435 research outputs found

    Comparative morphology of the forewing base articulationin Sternorrhyncha compared with a representative of Fulgoromorpha (Insecta, Hemiptera)

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    The forewing articulation of single species from each of the four subgroups of Sternorrhyncha (Aleyrodomorpha, Aphidomorpha, Coccomorpha, Psyllomorpha) was examined by optical and scanning electron microscopy. The species were compared with a species of Cixiidae (Fulgoromorpha), as an outgroup of Sternorrhyncha. We present the results of a comparative analysis of the forewing articulation in these five groups, propose a standardized terminology and compare our findings with those previously reported. The wing base of all examined species is composed of the following structures: anterior and posterior notal wing process, first, second, and third axillary sclerites, tegula, and axillary cord. The number of elements included in the wing base and the surrounding area is the greatest in Cacopsylla mali, the most complicated species from Sternorrhyncha. Based on the shape of axillary sclerites and the number of elements forming the wing base environment, Orthezia urticae (Coccomorpha) and Cixius nervosus (Fulgoromorpha) are the most similar. Among Sternorrhyncha, the most similar axillaries are those of Aphis fabae and Orthezia urticae, which is congruent with existing classifications. In this paper we show that the four groups from Sternorrhyncha exhibit their own distinct wing base morphology

    Palaeozoic giant dragonfies were hawker predators

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    The largest insects to have ever lived were the giant meganeurids of the Late Palaeozoic, ancient stem relatives of our modern dragonfies. With wingspans up to 71cm, these iconic insects have been the subject of varied documentaries on Palaeozoic life, depicting them as patrolling for prey through coal swamp forests amid giant lycopsids, and cordaites. Such reconstructions are speculative as few defnitive details of giant dragonfy biology are known. Most specimens of giant dragonfies are known from wings or isolated elements, but Meganeurites gracilipes preserves critical body structures, most notably those of the head. Here we show that it is unlikely it thrived in densely forested environments where its elongate wings would have become easily damaged. Instead, the species lived in more open habitats and possessed greatly enlarged compound eyes. These were dorsally hypertrophied, a specialization for long-distance vision above the animal in fight, a trait convergent with modern hawker dragonfies. Sturdy mandibles with acute teeth, strong spines on tibiae and tarsi, and a pronounced thoracic skewness are identical to those specializations used by dragonfies in capturing prey while in fight. The Palaeozoic Odonatoptera thus exhibited considerable morphological specializations associated with behaviours attributable to ‘hawkers’ or ‘perchers’ among extant Odonata.This work benefted from a grant of the French ‘Agence Nationale de la Recherche’ via the program ‘Investissements d’avenir’ (ANR-11-INBS-0004-RECOLNAT)JP and MP gratefully acknowledge research support from the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic No. 18-03118 SThe work of MSE was supported by US National Science Foundation grant DEB-114416

    Forty years studying British politics : the decline of Anglo-America

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    The still present belief some 40 years ago that British politics was both exceptional and superior has been replaced by more theoretically sophisticated analyses based on a wider and more rigorously deployed range of research techniques, although historical analysis appropriately remains important. The American influence on the study of British politics has declined, but the European Union dimension has not been fully integrated. The study of interest groups has been in some respects a fading paradigm, but important questions related to democratic health have still to be addressed. Public administration has been supplanted by public policy, but economic policy remains under-studied. A key challenge for the future is the study of the management of expectations

    Imaging of ependymomas: MRI and CT

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    The imaging features of intracranial and spinal ependymoma are reviewed with an emphasis on conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), perfusion MRI and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and computed tomography. Imaging manifestations of leptomeningeal dissemination of disease are described. Finally, salient imaging features obtained in the postoperative period to evaluate completeness of surgical resection, and thereafter for long-term surveillance for disease recurrence, are reviewed

    Effects of epibiosis on consumer-prey interactions

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    In many benthic communities predators play a crucial role in the population dynamics of their prey. Surface characteristics of the prey are important for recognition and handling by the predator. Because the establishment of an epibiotic assemblage on the surface of a basibiont species creates a new interface between the epibiotized organism and its environment, we hypothesised that epibiosis should have an impact on consumer-prey interactions. In separate investigations, we assessed how epibionts on macroalgae affected the susceptibility of the latter to herbivory by the urchin Arbacia punctulata and how epibionts on the blue mussel Mytilus edulis affected its susceptibility to predation by the shore crab Carcinus maenas. Some epibionts strongly affected consumer feeding behavior. When epibionts were more attractive than their host, consumer pressure increased. When epibionts were less attractive than their host or when they were repellent, consumer pressure decreased. In systems that are controlled from the top-down, epibiosis can strongly influence community dynamics. For the Carcinus/Mytilus system that we studied, the insitu distribution of epibionts on mussels reflected the epibiosis-determined preferences of the predator. Both direct and indirect effects are involved in determining these epibiont-prey-consumer interactions

    No evidence for UV-based nest-site selection in sticklebacks

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    BACKGROUND: Nests are built in various animal taxa including fish. In systems with exclusive male parental care, the choice of a nest site may be an important component of male fitness. The nest site may influence male attractiveness as a mate, and male, embryo, and juvenile survival probabilities. Reproductively active three-spined stickleback males establish and defend a territory in which they build a nest. Territories can differ remarkably in qualities that influence male and female reproductive success like predation risk or abiotic factors such as dissolved oxygen concentration or lighting conditions. The latter may be important because in sticklebacks the extended visual capability into the ultraviolet (UV) wave range plays a role in female mate choice. Males are thus expected to be choosy about the habitat in which they will build their nest. RESULTS: We tested nest-site choice in male three-spined sticklebacks with respect to different UV lighting conditions. Reproductively active males were given the simultaneous choice to build their nest either in an UV-rich (UV+) or an UV-lacking (UV-) environment. Males exhibited no significant nest-site preferences with respect to UV+ or UV-. However, larger males and also heavier ones completed their nests earlier. CONCLUSION: We found that UV radiation as well as differences in luminance had no influence on nest-site choice in three-spined sticklebacks. Males that built in the UV-rich environment were not different in any trait (body traits and UV reflection traits) from males that built in the UV-poor environment. There was a significant effect of standard length and body mass on the time elapsed until nest completion in the UV experiment. The larger and heavier a male, the faster he completed his nest. In the brightness control experiment there was a significant effect only of body mass on the duration of nest completion. Whether nest building preferences with respect to UV lighting conditions are context dependent needs to be tested for instance by nest-site choice experiment under increased predation risk

    Purification, characterization, and cloning of a bifunctional molybdoenzyme with hydratase and alcohol dehydrogenase activity

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    A bifunctional hydratase/alcohol dehydrogenase was isolated from the cyclohexanol degrading bacterium Alicycliphilus denitrificans DSMZ 14773. The enzyme catalyzes the addition of water to α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds and the subsequent alcohol oxidation. The purified enzyme showed three subunits in SDS gel, and the gene sequence revealed that this enzyme belongs to the molybdopterin binding oxidoreductase family containing molybdopterins, FAD, and iron-sulfur clusters