294 research outputs found

    Adequação de uma empresa de recondicionamento de pneumáticosa um modelo de sistema de gestão ambiental

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.A escassez dos recursos naturais e o aumento da conscientização por parte da sociedade sobre a importância da preservação do meio ambiente deram existência a uma série depreocupaçõesquanto As questões ambientais. Enquadrado neste novo paradigma ambiental, o mercado inclui o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável como forma de competitividade entre as organizações. Desta forma, as empresas precisam buscar sistemas de gerenciamento que auxiliem na não poluição ou na redução de resíduos. Com o objetivo de efetuar estudos para conhecer as possibilidades de utilizar um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental (SGA) na gestão de uma empresa de recondicionamento de pneumáticos, foram identificados e caracterizados seus processos produtivos bem como identificados os resíduos gerados pela empresa. Através de um levantamento bibliográfico e de uma pesquisa caracterizada como descritiva é analisada a possibilidade de implantação de um sistema de gestão ambiental para esta empresa. Osresíduosgerados pela empresa em estudo são passiveis de reciclagem. Adequou-se à empresa um modelo de gestão ambiental baseado na norma ISO 14001 o qual permite organização estabelecer e avaliar a eficácia dos procedimentos destinados a definir umapolítica e objetivos ambientais, atingir a conformidade com eles e demonstrá-la a terceiros.The shortage of the natural resources and the increase of the understanding on the part of the society on the importance of the preservation of the environment gave existence to a series of concerns with relationship to the environmental subjects. Framed in this new environmental paradigm, the market includes the concept of maintainable development as form of competitiveness among the organizations. This way, the companies need to look for administration systems that aid in the non pollution or in the reduction of residues. With the objective of making studies to know the possibilities to use a System of Environmental Administration in the administration of a company of recondition of tires, they were identified and characterized your processes productive as well as identified the residues generated by the company. Through a bibliographical rising and of a research characterized as descriptive the possibility of implantation of a system of environmental administration it is analyzed for this company. The residues generated by the company in study they are susceptible to recycle. It was adapted to the company a model of environmental administration based on the norm ISO 14001 which allows to the organization to establish and to evaluate the effectiveness of the procedures destined to define a politics and environmental objectives, to reach the conformity with them and to demonstrate her the third

    Radiation-related superficial oral mucoceles : an under-recognized acute toxicity in head and neck cancer patients

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    Acute toxicity is usually defined as adverse changes occurring immediately or a short time after the start of oncological treatment. Cross-sectional retrospective study performed with head and neck cancer patients who underwent radiotherapy from 2013 to 2016. Ten (1.2%) patients developed SOMs during radiotherapy, most (80%) of which were men with a mean age of 59.5 years at diagnosis. SOMs mainly affected the floor of the mouth (60%) between the fourth and the sixth weeks of radiation therapy. All lesions were asymptomatic and spontaneously ruptured approximately 9 days after diagnosis. Although rare, SOMs may be regarded as an acute oral toxicity of head and neck radiotherapy

    Impacts of the “Plastic Bag Law” in the Grocery Retail in the city of São Paulo/Brazil

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    Among the waste generated by retail, the plastic bag, which has its main use for the transportation of products, is a constant component of household waste and negatively impacts the environment. In this context, Municipal Law 15,374 prohibited the free distribution of plastic bags in the city of São Paulo / Brazil, as of April 2015, and brought as an alternative the use of returnable bags and biodegradable bags in an attempt to reduce environmental impact caused by improper disposal of the plastic. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to analyze the impact of said Law on the reduction of the purchase of plastic bags made by the grocery retail in the city of São Paulo. A survey was conducted with data from two grocery retail stores in the city of São Paulo, between January and December 2015. The results showed that the implementation of the law reduced the volume of plastic bags provided by supermarkets without compromising the flow of people and financial income

    Morfología y anatomía foliar y caulinar de Scutia buxifolia (Rhamnaceae)

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    Borri, Karina A.; Marcelo L. Wagner; Beatriz G. Varela. 2017. “Morfología y anatomía foliar y caulinar de Scutia buxifolia (Rhamnaceae)”. Lilloa 54 (1). Scutia buxifolia Reisseck (Rhamnaceae) vulgarmente conocida como “coronillo”, es una especie endémica de los talares del Norte y Este de Buenos Aires. Es un arbusto espinoso o un pequeño árbol de 2 a 6 m de altura, con ramas tetragonales y espinas axilares. Es una especie utilizada en medicina popular como diurética, cardiotónica y antihipertensiva. En este estudio se analizó la estructura foliar y caulinar de S. buxifolia con el objetivo de aportar caracteres morfológi - cos y micrográficos, por medio de técnicas farmacobotánicas. En los disociados de las hojas se distinguieron estomas anomocíticos y hexacíticos, cristales romboidales, drusas y vainas cristalíferas acompañando a las tráqueas. En transcorte, las láminas foliares presentaron epidermis unistrata, idioblastos cristalíferos, estomas en la epidermis abaxial, mesófilo dorsi - ventral, colénquima angular abaxial y vainas esclerenquimáticas o parenquimáticas que rodean los haces vasculares. Los diafanizados foliares mostraron venación primaria simple y pinada, y venación secundaria camptódroma broquidódroma; venación marginal ojalada e incompleta y aréolas bien desarrolladas. En los tallos primarios y secundarios, y en las espinas caulinares se observaron esclereidas, drusas, cristales romboidales y cúbicos. Los resultados obtenidos aportaron caracteres morfológicos y anatómicos diagnósticos para la caracterización e iden - tificación de S. buxifolia

    Floral, reproductive, and pollination biology of Eugenia myrcianthes Nied.

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    Studies on species of the family Myrtaceae are mostly related to floristic surveys, reproduction involving large plant communities, and family taxonomy. Thus, the objective of this study was to elucidate aspects of the floral and reproductive biology, as well as floral visitors of ubajai (Eugenia myrcianthes Nied.). Studies were conducted on floral morphology and morphometry, identification of nectaries and structures attractive to floral visitors, characterization of floral visitors, stigma receptivity, and androecium maturation, pollen storage, in vitro viability testing, and characterization of the reproductive system. Ubajai flowers open at approximately 6:00 a.m., and their anthers are the main attractive structure to floral visitors. The main floral visitors and effective pollinators of ubajai are honeybees (Apis mellifera). The addition of 40% sucrose to the culture medium, using fresh pre-anthesis pollen, allows for a 90% germination rate. Ubajai pollen is recalcitrant, thus, it loses viability before 30 days of storage, even when stored in a refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen, or natural environment. Ubajai can be considered a self-compatible plant; however, fertilization of flowers through cross-pollination also occurs, and apomixis does not occur.Studies on species of the family Myrtaceae are mostly related to floristic surveys, reproduction involving large plant communities, and family taxonomy. Thus, the objective of this study was to elucidate aspects of the floral and reproductive biology, as well as floral visitors of ubajai (Eugenia myrcianthes Nied.). Studies were conducted on floral morphology and morphometry, identification of nectaries and structures attractive to floral visitors, characterization of floral visitors, stigma receptivity, and androecium maturation, pollen storage, in vitro viability testing, and characterization of the reproductive system. Ubajai flowers open at approximately 6:00 a.m., and their anthers are the main attractive structure to floral visitors. The main floral visitors and effective pollinators of ubajai are honeybees (Apis mellifera). The addition of 40% sucrose to the culture medium, using fresh pre-anthesis pollen, allows for a 90% germination rate. Ubajai pollen is recalcitrant, thus, it loses viability before 30 days of storage, even when stored in a refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen, or natural environment. Ubajai can be considered a self-compatible plant; however, fertilization of flowers through cross-pollination also occurs, and apomixis does not occur

    Jabuticabeira grafting in different gaskets

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate different species of Myrtaceae as rootstock for jabuticabeira grafts, as well as the use of two grafting techniques, in order to search for alternatives for the vegetative propagation of this species. In order to carry out the experiment, the graft compatibility between jabuticabeira açú (a single adult plant) on jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, peach tree in the bush and guava tree was tested, being about one year old and 6 mm in diameter. The experimental design was completely randomized, in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme (grafting technique x rootstock species), with three replications, and eight grafts per experimental unit. How to cultivate canopy was used mature branches, with semilenous consistency, diameter around 6 mm and length of 10 cm, containing approximately 6 buds. The grafting process was performed in a full slit and in omega, in addition to the use of 'Buddy Tape' grafting tape to fix and seal the site. Afterwards, they were kept in a greenhouse with a relative humidity above 85% and a controlled temperature of 25°C. The evaluation was performed at 120 days after grafting, where the percentage of survival, number of shoots, length of shoots and number of leaves were evaluated. Grafting of jabuticabeira is not recommended using rootstocks of jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, peach bush, bush cherry tree and guava tree.O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar diferentes espécies de Myrtaceae como porta-enxertos para enxertos de jabuticabeira, bem como a utilização de duas técnicas de garfagem, visando à busca de alternativas para a propagação vegetativa desta espécie. Para a realização do experimento foi testada a compatibilidade de enxertia entre a jabuticabeira açú (uma única planta adulta) sobre jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, pessegueiro do mato e goiabeira, com cerca de um ano de idade e 6 mm de diâmetro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4 (técnica de enxertia de garfagem x espécie de porta-enxerto), com três repetições, e 8 enxertos por unidade experimental. Como cultivar copa foram utilizados ramos maduros, com consistência semilenhosa, diâmetro em torno de 6 mm e comprimento de 10 cm, contendo aproximadamente 6 gemas. O processo da enxertia foi realizado em fenda cheia e em ômega, além do uso de fita de enxertia ‘Buddy Tape’ para a fixação e vedação do local. Após, as mesmas foram mantidas em casa de vegetação climatizada, com umidade relativa superior a 85% e temperatura controlada de 25°C. A avaliação foi realizada aos 120 dias após a enxertia, onde foram avaliados o percentual de sobrevivência, número de brotações, comprimento das brotações e número de folhas. Não é recomendado a enxertia de jabuticabeira utilizando os porta-enxertos de jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, pessegueiro do mato, cerejeira da mata e goiabeira.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar diferentes especies de Myrtaceae como portainjertos para injertos de jabuticaba, así como el uso de dos técnicas de púa, con el objetivo de encontrar alternativas para la propagación vegetativa de esta especie. Para el experimento, se probó la compatibilidad del injerto entre la jabuticabeira açú (una sola planta adulta) en jabuticabeira, guabijuzeiro, melocotonero selvaje (Prunus myrtifolia) y guayaba, de aproximadamente un año de edad y 6 mm de diámetro. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar, en un esquema factorial 2 x 4 (técnica de injerto-púa x especie de portainjerto), con tres repeticiones y 8 injertos por unidad experimental. Como dosel, se utilizaron ramas maduras con consistencia semi-leñosa, diámetro alrededor de 6 mm y longitud de 10 cm, que contenían aproximadamente 6 yemas. El proceso de injerto se realizó en hendidura y omega, además del uso de cinta adhesiva para la fijación y sellado del sitio. Posteriormente, se mantuvieron en un invernadero, con humedad relativa superior al 85% y temperatura controlada de 25 °C. La evaluación se realizó a los 120 días después del injerto, donde se evaluó el porcentaje de supervivencia, el número de brotes, la longitud de los brotes y el número de hojas. No se recomienda el injerto de jabuticaba usando los portainjertos de jabuticaba, guabijuzeiro, Prunus myrtifolia, cerezo y guayaba

    Advanced data analysis algorithms for the time-dependent defect spectroscopy of NBTI

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    Abstract-In order to identify the physical mechanisms behind the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI), the timedependent defect spectroscopy (TDDS) has been recently proposed. The TDDS takes advantage of the fact that in nanoscaled devices only a handful of defects are present. As a consequence, degradation and recovery proceed in discrete steps, each of them corresponding to a charge capture or emission event. By repeatedly applying stress and recovery conditions, the TDDS analyzes the statistical properties of these discrete events. The measurement window of the TDDS is very large, but the occurrence of random telegraph noise (RTN) at certain biases/temperatures can limit its applicability. We have developed an advanced data analysis method which can also deal with data contaminated by RTN. The algorithm is based on the combination of a bootstrapping technique and cumulative sum charts. A benefit of the new method is the possibility to detect steps in a large class of different signals with a feasible amount of parameters. Moreover, de-/trapping parameters of the random telegraph noise (RTN) become accessible as well