493 research outputs found

    A Serpin shapes the extracellular environment to prevent influenza A virus maturation

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    Interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) act in concert to provide a tight barrier against viruses. Recent studies have shed light on the contribution of individual ISG effectors to the antiviral state, but most have examined those acting on early, intracellular stages of the viral life cycle. Here, we applied an image-based screen to identify ISGs inhibiting late stages of influenza A virus (IAV) infection. We unraveled a directly antiviral function for the gene SERPINE1, encoding plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1). By targeting extracellular airway proteases, PAI-1 inhibits IAV glycoprotein cleavage, thereby reducing infectivity of progeny viruses. This was biologically relevant for IAV restriction in vivo. Further, partial PAI-1 deficiency, attributable to a polymorphism in human SERPINE1, conferred increased susceptibility to IAV in vitro. Together, our findings reveal that manipulating the extracellular environment to inhibit the last step in a virus life cycle is an important mechanism of the antiviral response

    The Phase Behavior of Mixed Lipid Membranes in Presence of the Rippled Phase

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    We propose a model describing liquid-solid phase coexistence in mixed lipid membranes by including explicitly the occurrence of a rippled phase. For a single component membrane, we employ a previous model in which the membrane thickness is used as an order parameter. As function of temperature, this model properly accounts for the phase behavior of the three possible membrane phases: solid, liquid and the rippled phase. Our primary aim is to explore extensions of this model to binary lipid mixtures by considering the composition dependence of important model parameters. The obtained phase diagrams show various liquid, solid and rippled phase coexistence regions, and are in quantitative agreement with the experimental ones for some specific lipid mixtures.Comment: 8pages, 5figure

    In vitro metabolic fate of nine LSD-based new psychoactive substances and their analytical detectability in different urinary screening procedures

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    The market of new psychoactive substances (NPS) is characterized by a high turnover and thus provides several challenges for analytical toxicology. The analysis of urine samples often requires detailed knowledge about metabolism given that parent compounds either may be present only in small amounts or may not even be excreted. Hence, knowledge of the metabolism of NPS is a prerequisite for the development of reliable analytical methods. The main aim of this work was to elucidate for the first time the pooled human liver S9 fraction metabolism of the nine d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) derivatives 1-acetyl-LSD (ALD-52), 1-propionyl-LSD (1P-LSD), 1-butyryl-LSD (1B-LSD), N6-ethyl-nor-LSD (ETH-LAD), 1-propionyl-N6-ethyl-nor-LSD (1P-ETH-LAD), N6-allyl-nor-LSD (AL-LAD), N-ethyl-N-cyclopropyl lysergamide (ECPLA), (2′S,4′S)-lysergic acid 2,4-dimethylazetidide (LSZ), and lysergic acid morpholide (LSM-775) by means of liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry. Identification of the monooxygenase enzymes involved in the initial metabolic steps was performed using recombinant human enzymes and their contribution confirmed by inhibition experiments. Overall, N-dealkylation and hydroxylation, as well as combinations of these steps predominantly catalyzed by CYP1A2 and CYP3A4, were found. For ALD-52, 1P-LSD, and 1B-LSD, deacylation to LSD was observed. The obtained mass spectral data of all metabolites are essential for reliable analytical detection particularly in urinalysis and for differentiation of the LSD-like compounds as biotransformations also led to structurally identical metabolites. However, in urine of rats after the administration of expected recreational doses and using standard urine screening approaches, parent drugs or metabolites could not be detected

    Influence of Poly(L-Lactic Acid) Nanofibers and BMP-2–Containing Poly(L-Lactic Acid) Nanofibers on Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    The aim of this study was to characterize synthetic poly-(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) nanofibers concerning their ability to promote growth and osteogenic differentiation of stem cells in vitro, as well as to test their suitability as a carrier system for growth factors. Fiber matrices composed of PLLA or BMP-2–incorporated PLLA were seeded with human mesenchymal stem cells and cultivated over a period of 22 days under growth and osteoinductive conditions, and analyzed during the course of culture, with respect to gene expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC), and collagen I (COL-I). Furthermore, COL-I and OC deposition, as well as cell densities and proliferation, were analyzed using fluorescence microscopy. Although the presence of nanofibers diminished the dexamethasone-induced proliferation, there were no differences in cell densities or deposition of either COL-I or OC after 22 days of culture. The gene expression of ALP, OC, and COL-I decreased in the initial phase of cell cultivation on PLLA nanofibers as compared to cover slip control, but normalized during the course of cultivation. The initial down-regulation was not observed when BMP-2 was directly incorporated into PLLA nanofibers by electrospinning, indicating that growth factors like BMP-2 might survive the spinning process in a bioactive form

    PET imaging of the normal human auditory system: responses

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    Abstract The neural mechanisms involved in listening to sentences, and then detecting and verbalizing a specific word are poorly understood, but most likely involve complex neural networks. We used positron emission tomography to identify the areas of the human brain that are activated when young, normal hearing males and females were asked to listen to a sentence and repeat the last word from the Speech in Noise (SPIN) test. Listening conditions were (1) Quiet, (2) Speech, (3) Noise, and (4) SPIN with stimuli presented monaurally to either the left ear or the right ear. The least difficult listening task, Speech, resulted in bilateral activation of superior and middle temporal gyrus and pre-central gyrus. The Noise and SPIN conditions activated many of the same regions as Speech alone plus additional sites within the cerebellum, thalamus and superior/middle frontal gyri. Comparison of the SPIN condition versus Speech revealed additional activation in the right anterior lobe of the cerebellum and right medial frontal gyrus, near the cingulate. None of the left ear^right ear stimulus comparison revealed any significant differences except for the SPIN condition that showed greater activation in the left superior temporal gyrus for stimuli presented to the right ear. No gender differences were observed. These results demonstrate that repeating the last word in a sentence activates mainly auditory and motor areas of the brain when Speech is presented, whereas more difficult tasks, such as SPIN or multi-talker Noise, activate linguistic, attentional, cognitive, working memory, and motor planning areas.

    Different types of FC γ -receptors are involved in anti-Lewis Y antibody induced effector functions in vitro

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    Stimulation of monocytes by interaction of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with Fc gamma receptors (FcγRs) results in the activation of various monocyte effector functions. In the present investigation we show that the anti-Lewis Y (LeY) anti-tumour mAb ABL 364 and its mouse/human IgG1 chimaera induce both antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and the release of tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) during mixed culture of monocytes with LeY+SKBR5 breast cancer cells in vitro. Although anti-LeY mAb-mediated TNF-α release paralleled ADCC activity, cytokine release required a higher concentration of sensitizing mAb than the induction of cytolysis. The determination of the FcγR classes involved in the induction of the distinct effector functions showed that anti-LeY mAb-induced cytolysis was triggered by interaction between anti-LeY mAbs and FcγRI. In contrast, mAb-induced TNF-α release mainly depended on the activation of monocyte FcγRII. Neutralization of TNF-α showed no influence on monocyte ADCC activity towards SKBR5 target cells. Our data indicate an independent regulation of anti-LeY mAb induced effector functions of ADCC and TNF-α release which seemed to be triggered by activation of different types of FcγR. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Coligation of the hepatitis C virus receptor CD81 with CD28 primes naive T lymphocytes to acquire type 2 effector function

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    Costimuli provide supplementary signals required by naive T cells to become fully activated upon Ag encounter. Tetraspanins are a large family of transmembrane proteins that can costimulate T cells when engaged in vitro. In this study, we describe for the first time that coligation of the tetraspanins CD81, CD82, or CD9 with the costimulatory molecule CD28 in vitro leads to proliferation of naive T cells. When activated through this pathway, both CD4+ and CD8+ naive T cells differentiate into type 2 effector cells, which produce IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IL-10, together with IL-2 and TNF-alpha, but little to no IFN-gamma. These effector cells descend from precursors that display early and strong production of IL-4, STAT6 phosphorylation, and up-regulation of the transcription factor GATA-3, suggesting a direct skewing toward Th2 differentiation without a Th0 intermediate. The hepatitis C virus envelope protein E2 is the only ligand known for CD81. Therefore, we propose that this new type of Ag-independent T cell activation may occur in hepatitis C virus-infected individuals, contributing to liver inflammation, impaired type 1 immune responses, and recurrent flares of type 2 immunity associated with chronic infection

    Managing uncertainty: a review of food system scenario analysis and modelling

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    Complex socio-ecological systems like the food system are unpredictable, especially to long-term horizons such as 2050. In order to manage this uncertainty, scenario analysis has been used in conjunction with food system models to explore plausible future outcomes. Food system scenarios use a diversity of scenario types and modelling approaches determined by the purpose of the exercise and by technical, methodological and epistemological constraints. Our case studies do not suggest Malthusian futures for a projected global population of 9 billion in 2050; but international trade will be a crucial determinant of outcomes; and the concept of sustainability across the dimensions of the food system has been inadequately explored so far. The impact of scenario analysis at a global scale could be strengthened with participatory processes involving key actors at other geographical scales. Food system models are valuable in managing existing knowledge on system behaviour and ensuring the credibility of qualitative stories but they are limited by current datasets for global crop production and trade, land use and hydrology. Climate change is likely to challenge the adaptive capacity of agricultural production and there are important knowledge gaps for modelling research to address