1,194 research outputs found

    Value-chain analysis of freshwater apple snail (Pila globosa) used for on-farm feeds in the freshwater prawn farming sector in Bangladesh

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    Growth of the freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) sector in Bangladesh since 1970s has been supported by natural availability of freshwater apple snail (Pila globosa), used for on-farm prawn feeds. The present study identified the current configuration of the value-chain benefits and constraints of freshwater apple snail in south-western Bangladesh in August 2011, based upon Rapid Market Appraisal (RMA) approach. The site of snail collection was Chanda Beel in Gopalganj district, while trading, processing and final consumption was represented by Rayer Mahal Bazar in Khulna district. There were seven different nodes recognized throughout the value chain. Snail marketing was identified as a seasonal business and took place during June to November each year. Between 1995 and 2011 the price of whole snail, meat and shell has increased by 800%, 325% and 315%, respectively. The abundance of snail had been reduced and its demand has increased due to the expansion of the prawn farming industry. Prawn farmers preferred snail meat due to its low cost (US0.21kg−1)asasourceofproteincomparedtocommercialprawnfeed(US 0.21 kg-1) as a source of protein compared to commercial prawn feed (US 0.41 kg-1). Snail harvesting and processing were considered as additional livelihood options for the poor, where 60% of the labour involved in snail harvesting were women, and 95% the de-shelling workforce. Induced breeding in captivity and sustainable management in nature as well as development of commercial production of apple snails might reduce the pressure on ecosystems and positively contributed to the continued expansion of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17840 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 22-30, December, 201

    Benthic community structure and ecosystem functions in above- and below-waterfall pools in Borneo

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordWaterfalls are geomorphic features that often partition streams into discrete zones. Our study examined aquatic communities, litter decomposition and periphyton growth rates for above- and below-waterfall pools in Ulu Temburong National Park, Brunei. We observed higher fish densities in below-waterfall pools (0.24 fish m−2 vs. 0.02 fish m−2 in above-waterfall pools) and higher shrimp abundance in above-waterfall pools (eight shrimp/pool vs. less than one shrimp/pool in below-waterfall pools). However, macroinvertebrate densities (excluding shrimp) were similar among both pool types. Ambient periphyton was higher in below-waterfall pools in 2013 (4.3 vs. 2.8 g m−2 in above-waterfall pools) and 2014 (4.8 vs. 3.4 g m−2 in above-waterfall pools), while periphyton growth rates varied from 0.05 to 0.26 g m−2 days−1 and were significantly higher in below-waterfall pools in 2014. Leaf litter decomposition rates (0.001 to 0.024 days−1) did not differ between pool types, suggesting that neither shrimp nor fish densities had consistent impacts on this ecosystem function. Regardless, this research demonstrates the varied effects of biotic and abiotic factors on community structure and ecosystem function. Our results have highlighted the importance of discontinuities, such as waterfalls, in tropical streams.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Fluvial biotopes influence macroinvertebrate biodiversity in South-East Asian tropical streams

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    This is the final version. Available from Ecological Society of America via the DOI in this record.Given the widespread degradation of aquatic systems caused by land‐use changes associated with palm oil production in South‐East Asia, it is imperative to identify and study the remaining undisturbed rivers and streams. Stream macroinvertebrates are reliable indicators of environmental health. Linking the community structure of these organisms to natural hydraulic and geomorphic conditions (categorized as biotopes) is vital for the conservation and restoration of streams. This study characterizes the effects of biotopes on macroinvertebrate community structure in three streams within Ulu Temburong National Park in northern Borneo. Biotopes within these streams were categorized as either bedrock (waterfalls and cascades) or mixed substrate (riffles and pools). In total, 119 taxa were collected from all sampled biotopes, but not all taxa were collected from each stream. Biotopes were statistically distinct in terms of taxonomic richness, but not mean individual density or average community biomass. There were differences in community structure between waterfalls, cascades, pools, and riffles. The survey suggests that pool and riffle biotopes were more vulnerable to scouring flows and had similar community structure, while waterfalls and cascades likely experienced lower sheer stress during floods and had similar macroinvertebrate communities. This study has found that classification and mapping of macroinvertebrates with biotope theory in pristine, tropical streams is a useful framework for simplifying the many linkages between ecology, geomorphology, and hydrology. These natural patterns increase our understanding of tropical streams and can be used to assess the impacts of forest degradation.Natural Environment Research Council‐funded PhD Studentshi

    Influence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria

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    Pests are major biotic factors causing up to 45% yield reduction in maize production in sub-Saharan Africa. To develop improved methods for maize management, the species and abundance of insects and nematodes associated with ten quality protein maize varieties (QPMVs) were evaluated with two commonly used tillage practices, ‘plough only plots (POP)’ and ‘plough and harrow plots (PAHP)’. The experiment was carried out using QPMVs at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria, and arranged in a randomized complete block design with 11 treatments replicated 3 times, including local check “pambo”. A total of 833.1±4.0 and 799.3±3.4 arthropods specimens were collected from POP and PAHP, respectively, comprising 8 orders and 18 families. Ootheca mutabilis was the most abundant species with 5.47% (POP) and 5.68% (PAHP) and the least abundant was Rhopalosiphum maidis 1.82% (POP) and 1.80% (PAHP). As indicated by Shannon Wiener (3.46±0.023) and Simpson indices (0.97±0.0008) there are even distribution in the tillage practices. Three genera of plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) were identified, Meloidogyne spp. (POP (78.33±19.65), PAHP (1.33±0.33), Pratylenchus spp. (POP (41.67±9.26), PAHP (5.00±2.31), and Helicotylenchus spp. (POP (58.33±38.35), PAHP (23.33±14.50). The use of PAHP tillage practices is effective in reducing insects and nematodes associated with maize in Nigeria and therefore recommended for the management of both pests in maize production

    Prenatal genotyping of Gaucher disease in Egypt

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    Objective: To use chorionic villi sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis to determine the genotyping of Gaucher Disease (GD) of fetuses of pregnant mothers who had a previous child affected by GD.Methods: The study was conducted between January 2009 and December 2012. It included 42 pregnant women that gave informed written consent. Thirty mothers presented early so they underwent CVS at 10–12 weeks of pregnancy while 12 mothers presented later and underwent amniocentesis at 14–16 weeks. Strip assay for the identification of Glucocerebrosidase (GBA) gene mutations in the samples of chrorionic villi and amniotic fluid was based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse hybridization.Results: The age of the studied pregnant women ranged from 19 to 26 years. Consanguinity was present in 38 cases. Eighteen women were pregnant in affected fetuses. The results of genotyping revealed 15 cases were homozygous L444P/L444P and one case homozygous (N370s/N370s) while two cases were heterogeneous (L444P/D409H). Twenty-four pregnant women had carrier fetuses which were all heterozygous L444P.Conclusion: This study highlights the findings of an extended gene mutation examination for prenatal diagnosis of Guacher Disease. The study found out that the most common mutation was L444P/L444P.Keywords: Gaucher diseases; Prenatal diagnosis; Egypt; Gene; Mutatio

    Control of an Underactuated Double-Pendulum Overhead Crane using Improved Model Reference Command Shaping: Design, Simulation and Experiment

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    This paper presents a new control scheme based on model reference command shaping (MRCS) for an overhead crane, with double-pendulum mechanism effects. The approach has an advantage in achieving an accurate trolley positioning, with low hook and payload oscillations, under various desired trolley positions and parameter uncertainties, without the requirement for measurement or estimation of system parameters. These are challenging in practice. The previously developed MRCS algorithm is improved in order to reduce its design complexity, as well as to ensure that it can be augmented with a feedback controller so that a concurrent controller tuning can be realised. The combined MRCS and feedback controller is used to achieve both, precise trolley positioning, and low hook and payload oscillations. To evaluate the effectiveness and the robustness of the approach, simulations and experiments using a nonlinear model and a laboratory double-pendulum crane are carried out. Under various desired positions and parameter uncertainties that involve varying the cable lengths (payload hoisting) and the payload mass variations, the superiority of the proposed approach is confirmed by achieving higher hook and payload oscillation reductions when compared with a recently proposed feedback controller. In addition, the desired trolley positions are achieved with smoother responses

    Accidental Occupational Exposures among Dental Healthcare Workers in Asir Region, Saudi Arabia

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    Aims and objectives: This study aims to assess the prevalence of accidental occupational injuries among dental healthcare workers in Asir region, Saudi Arabia, and thus the risk involved. Materials and methods: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed among dental specialists, general dental practitioners, dental interns, hygienists and dental assistants working in dental college (College of Dentistry, King Khalid University, Abha, KSA). Dentists working in private clinics and government hospitals in Asir Province, Saudi Arabia, were also included in this study. Results: Of the total 300 questionnaires, 190 were returned with a response rate of 63.3%. Of the respondents, 138 (72.63%) were males and the rest 52 (27.3%) were females. The response rate in this study was 63.3%. The total number of occupational injuries among DHCWs was 138 (72.5%) with a density rate of 0.72 per 100 persons per year which is significantly high. In the present study, a higher incidence of injuries occurred in the dental operatory and most of them being from needlestick injuries, i.e. 78 (56.2%). Conclusion: (1) Accidental occupational exposure incidence rate among DHCWs in Asir region, Saudi Arabia, is high as compared to other studies, (2) the majority of the injuriesoccurred in the dental operatory. Most of these injuries were caused by syringe needles and involved the finger or thumb.&nbsp

    Changes in the metabolic potential of the sponge microbiome under ocean acidification.

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    Anthropogenic CO2 emissions are causing ocean acidification, which can affect the physiology of marine organisms. Here we assess the possible effects of ocean acidification on the metabolic potential of sponge symbionts, inferred by metagenomic analyses of the microbiomes of two sponge species sampled at a shallow volcanic CO2 seep and a nearby control reef. When comparing microbial functions between the seep and control sites, the microbiome of the sponge Stylissa flabelliformis (which is more abundant at the control site) exhibits at the seep reduced potential for uptake of exogenous carbohydrates and amino acids, and for degradation of host-derived creatine, creatinine and taurine. The microbiome of Coelocarteria singaporensis (which is more abundant at the seep) exhibits reduced potential for carbohydrate import at the seep, but greater capacity for archaeal carbon fixation via the 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate pathway, as well as archaeal and bacterial urea production and ammonia assimilation from arginine and creatine catabolism. Together these metabolic features might contribute to enhanced tolerance of the sponge symbionts, and possibly their host, to ocean acidification

    Chemical constituents, and pharmacological and toxicological effects of Cynomorium songaricum: An overview

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    Purpose: To review the chemical constituents, and the pharmacological and toxicological effects of Cynomorium songaricum (C. songaricum) and explore its potentials for further development as an alternative medicine.Methods: A large number of research articles related to “Cynomorium songaricum” “pharmacological effects”, “toxicological effects” and “chemical composition” in English and Chinese language were retrieved through an extensive literature review using various electronic databases including Medline(1966 - 2017) and EMBASE (1980 - 2017).Results: Ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts of C. songaricum have promising pharmacological activities, due to the presence of various flavonoids, triterpenes and polysaccharides. In addition to promising effects against inflammation, aging, fatigue, viruses and cancer,/ihas a protective effect on the nervous system and regulates hormones and immune functions. Oxidative regulation of hormone levels has a certain correlation with its pharmacological activities, e.g., cognitive functions, but its mechanism is not yet known, indicating the need for further research. Toxicity studies on C. songaricum have shown that it is not genotoxic to animals, but further toxicological studies are required to ascertain its safety in clinical use.Conclusion: C. songaricum is a biologically important plant which has many proven bioactivities; however, it requires further studies to determine the mechanistic aspects of its pharmacological effects.Keywords: Cynomorium, Chemical constituents, Inflammation, Aging, Fatigue, Virus, Tumor, Toxicological effec

    Conformational analysis and in vitro immunomodulatory and insulinotropic properties of the frog skin host-defense peptide rhinophrynin-27 and selected analogs

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    The study investigates conformational analysis and the in vitro cytokine-mediated immunomodulatory and insulin-releasing activities of rhinophrynin-27 (ELRLPEIARPVPEVLPARLPLPALPRN; RP-27), a proline-arginine-rich peptide first isolated from skin secretions of the Mexican burrowing toad Rhinophrynus dorsalis (Rhinophrynidae). In both water and 50% trifluoroethanol-water, the peptide adopts a polyproline type II helical conformation with a high degree of deviation from the canonical collagen-like folding and a pronounced bend in the molecule at the Glu13 residue. Incubation of mouse peritoneal cells with RP-27 significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1ÎČ and stimulated production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. The peptide significantly (P < 0.01) stimulated release of insulin from BRIN-BD11 rat clonal ÎČ-cells at concentrations ≄ 1 nM while maintaining the integrity of the plasma membrane and also stimulated insulin release from isolated mouse islets at a concentration of 10−6 M. Increasing the cationicity of RP-27 by substituting glutamic acid residues in the peptide by arginine and increasing hydrophobicity by substituting alanine residues by tryptophan did not result in analogues with increased activity with respect to cytokine production and insulin release. The combination of immunosuppressive and insulinotropic activities together with very low cytotoxicity suggests that RP-27 may represent a template for the development of an agent for use in anti-inflammatory and Type 2 diabetes therapies
