768 research outputs found

    Cultural translation : a value or a tool? Let’s start with Gramsci!

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    Ein Vordenker, der in der internationalen Diskussion um « cultural translation » so gut wie nie diskutiert wird, ist Antonio Gramsci. Der Philosoph aus Sardinien, von Kindes Tagen an in Zweisprachigkeit (Sardisch-Italienisch) geĂŒbt, hat ein feines Sensorium fĂŒr kulturelle Differenzen ausgebildet. In seinen GefĂ€ngnisjahren ĂŒbersetzt er – als intellektuelles Training – aus dem Russischen und dem Deutschen ins Italienische, und in den GefĂ€ngnisheften setzt er sich wiederholt mit dem Begriff der traducibilitĂ  (Übersetzbarkeit) auseinander: Übersetzbarkeit von Sprachen, aber auch von Kulturen. Der Artikel geht den Linien nach, die von Gramscis Überlegungen zu der aktuellen Diskussion gezogen werden können, und diskutiert am Ende vergleichend die Positionen Homi K. Bhabhas und Gayatri Spivaks

    Sergio Atzeni : zur Poetik des Postkolonialen

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    Wenn es Aufgabe der Literaturwissenschaft ist zu erforschen, „in welchem Maße Literaturen an den KĂ€mpfen um kulturelle Hegemonie beteiligt sind“ (Kirsch), so gilt das besonders fĂŒr historische Romane, die nationale oder regionale Geschichte rekonstruieren. Solche Romane schreiben entweder die Opposition von Siegern und Besiegten fest oder stellen Geschichte als shared history der beteiligten Akteure dar. Auch innerhalb Europas gibt es Kultur- und SprachrĂ€ume, die die letzten Jahrhunderte im Status kolonialer AbhĂ€ngigkeit verbracht haben und ĂŒber diese langen ZeitrĂ€ume hinweg kulturellen Hybridisierungsprozessen ausgesetzt waren. Eine solche Erfahrung hat die Mittelmeerinsel Sardinien zutiefst geprĂ€gt; Sardinien ist „eine der Ă€ltesten und dauerhaftesten Kolonien der Welt“ (Day). Die heutige sardische Literatur trĂ€gt daher alle ZĂŒge einer postkolonialen Literatur. Sie prĂ€sentiert sich als kulturelles und sprachliches patchwork, als individuelle und kollektive Suche nach dem, was sardische IdentitĂ€t nach dem Durchgang durch den Kolonisationsprozeß ist und sein kann, als Basteln einer imagined community im Zeitalter von Massentourismus und Globalisierung. Mit Sergio Atzeni ist ein Autor angesprochen, der es bis zu seinem frĂŒhen Tod im Jahr 1995 als seine Aufgabe angesehen hat, Sardiniens Geschichte(n) Schriftform zu geben

    El telescopio y la escritura. Los instrumentos de Galileo y los medios de comunicaciĂłn

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    Cet essai propose une recherche arquéologique dans l'histoire des medias: à partir de l'emploir que Galilée fait du téléscope (emploi instrumental/medial), le statut epistémologique de la connaissance médiatisée devient visible. Un regard sur ses textes fait comprendre le proces de trasformatio/traduction que souffre tout "contenu" qui passe des sciences exactes au discours littéraire/philosophique.This essay proposes an archieologic search in the history of the media through the use Galileo makes of the telescope (instrumental/medial use), which shows the epistemologic status of the mediatic knowledge. A review of the texts allows to understand the process of transformation/translation of any "content" which transforms exact sciencies into the literary/philosophic discourse.Publicad

    Loss-Related Characteristics and Symptoms of Depression, Prolonged Grief, and Posttraumatic Stress Following Suicide Bereavement

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    (1) Background: The aim of the present study was to examine symptom classes of major depressive disorder (MDD), prolonged grief disorder (PGD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a sample of suicide-bereaved individuals, while accounting for loss-related characteristics. (2) Methods: A latent class analysis was conducted to identify classes of the suicide bereaved, sharing symptom profiles, in a German suicide-bereaved sample (N = 159). (3) Results: Our analyses revealed three main classes: a resilient class (16%), a class with high endorsement probability for PGD symptoms (50%), and a class with high endorsement probability for combined PGD/PTSD symptoms (34%). Prolonged grief and intrusive symptoms emerged across all classes, while MDD showed low endorsement probability. Our results indicate an association between class membership and time passed since the loss; however, this applies only to the comparison between the PGD and the resilient class, and not for the PGD/PTSD class. (4) Conclusions: Our results may provide information about the predictability of symptom clusters following suicide bereavement. The findings also represent a significant step towards tailoring treatments based on the needs of relevant suicide-bereaved subgroups through a symptom-level approach. Time passed since loss might explain differences between symptom clusters

    Open-radiomics: A Collection of Standardized Datasets and a Technical Protocol for Reproducible Radiomics Machine Learning Pipelines

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    Purpose: As an important branch of machine learning pipelines in medical imaging, radiomics faces two major challenges namely reproducibility and accessibility. In this work, we introduce open-radiomics, a set of radiomics datasets along with a comprehensive radiomics pipeline based on our proposed technical protocol to investigate the effects of radiomics feature extraction on the reproducibility of the results. Materials and Methods: Experiments are conducted on BraTS 2020 open-source Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) dataset that includes 369 adult patients with brain tumors (76 low-grade glioma (LGG), and 293 high-grade glioma (HGG)). Using PyRadiomics library for LGG vs. HGG classification, 288 radiomics datasets are formed; the combinations of 4 MRI sequences, 3 binWidths, 6 image normalization methods, and 4 tumor subregions. Random Forest classifiers were used, and for each radiomics dataset the training-validation-test (60%/20%/20%) experiment with different data splits and model random states was repeated 100 times (28,800 test results) and Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC) was calculated. Results: Unlike binWidth and image normalization, tumor subregion and imaging sequence significantly affected performance of the models. T1 contrast-enhanced sequence and the union of necrotic and the non-enhancing tumor core subregions resulted in the highest AUCs (average test AUC 0.951, 95% confidence interval of (0.949, 0.952)). Although 28 settings and data splits yielded test AUC of 1, they were irreproducible. Conclusion: Our experiments demonstrate the sources of variability in radiomics pipelines (e.g., tumor subregion) can have a significant impact on the results, which may lead to superficial perfect performances that are irreproducible

    Social acknowledgement as a predictor of post-traumatic stress and complicated grief after witnessing assisted suicide

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    Background: In Switzerland, right-to-die organizations such as Exit Deutsche Schweiz offer suicide assistance to their members. However, there is limited knowledge of the impact that witnessing assisted suicide has on the post- traumatic stress severity or the grief process of family members. Low perceived social acknowledgement may affect mental health. Methods: A cross- sectional survey of 85 family members who were present at an assisted suicide was conducted in December 2007. The Inventory of Complicated Grief and the Impact of Event Scale were used to assess symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complicated grief (CG) at 14 to 24 months post-loss. Further, the Social Acknowledgement Questionnaire was used to examine the impact that the social environment’s acknowledgement of the end-of-life decision had on respondents’ mental health. Results: As expected, social acknowledgement as a survivor was related to PTSD symptoms and CG. In particular, perceived general disapproval was strongly correlated with all outcome measures, whereas recognition was not significantly related to PTSD or CG (intrusion and avoidance). Conclusion: Family members of patients who use assisted suicide may hesitate to disclose the manner of death, and the community and societal environment may express strong views concerning the end-of-life decision. This can lead to increased levels of PTSD and CG

    Internet-based interventions for eating disorders in adults: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: This systematic review evaluates the efficacy of internet-based interventions for the treatment of different eating disorders in adults. METHOD: A search for peer reviewed journal articles detailing Randomised Control Trials (RCT) and Controlled Trials (CT) addressing participants with eating disorders aged at least 16 was completed in the electronic databases Web of Science, PsycInfo and PubMed. The quality of the included articles was assessed, results were reviewed and effect sizes and corresponding confidence intervals were calculated. RESULTS: Eight studies, including a total of N = 609 participants, fulfilled the selection criteria and were included. The majority of treatments applied in these studies were based on CBT principles. Six studies described guided self-help interventions that showed significant symptom reduction in terms of primary and secondary outcomes regarding eating behaviour and abstinence rates. These studies produced significant medium to high effect sizes both within and between the groups after utilisation of guided self-help programs or a self-help book backed up with supportive e-mails. The two remaining studies utilised a specific writing task or e-mail therapy that did not follow a structured treatment program. Here, no significant effects could be found. Treatment dropout rates ranged from 9% to 47.2%. Furthermore, reductions in other symptoms, for example depression and anxiety, and an increase in quality of life were found by four studies. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the results support the value of internet-based interventions that use guided self-help to tackle eating disorders, but further research is needed due to the heterogeneity of the studies

    Perceived Quality, Authenticity and Price in Tourists’ Dining Experiences: Testing Competing Models of Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions

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    This study examines tourists’ dining experiences and tests competing models of predictors of satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Specifically, we examine the influence of service quality, quality of environment, food quality, price fairness, authenticity and tourist satisfaction on behavioral intentions. Within the context of mountain hut casual ethnic restaurants and a survey of 304 respondent tourists, we apply PLS-SEM to test both the baseline and the competing, hierarchical latent model. First, results for the baseline model show that satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between the various quality attributes and behavioral intentions. Second, results from the competing model confirm that food quality, service quality and quality of environment form a second-order construct of perceived quality. Third, results reveal that service quality, quality of the environment, and food quality are best represented as a second-order construct in modelling predictors to evaluate the tourism dining experiences relative to tourist satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Fourth, we show that authenticity is a stronger predictor of satisfaction than price fairness and service quality

    An Evaluation of a Suicide Prevention E-Learning Program for Police Officers (COPS): Improvement in Knowledge and Competence

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    Background: Police officers are at high risk for mental and physical health problems and suicidal ideation. The specific risk factors are numerous and concern stressful missions and administrative aspects of the police profession. So far, the police get only little training on specific missions as well as on coping with stress and suicidal ideation in the police profession. In this study we test the efficacy of the online training COPS (Coping with Suicide) for police officers. Methods: A total of 142 police officers fromGermany and Switzerland participated in the study; complete data (baseline and post) are available from 102 participants. The training consisted of three modules covering the topics of delivering death notifications, dealing with individuals with suicidal ideation and dealing with one’s own distress and suicidal ideation in the police profession. The primary outcomes are perceived knowledge and self-rated competence regarding the contents of the program, actual knowledge as well as symptoms of depression and anxiety (PHQ-9), and attitudes toward suicide (ATTS). The data are collected at baseline and after completing the training. Results: We found a significant increase in knowledge as well as in perceived competence after completing the training. Mental health and attitudes toward suicide did not change significantly. Years on the job had no moderating effect on the effectiveness of the training. Discussion: The results suggest that a short e-learning program significantly improves knowledge and self-rated competence in delivering death notifications, in suicide prevention and stress management. It can be easily integrated into the daily routine of police-officers, and participants could participate at their own pace and from any location. One limitation of this study is the lack of a control-group. Further advantages and limitations of this study are discussed
