31 research outputs found


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    Ketertarikan penulis untuk meneliti judul ini dengan alasan karena masalah maḥiḏ merupakan hal yang penting dalam kehidupan para wanita. Ikatan pernikahan dan hubungan badan di antara laki-laki dan wanita kemudian menjadi sarana keberadaan manusia lewat proses persalinan.dalam konteks ini, pihak wanita yang mengalami proses menstruasi, kehamilan, persalinan dan menyusui yang kemudian menjadi kondisi yang mempengaruhi hukum fiqih atas diri mereka. Sesorang wanita harus mengerti betul tentang ilmu ini. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana penafsiran maḥiḏ dalam al-Qur’an dan apa hubungan maḥiḏ dengan kesehatan wanita dengan membahas dua surat dalam al-Qur’an yaitu surat alBaqarah: 222 dan at-Thalah: 4 dengan menstruasi atau haid dalam kesehatan wanita. Kata maḥiḏ berasal dari محيضا و حيضا، تحيض، محيض merupakan bentuk isim dan masdar. Kata محيض dan حيض adalah perkumpulan darah pada tempatnya. محيض juga bermaksud orang yang haid. Metodologi yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode maudhu’i dengan mengumpulkan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan maḥiḏ, kemudian dikupas secara mendalam dan tuntas dari berbagai aspek yang terkait dan di analisa dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis untuk menggambarkan maḥiḏ menurut alQur’an dan menurut kesehatan wanita. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa al-Qur’an menjelaskan maḥiḏ pada QS al-Baqarah: 222 yang pertama berarti haid itu adalah kotoran dan maḥiḏ yang kedua pada surat tersebut adalah melarang bersetubuh dengan wanita yang sedang haid. Dalam QS at-Thalak kata maḥiḏ membawa arti wanita yang menopause dan wanita yang belum datang haid kaitannya dengan iddah. Adapun maḥiḏ hubungannya dengan kesehatan wanita perlu dititikberatkan secara psikis dan fisik karena bisa saja emosi akan terganggu dan ia akan membahayakan wanita. Bahaya yang timbul selama bersetubuh dengan wanita haid seperti dinding vagina akan menjadi lembek, nafsu syahwat akan berkurung dan lain-lain lagi. Bagi laki-laki ia akan menimbulkan penyakit radang pada penis dan kencing nanah. Oleh itu Allah melarang melakukan bersetubuh ketika wanita sedang haid. Melalui kesehatan yang lebih baik, kaum wanita dapat menjalankan kehidupan yang berkualitas dan mampu bergiat aktif bagi membantu pertumbuhan negara pada masa yang akan datang

    Leveraging the entrepreneurship talents based on Prophet Muhammad’s business acumen: The case of akademi bakat ABS

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    Realizing that each human being is naturally gifted with numerous talents, the Akademi Bakat ABS is set up to uphold this value through its unique curriculum, approach, and eco-system in the school. Till date, 75% of the learning program is based on learning-by-doing approach. The core vision is to nurture the students’ inner-self with the 6 values of entrepreneurship i.e. social intelligence, integrity, altruism, creative and innovative, diplomacy, and righteousness since pre-school and hence, leverage the mindset, behaviour, and subsequently the cultural value of entrepreneurship among the students. With the aim to be an alternative school that will confront the future education, particularly in view of the Malaysian education landscape, the philosophy lies in the concept of being an independent thinker rather than consumer thinker. Only then, the element of creative thinking can be cultivated which is crucial in economic development as well as novel development in terms of technologies, products, and systems. Akademi Bakat ABS believed, with all the virtues it holds, the possibility to overcome on the overwhelmed issue of graduates’ unemployability and incompetency in human skill can be achieved in all respect especially in confronting the Industrial Revolution 4.0 agenda. Finally, with support from each segment of the society (students, teachers, parents, ministry, industries, etc.), Akademi Bakat ABS sees itself as an industrial player that can holistically benefit the Malaysian education eco-system

    Perception of vocational colleges academic staffs’ on the importance and readiness to collaborate with industry

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    The partnership between the industrial sector and technical vocational institutions is a networking towards achieving common goals and provide mutual benefits to both parties. A strong collaboration between vocational colleges and industries is important to bring the country economic growth towards the sustainability of technical and vocational education (TVET) in Malaysia. Collaborations conducted between vocational colleges and industries will create a positive impact through the sharing of additional knowledge and consensus to reduce the mismatch of industrial needs among graduates. However, there is doubt on capability that collaboration can benefits each other between education institution and industry where academics and industry do not understand each other or not capable or ready to collaborate. There is the issues that understanding the readiness of individuals from both sides to engaging the collaboration. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to indentify the importance of vocational colleges - industries collaboration element perceived by vocational colleges academic staff ; and indentify the readiness of vocational colleges - industries collaboration element perceived by vocational colleges academic staff. The data of this study were obtained through questionnaires and analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). Researchers used the entire population 195 vocational academic staffs as a study sample. The six elements of collaboration identified are a) placement in the industry b) curriculum c) added value c) support d) facilities and e) training. The findings of the study found that the majority of vocational academic staffs showed perception of important and ready to implement the element of collaboration with industry. Thus it showed that all these element is importand and ready to implement to collaborate with the industry towards sustainability of vocational colleges

    Vocational College's Students Preferences on Practical Teaching Methods for Electronic Subject

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    Practical teaching approaches in the classroom or workshop plays an important role in teaching and learning process especially for hands-on subjects. The practical teaching methods that teach according to the ability of the students can give them better understanding in a specific subject. Hence, this paper will look at the practical teaching methods that are preferred by the Malaysian Vocational College's student for electronic subject. Quantitative studies approach has been employed which adopted the survey design using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection.  The respondents of this research were selected from 306 students in 58 Vocational Colleges which offer Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology courses. Descriptive analysis has been carried out for this study and the data such as mean, standard deviation and ranking were analysed. The result showed that student preferred teaching method that provide easy understanding on the hands-on topic based on the Needham 5 phase constructivism model.  In the beginning phase, the student preferred demonstration, practical activities use video clips, diagram and hand note.  However in Idea Generation, Strengthening of Ideas and Applying Ideas phase, they preferred the teaching that focusing on group rather than individual such as practical work, discussion, mind map and invention. In the reflection phase, the students most preferred using question and answer openly in class and small group. Based on this study, the findings will help the teachers to use the specific teaching methods that provide easy understanding for the students' especially for the hands-on subject

    Vocational College's Students Preferences on Practical Teaching Methods for Electronic Subject

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    Practical teaching approaches in the classroom or workshop plays an important role in teaching and learning process especially for hands-on subjects. The practical teaching methods that teach according to the ability of the students can give them better understanding in a specific subject. Hence, this paper will look at the practical teaching methods that are preferred by the Malaysian Vocational College's student for electronic subject. Quantitative studies approach has been employed which adopted the survey design using questionnaires as the instrument for data collection.  The respondents of this research were selected from 306 students in 58 Vocational Colleges which offer Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology courses. Descriptive analysis has been carried out for this study and the data such as mean, standard deviation and ranking were analysed. The result showed that student preferred teaching method that provide easy understanding on the hands-on topic based on the Needham 5 phase constructivism model.  In the beginning phase, the student preferred demonstration, practical activities use video clips, diagram and hand note.  However in Idea Generation, Strengthening of Ideas and Applying Ideas phase, they preferred the teaching that focusing on group rather than individual such as practical work, discussion, mind map and invention. In the reflection phase, the students most preferred using question and answer openly in class and small group. Based on this study, the findings will help the teachers to use the specific teaching methods that provide easy understanding for the students' especially for the hands-on subject

    Rasch Measurement Model for validity and reliability of instrument food skills competencies in addressing food neophobia for preschool teachers

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    The aim of this study was to assess the validity and reliability of a newly developed instrument designed to measure food skills competencies in addressing food neophobia (FSFN) among preschool teachers. The Rasch Model Measurement was employed to analyze the validity and reliability of a159-items instrument that designed to measure FSFN of teachers working in one of Malaysian public early childhood institutions. The study included 31 teachers and assistant teachers who were selected through stratified cluster random sampling. The validity of the FSFN instrument was evaluated through four main functional analysis. Overall, both the respondents’ and items’ reliability values in the FSFN instrument were considered excellent and acceptable, ranging from 0.94 to 0.99 and 0.80 to 0.89, respectively. Point-measure correlation analysis revealed no negative values, and item matching analysis resulted to the elimination or revision of 22 items that did not meet the requirements. Additionally, based on the local dependence analysis, the standardized residual correlation value, detected 14 items that required removal. Thus, to enhance the FSFN instrument’s functionality, a total of 36 items were removed, and 123 items remained. This study believed that by eliminating these items, the FSFN instrument’s validity and reliability for the actual study would improv

    Managerial Entrepreneurial Competencies Framework for Technical College Programs: Concept and Relevance

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    One of the challenges of technical education in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, is the lack of an appropriate entrepreneurial framework for the content of the technical college curriculum. The purpose of this study was to explore the managerial entrepreneurial competencies for technical college programs in Nigeria. This study was guided by a qualitative approach through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with 15 participants selected purposively and 11 Journal Articles were analysed. The empirical findings from semi-structured interviews confirm the theoretical findings in document analysis. This study found several managerial entrepreneurial competencies in document analysis and interviews, eventually analysed thematically. Themes include Business planning, Decision-making, Technical know-how, Interpersonal relationships and Communication. The study analysed only 11 documents and conducted 15 interviews, so the conclusions drawn from these sources depend on the authenticity of the information provided by the participants.  The findings of the study indicate that managerial entrepreneurial competencies are worthy of inclusion in the technical college curriculum in Nigeria. Therefore, it is recommended that the curriculum needs to be reviewed to ensure that it meets the educational changes such as global trends and 21st-century education policies which now become a worldwide phenomenon

    Reflective Perspectives of Host and Guest Participants of an International Professional Development Experience

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    Global competence is a skill set that has become a necessity in every discipline in the agricultural sciences. With an increasingly diverse student population in our school systems coupled with an increasingly complex global agrisystem, now more than ever we need globally competent educators and learners to develop a globally competent workforce and society. A common intervention in cultivating global competency is the study abroad immersive experience for the traveling participants, but little is known about the global competency gains in hosting individuals. The immersive study abroad experience provided the opportunity for school-based agricultural educators (both candidates and practicing educators) to engage in a four-week experience with their Malaysian counterparts exploring the interconnected nature of culture, agriculture, and education. Throughout the experience the participants engaged in daily structured reflection sessions using the TIPS method. Journal entries were coded and analyzed for both Malaysia and United States participants. Participants from both countries respectively became more globally competent educators and learners

    Determining elements in mobile learning implemention among instructors in vocational colleges: a fuzzy Delphi method

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    This study aims to identify the elements of implementing mobile learning based on Competency-based Education. The confirmation of elements was based on the opinions and consensus of experts. The consensus survey was constructed based on the emergent themes that experts raised during their interview sessions. Sixteen experts in Competency-based Education were included in the survey. The data was analyzed using the Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM). The results indicate that eight elements met the FDM requirements. Its threshold value is ≤ 0.2, the percentage expert consensus is ≥ 75%, and the average score of the Fuzzy number is over 0.5. These eight elements are students, teachers, technology, learning environment, content, assessment, learning strategy, and learning activity. The outcomes of this research will be useful for stakeholders within the educational sector to address student competency, including the Ministry of Education Malaysia, the Technical and Vocational Education Division, teachers, students, and developers and designers of mobile learning applications

    Beliefs and intention in choosing agriculture as a career among academic and technical schools' students

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    The study involved 698 form four agricultural students in academic and technical schools in four zones of peninsular Malaysia (North zone, Central zone, South zone, and East zone). The respondents consisted of students from four groups. First were students who enrolled in agriculture science subjects in academic schools. Second were students who enrolled in agriculture vocational subjects in academic schools. Third were students who enrolled in agriculture subjects in technical schools and the fourth group were students who enrolled in agriculture vocational subjects in technical school. The study aims to examine students’ beliefs and intention towards choosing agriculture as a career. The variables studied were attitudinal beliefs, normative beliefs, and intentions towards choosing agriculture as a career. The instrument employed in this study was adapted from the instrument used in the studies which also measures people’s belief and intention. Stratified sampling was applied to ensure that a representative sample from the population of agriculture students was obtained in this study. The response rate for this study was 87.3 %. The findings indicate that attitudinal belief for construct ‘contribution to other people or organization’ shows the highest mean value of belief among agriculture students. Findings also indicate that mothers and agricultural teachers were among the people who strongly influenced students towards choosing agriculture as a career. Overall, agriculture students showed a high level of intention towards choosing agriculture as a career. However, ANOVA confirms that demographic characteristic namely types of agriculture subjects enrolled were found to have significant difference in students’ beliefs [F (3,692, P<.05) = 20.88] and intentions [F (3,694, P<.05) = 14.36] towards choosing agriculture as a career. In addition, Correlation test indicates that attitudinal belief for construct ‘perception of other people close to students’, demonstrated a very high relationship with students’ intention of choosing agriculture as a career