11 research outputs found


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    The learning process is currently carried out with online media because during this pandemic by the government is encouraged to reduce being in crowded places. This kind of learning process is done at home to break the chain of spread of COVID-19. With this increasingly advanced technology, it can be used as a medium in the learning process. However, there are also shortcomings with this kind of learning model. Most of the students prefer to learn online, especially if they get balinese dance practice materials. Because it will be very effective and understandable material rather than learning online. In addition, there are perceived complaints that more and more tasks while studying online. But not a few also among students, who like to learn through online because learning like this is quite practical and fun. This kind of condition is felt by students of the Dance and Music Arts Education Program of Malang State University in the vocational courses of Balinese Dance

    Carnival Costume Development Management Strategy as One of Leading Micro and Small Medium Enterprises (UMKM) in the Vocational School of Shows in the Village of Ronggo sub District of Tajinan

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    Every business must use a development strategy; even small companies should use strategic management. One of the regions participating in the development of regional economic dynamics is Ronggo village, Tajinan sub-district by producing Carnival costumes. In the village there are several craftsmen producing the same product. The costume craft sector has particular potential, as one of the leading UMKM/MSMEs (Micro and Small and Medium Enterprises). In addition, these costumes are one of the main attractions during the Carnival, or the Cultural Parade or Carnival, when costumes are displayed as part of the procession. These carnival costumes are rented out to the general public who will hold a cultural parade in the local area or outside the area. However, unfortunately the Carnival costume producers lack business expertise. Their skills lie in the areas of creation and creativity, not using schooling techniques to support these abilities. Keywords: management strategies, Carnival costumes, UMKM, MSMEs, Performing Art

    Media Learning About the Structure of Movement in the Gunungsari Mask Dance of Tumpang District

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    This study examines the structure of the Gunungsari mask dance movement at the Setyo Utomo dance dtudio in Glagahdowo hamlet, which in its development is rarely in demand by the younger generation because of the rare material and rarely exposed. This research can be used as a new insight in traditional dance vocational studies. The Gunungsari mask dance has a characteristic in every movement that must be introduced to the wider community, especially to students. The authors aim to describe the structure of the Gunungsari mask dance movement which can be used as an introduction to the arts of the Tumpang area for SMPN 1 Tumpang. The research method was used in the form of a descriptive qualitative approach. The research data was obtained through observation to determine the structure of movement in the dance, while interviews were conducted with four different speakers. The documentation technique was carried out using previous documents regarding the structure of the Gunungsari mask dance movement at the Setyo Utomo dance studio in Glagahdowo hamlet. The results of this study show that the motion structure of the dance is divided into three parts, namely the opening motion (which begins with the Mentang Gendewa movement), the core motion (starting with the Singget Mundur Kebyok Ghelap movement), and the closing motion (starting with the Backward Singget movement). It is hoped that this research can be used as one of the learning materials, as well as a reference to add insight to the vocational dances of the Malang area. Keywords: motion structure, Gunungsari mask dance, learning medi

    Multi-interactive Media Development for Balinese Dance Vocational Courses

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    An analysis of the learning process of students of the Dance and Music Education Study Program in the Balinese Dance vocational course with the competence to practice Balinese dance revealed that the students faced difficulty in practicing Balinese dance. This was because they were constrained by distance, lack of face-to-face methods, and incommensurable student internet networks. In addition, teachers also have had difficulty in delivering materials because they could not reach students face-to-face. Given the conditions experienced by students and teachers, this research had the goal of developing learning media for Balinese dance vocational courses in the form of multi-interactive media, using the drill and practice model. Interactive learning multimedia involves a range of media such as text, sound, video, animation, and images, which are integrated into a computer program to convey messages to students. The developers in this research were competent in the field of learning vocational Balinese dance and designed the course during 2020/2021. This research was carried out in five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The products included interactive CDs that can be distributed flexibly using media such as flash disks, MMC card, or Bluetooth smartphones, and contain writing, images, infographics, learning videos and quizzes. Keywords: multi-interactive, media, drill and practice, Balinese danc

    Makeup Training in the Community of Carnival Costume Developers in Ronggo Village, Kecamatan Tajinan

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    The cultural parade continues to experience very rapid and lively developments. This is why people suddenly become craftsmen or producers of Carnival costumes, even though they start this business with self-taught abilities. These Carnival costumes are rented out to the wider community who will hold cultural parade events in the local area or outside the region. But unfortunately, the Carnival costume producers do not have the makeup skills to maximize the appearance of their Carnival costume characters. Therefore, the researchers provided makeup training for the community of Carnival costume developers in Ronggo Village, Kecamatan Tajinan, so that people can better package the products produced. First, a survey was carried out about the costume craftsmen’s location and costume reconstruction. The method of cooperation (cooperative) was used, and the activities included explanations or lectures, and practical training on makeup and show clothes. This service was carried out for 2 months starting from the making of dedication proposals, preparation for the implementation of training, training on makeup and performance clothing, and taking certificates. The training was carried out by researchers who were observed by three observers. The community looked very active and already had pretty good makeup skills. After conducting the training, the presenter evaluated the results of the makeup training demonstration and provided conclusions. It is hoped that the next service can be held again with different research targets. Keywords: training, makeup, carnival costume


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    Introduction: Chronic Renal Failure is an irreversible and progresive kidney failure, thus hemodialysis has been proved to be the most effective treatment modality but also cause anxiety and coping mechanism is needed to overcome anxiety. The purpose of the study is to analyze relationship between coping mechanism orientation and anxiety levels in chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis at RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Method: This study used descriptive correlationdesign with cross sectional approach.Independent variable was coping mechanism orientation and dependent variable was anxiety. Population were patients with chronic renal failure undergoing routine hemodialysis and sample were 33 respondents taken by purposive sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire brief COPE and SAS and analyzed by using Spearman Rank correlation test with level signifficant α=0.05. Result: Resultshowed there was relationship between coping mechanisme orientation and anxiety level ( p=0.01, r=-0.846). Discussion: The conclusion was coping mechanism orientation which is combined problem-focused coping and emotional-focused coping when deal with stressors can reduce the level of anxiety during the hemodialysis process. Future studies are recommended to develop coping interventions to decrease anxiety level. Keywords : Coping mechanism orientation, anxiety, hemodialysi

    Oglek Tempe Dance as an Attraction to Support Cultural-Based Village Tourism in Sanan, Malang

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    Sanan village is one of the designated tourist areas in Malang, and it has a special ceremony in welcoming their guests. The tour guide team picks up groups of tourists who enter the Sanan village area and escorts them to see the making of tempeh chips. However, the ceremony itself is rather bland as there is no artistic attraction in its process. Thus, in this community service activity, we packaged art tourism attractions with local characteristics, namely the welcoming dance of Oglek Tempe, to brand Sanan village as a culture-based tourism village. Nine female dancers perform the Oglek Tempe dance from the village of Sanan, following the concept of ‘babahan hawa sanga’. The dance reminds people to maintain honor and not to indulge in lust. The form of dance presentation demonstrates the style of movement, costumes, property, and musical arrangements typical of Malangan within six minutes’ duration. This is a spectacle dance. It also provides opportunities for tourists who want to dance along with the dancers by following the rules and protocols and not making disrespectful moves. The dance ends with the giving of souvenirs typical of Sanan village, namely decorations made of coral. Keywords: Oglek Tempe, Dance, Attraction, Tourism, Sana


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    Jaranan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru (BTS): Tumpang places the kalapan/trance session as the highlight of an attractive event and becomes an element of the creative economy that significantly contributes to the actors and their community. This research aims to describe how dancers can experience insanity and why the kalapan session is an element of the creative economy. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a multi-case study in two different settings. Collecting data through interviews, observation and documentation on two groups of jaranan, namely 1) Anusopati and 2) Tugu Sari Panggung Rejo. Data is verified by source triangulation data triangulation to obtain validity for efforts to prepare the episode of kalapan, the main attraction in Jaranan BTS: Tumpang.  The results of the study: 1) some rituals must be carried out and followed to become a Jaranan dancer who can go crazy/trance, namely the nyetren ritual which is routinely carried out every Friday Legi, 2) the episode of kalapan/trance is a part that has extraordinary appeal, is magical, mystical and attractiveness that always manages to bring in many spectators and many traders in the venue. The trance dancer is not in a state of pretending, but is indeed possessed by a supernatural spirit invited and entered by the handler. This research is expected to be a helpful reference on the existence of a process for infatuation/introduction that can be an element of the creative economy for the community of actors, fans and the general public. This research also expected as supporting data for writing the E-Book Jaranan Bromo-Tengger-Semeru (BTS): Tumpang

    Correlation Between the Quick of Blood and Quality of Life of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Dialysis Therapy in the Hemodialysis Unit at Wava Husada Hospital

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    Patients with chronic kidney disease during their treatment or during hemodialysis therapy will experience various health problems in their lives, especially in their quality of life. Hemodialysis therapy is the last form of therapy for patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease. Setting and monitoring the Quick of Blood (QB) in accordance with the vascular access capability used, as well as the patient’s hemodynamic condition and comfort, is expected to affect the quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients. This research aimed to find the correlation between Quick of Blood (QB) and patient quality of life. The research employs a quantitative approach with a correlational study, and the data was taken at Hemodialysis Unit at Wava Husada Hospital Kepanjen Malang. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with a total of 105 respondents. The instrument used was SF 36 questionnaire. The analysis of the data used the Pearson test. The result of the analysis shows a p-value of 0.037, so there is a significant correlation between quick of blood (QB) and the quality of life of hemodialysis patients. Most of the respondents were discovered to have a moderate quality of life. Keywords: hemodialysis, quality of life, quick of bloo

    Perceptions of Senaputra Dance Students About the Art of Classical Dance and Traditional Creations

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    Around the 1970s, professional dance arts education for the general public began to grow. Students of professional dance were mostly the sons and daughters of wealthy individuals or government officials. Dance was regarded as a source of prestige for parents at the time. Such a perception exists because society is unable to contribute to the development of such status. After 50 years, though, that perception has changed. This study considered Sanggar Tari Senaputra Malang with the aim of examining the differences in perceptions among dance students at professional dance facilities. This was descriptive qualitative research and data were collected through observations of training activities and interviews with the leader of the Senaputra Dance Workshop (Siti Sofiana, 47 years old) and four trainers. Data were analyzed using phenomenological interpretation. The results demonstrated that: (1) classical dance takes a relatively long time to learn and is personal in nature to gain social prestige; and (2) traditional dance creations are simpler and faster to learn, and tend to establish social relationships. Keywords: classic dance, traditional dance, dance teacher, Sanggar Danc