157 research outputs found

    Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Pada Pertanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Di Kecamatan Palolo Kabupaten Sigi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman Arthropoda pada pertanaman Kakao pada bagian tajuk (Sweep net) dan permukaan tanah (pitfall trap). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada pertanaman kakao. di Desa Sejahtera, Kecamatan Palolo, Kabupaten Sigi dan kegiatan identifikasi Arthropoda dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako. Penelitian menggunakan metode purposive sampling atau ditentukan secara sengaja, dilakukan pada lahan seluas 1 Ha yang dibagi dalam 5 hamparan pertanaman yang dijadikan pengamatan, dengan total 25 perangkap, dilakukan setiap 7 hari sekali, pengamatan selama 3 kali. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaring serangga dan perangkap jebakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 11 ordo yang terdiri dari 21 famili dan 307 populasi untuk arthropoda tajuk (Sweep net) sedangkan arthropoda permukan tanah terdapat 5 ordo yang terdiri dari 6 famili dan 871 populasi.Analisis indeks keragaman menunjukkan bahwa pengamatan arthropoda tajuk berpengaruh terhadap keanekaragaman (H'), kemelimpahan (N1), kemelimpahan populasi sangat melimpah (N2), sedangkan pada pengamatan arthropoda tanah tidak berpengaruh, disebabkan oleh faktor habitat dan rantai makanan, sehingga jumlah ordo, populasi lebih sedikit

    Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Control Approach for a Single Inverted Pendulum System

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    The inverted pendulum is an under-actuated and nonlinear system, which is also unstable. It is a single-input double-output system, where only one output is directly actuated. This paper investigates a single intelligent control system using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) to stabilize the inverted pendulum system while tracking the desired position. The non-linear inverted pendulum system was modelled and built using MATLAB Simulink. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy logic controller was implemented and its performance was compared with a Sugeno-fuzzy inference system in both simulation and real experiment. The ANFIS controller could reach its desired new destination in 1.5 s and could stabilize the entire system in 2.2 s in the simulation, while in the experiment it took 1.7 s to reach stability. Results from the simulation and experiment showed that ANFIS had better performance compared to the Sugeno-fuzzy controller as it provided faster and smoother response and much less steady-state error

    Ekstrak Na-Alginat Sebagai Edible Coating Terhadap Proses Pematangan Buah Mangga

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    Alginat adalah polimer organik keluarga polisakarida yang tersusun oleh dua unit monomer, yaitu asam D-mannuronat dan asam L-Guluronat yang mampu menghambat pembusukan. Rumput laut merupakan sumber daya hayati laut yang mengandung Alginat yang banyak terdapat di Indonesia. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan mengekstraksi natrium alginat dari alga coklat jenis sargassum sp. dan menentukan masa simpan buah mangga dengan penggunaan larutan natrium alginat sebagai edible coating atau bahan pelapis pada buah serta menentukan konsentrasi optimum natrium alginat yang memiliki daya hambat maksimum terhadap pematangan buah mangga. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengekstraksi natrium alginat dari alga coklat jenis sargassum sp kemudian mangga yang akan diawetkan direndam terlebih dahulu dalam natrium alginat hasil ekstraksi dengan variasi konsentrasi 0-50 ppm. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan Fourier Transform Infra Read (FTIR) menunjukkan bahwa natrium alginat hasil ekstraksi memiliki gugus fungsi yang mirip atau bahkan sama dengan alginat yang berasal dari pabrik. Analisis kuantitatif hasil ekstraksi menunjukkan bahwa rendemen natrium alginat adalah sebesar 29,29%, larutan alginat 1% mempunyai pH 10,90 dan viskositas sebesar 60 cps, kadar air natrium alginat adalah 10,25% dengan kadar abu sebesar 40,69%. Pengujian kemampuan natrium alginat dilakukan terhadap buah mangga dengan metode perendaman pada konsentrasi larutan 0-50 ppm. Pada konsentrasi larutan 25 ppm menunjukkan bahwa masa simpan maksimum yaitu rata-rata 17 har

    Effects of timed artificial insemination following estrus synchronization in postpartum beef cattle.

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate estrus response and pregnancy rates resulting from timed artificial insemination (AI) following estrus synchronization using CIDR in postpartum beef cattle. A total of 100 cows were randomly divided into three groups. Groups 1, 2 and 3 were artificially inseminated at 48-50 h(n=30), 53-55 h(n=30) and 58-60 h (n=40) after CIDR removal, respectively. Estrussynchronization was carried out using a CIDR containing 1.38 mg progesterone. All cows were given 2 mg estradiol benzoate, intramuscularly on the day of CIDR insertion (D 0). The CIDR was removed after 8 days and 125 μg of prostaglandin F2α(PGF2α) was injected intramuscularly. One day after CIDR removal all cows were given 1 mg of estradiol benzoate intramuscularly (D 9). Cows were observed visually for estrus after removal of CIDR. Between 30 and 32 days after timed AI, pregnancy was determined using transrectal ultrasonography. The first estrus observation which is approximately 32 h after CIDR removal showed no significant difference (P>0.05) among the three groups. The onset response of estrus after 32 h removal of CIDR was less than 10% in all three group s 6.6% (G1), 6.8% (G2) and 7.3% (G3). Furthermore, percentages of estrus response (D 10) following CIDR removal were 76.6%, 75.0% and 77.5%. The difference between on D9 and D10 estrus response were statistically significant (P<0.05). The pregnancy rates were 23.3% (G1), 26.6% (G2) and 37.5% (G3), which were not significant (P>0.05)

    Airborne paraquat measurement and its exposure to spray operators in treated field environment

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    Airborne residue was collected for 12 h day time (4 h sampling intervals) before and after from a praquat treated field using passive patch samplers (cotton gauge, cellulose filter & PUF patches) and active samplers (quartz filter for particulates & PUF plug for vapor). Paraquat residue was detected by high performance liquidchromatographym (HPLC) with UV detector after extracting the samples according to “NIOSH method 5003” with some modification. Pre-spray measurements by both passive and active sampling showed no detection of paraquat, whereas in post-spray measurement, peak average residue level (15.56 ng cm-2) were detected on cotton gauge patches in first 0−4 h post-spray passive sampling, whereas the average residue levels detected in the second post spray event were not significantly different among the three passives patch samplers. In post spray active sampling, paraquat was detected only on quartz filter samples (not on PUF plug) revealed that in the air paraquat is associated with particles rather than vapour and paraquat air concentration was detected at higher level in first 0−4 h andsharply decline in second 4−8 post-spray period. The highest paraquat air concentration measured during the 25 min spray application at operator’s breathing zone was 125 μg m-3 that was slightly above the TLV (threshold limit value) and REL (recommended exposure limit) (100 μg m-3) of ACIGH (American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists) andNIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, 1994). In addition, potential dermal and inhalation exposure dose (theoretically) estimated by extrapolating air residue data showed higher value than the proposed aacceptable operator exposure level (0.0005 mg kg-1 day-1)

    Comparison of cryopreservative effect of different levels of omega-3 egg-yolk in citrate extender on the quality of goat spermatozoa

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    The objective of the present study was to compare quality of chilled and frozenthawed goat semen processed in citrate extender containing 3 different levels (2.5, 5 and 10%) of omega-3 egg-yolk (EY). Ejaculates were collected from five adult goats using artificial vagina. Quality of fresh semen, processed semen after 3 hrs of chilling and 24 hrs of freezing was assessed based on live sperm %age, abnormality (determined by eosin-nigrosin stain) and general and progressive motility (evaluated by CEROS computer assisted semen analyzer). The result showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in post-chilled live sperm %age from the fresh sample for extenders using 2.5 and 5% EY but not for the 10%. Moreover, a significantly lower percentage general and progressive motility was recorded using the 2.5% EY compared to the others that showed post-chilled sperm motility non-significantly different from the fresh sample. After chilling, 5% EY showed significantly lower percent sperm abnormalities compared to others. However, the abnormalities increased after freezing to a level non-significantly different from the 10% EY that sustained to demonstrate higher live sperm %age and motility than both 2.5 and 5% EY. An overall increase in post-thawed live sperm %age, general and progressive motility was observed with increase in concentration of EY added. Thus, though the difference with the 5% EY is in magnitude, the 10% omega-3 EY in citrate extender is preferred compared to 2.5% for superior post-thawed goat semen quality, extended without washing seminal plasma