866 research outputs found

    Foreign assistance and economic growth: evidence from Pakistan 1972 - 2010

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    This paper examines the relationship between foreign assistance and economic growth for the period 1972 to 2010. Past literature indicates that due to low domestic resource mobilization Pakistan had to resort to various forms of foreign assistance on a regular basis. Using time series data since 1972 and employing Johansen maximum likelihood procedure we show that foreign assistance in the absence of macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms has a negative relationship with real per capita GDP. However national savings as percentage of GDP show a positive relationship with real per capita GDP. Pakistan has a long history of dependence on multilateral and bilateral development partners. Over the decades the share of grants as percentage of total foreign assistance has declined forcing the country to procure loans at harsh conditionalties. Given the positive impact of national savings on economic growth there is an urgent need for improving the tax base, promoting instruments that encourage savings culture in the private sector and attracting remittances from abroad. These increased savings would then have to be channelized towards productive investments which in turn require pro market reforms.Foreign assistance, Economic Growth, National Savings

    Effectiveness of HRD for developing SMEs in South Asia

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    Today South Asia is host to a large youth bulge which is entering the labor market every year posing challenging questions for the national governments in the context of employable skills, space for entrepreneurship, innovation and economic freedom. SME sector provides an opportunity for the young to exercise their ideas and ideals. However a prerequisite for the young to be innovate is the how countries produce and retain a high end human capital. This study provides a review of national socio-economic policies in South Asian region - which answer such challenges.human resource development, small and medium enterprises, economic growth, competitiveness

    Simulation and experimental study of double holes film cooling

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    In the modern gas turbine, film cooling has been widely used to provide thermal protection for the external surface of the gas turbine blades. Numerous number of geometrical arrangement film cooling have been presented for the past 50 years. The main inspiration of the presented geometrical arrangements film cooling are to minimize the effect of lift off phenomena caused by the formation of the Counter Rotating Vortex Pair (CRVP) which commonly discovered in the Single Cylindrical Hole (SCH) arrangement. In order to reduce the CRVP effects, tremendous efforts from the past researchers have been made including the introduction of the Double Cylindrical Hole (DCH). The present study has made use this DCH along with the employment of several geometrical arrangements including pitch distance (POD), length between holes in streamwise direction (LoD), compound angle and upstream ramp. The evaluation of these parameters involved three different blowing ratios, M and two value of the turbulence intensities, Tu. The diameter of the cooling holes in the present study is 4.75mm which taken based on the previous study. The present study has been divided into two major studies namely experimental study and simulation study. The purpose of the experimental study is to validate the present simulation study which making use of an open end wind tunnel. As the validation process shows a good agreement results, 14 more models have been built and tested using simulation study which the total cases considered are 105. As for the result, all the considered cases of DCH shows improvement in comparison with SCH. Each of the considered geometries and flow parameters have their own effects on the film cooling effectiveness which will be elaborate in details in the further chapter. As conclusion, the simulation is having good agreement with the present experimental study and the previous study which is essential to confirm the reliability of the study. Meanwhile, all DCH shows improvement in term of film cooling effectiveness on each of blowing ratio value

    Pengaruh Kedisiplinan Belajar dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah Maumere

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedisiplinan belajar dan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah Maumere, baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ex-Post Facto. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA Muhammadiyah Maumere berjumlah 250 siswa dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 153 siswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui angket dan dokumentasi serta analisis adat menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Kesimpulannya: 1) Kedisiplinan belajar tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah Maumere. 2) Motivasi belajar berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Muhmmadiyah Maumere. 3) Kedisiplinan belajar dan motivasi belajar secara bersamaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMA Muhammadiyah Maumere


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    Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksploratif dengan menggunakan metode deduktif aksiomatik dan metode pendeteksi pola. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pewarnaan graceful dan bilangan kromatik pada graf siklus comb graf star. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan satu teorema baru yang terdiri dari tiga kasus mengenai bilangan kromatik graceful pada graf siklus comb graf star

    Consumer brand relationships

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    We have investigated the dynamics of how consumer make relationship with brand (non-human entities) that is consumer brand relationships.This relationship is like the same relationship between two people in the society.Meta-analytic literature review has been conducted to explore different aspect of this relationship dynamics.The investigation reveals that brands work as a relationship partners with consumers.Relationship dimensions, which are considered as ground of relationship types, constructed by authors differs resulting different types consumer brand relationships.However, various authors measure relationship quality based on the same ground relationship strength and feelings using different theories.This research has implications for both academicians and practitioners as they can comprehensively conceptualize the consumer brand relationship, its nature, type and dimensions explored by researchers and their present state

    Penentuan Peminatan Pada Kurikulum KKNI Untuk Setiap Program Studi di Universitas Madura Secara Sistemik

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    Pada tahun akademik 2016/2017 semester gasal, Universitas Madura telah menerapkan kurikulum KKNI, salah satu hal pokok yang ada pada kurikulum KKNI adalah peminatan matakuliah mahasiswa. Setiap program studi memiliki aturan peminatan yang berbeda. Namun pada umumnya, Salah satu syarat mahasiswa dapat memilih peminatan jika sudah menempuh beberapa SKS tergantung pada aturan masing masing program studi. Selama ini, mahasiswa meminta saran kepada dosen wali untuk memilih peminatan yang cocok untuk dipilih. Ada pula yang memilih peminatan berdasarkan banyaknya peminatan yang di pilih oleh teman mahasiswa lainnya (ikut ikutan). Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan membangun sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan yang dapat membantu dosen wali dan mahasiswa pada masing masing program studi yang ada di universitas dalam memberikan rekomendasi peminatan yang tepat untuk setiap mahasiswa dengan menggunakan metode profile matching. Langkah pertama yang dilakukan untuk mengimplementasikan metode ini adalah dengan menentukan matakuliah pendukung peminatan pada masing masing program studi sebagai kriteria, menentukan core factor dan secondary factor matakuliah pendukung peminatan yang ditentukan oleh ketua program studi, mengambil nilai semua matakuliah yang pernah di tempuh mahasiswa dari SIMAT(Sistem Informasi Manajemen Akademik Terpadu) Universitas Madura, menentukan nilai profile pada setiap peminatan, menentukan nilai GAP, konversi nilai GAP ke dalam bobot nilai, menghitung nilai core factor dan secondary factor, memilih nilai tertinggi pada masing masing peminatan, kemudian sistem memberikan rekomendasi peminatan kepada mahasiswa. Dari hasil ujicoba menggunakan metode black box dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua fungsionalitas sistem sudah dapat berjalan dengan baik. Sedangkan hasil survei menggunakan skala likert terhadap 30 responden dalam hal ini adalah mahasiswa menyatakan aplikasi ini layak untuk digunakan pada setiap program studi di universitas madura berdasarkan indeks kepuasan menggunakan skala likert dengan nilai 82,67% yang berarti responden sangat setuju

    Performance of oscillatory flow reactor and stir tank reactor in solvent fermentation from palm oil mill effluent

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    Advance in mixing technology has developed a new way of mixing fluids by introducing an oscillatory motion to replace the conventional mechanical agitation or an air bubble displacement. This new way of mixing breakthrough has been implemented in an Oscillatory Flow Reactor (OFR). This research will be focus on the performance of OFR as a bioreactor by comparing with Stir Tank Reactor (STR), which is the traditional device in fermentation. The experimental work was conducted in an OFR and a STR with a working volume of 1.5 l. Solvent production strain, Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIMB 13357 was grown in OFR and STR, using fresh Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) as growth medium. All of the experiments were conducted anaerobically under batch mode for 72 hours at constant temperature of 35°C. Comparisons of the growth trend and solvent fermentation performance for both devices were investigated. Total solvents (acetone, butanol and ethanol) produced in an OFR was comparable with that of STR. Total solvents production in OFR is 1.8 times higher than that of STR resulted in total 1.6 g/l of solvents. The results of this investigation showed that OFR has an excellent potential as an alternative device in fermentation processes

    Impact of Automated Parcel Stations on E-Commerce’s Last-Mile Delivery

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    As technology develops and advances, last-mile delivery is deemed to be a crucial component of online trading. The use of automated parcel stations (APS) sustenance sustainable last-mile delivery among SMEs and e-commerce users. Thus, it is essential to ensure APS is able to increase efficiency, reduce shipping and labour costs as well as offer free, convenient delivery and return processes. This study aims to understand the challenges of APS usage and propose a mitigation strategy for better use of APS in Malaysia towards enhancing last-mile delivery services among SMEs and e-commerce users. Keywords: Automated parcel station, last-mile delivery, e-commerce, sustainable supply chain management eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i21.367
