22 research outputs found

    Resveratrol Inhibits Key Steps of Steroid Metabolism in a Human Estrogen-Receptor Positive Breast Cancer Model: Impact on Cellular Proliferation

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    The role of resveratrol (RES) in preventing breast cancer is controversial, as low concentrations may stimulate the proliferation of estrogen-receptor alpha positive (ERα+) breast cancer cells. As metabolism is the key factor in altering cellular estrogens, thereby influencing breast tumor growth, we investigated the effects of RES on the formation of estrogen metabolites, namely 4-androstene-3,17-dione (AD), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), dehydroepiandrosterone-3-O-sulfate (DHEA-S), estrone (E1), estrone-3-sulfate (E1-S), 17β-estradiol (E2), 17β-estradiol-3-O-(β-D-glucuronide) (E2-G), 17β-estradiol-3-O-sulfate (E2-S), 16α-hydroxy-17β-estradiol (estriol, E3), and testosterone (T) in ERα- MDA-MB-231 and ERα+ MCF-7 cells. Incubation of both of the cell lines with the hormone precursors DHEA and E1 revealed that sulfation and glucuronidation were preferred metabolic pathways for DHEA, E1 and E2 in MCF-7 cells, compared with in MDA-MB-231 cells, as the Vmax values were significantly higher (DHEA-S: 2873.0 ± 327.4 fmol/106 cells/h, E1-S: 30.4 ± 2.5 fmol/106 cells/h, E2-S: 24.7 ± 4.9 fmol/106 cells/h, E2-G: 7.29 ± 1.36 fmol/106 cells/h). RES therefore significantly inhibited DHEA-S, E1-S, E2-S and E2-G formation in MCF-7, but not in MDA-MB-231 cells (Kis: E2-S, 0.73 ± 0.07 μM < E1-S, 0.94 ± 0.03 μM < E2-G, 7.92 ± 0.24 μM < DHEA-S, 13.2 ± 0.2 μM). Suppression of these metabolites subsequently revealed twofold higher levels of active E2, concomitant with an almost twofold increase in MCF-7 cell proliferation, which was the most pronounced upon the addition of 5 μM RES. As the content of RES in food is relatively low, an increased risk of breast cancer progression in women is likely to only be observed following the continuous consumption of high-dose RES supplements. Further long-term human studies simultaneously monitoring free estrogens and their conjugates are therefore highly warranted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of RES supplementation, particularly in patients diagnosed with ERα+ breast cancer

    The Novel Atypical Dopamine Uptake Inhibitor (S)-CE-123 Partially Reverses the Effort-Related Effects of the Dopamine Depleting Agent Tetrabenazine and Increases Progressive Ratio Responding

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    Animal studies of effort-based choice behavior are being used to model effort-related motivational dysfunctions in humans. With these procedures, animals are offered a choice between high-effort instrumental actions leading to highly valued reinforcers vs. low effort/ low reward options. Several previous studies have shown that dopamine (DA) uptake inhibitors, including GBR12909, lisdexamfetamine, methylphenidate, and PRX-14040, can reverse the effort-related effects of the vesicular monoamine transport blocker tetrabenazine, which inhibits DA storage. Because many drugs that block DA transport act as major stimulants that also release DA, and produce a number of undesirable side effects, there is a need to develop and characterize novel atypical DA transport inhibitors. (S)-CE-123 ((S)-5-((benzhydrylsulfnyl) methyl)thiazole) is a recently developed analog of modafnil with the biochemical characteristics of an atypical DA transport blocker. The present paper describes the enantioselective synthesis and initial chemical characterization of (S)-CE-123, as well as behavioral experiments involving effort-based choice and microdialysis studies of extracellular DA. Rats were assessed using the fxed ratio 5/chow feeding choice test. Tetrabenazine (1.0 mg/kg) shifted choice behavior, decreasing lever pressing and increasing chow intake. (S)-CE-123 was coadministered at doses ranging from 6.0 to 24.0 mg/kg, and the highest dose partially but signifcantly reversed the effects of tetrabenazine, although this dose had no effect on fxed ratio responding when administered alone. Additional experiments showed that (S)-CE-123 signifcantly increased lever pressing on a progressive ratio/chow feeding choice task and that the effective dose (24.0 mg/kg) increased extracellular DA in nucleus accumbens core. In summary, (S)-CE-123 has the behavioral and neurochemical profle of a compound that can block DA transport, reverse the effort-related effects of tetrabenazine, and increase selection of high-effort progressive ratio responding. This suggests that (S)-CE- 123 or a similar compound could be useful as a treatment for effort-related motivational dysfunction in humans

    Low-Affinity/High-Selectivity Dopamine Transport Inhibition Sufficient to Rescue Cognitive Functions in the Aging Rat

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    The worldwide increase in cognitive decline, both in aging and with psychiatric disorders, warrants a search for pharmacological treatment. Although dopaminergic treatment approaches represent a major step forward, current dopamine transporter (DAT) inhibitors are not sufficiently specific as they also target other transporters and receptors, thus showing unwanted side effects. Herein, we describe an enantiomerically pure, highly specific DAT inhibitor, S-CE-123, synthetized in our laboratory. Following binding studies to DAT, NET and SERT, GPCR and kinome screening, pharmacokinetics and a basic neurotoxic screen, S-CE-123 was tested for its potential to enhance and/or rescue cognitive functions in young and in aged rats in the non-invasive reward-motivated paradigm of a hole-board test for spatial learning. In addition, an open field study with young rats was carried out. We demonstrated that S-CE-123 is a low-affinity but highly selective dopamine reuptake inhibitor with good bioavailability. S-CE-123 did not induce hyperlocomotion or anxiogenic or stereotypic behaviour in young rats. Our compound improved the performance of aged but not young rats in a reward-motivated task. The well-described impairment of the dopaminergic system in aging may underlie the age-specific effect. We propose S-CE-123 as a possible candidate for developing a tentative therapeutic strategy for age-related cognitive decline and cognitive dysfunction in psychiatric disorders

    A Novel and Selective Dopamine Transporter Inhibitor, (S)-MK-26, Promotes Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity and Restores Effort-Related Motivational Dysfunctions

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    Dopamine (DA), the most abundant human brain catecholaminergic neurotransmitter, modulates key behavioral and neurological processes in young and senescent brains, including motricity, sleep, attention, emotion, learning and memory, and social and reward-seeking behaviors. The DA transporter (DAT) regulates transsynaptic DA levels, influencing all these processes. Compounds targeting DAT (e.g., cocaine and amphetamines) were historically used to shape mood and cognition, but these substances typically lead to severe negative side effects (tolerance, abuse, addiction, and dependence). DA/DAT signaling dysfunctions are associated with neuropsychiatric and progressive brain disorders, including Parkinson's and Alzheimer diseases, drug addiction and dementia, resulting in devastating personal and familial concerns and high socioeconomic costs worldwide. The development of low-side-effect, new/selective medicaments with reduced abuse-liability and which ameliorate DA/DAT-related dysfunctions is therefore crucial in the fields of medicine and healthcare. Using the rat as experimental animal model, the present work describes the synthesis and pharmacological profile of (S)-MK-26, a new modafinil analogue with markedly improved potency and selectivity for DAT over parent drug. Ex vivo electrophysiology revealed significantly augmented hippocampal long-term synaptic potentiation upon acute, intraperitoneally delivered (S)-MK-26 treatment, whereas in vivo experiments in the hole-board test showed only lesser effects on reference memory performance in aged rats. However, in effort-related FR5/chow and PROG/chow feeding choice experiments, (S)-MK-26 treatment reversed the depression-like behavior induced by the dopamine-depleting drug tetrabenazine (TBZ) and increased the selection of high-effort alternatives. Moreover, in in vivo microdialysis experiments, (S)-MK-26 significantly increased extracellular DA levels in the prefrontal cortex and in nucleus accumbens core and shell. These studies highlight (S)-MK-26 as a potent enhancer of transsynaptic DA and promoter of synaptic plasticity, with predominant beneficial effects on effort-related behaviors, thus proposing therapeutic potentials for (S)-MK-26 in the treatment of low-effort exertion and motivational dysfunctions characteristic of depression and aging-related disorders

    Developments of Smart Drug-Delivery Systems Based on Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Targeted Cancer Therapy: A Short Review

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    Cancer therapy is still a huge challenge, as especially chemotherapy shows several drawbacks like low specificity to tumor cells, rapid elimination of drugs, high toxicity and lack of aqueous solubility. The combination of molecular imprinting technology with magnetic nanoparticles provides a new class of smart hybrids, i.e., magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers (MMIPs) to overcome limitations in current cancer therapy. The application of these complexes is gaining more interest in therapy, due to their favorable properties, namely, the ability to be guided and to generate slight hyperthermia with an appropriate external magnetic field, alongside the high selectivity and loading capacity of imprinted polymers toward a template molecule. In cancer therapy, using the MMIPs as smart-drug-delivery robots can be a promising alternative to conventional direct administered chemotherapy, aiming to enhance drug accumulation/penetration into the tumors while fewer side effects on the other organs. Overview: In this review, we state the necessity of further studies to translate the anticancer drug-delivery systems into clinical applications with high efficiency. This work relates to the latest state of MMIPs as smart-drug-delivery systems aiming to be used in chemotherapy. The application of computational modeling toward selecting the optimum imprinting interaction partners is stated. The preparation methods employed in these works are summarized and their attainment in drug-loading capacity, release behavior and cytotoxicity toward cancer cells in the manner of in vitro and in vivo studies are stated. As an essential issue toward the development of a body-friendly system, the biocompatibility and toxicity of the developed drug-delivery systems are discussed. We conclude with the promising perspectives in this emerging field. Areas covered: Last ten years of publications (till June 2020) in magnetic molecularly imprinted polymeric nanoparticles for application as smart-drug-delivery systems in chemotherapy

    Biomimetic Strategies for Sensing Biological Species

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    The starting point of modern biosensing was the application of actual biological species for recognition. Increasing understanding of the principles underlying such recognition (and biofunctionality in general), however, has triggered a dynamic field in chemistry and materials sciences that aims at joining the best of two worlds by combining concepts derived from nature with the processability of manmade materials, e.g., sensitivity and ruggedness. This review covers different biomimetic strategies leading to highly selective (bio)chemical sensors: the first section covers molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) that attempt to generate a fully artificial, macromolecular mold of a species in order to detect it selectively. A different strategy comprises of devising polymer coatings to change the biocompatibility of surfaces that can also be used to immobilized natural receptors/ligands and thus stabilize them. Rationally speaking, this leads to self-assembled monolayers closely resembling cell membranes, sometimes also including bioreceptors. Finally, this review will highlight some approaches to generate artificial analogs of natural recognition materials and biomimetic approaches in nanotechnology. It mainly focuses on the literature published since 2005

    Star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) essential oil: Antioxidant properties and antibacterial activity against Acinetobacter baumannii

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    The increased resistance of pathogenic bacteria to multiple antimicrobial agents is becoming a significant public health threat. For many pathogenic bacteria there are already limited or no effective antimicrobials available to treat the infections caused by them. Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram‐negative, biofilm‐forming, nonmotile coccobacillus and a major human pathogen causing hospital‐acquired infections, such as ventilator‐associated pneumonia, bacteraemia, meningitis, and urinary tract and wound infections. There is therefore a clear need to discover new compounds and strategies to overcome widespread antimicrobial resistance, with a focus on A. bau-mannii strains. Star anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) has been widely used as an ingredi‐ent in traditional Chinese cooking, as a flavouring agent, and as a medicine for over 3000 years; however, the essential oil (EO) isolated from star anise has not been fur‐ther characterized in terms of its bioactivities and potential applications. In this work, a screening of the biological properties of star anise EO together with its chemical characterization were performed. Special attention was given to the impact of this EO in the formation of biofilms by A. baumannii. It was demonstrated that star anise EO is able to scavenge free radicals, to inhibit lipid peroxidation, and to inhibit protein denaturation, which is associated with its antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory proper‐ties. Moreover, the effects of the EO on the planktonic and biofilm cells of A. bau-mannii, inhibiting the formation of biofilms, dispersing preformed biofilms, and decreasing the capacity of the bacterial cells to adhere to polystyrene, together with its ability to inhibit quorum sensing, were also demonstrated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pharmacokinetics of Novel Dopamine Transporter Inhibitor CE-123 and Modafinil with a Focus on Central Nervous System Distribution

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    S-CE-123, a novel dopamine transporter inhibitor, has emerged as a potential candidate for cognitive enhancement. The objective of this study was to compare the tissue distribution profiles, with a specific focus on central nervous system distribution and metabolism, of S-CE-123 and R-modafinil. To address this objective, a precise liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry method was developed and partially validated. Neuropharmacokinetic parameters were assessed using the Combinatory Mapping Approach. Our findings reveal distinct differences between the two compounds. Notably, S-CE-123 demonstrates a significantly superior extent of transport across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), with an unbound brain-to-plasma concentration ratio (K-p,K-uu,K-brain) of 0.5, compared to R-modafinil's K-p,K-uu,K-brain of 0.1. A similar pattern was observed for the transport across the blood-spinal cord barrier. Concerning the drug transport across cellular membranes, we observed that S-CE-123 primarily localizes in the brain interstitial space, whereas R-modafinil distributes more evenly across both sides of the plasma membrane of the brain's parenchymal cells (K-p,K-uu,K-cell). Furthermore, our study highlights the substantial differences in hepatic metabolic stability, with S-CE-123 having a 9.3-fold faster metabolism compared to R-modafinil. In summary, the combination of improved BBB transport and higher affinity of S-CE-123 to dopamine transporters in comparison to R-modafinil makes S-CE-123 a promising candidate for further testing for the treatment of cognitive decline

    The Impacts of Genistein and Daidzein on Estrogen Conjugations in Human Breast Cancer Cells: A Targeted Metabolomics Approach

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    The beneficial effect of dietary soy food intake, especially for women diagnosed with breast cancer, is controversial, as in vitro data has shown that the soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein may even stimulate the proliferation of estrogen-receptor alpha positive (ERα+) breast cancer cells at low concentrations. As genistein and daidzein are known to inhibit key enzymes in the steroid metabolism pathway, and thus may influence levels of active estrogens, we investigated the impacts of genistein and daidzein on the formation of estrogen metabolites, namely 17β-estradiol (E2), 17β-estradiol-3-(β-D-glucuronide) (E2-G), 17β-estradiol-3-sulfate (E2-S) and estrone-3-sulfate (E1-S) in estrogen-dependent ERα+ MCF-7 cells. We found that both isoflavones were potent inhibitors of E1 and E2 sulfation (85–95% inhibition at 10 μM), but impeded E2 glucuronidation to a lesser extent (55–60% inhibition at 10 μM). The stronger inhibition of E1 and E2 sulfation compared with E2 glucuronidation was more evident for genistein, as indicated by significantly lower inhibition constants for genistein [Kis: E2-S (0.32 μM) < E1-S (0.76 μM) < E2-G (6.01 μM)] when compared with those for daidzein [Kis: E2-S (0.48 μM) < E1-S (1.64 μM) < E2-G (7.31 μM)]. Concomitant with the suppression of E1 and E2 conjugation, we observed a minor but statistically significant increase in E2 concentration of approximately 20%. As the content of genistein and daidzein in soy food is relatively low, an increased risk of breast cancer development and progression in women may only be observed following consumption of high-dose isoflavone supplements. Further long-term human studies monitoring free estrogens and their conjugates are therefore highly warranted to evaluate the potential side effects of high-dose genistein and daidzein, especially in patients diagnosed with ERα+ breast cancer