1,975 research outputs found

    Maatregelen t.b.v. een betere groei van opfokhennen

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    In dit project is gekeken welke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de groei van biologische opfokhennen te verbeteren, gegeven het drukke vaccinatieschema als stressfactor. Verbeterpunten voor de toekomst zijn oa: bewuste keuzes maken mbt. vaccinaties en meer communicatie tussen de stakeholders in de keten

    Biokennisbericht #24: Zuivel en Rundveevlees. Thema: Kalveren bij de koe

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    'Kalveren bij de koe' is een heel aaibaar concept om dierenwelzijn te bevorderen. Het project was de afgelopen jaren goed voor veel aandacht. Het principe lijkt simpel , maar in de praktijk komt er veel bij kijken om succesvol kalveren bij de moeder op te fokken. In dit BioKennisbericht ervaringen van 'Kalveren bij de Koe' - boeren uit de periode 2009 tot 2011, en de vraag of de biologische landbouw met dit concept voldoende onderscheidend kan zijn

    Relationship between infarct tissue characteristics and left ventricular remodeling in patients with versus without early revascularization for acute myocardial infarction as assessed with contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

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    Left ventricular (LV) remodeling following myocardial infarction (MI) is the result of complex interactions between various factors, including presence or absence of early revascularization. The impact of early revascularization on the relationship between infarct tissue characteristics and LV remodeling is incompletely known. Therefore, we investigated in patients with versus without successful early revascularization for acute MI potential relations between infarct tissue characteristics and LV remodeling with contrast-enhanced (CE) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR). Patients with versus without successful early revascularization underwent CE-CMR for tissue characterization and assessment of LV remodeling including end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, LV ejection fraction, and wall motion score index (WMSI). CE-CMR images were analyzed for infarct tissue characteristics including core-, peri- and total-infarct size, transmural extent, and regional scar scores. In early revascularized patients (n = 46), a larger area of infarct tissue correlated significantly with larger LV dimensions and a more reduced LV function (r = 0.39-0.68; all P ≤ 0.01). Multivariate analyses identified peri-infarct size as the best predictor of LV remodeling parameters (R2 = 0.44-0.62). In patients without successful early revascularization (n = 47), there was no correlation between infarct area and remodeling parameters; only peri-infarct size versus WMSI (r = 0.33; P = 0.03) and transmural extent versus LVEF (r = -0.27; P = 0.07) tended to be related. A correlation between infarct tissue characteristics and LV remodeling was found only in patients with early successful revascularization. Peri-infarct size was found to be the best determinant of LV remodeling. Our findings stress the importance of taking into account infarct tissue characteristics and success of revascularization when LV remodeling is studie

    Attitudes toward Abortion: A Comparative Analysis of Correlates for 1973 and 1975

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    This paper contains an analysis of both the level of support for abortion and the correlates of such support for both 1973 and 1975, as indicated by National Opinion Research Center data. In comparison to previous research, which focused primarily on bivariate analyses of demographic variables, we examine the role of demographic and other variables (such as work status, unemployment history, receipt of government aid, and belief in an afterlife) at both the bivariate and multivariate levels of analysis. The result indicates an abatement of the previously increasing level of support; this datum plus the increase in persons responding don\u27t know suggest the occurrence of a reappraisal of support for abortion. The bivariate analysis indicates that support is highest among those who: are white, never married, or higher socioeconomic status, with no religious affiliation, seldom attend church, live in the Northeast or West, or have lower exposure to children. Multivariate analysis indicates that religion and socioeconomic status are the most salient variables. A comparison between the 1973 and 1975 data indicate reduced support among men and increased support among women, reduced support among the never married, and increased support among blacks, Catholics, Southerners, and those with less than a high school education

    Minimum drinking age laws effects on American youth 1976-1987

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    IS-03 Practical Aspects of Antibiotic Stewardship in Animal Production

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is emerging and is a threat for human and animal health. This increasing resistance results into treatment failures and increased mortality in humans and animals. If there is no action to reduce antimicrobial use (AMU), it is forecasted that the number of people dying due to AMR will increase considerably in the near future. AMU in animals poses a potential risk for public health as it contributes to the selection and spread of AMR which can disseminate to humans. Therefore, at global level WHO, FAO and OIE combined efforts in a such called One Health approach to minimize the public health impact of AMR associated with AMU in farm animals. The Global Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance (GAP) has been adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2015. This plan contains five strategic objectives. WHO urged all member states to develop a National Action Plan in line with the five objectives of the GAP, and with a One Health approach. Indonesia has submitted the National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2017-2019 in the Library of National Action Plans of WHO.Although it is not clear to what level AMU in animal production contributes to the AMR problem humans, there is a worldwide urge to reduce AMU in animal production to a minimum to protect human health. The basis of this so-called ‘antimicrobial stewardship’ is focusing on (preventive) measures which enable animals to remain healthy and thus take away the need for antimicrobial treatment. Another pillar of stewardship is limiting and strictly regulating the use of so-called ‘’critically important antimicrobials for human medicine’’, like fluoroquinolones. It can be difficult to change AMU practices which have become habits for farmers and veterinarians; therefore specific triggers are required. In the Netherlands the total therapeutic AMU (in mass sold) in farm animals doubled between 1990 and 2007; parallel to the EU-ban of antimicrobial growth promotors which were completely phased out by 2006. From 2005 onwards, several events triggered a series of measures and initiatives to reduce AMU in livestock with almost 70%. This reduction was followed by reduced AMR levels in livestock. Some key success factors were: clear reduction targets defined by the government, having full transparency on antimicrobial prescription and usage, the existence of a surveillance system for AMR, and a close collaboration of all stakeholders and a shared goal. Although specific contexts differ between countries and production systems, tailored approaches taking into account specific contexts and stakeholders can be effective in responsible use of antimicrobials

    Effects of Parkinson’s disease on optic flow perception for heading direction during navigation

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    Visuoperceptual disorders have been identified in individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and may affect the perception of optic flow for heading direction during navigation. Studies in healthy subjects have confirmed that heading direction can be determined by equalizing the optic flow speed (OS) between visual fields. The present study investigated the effects of PD on the use of optic flow for heading direction, walking parameters, and interlimb coordination during navigation, examining the contributions of OS and spatial frequency (dot density). Twelve individuals with PD without dementia, 18 age-matched normal control adults (NC), and 23 young control adults (YC) walked through a virtual hallway at about 0.8 m/s. The hallway was created by random dots on side walls. Three levels of OS (0.8, 1.2, and 1.8 m/s) and dot density (1, 2, and 3 dots/m2) were presented on one wall while on the other wall, OS and dot density were fixed at 0.8 m/s and 3 dots/m2, respectively. Three-dimensional kinematic data were collected, and lateral drift, walking speed, stride frequency and length, and frequency, and phase relations between arms and legs were calculated. A significant linear effect was observed on lateral drift to the wall with lower OS for YC and NC, but not for PD. Compared to YC and NC, PD veered more to the left under OS and dot density conditions. The results suggest that healthy adults perceive optic flow for heading direction. Heading direction in PD may be more affected by the asymmetry of dopamine levels between the hemispheres and by motor lateralization as indexed by handedness.Published versio

    Uitgelicht: zusterverenigingen

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    Onze vertrouwde Leidse Universiteit is niet voor iedereen het decor van hun bestuurskunde opleiding. Op maar liefst tien verschillende plaatsen in Nederland kun je bestuurskunde of een aanverwante studierichting volgen (zie kaart). Iedere opleiding, of in sommige gevallen de gehele betreffende faculteit, kent net zoals in Leiden een studievereniging. Deze tien verenigingen zijn verenigd in een samenwerkingsverband genaamd het LOB (Landelijk Overlegorgaan Bestuurskunde-verenigingen). Binnen dit verband komen zij regelmatig samen om te overleggen, gedachten en ideeën uit te wisselen, en deel te nemen aan gezamelijke activiteiten. In dit artikel volgt een korte kennismaking met het LOB en met onze negen zusterverenigingen, oftewel zusjes, die zichzelf voorstellen

    Theorie versus praktijk: de rol van wetenschap in de werkelijkheid: alumni bijeenkomst 16 juni

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    Op 16 juni jongstleden vond de tweede alumni bijeenkomst van dit jaar plaats, georganiseerd door de alumni commissie van het Instituut Bestuurskunde, bestaande uit Edith Burgman, Lisanne Doedens, Marjoleine van Egeraat en Anchrit Wille. Het centrale thema van de avond was de relevantie van de studie Bestuurskunde voor het Openbaar Bestuur. Op de avond kwamen ongeveer 40 alumni van de studie Bestuurskunde in Leiden af, waarvan velen ook voormalig B.I.L.- lid. Bestuurskundige Berichten sprak met enkele alumni
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