1,598 research outputs found

    Energy Loss from a Moving Vortex in Superfluid Helium

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    We present measurements on both energy loss and pinning for a vortex terminating on the curved surface of a cylindrical container. We vary surface roughness, cell diameter, fluid velocity, and temperature. Although energy loss and pinning both arise from interactions between the vortex and the surface, their dependences on the experimental parameters differ, suggesting that different mechanisms govern the two effects. We propose that the energy loss stems from reconnections with a mesh of microscopic vortices that covers the cell wall, while pinning is dominated by other influences such as the local fluid velocity.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Transversality of Electromagnetic Waves in the Calculus-Based Introductory Physics Course

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    Introductory calculus-based physics textbooks state that electromagnetic waves are transverse and list many of their properties, but most such textbooks do not bring forth arguments why this is so. Both physical and theoretical arguments are at a level appropriate for students of courses based on such books, and could be readily used by instructors of such courses. Here, we discuss two physical arguments (based on polarization experiments and on lack of monopole electromagnetic radiation), and the full argument for the transversality of (plane) electromagnetic waves based on the integral Maxwell equations. We also show, at a level appropriate for the introductory course, why the electric and magnetic fields in a wave are in phase and the relation of their magnitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Accuracy of clinical staging for T2N0 oesophageal cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Oesophageal cancer is the sixth commonest cause of overall cancer mortality. Clinical staging utilizes multiple imaging modalities to guide treatment and prognostication. T2N0 oesophageal cancer is a treatment threshold for neoadjuvant therapy. Data on accuracy of current clinical staging tests for this disease subgroup are conflicting. We performed a meta-analysis of all primary studies comparing clinical staging accuracy using multiple imaging modalities (index test) to histopathological staging following oesophagectomy (reference standard) in T2N0 oesophageal cancer. Patients that underwent neoadjuvant therapy were excluded. Electronic databases (MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library) were searched up to September 2019. The primary outcome was diagnostic accuracy of combined T&N clinical staging. Publication date, first recruitment date, number of centers, sample size and geographical location main histological subtype were evaluated as potential sources of heterogeneity. The search strategy identified 1,199 studies. Twenty studies containing 5,213 patients met the inclusion criteria. Combined T&N staging accuracy was 19% (95% CI, 15–24); T staging accuracy was 29% (95% CI, 24–35); percentage of patients with T downstaging was 41% (95% CI, 33–50); percentage of patients with T upstaging was 28% (95% CI, 24–32) and percentage of patients with N upstaging was 34% (95% CI, 30–39). Significant sources of heterogeneity included the number of centers, sample size and study region. T2N0 oesophageal cancer staging remains inaccurate. A significant proportion of patients were downstaged (could have received endotherapy) or upstaged (should have received neoadjuvant chemotherapy). These findings were largely unchanged over the past two decades highlighting an urgent need for more accurate staging tests for this subgroup of patients

    Activated Magnetospheres of Magnetars

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    Like the solar corona, the external magnetic field of magnetars is twisted by surface motions of the star. The twist energy is dissipated over time. We discuss the theory of this activity and its observational status. (1) Theory predicts that the magnetosphere tends to untwist in a peculiar way: a bundle of electric currents (the "j-bundle") is formed with a sharp boundary, which shrinks toward the magnetic dipole axis. Recent observations of shrinking hot spots on magnetars are consistent with this behavior. (2) Continual discharge fills the j-bundle with electron-positron plasma, maintaining a nonthermal corona around the neutron star. The corona outside a few stellar radii strongly interacts with the stellar radiation and forms a "radiatively locked" outflow with a high e+- multiplicity. The locked plasma annihilates near the apexes of the closed magnetic field lines. (3) New radiative-transfer simulations suggest a simple mechanism that shapes the observed X-ray spectrum from 0.1 keV to 1 MeV: part of the thermal X-rays emitted by the neutron star are reflected from the outer corona and then upscattered by the inner relativistic outflow in the j-bundle, producing a beam of hard X-rays.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures; review chapter in the proceedings of ICREA Workshop on the High-Energy Emission from Pulsars and Their Systems, Sant Cugat, Spain, April 201

    Estimates of measles case fatality ratios: a comprehensive review of community-based studies.

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    BACKGROUND: Global deaths from measles have decreased notably in past decades, due to both increases in immunization rates and decreases in measles case fatality ratios (CFRs). While some aspects of the reduction in measles mortality can be monitored through increases in immunization coverage, estimating the level of measles deaths (in absolute terms) is problematic, particularly since incidence-based methods of estimation rely on accurate measures of measles CFRs. These ratios vary widely by geographic and epidemiologic context and even within the same community from year-to-year. METHODS: To understand better the variations in CFRs, we reviewed community-based studies published between 1980 and 2008 reporting age-specific measles CFRs. RESULTS: The results of the search consistently document that measles CFRs are highest in unvaccinated children under age 5 years; in outbreaks; the lowest CFRs occur in vaccinated children regardless of setting. The broad range of case and death definitions, study populations and geography highlight the complexities in extrapolating results for global public health planning. CONCLUSIONS: Values for measles CFRs remain imprecise, resulting in continued uncertainty about the actual toll measles exacts

    The influence of thermo-chemotherapy on bladder tumours: an immunohistochemical analysis

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    To study the influence of microwave induced thermo-chemotherapy on high-grade urothelial cell carcinomas. Five groups of each three patients were formed of whom initial biopsies and cystectomy samples were collected. Patients were treated 2 days prior to cystectomy with mitomycin-C (group 1), hyperthermia (group 2) or thermo-chemotherapy (group 3). Group 4 patients had been treated with a cycle of six thermo-chemotherapy treatments prior to cystectomy and group 5 patients served as control (no treatment). Tumour samples were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin, monoclonal antibody Ki-67 and the monoclonal antibody p53. In six out of the nine patients treated with hyperthermia a decrease in proliferation activity in the tumour was found. Seven out of nine patients treated with hyperthermia showed a decrease in p53 activity. A decrease in proliferation activity and p53 activity illustrate the potential role of thermo-chemotherapy as a promising intravesical treatment

    The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)

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    The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer spacecraft provides simultaneous spectra and images of the photosphere, chromosphere, transition region, and corona with 0.33-0.4 arcsec spatial resolution, 2 s temporal resolution and 1 km/s velocity resolution over a field-of-view of up to 175 arcsec x 175 arcsec. IRIS was launched into a Sun-synchronous orbit on 27 June 2013 using a Pegasus-XL rocket and consists of a 19-cm UV telescope that feeds a slit-based dual-bandpass imaging spectrograph. IRIS obtains spectra in passbands from 1332-1358, 1389-1407 and 2783-2834 Angstrom including bright spectral lines formed in the chromosphere (Mg II h 2803 Angstrom and Mg II k 2796 Angstrom) and transition region (C II 1334/1335 Angstrom and Si IV 1394/1403 Angstrom). Slit-jaw images in four different passbands (C II 1330, Si IV 1400, Mg II k 2796 and Mg II wing 2830 Angstrom) can be taken simultaneously with spectral rasters that sample regions up to 130 arcsec x 175 arcsec at a variety of spatial samplings (from 0.33 arcsec and up). IRIS is sensitive to emission from plasma at temperatures between 5000 K and 10 MK and will advance our understanding of the flow of mass and energy through an interface region, formed by the chromosphere and transition region, between the photosphere and corona. This highly structured and dynamic region not only acts as the conduit of all mass and energy feeding into the corona and solar wind, it also requires an order of magnitude more energy to heat than the corona and solar wind combined. The IRIS investigation includes a strong numerical modeling component based on advanced radiative-MHD codes to facilitate interpretation of observations of this complex region. Approximately eight Gbytes of data (after compression) are acquired by IRIS each day and made available for unrestricted use within a few days of the observation.Comment: 53 pages, 15 figure

    The influence of thermo-chemotherapy on bladder tumours: an immunohistochemical analysis

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    To study the influence of microwave induced thermo-chemotherapy on high-grade urothelial cell carcinomas. Five groups of each three patients were formed of whom initial biopsies and cystectomy samples were collected. Patients were treated 2 days prior to cystectomy with mitomycin-C (group 1), hyperthermia (group 2) or thermo-chemotherapy (group 3). Group 4 patients had been treated with a cycle of six thermo-chemotherapy treatments prior to cystectomy and group 5 patients served as control (no treatment). Tumour samples were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin, monoclonal antibody Ki-67 and the monoclonal antibody p53. In six out of the nine patients treated with hyperthermia a decrease in proliferation activity in the tumour was found. Seven out of nine patients treated with hyperthermia showed a decrease in p53 activity. A decrease in proliferation activity and p53 activity illustrate the potential role of thermo-chemotherapy as a promising intravesical treatment
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