2,545 research outputs found

    Relationships between rhythm and speech rate

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    Dellwo V, Wagner P. Relationships between rhythm and speech rate. Presented at the 15th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona.The interaction between speech rate and rhythm is a topic that has hardly been studied in respective models of language rhythm though its potential significance has recently been addressed: since both of these prosodic parameters are to a great extent dependent on speech timing they are suspected to interact to a great degree. The present research studies the influence of speech rate on the vocalic and intervocalic measures %V and ..

    Symmetry and structure of carbon-nitrogen complexes in gallium arsenide from infrared spectroscopy and first-principles calculations

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    Molecular-like carbon-nitrogen complexes in GaAs are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Two characteristic high-frequency stretching modes at \num{1973} and \SI{2060}{cm^{-1}}, detected by Fourier transform infrared absorption (FTIR) spectroscopy, appear in carbon- and nitrogen-implanted and annealed layers. From isotopic substitution it is deduced that the chemical composition of the underlying complexes is CN2_2 and C2_2N, respectively. Piezospectroscopic FTIR measurements reveal that both centers have tetragonal symmetry. For density functional theory (DFT) calculations linear entities are substituted for the As anion, with the axis oriented along the \hkl direction, in accordance with the experimentally ascertained symmetry. The DFT calculations support the stability of linear N-C-N and C-C-N complexes in the GaAs host crystal in the charge states ranging from +3+3 to −3-3. The valence bonds of the complexes are analyzed using molecular-like orbitals from DFT. It turns out that internal bonds and bonds to the lattice are essentially independent of the charge state. The calculated vibrational mode frequencies are close to the experimental values and reproduce precisely the isotopic mass splitting from FTIR experiments. Finally, the formation energies show that under thermodynamic equilibrium CN2_2 is more stable than C2_2N

    Red list and checklist of the lichens

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    Derzeit sind aus Berlin 315 Flechtensippen (310 Arten, 3 Unterarten, eine VarietÀt und eine Form) bekannt. Davon werden 112 (35,6 %) in die Rote Liste aufgenommen. 59 Taxa gelten als ausgestorben oder verschollen, 47 sind bestandsgefÀhrdet und 6 Arten sind sehr selten. Der Vergleich mit der VorgÀngerliste (Otte 2005) zeigt, dass sich bei 44 Taxa die Kategorie verÀndert hat, 21 Taxa erhielten einen geringeren GefÀhrdungsgrad, 23 einen höheren.Currently, 315 lichen taxa (310 species, 3 subspecies, 1 variety and 1 forma) are known from Berlin. The Red List contains 112 (35.6 %) of them. 59 taxa are extinct or missing, 47 are endangered and 6 species are extremely rare. Compared to the last Red List (Otte 2005) the categories of 44 taxa have changed. 21 taxa are classified into a lower category of threat, 23 taxa into a higher category

    Red list and checklist of the lichenicolous fungi

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    Derzeit sind aus Berlin 23 lichenicole Pilzarten bekannt. Davon werden lediglich zwei ausgestorbene Arten in die Rote Liste aufgenommen. Neun Arten (39,1 %) gelten als ungefĂ€hrdet. FĂŒr die EinschĂ€tzung von 12 Arten (52,2 %) sind die Daten unzureichend. Besonders die ungenĂŒgende historische Erfassung der lichenicolen Pilze macht eine EinschĂ€tzung der GefĂ€hrdung schwierig.Currently, 23 species of lichenicolous fungi are known from Berlin. The Red List contains only two extinct or at least possibly extinct species. Nine species (39.1 %) are classified as not threatened. For 12 species (52.2 %) data are not sufficient. Especially the scarcity of historical records makes an assessment difficult

    ZurĂŒck zu den Wurzeln inklusiver Forschung. Regionale und internationale Verortungen. Ein Dialog der Generationen

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    Volker Schönwiese und Josefine Wagner stellen fest: Inklusionsforschung bedeutet Widerstand. Sie erforschen Wege und Möglichkeiten, die BinaritĂ€t von gesund und krank, abweichend und konform, dazugehörig und fremd zu durchbrechen, mit dem Ziel, soziale RĂ€ume fĂŒr das gesamte Spektrum menschlicher Existenz zugĂ€nglich zu machen. Ausgangspunkt ihres Dialogs der Generationen kann unter aktuellen Bedingungen des Drucks in Richtung „Retrotopia“ und vielfĂ€ltiger neuer Spaltungen ein Blick zurĂŒck auf die BegrĂŒndungen und AufbrĂŒche in Theorie und Praxis der schon historischen Inklusionsbewegung sein. Kann ein RĂŒckblick auf Konzepte wie z. B. Dialog, kritisch-(re-)konstruktive Bildung, PĂ€dagogik der Vielfalt, dialogische Validierung, IdentitĂ€t usw. RĂ€ume fĂŒr die Analyse der aktuellen Entwicklungen, Befindlichkeiten, MentalitĂ€ten und die Systemlogik inklusiver Schule in Theorie und Praxis ermöglichen? Wie können inklusive RĂ€ume individuell und auf gesellschaftliche Bedingungen hin reflexiv ausgelotet und verĂ€ndert werden? Aktivistisch kann gefragt werden, warum und fĂŒr wen forschen wir ĂŒberhaupt? In ethnographischer Tradition des Perspektivwechsels von strange to familiar and back again setzen die Autor*innen den Dialog regional und international an und beleuchten, wie Gemeinschaften geschaffen werden, in denen Akzeptanz und Teilhabe gelebt und immer wieder aufs Neue ausgehandelt werden. (DIPF/Orig.

    Data assimilation for a visco-elastic Earth deformation model

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    We present a data assimilation algorithm for the time-domain spectral-finite element code VILMA. We consider a 1D earth structure and a prescribed glaciation history ICE5G for the external mass load forcing. We use the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework (PDAF) to assimilate sea level data into the model in order to obtain better estimates of the viscosity structure of mantle and lithosphere. For this purpose, we apply a particle filter in which an ensemble of models is propagated in time, starting shortly before the last glacial maximum. At epochs when observations are available, each particle's performance is estimated and they are resampled based on their performance to form a new ensemble that better resembles the true viscosity distribution. In a proof of concept we show that with this method it is possible to reconstruct a synthetic viscosity distribution from which synthetic data were constructed. In a second step, paleo sea level data are used to infer an optimised 1D viscosity distribution
