31,628 research outputs found

    Dephasing in (Ga,Mn)As nanowires and rings

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    To understand quantum mechanical transport in ferromagnetic semiconductor the knowledge of basic material properties like phase coherence length and corresponding dephasing mechanism are indispensable ingredients. The lack of observable quantum phenomena prevented experimental access to these quantities so far. Here we report about the observations of universal conductance fluctuations in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As. The analysis of the length and temperature dependence of the fluctuations reveals a T^{-1} dependence of the dephasing time.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Chandra observations of the HII complex G5.89-0.39 and TeV gamma-ray source HESSJ1800-240B

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    We present the results of our investigation, using a Chandra X-ray observation, into the stellar population of the massive star formation region G5.89-0.39, and its potential connection to the coincident TeV gamma-ray source HESSJ1800-240B. G5.89-0.39 comprises two separate HII regions G5.89-0.39A and G5.89-0.39B (an ultra-compact HII region). We identified 159 individual X-ray point sources in our observation using the source detection algorithm \texttt{wavdetect}. 35 X-ray sources are associated with the HII complex G5.89-0.39. The 35 X-ray sources represent an average unabsorbed luminosity (0.3-10\,keV) of ∼1030.5\sim10^{30.5}\,erg/s, typical of B7-B5 type stars. The potential ionising source of G5.89-0.39B known as Feldt's star is possibly identified in our observation with an unabsorbed X-ray luminosity suggestive of a B7-B5 star. The stacked energy spectra of these sources is well-fitted with a single thermal plasma APEC model with kT∼\sim5\,keV, and column density NH=2.6×1022_{\rm H}=2.6\times10^{22}\,cm−2^{-2} (AV∼10_{\rm V}\sim 10). The residual (source-subtracted) X-ray emission towards G5.89-0.39A and B is about 30\% and 25\% larger than their respective stacked source luminosities. Assuming this residual emission is from unresolved stellar sources, the total B-type-equivalent stellar content in G5.89-0.39A and B would be 75 stars, consistent with an earlier estimate of the total stellar mass of hot stars in G5.89-0.39. We have also looked at the variability of the 35 X-ray sources in G5.89-0.39. Ten of these sources are flagged as being variable. Further studies are needed to determine the exact causes of the variability, however the variability could point towards pre-main sequence stars. Such a stellar population could provide sufficient kinetic energy to account for a part of the GeV to TeV gamma-ray emission in the source HESSJ1800-240B.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Comment on ''the controlled charge ordering and evidence of the metallic state in Pr0.65_{0.65}Ca0.35_{0.35}MnO3_{3} films''

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    In a recent paper (2000 \QTR{it}{J. Phys.: Condens. Matter} \QTR{bf}{12} L133) Lee \QTR{it}{et al.} have studied the transport properties of Pr0.65_{0.65}Ca0.35_{0.35}MnO3_{3} thin films. They claimed that they are able to controlled the charge-ordered (CO) state by the lattice strains. We propose herein another alternative since another indexation of the orientation of the film can be found leading to almost no distortion of the cell, as compared to the bulk compound.Comment: 2 page

    A Fiber-Based Laser Ultrasonic System for Remote Inspection of Limited Access Components

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    Surface and plate waves are commonly used to nondestructively inspect the near-surface region of a solid component for cracks and other defects due to, for example, structural fatigue. One particularly attractive method of generating and detecting such ultrasonic signals is laser based ultrasonics (LBU) [1]. In particular, because it is non-contact (i.e., does not require couplant), LBU can be implemented for inspection of limited access components using optical fibers, requiring only a small cross-sectional area for access. An example can be found in the inspection of internal surfaces of an aircraft wing as shown in Figure 1 where a contact method would obviously be difficult to apply. Furthermore, in cases where extremely high sensitivity is required, bandwidth reduction can be employed by concentrating the laser generated signal into a narrow frequency band

    XMM-Newton observations of HESS J1813-178 reveal a composite Supernova remnant

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    We present X-ray and 12CO(J=1-0) observations of the very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray source HESS J1813-178 with the aim of understanding the origin of the gamma-ray emission. Using this dataset we are able to undertake spectral and morphological studies of the X-ray emission from this object with greater precision than previous studies. NANTEN 12CO(J=1-0) data are used to search for correlations of the gamma-ray emission with molecular clouds which could act as target material for gamma-ray production in a hadronic scenario. The NANTEN 12CO(J=1-0) observations show a giant molecular cloud of mass 2.5 10^5 M_{\sun} at a distance of 4 kpc in the vicinity of HESS J1813-178. Even though there is no direct positional coincidence, this giant cloud might have influenced the evolution of the gamma-ray source and its surroundings. The X-ray data show a highly absorbed non-thermal X-ray emitting object coincident with the previously known ASCA source AX J1813-178 showing a compact core and an extended tail towards the north-east, located in the centre of the radio shell-type Supernova remnant (SNR) G12.82-0.2. This central object shows morphological and spectral resemblance to a Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) and we therefore consider that the object is very likely to be a composite SNR. We discuss the scenario in which the gamma-rays originate in the shell of the SNR and the one in which they originate in the central object. We demonstrate, that in order to connect the core X-ray emission to the VHE gamma-ray emission electrons have to be accelerated to energies of at least 1 PeV.Comment: Submitted to A&

    Charge pumping in a quantum wire driven by a series of local time-periodic potentials

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    We develop a method to calculate electronic transport properties through a mesoscopic scattering region in the presence of a series of time-periodic potentials. Using the method, the quantum charge pumping driven by time-periodic potentials is studied. Jumps in the pumped current are observed at the peak positions of the Wigner delay time. Our main results in both the weak pumping and strong pumping regimes are consistent with experimental results. More interestingly, we also observed the nonzero pumping at the phase difference phi=0 and addressed its relevance to the experimental result.Comment: 5 page

    Quantized adiabatic quantum pumping due to interference

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    Recent theoretical calculations, demonstrating that quantized charge transfer due to adiabatically modulated potentials in mesoscopic devices can result purely from the interference of the electron wave functions (without invoking electron-electron interactions) are reviewed: (1) A new formula is derived for the pumped charge Q (per period); It reproduces the Brouwer formula without a bias, and also yields the effect of the modulating potential on the Landauer formula in the presence of a bias. (2) For a turnstile geometry, with time-dependent gate voltages V_L(t) and V_R(t), the magnitude and sign of Q are determined by the relative position and orientation of the closed contour traversed by the system in the {V_L-V_R} plane, relative to the transmission resonances in that plane. Integer values of Q (in units of e) are achieved when a transmission peak falls inside the contour, and are given by the winding number of the contour. (3) When the modulating potential is due to surface acoustic waves, Q exhibits a staircase structure, with integer values, reminiscent of experimental observations.Comment: Invited talk, Localization, Tokyo, August 200
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