1,594 research outputs found


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    Dalam perjalanannya antara politik dan sejarah sosial pendidikan Islam tidak dapat dipisahkan, sehingga mempunyai hubungan yang erat di antara keduanya. Dari tinjauan politik dapat diketahui pengambilan kebijakan-kebijakan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan Islam, karena tidak mudah untuk menyatakan bahwa pendidikan terbebas dari politik yang melingkupinya. Begitu juga sejarah sosial pendidikan Islam berusaha memotret jalannya penyelenggaraan pendidikan Islam sehingga dapat diketahui rekam jejak dari penyelenggaraan kebijakan-kebijakan pendidikan yang telah dilaksanakan dari waktu kewaktu. Oleh karena itu tinjauan antara politik dan sejarah sosial pendidikan Islam sangat penting sebagai pisau analisis untuk melihat jalannya pendidikan Islam secara komprehensif


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    Controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) methods had been used for marine geological surveying for many years. The electromagnetic (EM) technique for marine hydrocarbon prospecting which first used commercially, has gained wide industry acceptance and many improvements have been made to operating practices, survey equipment, and data-processing techniques in the past few years. The objective of this project is to improve a small scale of SBL model measurement facility that had been earlier developed at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), to develop a better, well develop electrical dipole antenna to collect experimental data such as resistance and magnetic field measurement, and to verify the result through theoretical modeling. The lab scale model of SBL system was completed with several specification changes and modifications. Modifications are needed in order to simulate different skin depth effect. Theoretical modeling is done before lab experimentation is performed. Several experimentations have been made and the result is not very accurate. It is still unclear if there are something buried in the sand from the reading of the receiver. Therefore several factors have been identified to be the cause of the invalid result. Thus, future works based on current problem are also suggested

    Perencanaan Transportasi Sapi Ternak Dengan Menggunakan Kapal Tradisional Untuk Wilayah Pulau Madura

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    Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus meningkat mengakibatkan kebutuhan akan daging sapi juga semakin meningkat. Sampai saat ini, Indonesia memenuhi kebutuhan dagingnya sebesar 30% dari impor dimana terjadi kenaikan harga karena adanya peningkatan harga bahan bakar dan pakan ternak. Potensi sapi di Madura yang besar menjadikan wilayah ini menjadi salah satu sentra produksi sapi di Indonesia. Saat ini pengiriman sapi dari Madura melalui laut melayani untuk tujuan Kalimantan Selatan (Banjarmasin). Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi supply dan demand sapi di Madura ke Kalimantan serta menganalisa pola pengangkutan sapi ternak untuk mengetahui biaya total transportasi. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui potensi supply sapi pada tahun 2013 di kabupaten Bangkalan saat ini sebesar 10% dari jumlah populasi sapi atau sebesar 22.345 ekor, dan demand sapi di provinsi Kalimantan Selatan sebesar 12,6% dari jumlah populasi sapi atau sebesar 18.769 ekor. Pola pengangkutan sapi ternak menggunakan tiga kapal jenis KLM (Kapal Layar Motor), dengan lama RTD (Round Trip Days) kapal yang sesuai untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sapi di Kalimantan Selatan adalah dengan menggunakan KLM Purnama Indah selama 7 hari, KLM Karya Utama dan KLM Karya Utama II selama 14 hari. Skenario ini memberikan keuntungan yang lebih besar terhadap pemilik kapal sebesar Rp.1.449.380.873 tiap tahun atau tiga kali lebih besar dari keuntungan saat ini

    Chemical profile of compounds from lichens of Bukit Larut, Peninsular Malaysia

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    The lichen collection from Bukit Larut, Taiping, Malaysia in 1999 included Bulbothrix isidiza, Chrysothrix xanthina, Cladonia adspersa, C. verticillata, Coccocarpia palmicola, Heterodermia flabellata, H. japonica, H. obscurata, Hypotrachyna imbricatula, Leptogium azureum, Parmelinella wallichiana, Parmotrema tinctorum, P. clavuliferum, P. reticulatum, Pertusaria sp., Physma byrsaeum, Usnea baileyi and Usnea rubrotincta. Secondary metabolites could not be detected in three lichens, Coccocarpia palmicola, Leptogium azureum and Physma byrsaeum by HPLC and TLC analysis. The other 15 lichen species showed the presence of ten classes of compounds, depsides (10 compounds), depsidones (16), quinones (5), xanthones (2), naphthopyrones (1), pulvinic acid derivatives (1), diphenylethers (1), dibenzofurans (1), aliphatic acids (4) and terpenoids (3)

    Sectoral Evaluation for Economic and Financial Development in Dubai and rest of UAE

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    The paper examines sector specific characteristics to analyse the factors affecting the sustainability of the economies of Dubai and rest of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study applies system design to analyse the research questions. Consequently, Zellner’s seemingly unrelated regressions (SURE) technique is used to examine the relative contribution of sectors to the economies Dubai, as an individual Emirate, and the rest of UAE as a group of Emirates using time series sectoral level data for 2001–2015. The study shows that there exists positive interdependencies between Dubai and rest of UAE economies. This signifies that the core competencies across various sectors in Dubai and rest of UAE economies need to be promoted further to have overall diversified impact on UAE economy. The positive sizable impact of the finance sector in Dubai and negative sizable impact in the rest of the UAE provide many opportunities for designing diversification programs for sustained economic development of the entire UAE economy. The small sample size, non-availability of detailed sectoral data in four of the seven emirates constrained the scope of the study for generalization to other economies in the middle east.   The study findings are very crucial for identifying structural reforms, to strengthen competitiveness and accelerate private sector-led job creation for nationals, potential on further opening up foreign direct investment (FDI), improving selected areas of the business environment, and easing access to finance for start-ups and SMEs in both the economies. There are very few studies, which have researched the sector specific characteristics to explain the factors affecting the sustainability of the economies of Dubai and the rest of UAE. The study provides insights to the UAE policy makers, for enhancement of policies through development of the key sectors that influence the performance of the two economies. Despite being independent entities though, the seven emirates of the UAE are economically interdependent. Studies on such interactions add unique value to the literature. Keywords: SURE, GDP, Dubai, UAE, Sectoral Evaluation, Financial development

    A Decision Support System to Determine the Familiy’s Economic Status for Certificate of The Low-Income Household Using MAUT Method

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    The problem of unemployment and poverty is a significant issue that the government have yet to address completely. The number of working-age people continues to rise, yet there are insufficient employment openings to meet demand. The government then provided extensive aid to the community. The Village Information System, part of the digitization system in Laguruda Village, Takalar Regency, comprises an integrated intelligent system that can forecast the eligibility of people who come to apply for a certificate of incapacity so that they are no longer inappropriate targets. The method employed is the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), based on 14 criteria set forth by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The results of a 49-person sample of household heads who identified themselves as poor and in need of assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs revealed that 57.14% were in the mediocre category, 36.73% were in the rich category, 4.08% were in the poor category, and 2.04% were in the very poor category. This information demonstrates the system's ability to filter requests for poverty certifications. On the other hand, village officials were assisted in determining the right conditions for residents to be eligible for a poverty certificat

    Effect of Different Treatment on Quality Sensory and Trash Fish Chemical Raw Materials as Fish Meal

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of boiling, salting andicing effectivity in maintaining the chemical and sensory quality of the trashedfish flour. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RAK)with 1 factor. Treatments of the study were boiling, salting and icing whichconsists by 3 stages, suchas: first stage; fish was boiled into boiling water for 15minutes, second stage; fish was salted with salt 15%, and third stage; fish was icedwith comparation 2: 1 of ice and fish on temperature 5℃. The time of storage oftrashed fish was group (4, 6, 8, and 10 days). The parameters was were sensoricvalue (odor), proximate composition, NPN and TVB. The results showed thesensoric value of the trashed fish wich was boiled and iced for storage bad odorand had been rejected on 6 day. Although, the trashed fish wich was salted hadno bad odor and still received for storage. The average value of sensoric quality ofthe trashed fish was boiling 7,63, salting 7,83 and 4,96 icing. For chemicalanalysis (proximat value, NPN and TVB), the best treatment of the trashed fishwith boiling treatment. The proximat compotition of the salted trashed fish forstorage were water value 8,28%, ash value 25,84% , fat value 7,01% and proteinvalue 51,87%. While the value of NPN and TVB were NPN 0,28% and TVB5,41mg

    Analisis Dinamika Politik Di Balik Tuntutan Pemekaran Cilacap Barat

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    Regional splitting is a part of important things common way in any democratic countries such as Indonesia as the form and impact caused by decentralisation. Regional splitting is one of the way to increasing the public service in the purpose of creation for welfare society.The plan of regional split for west cilacap which discussed on this thesis. The writer will trying to describe how the political dynamic that occur in west cilacap regional splitt process. Start from how the political actor and organization in kabupaten Cilacap designing the plan of regional split for west cilacap could make a dynamic political constelation between them.This thesis, using a qualitative metodh with many technic such as observation and interview with many stakeholders which participating in the plan for west cilacap regional split and also using study documentation to collect some documents related to this thesis. Data analysis technique used by writer is data reduction where the writer sorting, simplifying, and transform the data obtained in the field.The results of this thesis shows the dynamics of the political forces in the District Cilacap influenced by political actors and organizations in the District Cilacap

    The Fabrication Of Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Transistors Using Cerium Dioxide As A Gate Oxide Material

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    Cerium dioxide was employed as a gate insulator for an enhancement-type n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) transistor. Cerium was evaporated in a tungsten boat and immediately oxidized for oxide uniformity. The use of CeO2 as a gate oxide in MOS transistor yielded a low positive threshold voltage with negligible interface charge effects. This resulted in the transistor performing as an enhancement type device