1,750 research outputs found

    Affective Socialization Processes in Mathematics Doctoral Study: Gaining Insight from Successful Students

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    Mathematics has the highest attrition rate among all liberal arts disciplines (and among all disciplines, except for health professions) and the second highest attrition rate of all doctoral programs in the United State. In order to prevent the loss of so many students, mathematics departments must consider the root causes for attrition and determine what individual skills and knowledge and departmental systems and support will help more mathematics doctoral students to succeed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to explore the interactions mathematics doctoral candidates at one institution have had during graduate school and the value that the students place on the interactions in their continued pursuit of and success in doctoral study of mathematics. Nine doctoral candidates from the mathematics department at a large, public research university in the Southeastern United States who had attended United States schools throughout their K-graduate education agreed to participate in the study. I conducted a series of two, semi-structured, approximately sixty minute, one-on-one interviews with each participant. In addition to providing insight into the nature of several relationships already established in the extant research, the results of the present study indicated the possible existence of three new relationships. A series of themes were also found across the students’ experiences that depict key interactions participants had with peers and faculty and the meaning and value given to these interactions. For faculty, the themes were (1) Inadequacy and Importance, (2) Being Uninformed, (3) Self-Sufficiency, and (4) Collaboration; and for peers, (1) Insight Versus Deficit and (2) Gauging Their Experience. In addition, Living in a World of Paradoxes was an overarching theme in the findings. This study informs several lines of thought: (a) collaboration is more than just a crutch; (b) graduate students struggle to find a balance between independent scholar and active collaborator; (c) graduate school is not a uniform experience; (d) knowing and learning in mathematics is conceived from the cognitive perspective; and (e) there are multiple paths for socializing students. Recommendations for future research and practice are also presented

    Procjena proơlih promjena u okoliơu proučavanjem sedimenata u hiperslanoj laguni

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    Carbon and oxygen isotopes, organic matter elemental composition, and mineralogy of carbonates were used as proxies to investigate environmental changes recorded in the carbonate-rich sediment of the hypersaline lagoon "Vermelha", Rio de Janeiro. Isotopic and other data suggest that two striking shifts in environmental conditions occurred about 1900 and 3200 years ago. Carbonates ÎŽ(18O) and ÎŽ(13C) were found in the range of +1.5‰ to +4.5 ‰ (PDB), and –2 ‰ to –11‰ (PDB), respectively. In organic matter, ÎŽ(13C) ranged from –22 ‰ to –15 ‰ (PDB). Calcites and dolomites are present in the studied core; their relative abundance seems to be related to the observed changes. Calcites are enriched up 38 % in MgCO3 (mole fraction, x). As distinct from calcites with lower magnesium contents, Mg-calcite with x(Mg) > 20 % shows an additional peak at 0.2929 nm in the X-ray diffractogram. Samples that contain Mg-calcite or 100 % dolomite show similar ÎŽ(13C) values. There are strong indications for an early formation of dolomite already in the microbial mat region. 18O and 2H determinations in lagoon water confirm evaporation as the water balance controlling processU radu je opisana uporaba izotopa ugljika i kisika, elementnog sastava organske tvari i mineralogije karbonata kao faktora u istraĆŸivanju promjena na okoliĆĄu utvrđenih u karbonatom bogatim sedimentima hiperslane lagune "Vermelha" kod Rio de Janeira u Brazilu. Izotopski i drugi podaci ukazuju na dvije značajne promjene okoliĆĄnih uvjeta, koje su se dogodile prije 1900 odnosno 3200 godina. U karbonatima, vrijednosti ÎŽ(18O) i ÎŽ(13C) izmjerene su u rasponu od +1,5 ‰ do +4,5 ‰, odnosno od –2 ‰ do –11 ‰ (standard Pee Dee Belemnite – PDB). Kod organske tvari, vrijednost ÎŽ(13C) varira u rasponu od –22 ‰ do –15 ‰ (PDB). U istraĆŸivanoj su sedimentnoj jezgri utvrđeni kalcit i dolomit, a njihova relativna zastupljenost povezana je s utvrđenim okoliĆĄ nim promjenama. Kalciti sadrĆŸe do 38 % MgCO3 (molni udjeli, x). Za razliku od kalcita s niĆŸim sadrĆŸajem magnezija, magnezijev kalcit (x(Mg) > 20 %) pokazuje dodatnu liniju na rendgenskom difraktogramu kod 2929 nm. Uzorci koji sadrĆŸe magnezijev kalcit ili čisti dolomit pokazuju slične vrijednosti ÎŽ(13C). Postoje snaĆŸne indicije za stvaranje dolomita već u području mikrobnih pokrova. Vrijednosti 18O i 2H u vodi lagune ukazuju na to da je isparavanje proces koji kontrolira bilancu vode u sustavu

    High resolution, low temperature photoabsorption cross-section of C2H2 with application to Saturn's atmosphere

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    New laboratory observations of the VUV absorption cross-section of C2H2, obtained under physical conditions approximating stratospheres of the giant planets, were combined with IUE observations of the albedo of Saturn, for which improved data reduction techniques have been used, to produce new models for that atmosphere. When the effects of C2H2 absorption are accounted for, additional absorption by other molecules is required. The best-fitting model also includes absorption by PH3, H2O, C2H6 and CH4. A small residual disagreement near 1600 A suggests that an additional trace species may be required to complete the model

    Titan cell production in Cryptococcus neoformans reshapes the cell wall and capsule composition during infection

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    This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01AI080275 and R21AI22352), the NIH Fogarty International Center (R25TW009345), the University of Minnesota Center for Translational Science Institute (UL1TR000114), Wellcome Trust (086827, 075470, 097377, 101873 & 200208) and MRC Centre for Medical Mycology (N006364/1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A high incidence of native portal vein thrombosis in veterans undergoing liver transplantation

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    The incidence of native portal vein thrombosis (PVT) in liver transplant recipients has been reported to range from 2.1 to 13.8%. We have identified an inordinately high incidence of PVT in a consecutive series of U.S. veterans receiving liver transplants. Between October 1989 and February 1994, 88 consecutive U.S. veterans received 99 orthotopic liver transplants under primary Tacrolimus (Prograf, formerly FK506) based immunosuppression. A number of clinical features were examined in an effort to identify risk factors for PVT and outcome was compared to patients without PVT. Native PVT was present in 23/88 (26%) patients. All of these patients were male U.S. veterans with a mean age of 47 years. When compared to the 65 patients without PVT, we found no significant difference with respect to underlying liver disease, age, Childs-Pugh score (mean = 12), UNOS status as defined prior to April 1995 (95% UNOS 3 or 4), previous abdominal surgery, or liver volume. Median blood loss for patients with PVT (21 units of packed red blood cells) was greater than for those without PVT (14 units, P = 0.04). Portal thrombectomy was performed in 11 patients, 11 patients required mesoportal jump grafts, and 1 patient had an interposition graft. Standard veno-venous bypass was used in 10 patients with single bypass utilized for the remainder. Actuarial patient survival for all patients at 1, 2, and 4 years was 88, 85, and 79%, respectively. There was no significant difference in patients with or without PVT. Patients with PVT had poorer graft survival than patients without PVT (86% vs 65%, 1 year; 81% vs 65%, 2 years; 81% vs 61%, 4 years; P = 0.03); however, this was not related to technical problems with the portal venous inflow. PVT occurred in 26% of U.S. veterans undergoing liver transplantation. These patients bad significantly higher operative blood loss and poorer graft survival. The high incidence of postnecrotic cirrhosis in a predominantly male group of patients with advanced disease, as is evident by the high mean Childs-Pugh score and UNOS status, perhaps accounts for our observations

    And the first shall be the last

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    This study analyzes the puzzle of Hungarian economic drifting in a long run perspective. The underlying puzzle for the investigation is why bad policies are invariably popular and good policies unpopular, thus why political and economic rationality never overlap. The first part of the article summarizes in eight points the basic features of the postwar period. Then six lessons are offered, which might be useful for other countries in transition or for students of comparative economics and politics, lessons that can be generalized on the basis of the individual country experience

    Rim Pathway-Mediated Alterations in the Fungal Cell Wall Influence Immune Recognition and Inflammation

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge Jennifer Lodge, Woei Lam, and Rajendra Upadhya for developing and sharing the chitin and chitosan MTBH assay. We thank Todd Brennan of Duke University for providing MyD88-deficient mice. We acknowledge Neil Gow for providing access to the Dionex HPAEC-PAD instrumentation. We also acknowledge Connie Nichols for critical reading of the manuscript. These experiments were supported by an NIH grant to J.A.A. and F.L.W., Jr. (R01 AI074677). C.M.L.W. was supported by a fellowship provided through the Army Research Office of the Department of Defense (no. W911NF-11-1-0136 f) (F.L.W., Jr.). J.W., L.W., and C.M. were supported by the Wellcome Trust Strategic Award in Medical Mycology and Fungal Immunology (097377) and the MRC, Centre for Medical Mycology (MR/N006364/1). FUNDING INFORMATION MRC Centre for Medical MycologyMR/N006364/1 Carol A. Munro HHS | NIH | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) https://doi.org/10.13039/100000060R01 AI074677J. Andrew Alspaugh Wellcome https://doi.org/10.13039/100010269097377 Carol A. Munro DOD | United States Army | RDECOM | Army Research Office (ARO) https://doi.org/10.13039/100000183W911NF-11-1-0136 f Chrissy M. Leopold WagerPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Non-aromatic hydrocarbons in recent sediments of Sepetiba and Ilha Grande Bays, Brazil

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    An investigation was conducted in Ilha Grande and Sepetiba Bays aiming at identifying the nature of non-aromatic hydrocarbons (NAH) in surface sediments. NAH concentrations ranged from 2.5 ”g g-1 to 193.8 ”g g-1 of which the major fraction (53 to 93%) was composed by unresolved complex mixture (UMC). In most samples n-alkane distribution was dominated by compounds of odd carbon number showing maxima in nC29 and nC31. Mono-olefins were at low concentrations and the polyolefins including highly branched isoprenoids and squalene varied from 0.099 ”g g-1 to 1.387 ”g g-1 with lower values relative to NAH appearing in areas of strong terrestrial and anthropogenic influence. Hopanes between C27 and C33 were observed in all samples with the predominant configuration 17a(H),21b(H), characteristic of a petrogenic origin
