31 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the workflow for the elaboration of multilingual terminology in the legal and administrative domain. Next to giving a short overview over each single step in the workflow, we focus on two important aspects that make multilingual terminology work in the legal domain so challenging and partly different from multilingual terminology work in other domains: the micro-comparative approach and the strong involvement of domain experts. Finally, we discuss a series of practical aspects that distinguish work in the legal domain from terminology work in other domains and partly even clash against some of the requirements set by general terminology theory and practice.Celem artykułu jest zilustrowanie rozwoju terminologii multilingwalnej w ramachdziedziny prawa i administracji. Przedstawione są kolejne kroki tego procesu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych aspektów, które powodują, że praca z terminami multilingwalnymi stanowi poważne wyzwanie i różni się od multilingwalnej terminologii stosowanej w innych dziedzinach. Ponadto omówione są praktyczne aspekty wynikające z tych różnic

    Editorial Introduction to Issue 11 of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative

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    It is with great pleasure that we present another issue of the Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative with papers selected from the sixteenth annual TEI Conference and Members’ Meeting, which was hosted by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna in 2016. This issue illustrates the variety of research that is being done within the TEI community. The call for papers was issued by the Program Committee without limitation to a specific topic. Participants submitted proposals reflectin..

    Exploring Causal Relationships Among Emotional and Topical Trajectories in Political Text Data

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    We explore relationships between dynamics of emotion (arousal and valence) and topical stability in political discourse in two diachronic corpora of Austrian German. In doing so, we assess interactions among emotional and topical dynamics related to political parties as well as interactions between two different domains of discourse: debates in the parliament and journalistic media. Methodologically, we employ unsupervised techniques, time-series clustering and Granger-causal modeling to detect potential interactions. We find that emotional and topical dynamics in the media are only rarely a reflex of dynamics in parliamentary discourse

    Encoding Crime and Punishment in TEI: The Digital Processing of Early Modern Broadsheets from Vienna

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    In this project note, we introduce a set of printed single broadsheets in German, recently discovered in two of Vienna’s libraries, which, thanks to their digitization, annotation, and online publication by the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities (ACDH) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), promise to shed new light on the history of crime and punishment in early modern Vienna. The broadsheets, entitled “Death Sentences,” belong to a little-explored genre of print media distributed to advertise public executions and have not been subject to closer scholarly examination before now. In their investigation of the sources, the ACDH employs a mixed-method approach combining traditional and digital methods. The sources are transcribed and encoded according to the TEI Guidelines, making use, in particular, of the namesdates module to capture essential information about the convicts sentenced to death. The following description gives an overview of the encoding schemes applied and the research possibilities resulting from the use of these methods, and outlines the functionalities of the planned open-access edition. By making the processed and enriched data available to the public, we hope to pave the way for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary analysis of the sources, and to open up an interesting chapter of Viennese history to new audiences

    The DH Course Registry: A Piece of the Puzzle in CLARIN’s Technical and Knowledge Infrastructure

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    This chapter presents the Digital Humanities Course Registry (DHCR) as part of CLARIN’s Technical and Knowledge Infrastructure. The DHCR is an initia-tive started to provide an overview of the growing number of training activities in the field of Digital Humanities around the world. The goal of the registry, which is run jointly with DARIAH, is to collect information on the rich offerings of different courses with the help of the community and to delineate an up-to-date picture of the teaching and training opportunities in the field. First, we will introduce the DHCR, its goals, genesis, and main features. Then we will elaborate on the DHCR’s position within CLARIN’s Technical Infrastructure and how it helps to address CLARIN’s agenda and strategic goals in terms of Technical Infrastruc-ture, Open Science, and especially the FAIR Principles. Particular attention will be paid to the results of a cross-national hackathon using data and metadata from the DHCR. Furthermore, we will examine the position of the DHCR within CLAR-IN’s Knowledge Infrastructure, which includes training and education

    A Review and Cluster Analysis of German Polarity Resources for Sentiment Analysis

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    Niemiecka terminologia prawnicza w dziedzinie szkolnictwa wyższego – warianty narodowe a język angielski

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    This paper investigates German legal terminology in the area of higher education in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Particular emphasis is put on the influence of English in this field arising from internationalization and the creation of the European Higher Education Area. One can assume that due to the Bologna Process – initiated on the European level with the aim of creating more comparable, compatible and coherent higher education systems – there is a wider use of English terminology than before in the field of higher education. German legal and administrative language employed in the higher education sector in the aforementioned countries has been analysed within the framework of this study with the help of comparable specialized corpora of university legislative texts. In addition, a reference corpus of international legal texts dealing with the same topic has been employed. The analysis will endeavour to establish to what extent English terminology is being used.Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit der deutschen Rechtssprache im Bereich des Hochschulwesens in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz und dem Einfluss des Englischen in diesem Bereich auf Grund der Internationalisierung und der Schaffung eines europäischen Hochschulraumes. Durch den Bologna Prozess, einer Initiative auf europäischer Ebene mit dem Ziel eine vergleichbarere und wettbewerbsfähigere Hochschulausbildung zu schaffen, ist es naheliegend, einen weiter verbreiteten Gebrauch des Englischen in diesem Bereich anzunehmen. Mit Hilfe von vergleichbaren fachsprachlichen Korpora aus Universitätsgesetzen wurde die deutsche Recht- und Verwaltungssprache im Bereich des Hochschulwesens untersucht. Weiters wurde ein Vergleichskorpus mit internationalen Erklärungen und Kommuniqués zum Bologna Prozess erstellt. Die Untersuchung zielt darauf ab, zu zeigen, inwieweit englische Terminologie im Bereich des Hochschulwesens verwendet wird


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    This paper investigates German legal terminology in the area of higher education in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Particular emphasis is put on the influence of English in this field arising from internationalization and the creation of the European Higher Education Area. One can assume that due to the Bologna Process – initiated on the European level with the aim of creating more comparable, compatible and coherent higher education systems – there is a wider use of English terminology than before in the field of higher education. German legal and administrative language employed in the higher education sector in the aforementioned countries has been analysed within the framework of this study with the help of comparable specialized corpora of university legislative texts. In addition, a reference corpus of international legal texts dealing with the same topic has been employed. The analysis will endeavour to establish to what extent English terminology is being used.Przedmiotem niniejszego badania jest niemiecki język prawny w obszarze szkolnictwa wyższego w Austrii, Niemczech i Szwajcarii oraz wpływ języka angielskiego w tym obszarze w związku z umiędzynarodowieniem i stworzeniem europejskiej przestrzeni szkolnictwa wyższego. Można założyć, że poprzez proces boloński, inicjatywę na poziomie europejskim, której celem jest stworzenie porównywalnego i konkurencyjnego systemu kształcenia wyższego, język angielski jest szerzej stosowany w tym obszarze. Przy pomocy porównywalnych specjalistycznych korpusów zbudowanych z ustaw uniwersyteckich zbadano język prawny i administracyjny w zakresie szkolnictwa wyższego. Poza tym sporządzono korpus porównawczy z międzynarodowych objaśnień i komunikatów na temat procesu bolońskiego. Badanie ma na celu wykazanie, jak dalece w tym obszarze stosuje się terminologię angielską. Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit der deutschen Rechtssprache im Bereich des Hochschulwesens in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz und dem Einfluss des Englischen in diesem Bereich auf Grund der Internationalisierung und der Schaffung eines europäischen Hochschulraumes. Durch den Bologna Prozess, einer Initiative auf europäischer Ebene mit dem Ziel eine vergleichbarere und wettbewerbsfähigere Hochschulausbildung zu schaffen, ist es naheliegend, einen weiter verbreiteten Gebrauch des Englischen in diesem Bereich anzunehmen. Mit Hilfe von vergleichbaren fachsprachlichen Korpora aus Universitätsgesetzen wurde die deutsche Recht- und Verwaltungssprache im Bereich des Hochschulwesens untersucht. Weiters wurde ein Vergleichskorpus mit internationalen Erklärungen und Kommuniqués zum Bologna Prozess erstellt. Die Untersuchung zielt darauf ab, zu zeigen, inwieweit englische Terminologie im Bereich des Hochschulwesens verwendet wird

    DELIVERABLE Project Acronym: DARIAH-RC Grant Agreement number: 2014-1-IE02-KA203-000125 Project Title: DARIAH Reference Curriculum D13 Technical Report on Project Portal Development Revision: 1.6

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    The project will deliver training materials for the digital arts and humanities in different languages and make them available via an online e-learning platform. This report elaborates on the implementation of such a platform. It describes the main user scenarios, it collects user and technical requirements, defines the data model and functional specification and explores technical solutions. The report has been created within WP 4 Infrastructure Development with input from all partners, especially WP 2 (user requirements). As a first step, we performed desktop research on what kind of solutions and projects on portals for training materials exist and what kind of systems they are using. The second step was an evaluation of different tools. There are different evaluation methods and criteria for e-learning systems (e.g. Kurilovas & Dagiene 2009). We chose to start from user requirements and a mapping of the user requirements from WP2 to functionalities available in existing systems. Finally, we determined which solution would suit the requirements and other circumstances within the project best