferences among rural youth unemployed in Cihideung Udik village. This research was conducted using quantitative research approach enhanced with qualitative data. The number of respondents were 40 youth job seekers The research result shows that job seekers internal factors, such as, women have some skills and some job experience as well as external factors such as, low socio economic level, less cosmopolitant, and agricultural employment experiences tend to have negative perceptions on agricultural employment. Rural youth unemployed in this village prefer to work in non agricultural sectors, such as in manufacturing sector in area around Bogor and Jakarta.Keyword: perception, unemployment, rural youth, agricultural employment, non agricultural employmen

    Women International Migration and Remittances in Pusakajaya Village

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    Migrasi internasional terjadi karena pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak diimbangi dengan pertumbuhan kesempatan kerja. Bagi perempuan desa yang tidak memiliki banyak keterampilan, migrasi internasional adalah kesempatan emas untuk meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga mereka. Masalah ini sangat kompleks tapi menarik untuk dikaji. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan perempuan di desa pergi ke luar negeri untuk bekerja dan pemanfaatan remitansi dalam rumah tangga migran. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei yang merupakan penjelasan dan penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian daerah adalah Pusakajaya Desa, Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, ketersediaan lapangan kerja di daerah tujuan dan lahan pertanian terbatas di daerah asal menjadi faktor utama bagi perempuan di desa untuk bekerja di luar negeri. Pemanfaatan remitan di Desa Pusakajaya dialokasikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi, produksi, investasi di bidang pendidikan dan ekonomi, sedangkan alokasi investasi sosial tidak ditemukan. Pemanfaatan pengiriman uang oleh keluarga migran di Desa Pusakajaya membentuk pola umum dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi dan investasi pendidikan. Kata kunci: migrasi internasional, para pekerja migran perempuan, pengiriman uang

    Pengaruh Modal Sosial terhadap Ketahanan Pangan Rumahtangga Petani di Desa Ciaruteun Ilir Kecamatan Cibungbulang Kabupaten Bogor

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    Social capital is an important component in a community. Social capital is used to help each other when in need, such as the need to secure food sufficiency in a household. Social capital consists of trust, networks, and social norms. Household food security is defined as a condition of food suffiency in one household in terms of availability, accesibility and consumability. This study aims to analyze the roles of social capital in household food security in Ciaruteun Ilir village, Cibungbulang subdistrict at Bogor Regency. The data collected by using a survey to 60 horticultural farmer houselds. The farmer’s household food security is not determined by socio economic level, spending level and the number of household members. Farmers use the capital social to generate income for buying foods.Keywords: social capital, food security, horticultural farme

    Optimalisasi Kesejahteraan Left-behind Children pada Keluarga Pekerja Migran di Pedesaan melalui Penguatan Sistem Keluarga Inti: Sebuah Perspektif dari Sisi Anak

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    Children who are left by their parents who work outside the region or abroad as migrant workers will face various well-being problems. This requires a further study to explore the well-being of left-behind children of migrant workers' families in Indonesia, both circular migrant workers and international migrant workers. This study aimed to analyze left-behind children's subjective well-being condition and its relation to family-based social capital and social support that children of migrant worker families perceive. This study is expected to be an initial finding to direct further studies related to strengthening the nuclear family system for families of migrant workers who can optimize the left-behind children's well-being of families of migrant workers. This research was conducted in Juntinyuat, Limbangan, and Dadap Villages, Juntinyuat District, Indramayu Regency. The sampling technique used snowball sampling with samples of children aged 12-18 years from families of migrant workers, both circular and international. The total respondents were 120 children whose data were collected through a self-administered method. The study found that left-behind children whose mothers worked as international migrant workers were more vulnerable to their well-being than other left-behind children. The role of family-based social capital and social support as components in strengthening the nuclear family system of migrant worker families is discussed further in this articl

    The Paradox of Recognition Principles in Village Law in Ammatoa Kajang Indigenous Community

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    The Village Law has stipulated thirteen principles. One of the principles is recognition. The principle of recognition is a turning point in the reformation of the customary law of in Indonesia. The previous studies have founded recognition of the management and use of communal forest. This research focuses on the paradox of recognition of the administration of indigenous government. The implementation of Village Law has replaced the regional autonomy law: from decentralization – residual to recognition – subsidiarity. The inclusion of the principle of recognition – subsidiarity in the village law was implications for changes in the regulation of social order and governance. This research based on constructivism paradigm and qualitative method, with in depth interviews, purposive sampling, observations, and historical archivings. We had analyzed social construction of recognition to indigenous communities in ruling their government. The results indicate that the social construction of recognition in the political aspects of laws and regulations has not been able to meet the needs of indigenous peoples to arrange their government. This study questions regional approach to support the frameworks of desa adat


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    The objectives of this study are to analyse the push-pull factor of international migration and the impact of economic re mittance s t o migrant  women’ s soc i al  posit i on  i n t he house hol d. Background of  i ts research is feminization of international migrant into line with the phenomenon of economic globalization. The magnitude economic remittances generate by the women migrants pre sumabl y wi ll  aff ect  women’ s social position in the houshold.  Culturally, women in this areas do not have a strong decision making power relative to the men in the household. The women migrant working abroad was mainly driven bThe women migrant working abroad was mainly driven b proverty. The return women migrant are likely to have stroger decision making power in the household be case of their major contribution in the household economy.   Keywords: woman migrant, social position, household