26 research outputs found

    Novel cell death program leads to neutrophil extracellular traps

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are extracellular structures composed of chromatin and granule proteins that bind and kill microorganisms. We show that upon stimulation, the nuclei of neutrophils lose their shape, and the eu- and heterochromatin homogenize. Later, the nuclear envelope and the granule membranes disintegrate, allowing the mixing of NET components. Finally, the NETs are released as the cell membrane breaks. This cell death process is distinct from apoptosis and necrosis and depends on the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by NADPH oxidase. Patients with chronic granulomatous disease carry mutations in NADPH oxidase and cannot activate this cell-death pathway or make NETs. This novel ROS-dependent death allows neutrophils to fulfill their antimicrobial function, even beyond their lifespan

    Activated PI3Kδ syndrome – reviewing challenges in diagnosis and treatment

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    Activated PI3Kδ syndrome (APDS) is a rare inborn error of immunity (IEI) characterized primarily by frequent infections, lymphoproliferation and autoimmunity. Since its initial description in 2013, APDS has become part of the growing group of nearly 500 IEIs affecting various components of the immune system. The two subtypes of APDS - APDS1 and APDS2 - are caused by variants in the PIK3CD and PIK3R1 genes, respectively. Due to the rarity of the disease and the heterogeneous clinical picture, many patients are not diagnosed until years after symptom onset. Another challenge is the large number of PIK3CD and PIK3R1 variants whose functional significance for developing APDS is inconclusive. Treatment of APDS has so far been mostly symptom-oriented with immunoglobulin replacement therapy, immunosuppressive therapies and antibiotic or antiviral prophylaxes. Additionally, allogeneic stem cell transplantation as well as new targeted therapies are options targeting the root cause that may improve patients’ quality of life and life expectancy. However, the clinical course of the disease is difficult to predict which complicates the choice of appropriate therapies. This review article discusses diagnostic procedures and current and future treatment options, and highlights the difficulties that physicians, patients and their caretakers face in managing this complex disease. This article is based on cohort studies, the German and US guidelines on the management of primary immunodeficiencies as well as on published experience with diagnosis and compiled treatment experience for APDS

    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) in children and adolescents : a consensus on therapeutic strategies

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    Hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor (C1 esterase inhibitor) deficiency (types I and II HAE-C1-INH) is a rare disease that usually presents during childhood or adolescence with intermittent episodes of potentially life-threatening angioedema. Diagnosis as early as possible is important to avoid ineffective therapies and to properly treat swelling attacks. At a consensus meeting in June 2011, pediatricians and dermatologists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland reviewed the currently available literature, including published international consensus recommendations for HAE therapy across all age groups. Published recommendations cannot be unconditionally adopted for pediatric patients in German-speaking countries given the current approval status of HAE drugs. This article provides an overview and discusses drugs available for HAE therapy, their approval status, and study results obtained in adult and pediatric patients. Recommendations for developing appropriate treatment strategies in the management of HAE in pediatric patients in German-speaking countries are provided.Conclusion Currently, plasma-derived C1 inhibitor concentrate is considered the best available option for the treatment of acute HAE-C1-INH attacks in pediatric patients in German-speaking countries, as well as for short-term and long-term prophylaxis

    Association and Linkage of Atopic Dermatitis with Chromosome 13q12–14 and 5q31–33 Markers

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    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects 10–20% of the population. Linkage of atopy, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and total serum IgE levels to several different chromosomal regions have been described extensively, but little is known about the genetic control of atopic dermatitis. We tested for the association and linkage between atopic dermatitis and five chromosomal regions: 5q31–33, 6p21.3, 12q15–24.1, 13q12–31, and 14q11.2/14q32.1–32.3. Marker analysis was performed in two Caucasian populations: (i) 192 unrelated German children with atopic dermatitis and 59 non-atopic children from a German birth cohort study (MAS'90), parental DNA was tested in 77 of 192 children with atopic dermatitis; (ii) 40 Swedish families with at least one family member with atopic dermatitis selected from the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in Children. Evidence for linkage and allelic association for atopic dermatitis was observed for markers on chromosome 13q12–14 and 5q31–33

    CD70 Deficiency Associated With Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Infection, Recurrent Airway Infections and Severe Gingivitis in a 24-Year-Old Woman

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    Most of the few patients with homozygous CD70 deficiency described to date suffered from EBV-related malignancies in early childhood. We present a woman with CD70 deficiency diagnosed in adulthood. She presented in childhood with recurrent airway infections due to encapsulated bacteria, herpes zoster and a fulminant EBV infection followed by chronic EBV infection with mild lymphoproliferation and severe gingivitis/periodontal disease with high EBV viral load in saliva and gingival plaques as an adult. Up to the age of 24 years she developed no malignancy despite constant EBV viremia since primary EBV infection 15 years previously. Immunologic evaluation in childhood showed hypogammaglobulinemia with impaired polysaccharide responsiveness. She has been stable on immunoglobulin substitution with no further severe viral infections and no bacterial airway infections in adulthood. Targeted panel sequencing at the age of 20 years revealed a homozygous CD70 missense mutation (ENST00000245903.3:c.2T>C). CD70 deficiency was confirmed by absent CD70 expression of B cells and activated T cell blasts. The patient finished high school, persues an academic career and has rarely sick days at college. The clinical course of our patient may help to counsel parents of CD70-deficient patients with regard to prognosis and therapeutic options including haematopoetic stem cell transplantation

    Latent class analysis reveals clinically relevant atopy phenotypes in 2 birth cohorts

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    Background: Phenotypes of childhood-onset asthma are characterized by distinct trajectories and functional features. For atopy, definition of phenotypes during childhood is less clear. Objective: We sought to define phenotypes of atopic sensitization over the first 6 years of life using a latent class analysis (LCA) integrating 3 dimensions of atopy: allergen specificity, time course, and levels of specific IgE (sIgE). Methods: Phenotypes were defined by means of LCA in 680 children of the Multizentrische Allergiestudie (MAS) and 766 children of the Protection against allergy: Study in Rural Environments (PASTURE) birth cohorts and compared with classical nondisjunctive definitions of seasonal, perennial, and food sensitization with respect to atopic diseases and lung function. Cytokine levels were measured in the PASTURE cohort. Results: The LCA classified predominantly by type and multiplicity of sensitization (food vs inhalant), allergen combinations, and sIgE levels. Latent classes were related to atopic disease manifestations with higher sensitivity and specificity than the classical definitions. LCA detected consistently in both cohorts a distinct group of children with severe atopy characterized by high seasonal sIgE levels and a strong propensity for asthma; hay fever; eczema; and impaired lung function, also in children without an established asthma diagnosis. Severe atopy was associated with an increased IL-5/IFN-gamma ratio. A path analysis among sensitized children revealed that among all features of severe atopy, only excessive sIgE production early in life affected asthma risk. Conclusions: LCA revealed a set of benign, symptomatic, and severe atopy phenotypes. The severe phenotype emerged as a latent condition with signs of a dysbalanced immune response. It determined high asthma risk through excessive sIgE production and directly affected impaired lung function.Peer reviewe

    Primary immunodeficiencies—The role of the laboratory

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    Historical Aspects of Polyclonal IgG Preparations

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    This practical manual, written by well-known experts, reviews current indications for the use of IgG concentrates and some other modern immunomodulators and provides fundamental information on present-day immunomodulation in patients (and mice). The book opens by tracing the transition from IgG substitution to IgG immunomodulation and providing expert updates on immunomodulatory indications in autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, including hematologic, neurologic, dermatologic, and other diseases. Basic aspects of IgG concentrates, including methods of production, safety, currently available products, and mechanisms of action, are then discussed. An entire chapter is devoted to the different aspects of immunomodulatory IgG treatment in the bleeding disorder immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Finally, the transition from polyclonal to monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment is addressed in detail, covering mAb development, methods, mechanisms of action, adverse effects, and more. Particular attention is paid to the example of anti-CD20 (B-cell) antibody

    Binding of cloned S-fimbriated E. coli to human buccal epithelial cells-different inhibition of binding by neonatal saliva and adult saliva.

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    Investigations were carried out on the adhesion of cloned S-fimbriated E. coli, labelled with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC) to human buccal epithelial cells. Fluorescence microscopic analysis revealed binding of bacteria to 75-95% of epithelial cells. Inhibition experiments with fetuin, a 1-acid glycoprotein and N-acetyl neuraminic acid confirmed the specificity of bacterial binding to sialoglycoproteins. Further studies using saliva as an inhibitor resulted in a 4-5 times stronger binding inhibition by newborn saliva in comparison to adult saliva coinciding with a 4-5 times higher content of total N-acetyl neuraminic acid in samples of newborn saliva. In Western blot analysis sialoglycoprotein bands with a molecular weight >200 kD reacting with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), were only identified in samples of newborn saliva. These bands are classified as mucins on account of molecular weight and staining. These data suggest that saliva mucins could represent a major defense mechanism against bacterial infections at a stage of ontogeny where the secretory IgAsystem is not yet developed.bestätigt werden. Wurde als Inhibitor Speichel eingesetzt, so ergab sich für den Speichel Neugeborener eine 4-Sfach stärkere Inhibition als für Erwachsenenspeichel Parallel dazu ergab die Untersuchung der Speichelproben für Neugeborene einen 4-Sfachen höheren. Die Adhäsion clonierter, Fluoresceinisothiocyanat (FITC)-markierter, S-Fimbrien tragender E. coli an menschliche Mundschleimhautzellen wurde untersucht. Die fluoreszenzmikroskopische Auswertung ergab, daß 75-95% der Schleimhautzellen Bakterien gebunden hatten. Die Spezifität der Bindung der Bakterien an Sialoglykoproteine konnte durch Inhibitionsexperimente mit Fetuin, saurem arGlykoprotein und N-acetyl-Neuraminsäure Gehalt an Gesamt-N-acetyl-Neuraminsäure. In Westerohlot Analysen konnten nur in Proben nativen Speichels Neugeborener mit Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) reagierende Sialoglykoproteinbanden mit Molekülmassen > 200 kD identifiziert werden, die aufgrund ihres Molekulargewichtes und Färbeverhaltens der Klasse der Mucine zuzuordnen sind. Speichelmucine können einen wichtigen Abwehrmechanismus gegen Infektionen in einer Periode der kindlichen Entwicklung darstellen, in der das sekretorische IgA-System noch nicht voll entwickelt ist